Final Fantasy XIV Wiki:Style manual

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Style Manual

This style manual describes rules and guidelines for creating and editing wiki pages. It's strongly recommended that editors follow these guidelines in order to maintain consistency across the wiki regarding writing style, general wiki code markup and template usage.

Note: This page is under construction and will change over time.

General writing styles

These sections should provide a loose understanding of what is considered an ideal writing style.


  • Maintaining an objective writing style (avoiding "I", "We", "You") is encouraged.
  • Using CAPITAL LETTERS for emphasis is strongly discouraged.
  • Using capital letters for every word in a sentence is discouraged; Writing Like This Only Applies To In-Game Names/Descriptions Such As Quest Titles, Actions, Or Item Titles.
  • Limit bold words. In most cases there is a precedent set for what can be bolded. Language that needs to be emphasized should never be bold but can be italicized (This includes single words and short phrases).


  • Omit needless words; don't use 5 words when 3 will do.
    • Good example: Using enmity-increasing actions will prevent mobs from aggroing on other players.
    • Bad example: Whenever actions which increase enmity are used the aggro from other players will go off them.
  • Reserve ultimatums/absolutes for actual 100% cases; avoid "always, never, best, worst"; choose "almost always, almost never, close to best, close to worst":
    • Good Example: A very rare item to drop.
    • Bad Example: Extremely close to impossible item to drop.


  • Maintain structure. It is up to you to notice the implied structure/pattern when editing a page.
    • Good example #1:
      • Quest infobox - Infobox with main quest information.
      • Quest objectives - Objectives text.
      • Quest journal - Journal entry text.
      • Notes - Additional notes, if any.
    • Bad example #1:
      • Quest objectives - Objectives text.
      • Repeated information from infobox.
      • Quest journal - Journal text along with walkthrough tips.
      • Quest infobox - Infobox with main quest information.