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| [[Edenchoir Tassets of Striking]] || [[File:edenchoir tassets of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 500 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 590 || 590 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +265, [[Vitality]] +293, [[Determination]] +211, [[Skill Speed]] +148
| [[Edenchoir Tassets of Striking]] || [[File:edenchoir tassets of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 500 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 590 || 590 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +265, [[Vitality]] +293, [[Determination]] +211, [[Skill Speed]] +148
| [[Heirloom Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:heirloom belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 485 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 570 || 570 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +245, [[Vitality]] +267, [[Critical Hit]] +204, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +143
| [[Heirloom Belt of Casting]] || [[File:heirloom belt of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 485 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 415 || 726 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +240, [[Intelligence]] +245, [[Critical Hit]] +143, [[Spell Speed]] +204
| [[Heirloom Belt of Fending]] || [[File:heirloom belt of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 485 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1037 || 1037 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +245, [[Vitality]] +267, [[Critical Hit]] +204, [[Determination]] +143
| [[Heirloom Belt of Healing]] || [[File:heirloom belt of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 485 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 415 || 726 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +240, [[Mind]] +245, [[Determination]] +143, [[Piety]] +204
| [[Heirloom Belt of Maiming]] || [[File:heirloom belt of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 485 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 726 || 570 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +245, [[Vitality]] +267, [[Critical Hit]] +143, [[Determination]] +204
| [[Heirloom Belt of Scouting]] || [[File:heirloom belt of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 485 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 570 || 570 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +245, [[Vitality]] +267, [[Skill Speed]] +204, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +143
| [[Heirloom Belt of Striking]] || [[File:heirloom belt of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 485 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 570 || 570 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +245, [[Vitality]] +267, [[Determination]] +204, [[Skill Speed]] +143
| [[Handsaint's Tool Belt]] || [[File:handsaints tool belt icon1.png]] || 80 || 500 || [[Disciple of Hand]] || 429 || 751 || 0 || align = "left" | [[Control]] +227
| [[Landsaint's Survival Belt]] || [[File:landsaints survival belt icon1.png]] || 80 || 500 || [[Disciple of Land]] || 429 || 751 || 0 || align = "left" | [[Perception]] +119
| [[Edenmete Leather Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:edenmete leather belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 603 || 603 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +279, [[Vitality]] +313, [[Critical Hit]] +151, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +216
| [[Edenmete Leather Belt of Casting]] || [[File:edenmete leather belt of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 438 || 767 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +282, [[Intelligence]] +279, [[Determination]] +151, [[Spell Speed]] +216
| [[Edenmete Leather Belt of Fending]] || [[File:edenmete leather belt of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1096 || 1096 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +279, [[Vitality]] +313, [[Determination]] +151, [[Skill Speed]] +216
| [[Edenmete Leather Belt of Healing]] || [[File:edenmete leather belt of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 438 || 767 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +282, [[Mind]] +279, [[Critical Hit]] +216, [[Spell Speed]] +151
| [[Edenmete Leather Belt of Maiming]] || [[File:edenmete leather belt of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 767 || 603 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +279, [[Vitality]] +313, [[Determination]] +151, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +216
| [[Edenmete Leather Belt of Scouting]] || [[File:edenmete leather belt of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 603 || 603 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +279, [[Vitality]] +313, [[Critical Hit]] +216, [[Skill Speed]] +151
| [[Edenmete Leather Belt of Striking]] || [[File:edenmete leather belt of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 603 || 603 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +279, [[Vitality]] +313, [[Critical Hit]] +151, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +216
| [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Casting]] || [[File:exarchic plate belt of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 394 || 690 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +254, [[Intelligence]] +251, [[Critical Hit]] +136, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +194
| [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Fending]] || [[File:exarchic plate belt of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 986 || 986 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +251, [[Vitality]] +282, [[Determination]] +136, [[Tenacity]] +194
| [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Healing]] || [[File:exarchic plate belt of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 394 || 690 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +254, [[Mind]] +251, [[Critical Hit]] +136, [[Piety]] +194
| [[Exarchic Plate Belt of Maiming]] || [[File:exarchic plate belt of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 690 || 543 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +251, [[Vitality]] +282, [[Critical Hit]] +136, [[Determination]] +194
| [[Exarchic Sash of Aiming]] || [[File:exarchic sash of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 543 || 543 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +251, [[Vitality]] +282, [[Determination]] +136, [[Skill Speed]] +194
| [[Exarchic Sash of Scouting]] || [[File:exarchic sash of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 543 || 543 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +251, [[Vitality]] +282, [[Determination]] +136, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +194
