List of 7th Astral Era Quests

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7th Astral Era Quests (Level 50)

# Quest
1 The Price of Principles
2 Moving On
3 Flowers for One
4 All Things in Time
5 The Resolute
6 Laying the Foundation
7 Better Late than Sever
8 Rock-solid Protection (Dungeon)
9 Crate Go Kaboom
10 Hest of the Best
11 Pass the Smell Hest
12 You're Gonna Carry That
13 The Things We Do for Tea
14 It's Possibly a Primal
15 Hail to the King, Kupo
16 You Have Selected Regicide (Trial)
17 On the Properties of Primals
18 The Gifted
19 Build on the Stone
20 Still Waters
21 A Final Temptation
22 The Mother of Exiles
23 Promises to Keep
24 A Small-scale Operation
25 Yugiri's Game
26 If Wishes Were Horsebirds
27 Why We Adventure
28 All Due Respect
29 Full Belly, Happy Heart
30 Writhing in the Dark
31 The Sea Rises
32 Fireworks and Fish Don't Mix
33 Scouts in Distress
34 The Gift of Eternity
35 Into the Heart of the Whorl
36 Lord of the Whorl (Trial)
37 When Yugiri Met the Fraternity
38 Through the Maelstrom
39 The Great Divide
40 Desperate Times
41 Shock and Awe
42 Reap the Whirlwind
43 Revolution
44 Stories We Tell
45 Lord of Levin
46 A Sylphlands Sting
47 Scattered Scions
48 True to Form
49 Levin an Impression (Trial)
50 What Little Gods are Made Of
51 A Hard Hapalit to Break
52 Picking up the Sledge
53 Guardian of Eorzea
54 Recruiting the Realm
55 Heretical Harassment
56 When the Cold Sets In
57 Brave New Companions
58 Traitor in the Midst
59 Back and Fourth
60 Coming to Terms
61 The Intercession of Saints
62 Strength in Unity
63 Dark Words, Dark Deeds
64 First Blood
65 The Path of the Righteous (Dungeon)
66 For the Greater Good
67 Tendrils of Intrigue
68 Chasing Ivy
69 Doman Connection
70 In Flagrante Delicto
71 A Simple Plan
72 The Instruments of Our Deliverance (Trial)
73 The Road Less Traveled
74 Eyes Unclouded
75 The Reason Roaille
76 Let Us Cling Together
77 Good Intentions
78 Bait and Switch
79 Best Laid Schemes
80 The Rising Chorus (Dungeon)
81 Aether on Demand
82 On the Counteroffensive
83 An Uninvited Ascian (Trial)
84 In Memory of Moenbryda
85 Mask of Grief
86 Defenders for Ishgard
87 The Wyrm's Roar
88 Committed to the Cause
89 Volunteer Dragonslayers
90 An Allied Perspective
91 The Steps of Faith (Trial)
92 Administrative Decision
93 An Unexpected Ambition
94 Ancient Ways, Timeless Wants
95 Where We Are Needed
96 The Least Among Us
97 A Time to Every Purpose
98 Come, but Not Gone
99 The Parting Glass
100 Before the Dawn