“Anyone who has seen far enough into the maw of a shrieker to confirm whether its rows of teeth line not just one, but two pharyngeal jaws could not have lived to tell the tale, so the anatomy of this cryptid remains shrouded in mystery.
[Suitable for display in aquariums tier 4 and higher.]
[Suitable for printing on extra large canvases.]
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 70
- Fish Type: Deep Sea
- Aquarium Type: Saltwater (XL)
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - ??im
Despite its existence being little more than a rumor, nine out of ten sailors will swear (like sailors) on their grandmothers' graves that the fabled shrieker is nearly identical in appearance to the almost-as-fabled Olgoi-Khorkhoi.
Fishing Log: Hells' Lid
- Location: The Ruby Sea (x:25.9, y:33.3)
- Hole Level: 62
- Fish Guide Preferred Bait: Mooching Ruby Shrimp
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched from: Ruby Shrimp (preferred bait Live Shrimp)
- Hookset: Powerful Hookset (!!!)
- Conditions: Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard
- Weather: Any
Used For
Class: Culinarian (290.00)
Potential Results:
- Allagan Bronze Piece x 1
- Blue Pigment x 1
- Fine Sand x 1
- Water Crystal x 1-4
- Waterproof Cotton Cloth x 1