| [[Exarchic Sash of Striking]] || [[File:exarchic sash of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 510 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 543 || 543 || 1 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +251, [[Vitality]] +282, [[Critical Hit]] +136, [[Skill Speed]] +194
| [[Cryptlurker's Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:cryptlurkers belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 520 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 616 || 616 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +294, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Determination]] +155, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +221
| [[Cryptlurker's Belt of Casting]] || [[File:cryptlurkers belt of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 520 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 448 || 784 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +301, [[Intelligence]] +294, [[Critical Hit]] +155, [[Determination]] +221
| [[Cryptlurker's Belt of Fending]] || [[File:cryptlurkers belt of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 520 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1120 || 1120 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +294, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Critical Hit]] +155, [[Tenacity]] +221
| [[Cryptlurker's Belt of Healing]] || [[File:cryptlurkers belt of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 520 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 448 || 784 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +301, [[Mind]] +294, [[Critical Hit]] +221, [[Piety]] +155
| [[Cryptlurker's Belt of Maiming]] || [[File:cryptlurkers belt of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 520 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 784 || 616 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +294, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Critical Hit]] +155, [[Skill Speed]] +221
| [[Cryptlurker's Belt of Scouting]] || [[File:cryptlurkers belt of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 520 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 616 || 616 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +294, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Determination]] +155, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +221
| [[Cryptlurker's Belt of Striking]] || [[File:cryptlurkers belt of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 520 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 616 || 616 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +294, [[Vitality]] +334, [[Critical Hit]] +221, [[Determination]] +155
| [[Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:augmented cryptlurkers belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 629 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Determination]] +158, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +226
| [[Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Casting]] || [[File:augmented cryptlurkers belt of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 458 || 801 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +320, [[Intelligence]] +310, [[Critical Hit]] +158, [[Determination]] +226
| [[Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Fending]] || [[File:augmented cryptlurkers belt of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1144 || 1144 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Critical Hit]] +158, [[Tenacity]] +226
| [[Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Healing]] || [[File:augmented cryptlurkers belt of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 458 || 801 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +320, [[Mind]] +310, [[Critical Hit]] +226, [[Piety]] +158
| [[Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Maiming]] || [[File:augmented cryptlurkers belt of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 801 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Critical Hit]] +158, [[Skill Speed]] +226
| [[Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Scouting]] || [[File:augmented cryptlurkers belt of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 629 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Determination]] +158, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +226
| [[Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Striking]] || [[File:augmented cryptlurkers belt of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 629 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Critical Hit]] +226, [[Determination]] +158
| [[Edenmorn Leather Belt of Aiming]] || [[File:edenmorn leather belt of aiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[ARC]], [[BRD]], [[MCH]], [[DNC]] || 629 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Critical Hit]] +158, [[Skill Speed]] +226
| [[Edenmorn Leather Belt of Casting]] || [[File:edenmorn leather belt of casting icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[THM]], [[ACN]], [[BLM]], [[SMN]], [[RDM]], [[BLU]] || 458 || 801 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +320, [[Intelligence]] +310, [[Spell Speed]] +226, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +158
| [[Edenmorn Leather Belt of Fending]] || [[File:edenmorn leather belt of fending icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[GLA]], [[MRD]], [[PLD]], [[WAR]], [[DRK]], [[GNB]] || 1144 || 1144 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Critical Hit]] +226, [[Determination]] +158
| [[Edenmorn Leather Belt of Healing]] || [[File:edenmorn leather belt of healing icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[CNJ]], [[WHM]], [[SCH]], [[AST]] || 458 || 801 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +320, [[Mind]] +310, [[Determination]] +226, [[Spell Speed]] +158
| [[Edenmorn Leather Belt of Maiming]] || [[File:edenmorn leather belt of maiming icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[LNC]], [[DRG]] || 801 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Determination]] +158, [[Direct Hit Rate]] +226
| [[Edenmorn Leather Belt of Scouting]] || [[File:edenmorn leather belt of scouting icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[ROG]], [[NIN]] || 629 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Dexterity]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Critical Hit]] +158, [[Skill Speed]] +226
| [[Edenmorn Leather Belt of Striking]] || [[File:edenmorn leather belt of striking icon1.png]] || 80 || 530 || [[PGL]], [[MNK]], [[SAM]] || 629 || 629 || 2 || align = "left" | [[Strength]] +310, [[Vitality]] +356, [[Critical Hit]] +158, [[Skill Speed]] +226

Revision as of 23:08, 9 December 2020

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Smilodonskin Survival Belt Smilodonskin survival belt icon1.png 71 330 Disciple of Land 231 405 1 Perception +58
