List of ninja traits

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PvE traits

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
All Fours.png  All Fours Rogue frame icon.png ROG 14 Reduces damage taken when falling.
Fleet of Foot.png  Fleet of Foot Rogue frame icon.png ROG 20 Increases movement speed.
Adept Assassination.png  Adept Assassination Ninja frame icon.png NIN 1Quest: Medieval Espionage 56 Upgrades Assassinate to Dream Within a Dream.
Shukiho.png  Shukiho Ninja frame icon.png NIN 62 Increases Ninki Gauge by 5 upon landing weaponskills or successfully completing combos.
Enhanced Shukuchi.png  Enhanced Shukuchi Ninja frame icon.png NIN 64 Resets the recast timer for Shukuchi upon executing Katon, Raiton, or Hyoton on most targets.
Enhanced Mug.png  Enhanced Mug Ninja frame icon.png NIN 66 Increases Ninki Gauge by 40 upon successfully landing Mug.
Enhanced Shukuchi II.png  Enhanced Shukuchi II Ninja frame icon.png NIN 74 Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Shukuchi.
Maximum Charges: 2
Enhanced Kassatsu.png  Enhanced Kassatsu Ninja frame icon.png NIN 76 Upgrades Katon and Hyoton to Goka Mekkyaku and Hyosho Ranryu while under the effect of Kassatsu.
Shukiho II.png  Shukiho II Ninja frame icon.png NIN 78 Increases Ninki Gauge by 10 upon successfully completing a combo with Aeolian Edge or Armor Crush.
Shukiho III.png  Shukiho III Ninja frame icon.png NIN 84 Increases Ninki Gauge by 15 upon successfully completing a combo with Aeolian Edge or Armor Crush.
Melee Mastery.png  Melee Mastery Ninja frame icon.png NIN 74 Increases the potency of Gust Slash to 120, Aeolian Edge to 140, and Armor Crush to 140.
Enhanced Meisui.png  Enhanced Meisui Ninja frame icon.png NIN 88 Increases the potency of Bhavacakra to 500 while under the effect of Meisui.
Duration: 30s
Enhanced Raiton.png  Enhanced Raiton Ninja frame icon.png NIN 90 Grants a stack of Raiju Ready upon executing Raiton.
Maximum Stacks: 3
Duration: 15s
Effect of Raiju Ready ends upon execution of any melee weaponskill.

PvP traits