Culinarian Quests

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See also: Class Quests


Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates Items Needed EXP Gil Reward Optional Reward
Way of the Culinarian 1 Charlys Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x9,y7) 100 115 Fire Shard.png x100, Water Shard.png x50
My First Skillet 1 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8) Maple syrup icon1.png 100 0 Fire Shard.png x150, Water Shard.png x100, Rock salt icon1.png x30, Hempen kurta icon1.png
A Treat of Trout 5 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8) Grilled trout icon1.png 560 194 Fire Shard.png x200, Water Shard.png x150, Amateurs culinary knife icon1.png Hempen bandana icon1.png, Hempen chausses icon1.png, Maple pattens icon1.png, Allagan tin piece icon1.png x3
Dodo It Yourself 10 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8) Grilled dodo icon1.png x2 1710 289 Fire Shard.png x250, Water Shard.png x200, Bronze skillet icon1.png Amateurs headgear icon1.png, Amateurs kurta icon1.png, Amateurs smithing gloves icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png x2
On a Skewer Tip 15 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8) Meat miqabob icon1.png 3360 382 Recruits culinary knife icon1.png Hempen doublet vest of crafting icon1.png, Hard leather merchants pouch icon1.png, Ash pattens icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png
Releasing a Burden 20 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8) Dried prunes icon1.png 4060 470 Initiates skillet icon1.png Initiates headgear icon1.png, Initiates gloves icon1.png, Cotton breeches of crafting icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png x4
Winning Friends with Aldgoat 25 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8) Aldgoat steak icon1.png 4760 557 Initiates culinary knife icon1.png Silver magnifiers icon1.png, Initiates gown icon1.png, Velveteen halfgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png
The Chefsbane Cometh 30 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Smoked raptor icon1.png
7410 639 Bomb frypan icon1.png Velveteen beret icon1.png, Velveteen gown icon1.png, Velveteen shortgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x2
Of Cooks and Books 35 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Ratatouille icon1.png
117260 0 White skillet icon1.png Mythril magnifiers icon1.png, Apprentices smock icon1.png, Linen halfgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x4
Diplomacy of the Skillet 40 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Blood currant tart icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Pastry fish icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Chamomile tea icon1.png
163415 0 Apprentices culinary knife icon1.png Linen deerstalker icon1.png, Linen smock icon1.png, Boarskin smithys gloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x6
A Taste of Home 45 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Dzemael gratin icon1.png
204930 0 Cobalt skillet icon1.png Woolen deerstalker icon1.png, Woolen smock icon1.png, Raptorskin smithys gloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x8
Revenge of the Chefsbane 50 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8)
HQ Mask.png
Eft steak icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Beef stew icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Trappers quiche icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Crowned pie icon1.png
432000 0 Chantico icon1.png Culinarians hat icon1.png, Culinarians mitts icon1.png, Culinarians gaiters icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png x2
Wait on Me 50 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y8) 88800 461 Fire crystal icon1.png x120, Commercial engineering manual icon1.png x3
A Spoonful Less Sugar 53 Melkoko Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x12,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Ishgardian tea icon1.png
, Sohm al tart icon1.png
777600 567 Fire crystal icon1.png x160, Mythrite culinary knife icon1.png Rainbow coatee icon1.png, Rainbow gloves icon1.png, Rainbow bottoms icon1.png, Rainbow shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x3
Looking for Some Hot Stuff 55 Melkoko Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x12,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Beet soup icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Kaiser roll icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Grilled sweetfish icon1.png
1108800 1779 Fire crystal icon1.png x200, Titanium frypan icon1.png Ramie doublet of crafting icon1.png, Rainbow apron icon1.png, Ramie skirt icon1.png, Dhalmelskin shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x4
Love Meat Tender 58 Melkoko Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x12,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Cockatrice meatballs icon1.png
1713600 570 Fire crystal icon1.png x240, Mandragoras frypan icon1.png Craftsman's Competence Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Command Materia IV.png
The Spirit of Hospitality 60 Melkoko Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x12,y13)
HQ Mask.png
Morel salad icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Deep-fried okeanis icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Marron glace icon1.png
878850 843 Craftsman's Competence Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Command Materia IV.png
Flavors of the Far East 60 Lyngsath Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10.1,y8.2) 83700 994 Fire crystal icon1.png x250, Commercial engineering manual icon1.png x3
Rice to the Occasion 63 Raulf Mor Dhona (x22.0,y5.0)
HQ Mask.png
Doman rice balls icon1.png
1725300 1938 Fire crystal icon1.png x250, High steel culinary knife icon1.png, Quality Assurance.png Ruby cotton coatee icon1.png, Gyuki leather gloves of crafting icon1.png, Ruby cotton bottoms icon1.png, Gyuki leather shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x5
A Broth from the Brine 65 Raulf Mor Dhona (x22.0,y5.0)
HQ Mask.png
Doman udon broth icon1.png
2079000 890 Fire crystal icon1.png x250, Doman iron frypan icon1.png Kudzu robe of crafting icon1.png, Durium chaplets icon1.png, Kudzu culottes of crafting icon1.png, Tigerskin boots of crafting icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x6
Teach a Man to Make Fish 68 Raulf Mor Dhona (x22.0,y5.0)
HQ Mask.png
Nigiri-zushi icon1.png
2902500 2539 Fire crystal icon1.png x250, Doman steel culinary knife icon1.png Craftsman's Competence Materia V.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia V.png, Craftsman's Command Materia V.png
The Way to a Father's Heart 70 Raulf Mor Dhona (x22.0,y5.0)
HQ Mask.png
Doman sukiyaki icon1.png
3680000 0 Craftsman's Competence Materia V.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia V.png, Craftsman's Command Materia V.png

Quest Hand-in Items

Level Hand-in Items
1 1 Maple Syrup
5 1 Grilled Trout
10 2 Grilled Dodo
15 1 Meat Miq'abob
20 1 Dried Plums
25 1 Aldgoat Steak
30 1 Smoked Raptor (HQ)
35 1 Ratatouille (HQ)
40 1 Blood Currant Tart (HQ), 1 Pastry Fish (HQ), 1 Chamomile Tea (HQ)
45 1 Dzemael Gratin (HQ)
50 1 Eft Steak (HQ), 1 Beef Stew (HQ), 1 Trapper's Quiche (HQ), 1 Crowned Pie (HQ)
53 1 Ishgardian Tea (HQ), 1 Sohm Al Tart (Don't need HQ)
55 1 Kaiser Roll (HQ), 1 Beet Soup (HQ), 1 Grilled Sweetfish (HQ)
58 1 Cockatrice Meatballs (HQ)
60 1 Morel Salad (HQ), 1 Deep-Fried Okeanis (HQ), 1 Marron Glace (HQ)
63 1 Doman Rice Balls (HQ)
65 1 Doman Udon Broth (HQ)
68 1 Nigiri-zushi (HQ)
70 1 Doman Sukiyaki (HQ)