Smilodonskin Tool Belt Smilodonskin tool belt icon1.png 71 330 Disciple of Hand 231 405 1 Control +122
Lakeland Belt of Aiming Lakeland belt of aiming icon1.png 71 390 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Determination +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Lakeland Belt of Casting Lakeland belt of casting icon1.png 71 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Intelligence +163, Determination +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Lakeland Belt of Fending Lakeland belt of fending icon1.png 71 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 737 737 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Critical Hit +101, Skill Speed +144
Lakeland Belt of Healing Lakeland belt of healing icon1.png 71 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 295 516 1 Vitality +164, Mind +163, Determination +144, Piety +101
Lakeland Belt of Maiming Lakeland belt of maiming icon1.png 71 390 LNC, DRG 516 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Determination +101, Direct Hit Rate +144
Lakeland Belt of Scouting Lakeland belt of scouting icon1.png 71 390 ROG, NIN 405 405 1 Dexterity +163, Vitality +183, Determination +101, Skill Speed +144
Lakeland Belt of Striking Lakeland belt of striking icon1.png 71 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 405 405 1 Strength +163, Vitality +183, Critical Hit +144, Direct Hit Rate +101
Deepgold Tassets of Aiming Deepgold tassets of aiming icon1.png 72 395 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 369 369 1 Dexterity +150, Vitality +169, Determination +93, Skill Speed +132
Deepgold Tassets of Casting Deepgold tassets of casting icon1.png 72 395 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 268 469 1 Vitality +152, Intelligence +150, Critical Hit +132, Direct Hit Rate +93
Deepgold Tassets of Fending Deepgold tassets of fending icon1.png 72 395 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 670 670 1 Strength +150, Vitality +169, Critical Hit +132, Tenacity +93
Deepgold Tassets of Healing Deepgold tassets of healing icon1.png 72 395 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 268 469 1 Vitality +152, Mind +150, Critical Hit +132, Piety +93
Deepgold Tassets of Maiming Deepgold tassets of maiming icon1.png 72 395 LNC, DRG 469 369 1 Strength +150, Vitality +169, Critical Hit +93, Direct Hit Rate +132
Deepgold Tassets of Scouting Deepgold tassets of scouting icon1.png 72 395 ROG, NIN 369 369 1 Dexterity +150, Vitality +169, Critical Hit +132, Skill Speed +93
Deepgold Tassets of Striking Deepgold tassets of striking icon1.png 72 395 PGL, MNK, SAM 369 369 1 Strength +150, Vitality +169, Critical Hit +93, Determination +132
Voeburtite Belt of Aiming Voeburtite belt of aiming icon1.png 73 400 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 414 414 1 Dexterity +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Voeburtite Belt of Casting Voeburtite belt of casting icon1.png 73 400 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 301 527 1 Vitality +174, Intelligence +171, Determination +150, Spell Speed +105
Voeburtite Belt of Fending Voeburtite belt of fending icon1.png 73 400 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 752 752 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +105, Tenacity +150
Voeburtite Belt of Healing Voeburtite belt of healing icon1.png 73 400 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 301 527 1 Vitality +174, Mind +171, Determination +150, Spell Speed +105
Voeburtite Belt of Maiming Voeburtite belt of maiming icon1.png 73 400 LNC, DRG 527 414 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Determination +150, Direct Hit Rate +105
Voeburtite Belt of Scouting Voeburtite belt of scouting icon1.png 73 400 ROG, NIN 414 414 1 Dexterity +171, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Voeburtite Belt of Striking Voeburtite belt of striking icon1.png 73 400 PGL, MNK, SAM 414 414 1 Strength +171, Vitality +193, Determination +150, Skill Speed +105
Bluespirit Plate Belt of Aiming Bluespirit plate belt of aiming icon1.png 74 403 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 373 373 1 Dexterity +155, Vitality +175, Critical Hit +136, Determination +95
Bluespirit Plate Belt of Casting Bluespirit plate belt of casting icon1.png 74 403 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 272 475 1 Vitality +157, Intelligence +155, Critical Hit +95, Determination +136
Bluespirit Plate Belt of Fending Bluespirit plate belt of fending icon1.png 74 403 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 679 679 1 Strength +155, Vitality +175, Critical Hit +136, Skill Speed +95
Bluespirit Plate Belt of Healing Bluespirit plate belt of healing icon1.png 74 403 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 272 475 1 Vitality +157, Mind +155, Critical Hit +136, Spell Speed +95
Bluespirit Plate Belt of Maiming Bluespirit plate belt of maiming icon1.png 74 403 LNC, DRG 475 373 1 Strength +155, Vitality +175, Determination +136, Skill Speed +95
Bluespirit Plate Belt of Scouting Bluespirit plate belt of scouting icon1.png 74 403 ROG, NIN 373 373 1 Dexterity +155, Vitality +175, Determination +136, Direct Hit Rate +95
Bluespirit Plate Belt of Striking Bluespirit plate belt of striking icon1.png 74 403 PGL, MNK, SAM 373 373 1 Strength +155, Vitality +175, Critical Hit +136, Determination +95
Ravel Keeper's Sash of Aiming Ravel keepers sash of aiming icon1.png 75 406 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 419 419 1 Dexterity +173, Vitality +195, Critical Hit +108, Direct Hit Rate +154
Ravel Keeper's Sash of Casting Ravel keepers sash of casting icon1.png 75 406 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 305 534 1 Vitality +176, Intelligence +173, Spell Speed +108, Direct Hit Rate +154
Ravel Keeper's Sash of Fending Ravel keepers sash of fending icon1.png 75 406 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 763 763 1 Strength +173, Vitality +195, Determination +154, Tenacity +108
Ravel Keeper's Sash of Healing Ravel keepers sash of healing icon1.png 75 406 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 305 534 1 Vitality +176, Mind +173, Determination +154, Piety +108
Ravel Keeper's Sash of Maiming Ravel keepers sash of maiming icon1.png 75 406 LNC, DRG 534 419 1 Strength +173, Vitality +195, Critical Hit +154, Determination +108
Ravel Keeper's Sash of Scouting Ravel keepers sash of scouting icon1.png 75 406 ROG, NIN 419 419 1 Dexterity +173, Vitality +195, Critical Hit +154, Direct Hit Rate +108
Ravel Keeper's Sash of Striking Ravel keepers sash of striking icon1.png 75 406 PGL, MNK, SAM 419 419 1 Strength +173, Vitality +195, Determination +108, Skill Speed +154
Atrociraptorskin Survival Belt Atrociraptorskin survival belt icon1.png 76 390 Disciple of Land 265 464 1 Perception +71
Pixie Cotton Sash Pixie cotton sash icon1.png 76 390 Disciple of Hand 265 464 1 Control +146
Titanbronze Tassets of Aiming Titanbronze tassets of aiming icon1.png 76 409 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 388 388 1 Dexterity +158, Vitality +176, Determination +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Titanbronze Tassets of Casting Titanbronze tassets of casting icon1.png 76 409 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 282 494 1 Vitality +158, Intelligence +158, Critical Hit +100, Spell Speed +143
Titanbronze Tassets of Fending Titanbronze tassets of fending icon1.png 76 409 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 705 705 1 Strength +158, Vitality +176, Critical Hit +143, Determination +100
Titanbronze Tassets of Healing Titanbronze tassets of healing icon1.png 76 409 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 282 494 1 Vitality +158, Mind +158, Critical Hit +100, Spell Speed +143
Titanbronze Tassets of Maiming Titanbronze tassets of maiming icon1.png 76 409 LNC, DRG 494 388 1 Strength +158, Vitality +176, Critical Hit +143, Skill Speed +100
Titanbronze Tassets of Scouting Titanbronze tassets of scouting icon1.png 76 409 ROG, NIN 388 388 1 Dexterity +158, Vitality +176, Determination +100, Skill Speed +143
Titanbronze Tassets of Striking Titanbronze tassets of striking icon1.png 76 409 PGL, MNK, SAM 388 388 1 Strength +158, Vitality +176, Determination +100, Direct Hit Rate +143
Nabaath Belt of Aiming Nabaath belt of aiming icon1.png 77 412 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 442 442 1 Dexterity +177, Vitality +196, Critical Hit +163, Determination +114
Nabaath Belt of Casting Nabaath belt of casting icon1.png 77 412 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 322 563 1 Vitality +176, Intelligence +177, Determination +114, Direct Hit Rate +163
Nabaath Belt of Fending Nabaath belt of fending icon1.png 77 412 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 804 804 1 Strength +177, Vitality +196, Determination +163, Tenacity +114
Nabaath Belt of Healing Nabaath belt of healing icon1.png 77 412 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 322 563 1 Vitality +176, Mind +177, Determination +114, Piety +163
Nabaath Belt of Maiming Nabaath belt of maiming icon1.png 77 412 LNC, DRG 563 442 1 Strength +177, Vitality +196, Determination +163, Skill Speed +114
Nabaath Belt of Scouting Nabaath belt of scouting icon1.png 77 412 ROG, NIN 442 442 1 Dexterity +177, Vitality +196, Critical Hit +163, Direct Hit Rate +114
Nabaath Belt of Striking Nabaath belt of striking icon1.png 77 412 PGL, MNK, SAM 442 442 1 Strength +177, Vitality +196, Critical Hit +114, Skill Speed +163
Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Aiming Dwarven mythril plate belt of aiming icon1.png 78 415 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 408 408 1 Dexterity +161, Vitality +176, Determination +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Casting Dwarven mythril plate belt of casting icon1.png 78 415 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 297 520 1 Vitality +159, Intelligence +161, Critical Hit +150, Direct Hit Rate +105
Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Fending Dwarven mythril plate belt of fending icon1.png 78 415 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 743 743 1 Strength +161, Vitality +176, Critical Hit +105, Tenacity +150
Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Healing Dwarven mythril plate belt of healing icon1.png 78 415 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 297 520 1 Vitality +159, Mind +161, Critical Hit +150, Spell Speed +105
Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Maiming Dwarven mythril plate belt of maiming icon1.png 78 415 LNC, DRG 520 408 1 Strength +161, Vitality +176, Determination +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Scouting Dwarven mythril plate belt of scouting icon1.png 78 415 ROG, NIN 408 408 1 Dexterity +161, Vitality +176, Critical Hit +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Dwarven Mythril Plate Belt of Striking Dwarven mythril plate belt of striking icon1.png 78 415 PGL, MNK, SAM 408 408 1 Strength +161, Vitality +176, Critical Hit +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
The Forgiven's Belt of Aiming The forgivens belt of aiming icon1.png 79 418 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 465 465 1 Dexterity +180, Vitality +196, Determination +171, Skill Speed +120
The Forgiven's Belt of Casting The forgivens belt of casting icon1.png 79 418 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 338 592 1 Vitality +176, Intelligence +180, Determination +171, Spell Speed +120
The Forgiven's Belt of Fending The forgivens belt of fending icon1.png 79 418 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 846 846 1 Strength +180, Vitality +196, Skill Speed +120, Tenacity +171
The Forgiven's Belt of Healing The forgivens belt of healing icon1.png 79 418 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 338 592 1 Vitality +176, Mind +180, Determination +120, Piety +171
The Forgiven's Belt of Maiming The forgivens belt of maiming icon1.png 79 418 LNC, DRG 592 465 1 Strength +180, Vitality +196, Critical Hit +171, Determination +120
The Forgiven's Belt of Scouting The forgivens belt of scouting icon1.png 79 418 ROG, NIN 465 465 1 Dexterity +180, Vitality +196, Skill Speed +171, Direct Hit Rate +120
The Forgiven's Belt of Striking The forgivens belt of striking icon1.png 79 418 PGL, MNK, SAM 465 465 1 Strength +180, Vitality +196, Determination +171, Direct Hit Rate +120
Amaurotine Belt of Aiming Amaurotine belt of aiming icon1.png 80 430 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 511 511 1 Dexterity +187, Vitality +197, Critical Hit +124, Determination +177
Amaurotine Belt of Casting Amaurotine belt of casting icon1.png 80 430 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 372 651 1 Vitality +177, Intelligence +187, Critical Hit +177, Direct Hit Rate +124
Amaurotine Belt of Fending Amaurotine belt of fending icon1.png 80 430 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 930 930 1 Strength +187, Vitality +197, Critical Hit +124, Skill Speed +177
Amaurotine Belt of Healing Amaurotine belt of healing icon1.png 80 430 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 372 651 1 Vitality +177, Mind +187, Critical Hit +177, Spell Speed +124
Amaurotine Belt of Maiming Amaurotine belt of maiming icon1.png 80 430 LNC, DRG 651 511 1 Strength +187, Vitality +197, Skill Speed +177, Direct Hit Rate +124
Amaurotine Belt of Scouting Amaurotine belt of scouting icon1.png 80 430 ROG, NIN 511 511 1 Dexterity +187, Vitality +197, Critical Hit +124, Determination +177
Amaurotine Belt of Striking Amaurotine belt of striking icon1.png 80 430 PGL, MNK, SAM 511 511 1 Strength +187, Vitality +197, Determination +124, Skill Speed +177
Swallowskin Survival Belt Swallowskin survival belt icon1.png 80 430 Disciple of Land 335 586 1 Perception +78
Swallowskin Tool Belt Swallowskin tool belt icon1.png 80 430 Disciple of Hand 335 586 1 Control +157
Ronkan Tassets of Aiming Ronkan tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 440 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 519 519 1 Dexterity +193, Vitality +198, Skill Speed +126, Direct Hit Rate +180
Ronkan Tassets of Casting Ronkan tassets of casting icon1.png 80 440 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 378 661 1 Vitality +178, Intelligence +193, Critical Hit +126, Direct Hit Rate +180
Ronkan Tassets of Fending Ronkan tassets of fending icon1.png 80 440 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 944 944 1 Strength +193, Vitality +198, Skill Speed +180, Tenacity +126
Ronkan Tassets of Healing Ronkan tassets of healing icon1.png 80 440 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 378 661 1 Vitality +178, Mind +193, Critical Hit +126, Determination +180
Ronkan Tassets of Maiming Ronkan tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 440 LNC, DRG 661 519 1 Strength +193, Vitality +198, Skill Speed +126, Direct Hit Rate +180
Ronkan Tassets of Scouting Ronkan tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 440 ROG, NIN 519 519 1 Dexterity +193, Vitality +198, Determination +126, Direct Hit Rate +180
Ronkan Tassets of Striking Ronkan tassets of striking icon1.png 80 440 PGL, MNK, SAM 519 519 1 Strength +193, Vitality +198, Determination +126, Skill Speed +180
Warg Belt of Aiming Warg belt of aiming icon1.png 80 445 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 524 524 1 Dexterity +198, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +183, Skill Speed +128
Warg Belt of Casting Warg belt of casting icon1.png 80 445 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 381 667 1 Vitality +185, Intelligence +198, Critical Hit +183, Spell Speed +128
Warg Belt of Fending Warg belt of fending icon1.png 80 445 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 953 953 1 Strength +198, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +128, Determination +183
Warg Belt of Healing Warg belt of healing icon1.png 80 445 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 381 667 1 Vitality +185, Mind +198, Critical Hit +128, Piety +183
Warg Belt of Maiming Warg belt of maiming icon1.png 80 445 LNC, DRG 667 524 1 Strength +198, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +128, Skill Speed +183
Warg Belt of Scouting Warg belt of scouting icon1.png 80 445 ROG, NIN 524 524 1 Dexterity +198, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +128, Determination +183
Warg Belt of Striking Warg belt of striking icon1.png 80 445 PGL, MNK, SAM 524 524 1 Strength +198, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +183, Direct Hit Rate +128
Edengate Tassets of Aiming Edengate tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 450 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 530 530 1 Dexterity +204, Vitality +212, Determination +130, Skill Speed +186
Edengate Tassets of Casting Edengate tassets of casting icon1.png 80 450 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 385 674 1 Vitality +191, Intelligence +204, Critical Hit +186, Determination +130
Edengate Tassets of Fending Edengate tassets of fending icon1.png 80 450 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 963 963 1 Strength +204, Vitality +212, Skill Speed +186, Tenacity +130
Edengate Tassets of Healing Edengate tassets of healing icon1.png 80 450 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 385 674 1 Vitality +191, Mind +204, Critical Hit +130, Determination +186
Edengate Tassets of Maiming Edengate tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 450 LNC, DRG 674 530 1 Strength +204, Vitality +212, Determination +186, Skill Speed +130
Edengate Tassets of Scouting Edengate tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 450 ROG, NIN 530 530 1 Dexterity +204, Vitality +212, Critical Hit +130, Skill Speed +186
Edengate Tassets of Striking Edengate tassets of striking icon1.png 80 450 PGL, MNK, SAM 530 530 1 Strength +204, Vitality +212, Critical Hit +186, Determination +130
Facet Plate Belt of Aiming Facet plate belt of aiming icon1.png 80 450 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 477 477 1 Dexterity +183, Vitality +191, Critical Hit +167, Direct Hit Rate +117
Facet Plate Belt of Casting Facet plate belt of casting icon1.png 80 450 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 347 607 1 Vitality +172, Intelligence +183, Determination +167, Spell Speed +117
Facet Plate Belt of Fending Facet plate belt of fending icon1.png 80 450 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 867 867 1 Strength +183, Vitality +191, Critical Hit +117, Determination +167
Facet Plate Belt of Healing Facet plate belt of healing icon1.png 80 450 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 347 607 1 Vitality +172, Mind +183, Spell Speed +167, Piety +117
Facet Plate Belt of Maiming Facet plate belt of maiming icon1.png 80 450 LNC, DRG 607 477 1 Strength +183, Vitality +191, Skill Speed +167, Direct Hit Rate +117
Facet Plate Belt of Scouting Facet plate belt of scouting icon1.png 80 450 ROG, NIN 477 477 1 Dexterity +183, Vitality +191, Critical Hit +167, Direct Hit Rate +117
Facet Plate Belt of Striking Facet plate belt of striking icon1.png 80 450 PGL, MNK, SAM 477 477 1 Strength +183, Vitality +191, Determination +117, Skill Speed +167
Anamnesis Belt of Aiming Anamnesis belt of aiming icon1.png 80 455 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 535 535 1 Dexterity +210, Vitality +219, Critical Hit +132, Skill Speed +189
Anamnesis Belt of Casting Anamnesis belt of casting icon1.png 80 455 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 389 681 1 Vitality +197, Intelligence +210, Critical Hit +132, Direct Hit Rate +189
Anamnesis Belt of Fending Anamnesis belt of fending icon1.png 80 455 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 972 972 1 Strength +210, Vitality +219, Critical Hit +189, Determination +132
Anamnesis Belt of Healing Anamnesis belt of healing icon1.png 80 455 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 389 681 1 Vitality +197, Mind +210, Determination +132, Spell Speed +189
Anamnesis Belt of Maiming Anamnesis belt of maiming icon1.png 80 455 LNC, DRG 681 535 1 Strength +210, Vitality +219, Critical Hit +132, Direct Hit Rate +189
Anamnesis Belt of Scouting Anamnesis belt of scouting icon1.png 80 455 ROG, NIN 535 535 1 Dexterity +210, Vitality +219, Determination +132, Direct Hit Rate +189
Anamnesis Belt of Striking Anamnesis belt of striking icon1.png 80 455 PGL, MNK, SAM 535 535 1 Strength +210, Vitality +219, Determination +132, Direct Hit Rate +189
Augmented Facet Plate Belt of Aiming Augmented facet plate belt of aiming icon1.png 80 460 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 486 486 2 Dexterity +194, Vitality +204, Critical Hit +173, Direct Hit Rate +121
Augmented Facet Plate Belt of Casting Augmented facet plate belt of casting icon1.png 80 460 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 353 619 2 Vitality +184, Intelligence +194, Determination +173, Spell Speed +121
Augmented Facet Plate Belt of Fending Augmented facet plate belt of fending icon1.png 80 460 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 884 884 2 Strength +194, Vitality +204, Critical Hit +121, Determination +173
Augmented Facet Plate Belt of Healing Augmented facet plate belt of healing icon1.png 80 460 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 353 619 2 Vitality +184, Mind +194, Spell Speed +173, Piety +121
Augmented Facet Plate Belt of Maiming Augmented facet plate belt of maiming icon1.png 80 460 LNC, DRG 619 486 2 Strength +194, Vitality +204, Skill Speed +173, Direct Hit Rate +121
Augmented Facet Plate Belt of Scouting Augmented facet plate belt of scouting icon1.png 80 460 ROG, NIN 486 486 2 Dexterity +194, Vitality +204, Critical Hit +173, Direct Hit Rate +121
Augmented Facet Plate Belt of Striking Augmented facet plate belt of striking icon1.png 80 460 PGL, MNK, SAM 486 486 2 Strength +194, Vitality +204, Determination +121, Skill Speed +173
Deepshadow Tassets of Aiming Deepshadow tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 460 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 540 540 2 Dexterity +215, Vitality +227, Critical Hit +192, Direct Hit Rate +134
Deepshadow Tassets of Casting Deepshadow tassets of casting icon1.png 80 460 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 393 687 2 Vitality +204, Intelligence +215, Determination +192, Direct Hit Rate +134
Deepshadow Tassets of Fending Deepshadow tassets of fending icon1.png 80 460 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 982 982 2 Strength +215, Vitality +227, Critical Hit +192, Skill Speed +134
Deepshadow Tassets of Healing Deepshadow tassets of healing icon1.png 80 460 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 393 687 2 Vitality +204, Mind +215, Spell Speed +134, Piety +192
Deepshadow Tassets of Maiming Deepshadow tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 460 LNC, DRG 687 540 2 Strength +215, Vitality +227, Skill Speed +134, Direct Hit Rate +192
Deepshadow Tassets of Scouting Deepshadow tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 460 ROG, NIN 540 540 2 Dexterity +215, Vitality +227, Determination +134, Direct Hit Rate +192
Deepshadow Tassets of Striking Deepshadow tassets of striking icon1.png 80 460 PGL, MNK, SAM 540 540 2 Strength +215, Vitality +227, Critical Hit +192, Determination +134
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Aiming Augmented deepshadow tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 551 551 2 Dexterity +227, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +198, Direct Hit Rate +139
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Casting Augmented deepshadow tassets of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 400 701 2 Vitality +218, Intelligence +227, Determination +198, Direct Hit Rate +139
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Fending Augmented deepshadow tassets of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1001 1001 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +198, Skill Speed +139
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Healing Augmented deepshadow tassets of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 400 701 2 Vitality +218, Mind +227, Spell Speed +139, Piety +198
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Maiming Augmented deepshadow tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG 701 551 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Skill Speed +139, Direct Hit Rate +198
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Scouting Augmented deepshadow tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN 551 551 2 Dexterity +227, Vitality +243, Determination +139, Direct Hit Rate +198
Augmented Deepshadow Tassets of Striking Augmented deepshadow tassets of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM 551 551 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +198, Determination +139
Edengrace Tassets of Aiming Edengrace tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 470 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 551 551 2 Dexterity +227, Vitality +243, Determination +139, Direct Hit Rate +198
Edengrace Tassets of Casting Edengrace tassets of casting icon1.png 80 470 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 400 701 2 Vitality +218, Intelligence +227, Critical Hit +198, Determination +139
Edengrace Tassets of Fending Edengrace tassets of fending icon1.png 80 470 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1001 1001 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Determination +139, Tenacity +198
Edengrace Tassets of Healing Edengrace tassets of healing icon1.png 80 470 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 400 701 2 Vitality +218, Mind +227, Critical Hit +198, Determination +139
Edengrace Tassets of Maiming Edengrace tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 470 LNC, DRG 701 551 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Critical Hit +198, Determination +139
Edengrace Tassets of Scouting Edengrace tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 470 ROG, NIN 551 551 2 Dexterity +227, Vitality +243, Determination +198, Skill Speed +139
Edengrace Tassets of Striking Edengrace tassets of striking icon1.png 80 470 PGL, MNK, SAM 551 551 2 Strength +227, Vitality +243, Determination +198, Skill Speed +139
Shadowless Sash of Aiming Shadowless sash of aiming icon1.png 80 475 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 557 557 1 Dexterity +233, Vitality +251, Determination +200, Skill Speed +140
Shadowless Sash of Casting Shadowless sash of casting icon1.png 80 475 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 405 709 1 Vitality +226, Intelligence +233, Critical Hit +140, Direct Hit Rate +200
Shadowless Sash of Fending Shadowless sash of fending icon1.png 80 475 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1013 1013 1 Strength +233, Vitality +251, Determination +200, Tenacity +140
Shadowless Sash of Healing Shadowless sash of healing icon1.png 80 475 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 405 709 1 Vitality +226, Mind +233, Spell Speed +200, Piety +140
Shadowless Sash of Maiming Shadowless sash of maiming icon1.png 80 475 LNC, DRG 709 557 1 Strength +233, Vitality +251, Critical Hit +140, Direct Hit Rate +200
Shadowless Sash of Scouting Shadowless sash of scouting icon1.png 80 475 ROG, NIN 557 557 1 Dexterity +233, Vitality +251, Critical Hit +200, Skill Speed +140
Shadowless Sash of Striking Shadowless sash of striking icon1.png 80 475 PGL, MNK, SAM 557 557 1 Strength +233, Vitality +251, Critical Hit +200, Determination +140
Edencall Tassets of Aiming Edencall tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 480 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 564 564 1 Dexterity +239, Vitality +258, Determination +202, Direct Hit Rate +142
Edencall Tassets of Casting Edencall tassets of casting icon1.png 80 480 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 410 717 1 Vitality +233, Intelligence +239, Determination +202, Spell Speed +142
Edencall Tassets of Fending Edencall tassets of fending icon1.png 80 480 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1025 1025 1 Strength +239, Vitality +258, Determination +202, Tenacity +142
Edencall Tassets of Healing Edencall tassets of healing icon1.png 80 480 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 410 717 1 Vitality +233, Mind +239, Critical Hit +142, Spell Speed +202
Edencall Tassets of Maiming Edencall tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 480 LNC, DRG 717 564 1 Strength +239, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +202, Determination +142
Edencall Tassets of Scouting Edencall tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 480 ROG, NIN 564 564 1 Dexterity +239, Vitality +258, Skill Speed +142, Direct Hit Rate +202
Edencall Tassets of Striking Edencall tassets of striking icon1.png 80 480 PGL, MNK, SAM 564 564 1 Strength +239, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +202, Skill Speed +142
Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Aiming Neo-ishgardian leather belt of aiming icon1.png 80 480 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 508 508 1 Dexterity +215, Vitality +232, Critical Hit +182, Determination +128
Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Casting Neo-ishgardian leather belt of casting icon1.png 80 480 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 369 645 1 Vitality +210, Intelligence +215, Critical Hit +182, Direct Hit Rate +128
Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Healing Neo-ishgardian leather belt of healing icon1.png 80 480 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 369 645 1 Vitality +210, Mind +215, Determination +182, Piety +128
Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Scouting Neo-ishgardian leather belt of scouting icon1.png 80 480 ROG, NIN 508 508 1 Dexterity +215, Vitality +232, Critical Hit +182, Determination +128
Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Striking Neo-ishgardian leather belt of striking icon1.png 80 480 PGL, MNK, SAM 508 508 1 Strength +215, Vitality +232, Determination +182, Skill Speed +128
Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Fending Neo-ishgardian plate belt of fending icon1.png 80 480 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 923 923 1 Strength +215, Vitality +232, Critical Hit +128, Skill Speed +182
Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Maiming Neo-ishgardian plate belt of maiming icon1.png 80 480 LNC, DRG 645 508 1 Strength +215, Vitality +232, Skill Speed +128, Direct Hit Rate +182
Aesthete's Belt of Gathering Aesthetes belt of gathering icon1.png 80 490 Disciple of Land 378 661 1 Perception +101
Aesthete's Tool Belt Aesthetes tool belt icon1.png 80 490 Disciple of Hand 378 661 1 Control +194
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Aiming Augmented neo-ishgardian leather belt of aiming icon1.png 80 490 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 519 519 1 Dexterity +227, Vitality +247, Critical Hit +186, Determination +130
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Casting Augmented neo-ishgardian leather belt of casting icon1.png 80 490 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 377 661 1 Vitality +223, Intelligence +227, Critical Hit +186, Direct Hit Rate +130
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Healing Augmented neo-ishgardian leather belt of healing icon1.png 80 490 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 377 661 1 Vitality +223, Mind +227, Determination +186, Piety +130
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Scouting Augmented neo-ishgardian leather belt of scouting icon1.png 80 490 ROG, NIN 519 519 1 Dexterity +227, Vitality +247, Critical Hit +186, Determination +130
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Leather Belt of Striking Augmented neo-ishgardian leather belt of striking icon1.png 80 490 PGL, MNK, SAM 519 519 1 Strength +227, Vitality +247, Determination +186, Skill Speed +130
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Fending Augmented neo-ishgardian plate belt of fending icon1.png 80 490 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 944 944 1 Strength +227, Vitality +247, Critical Hit +130, Skill Speed +186
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Plate Belt of Maiming Augmented neo-ishgardian plate belt of maiming icon1.png 80 490 LNC, DRG 661 519 1 Strength +227, Vitality +247, Skill Speed +130, Direct Hit Rate +186
Crystarium Belt of Aiming Crystarium belt of aiming icon1.png 80 490 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 577 577 2 Dexterity +252, Vitality +275, Critical Hit +145, Determination +207
Crystarium Belt of Casting Crystarium belt of casting icon1.png 80 490 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 419 734 2 Vitality +248, Intelligence +252, Critical Hit +207, Direct Hit Rate +145
Crystarium Belt of Fending Crystarium belt of fending icon1.png 80 490 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1049 1049 2 Strength +252, Vitality +275, Skill Speed +145, Tenacity +207
Crystarium Belt of Healing Crystarium belt of healing icon1.png 80 490 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 419 734 2 Vitality +248, Mind +252, Critical Hit +207, Determination +145
Crystarium Belt of Maiming Crystarium belt of maiming icon1.png 80 490 LNC, DRG 734 577 2 Strength +252, Vitality +275, Critical Hit +207, Direct Hit Rate +145
Crystarium Belt of Scouting Crystarium belt of scouting icon1.png 80 490 ROG, NIN 577 577 2 Dexterity +252, Vitality +275, Critical Hit +207, Determination +145
Crystarium Belt of Striking Crystarium belt of striking icon1.png 80 490 PGL, MNK, SAM 577 577 2 Strength +252, Vitality +275, Critical Hit +145, Direct Hit Rate +207
Augmented Crystarium Belt of Aiming Augmented crystarium belt of aiming icon1.png 80 500 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 590 590 2 Dexterity +265, Vitality +293, Critical Hit +148, Determination +211
Augmented Crystarium Belt of Casting Augmented crystarium belt of casting icon1.png 80 500 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 429 751 2 Vitality +264, Intelligence +265, Critical Hit +211, Direct Hit Rate +148
Augmented Crystarium Belt of Fending Augmented crystarium belt of fending icon1.png 80 500 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1073 1073 2 Strength +265, Vitality +293, Skill Speed +148, Tenacity +211
Augmented Crystarium Belt of Healing Augmented crystarium belt of healing icon1.png 80 500 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 429 751 2 Vitality +264, Mind +265, Critical Hit +211, Determination +148
Augmented Crystarium Belt of Maiming Augmented crystarium belt of maiming icon1.png 80 500 LNC, DRG 751 590 2 Strength +265, Vitality +293, Critical Hit +211, Direct Hit Rate +148
Augmented Crystarium Belt of Scouting Augmented crystarium belt of scouting icon1.png 80 500 ROG, NIN 590 590 2 Dexterity +265, Vitality +293, Critical Hit +211, Determination +148
Augmented Crystarium Belt of Striking Augmented crystarium belt of striking icon1.png 80 500 PGL, MNK, SAM 590 590 2 Strength +265, Vitality +293, Critical Hit +148, Direct Hit Rate +211
Edenchoir Tassets of Aiming Edenchoir tassets of aiming icon1.png 80 500 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 590 590 2 Dexterity +265, Vitality +293, Skill Speed +148, Direct Hit Rate +211
Edenchoir Tassets of Casting Edenchoir tassets of casting icon1.png 80 500 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 429 751 2 Vitality +264, Intelligence +265, Determination +148, Spell Speed +211
Edenchoir Tassets of Fending Edenchoir tassets of fending icon1.png 80 500 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1073 1073 2 Strength +265, Vitality +293, Critical Hit +211, Determination +148
Edenchoir Tassets of Healing Edenchoir tassets of healing icon1.png 80 500 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 429 751 2 Vitality +264, Mind +265, Spell Speed +211, Piety +148
Edenchoir Tassets of Maiming Edenchoir tassets of maiming icon1.png 80 500 LNC, DRG 751 590 2 Strength +265, Vitality +293, Determination +211, Skill Speed +148
Edenchoir Tassets of Scouting Edenchoir tassets of scouting icon1.png 80 500 ROG, NIN 590 590 2 Dexterity +265, Vitality +293, Skill Speed +211, Direct Hit Rate +148
Edenchoir Tassets of Striking Edenchoir tassets of striking icon1.png 80 500 PGL, MNK, SAM 590 590 2 Strength +265, Vitality +293, Determination +211, Skill Speed +148
Heirloom Belt of Aiming Heirloom belt of aiming icon1.png 80 485 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 570 570 2 Dexterity +245, Vitality +267, Critical Hit +204, Direct Hit Rate +143
Heirloom Belt of Casting Heirloom belt of casting icon1.png 80 485 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 415 726 2 Vitality +240, Intelligence +245, Critical Hit +143, Spell Speed +204
Heirloom Belt of Fending Heirloom belt of fending icon1.png 80 485 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1037 1037 2 Strength +245, Vitality +267, Critical Hit +204, Determination +143
Heirloom Belt of Healing Heirloom belt of healing icon1.png 80 485 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 415 726 2 Vitality +240, Mind +245, Determination +143, Piety +204
Heirloom Belt of Maiming Heirloom belt of maiming icon1.png 80 485 LNC, DRG 726 570 2 Strength +245, Vitality +267, Critical Hit +143, Determination +204
Heirloom Belt of Scouting Heirloom belt of scouting icon1.png 80 485 ROG, NIN 570 570 2 Dexterity +245, Vitality +267, Skill Speed +204, Direct Hit Rate +143
Heirloom Belt of Striking Heirloom belt of striking icon1.png 80 485 PGL, MNK, SAM 570 570 2 Strength +245, Vitality +267, Determination +204, Skill Speed +143
Handsaint's Tool Belt Handsaints tool belt icon1.png 80 500 Disciple of Hand 429 751 0 Control +227
Landsaint's Survival Belt Landsaints survival belt icon1.png 80 500 Disciple of Land 429 751 0 Perception +119
Edenmete Leather Belt of Aiming Edenmete leather belt of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 603 603 2 Dexterity +279, Vitality +313, Critical Hit +151, Direct Hit Rate +216
Edenmete Leather Belt of Casting Edenmete leather belt of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 438 767 2 Vitality +282, Intelligence +279, Determination +151, Spell Speed +216
Edenmete Leather Belt of Fending Edenmete leather belt of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1096 1096 2 Strength +279, Vitality +313, Determination +151, Skill Speed +216
Edenmete Leather Belt of Healing Edenmete leather belt of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 438 767 2 Vitality +282, Mind +279, Critical Hit +216, Spell Speed +151
Edenmete Leather Belt of Maiming Edenmete leather belt of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC, DRG 767 603 2 Strength +279, Vitality +313, Determination +151, Direct Hit Rate +216
Edenmete Leather Belt of Scouting Edenmete leather belt of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG, NIN 603 603 2 Dexterity +279, Vitality +313, Critical Hit +216, Skill Speed +151
Edenmete Leather Belt of Striking Edenmete leather belt of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL, MNK, SAM 603 603 2 Strength +279, Vitality +313, Critical Hit +151, Direct Hit Rate +216
Exarchic Plate Belt of Casting Exarchic plate belt of casting icon1.png 80 510 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 394 690 1 Vitality +254, Intelligence +251, Critical Hit +136, Direct Hit Rate +194
Exarchic Plate Belt of Fending Exarchic plate belt of fending icon1.png 80 510 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 986 986 1 Strength +251, Vitality +282, Determination +136, Tenacity +194
Exarchic Plate Belt of Healing Exarchic plate belt of healing icon1.png 80 510 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 394 690 1 Vitality +254, Mind +251, Critical Hit +136, Piety +194
Exarchic Plate Belt of Maiming Exarchic plate belt of maiming icon1.png 80 510 LNC, DRG 690 543 1 Strength +251, Vitality +282, Critical Hit +136, Determination +194
Exarchic Sash of Aiming Exarchic sash of aiming icon1.png 80 510 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 543 543 1 Dexterity +251, Vitality +282, Determination +136, Skill Speed +194
Exarchic Sash of Scouting Exarchic sash of scouting icon1.png 80 510 ROG, NIN 543 543 1 Dexterity +251, Vitality +282, Determination +136, Direct Hit Rate +194
Exarchic Sash of Striking Exarchic sash of striking icon1.png 80 510 PGL, MNK, SAM 543 543 1 Strength +251, Vitality +282, Critical Hit +136, Skill Speed +194
Cryptlurker's Belt of Aiming Cryptlurkers belt of aiming icon1.png 80 520 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 616 616 2 Dexterity +294, Vitality +334, Determination +155, Direct Hit Rate +221
Cryptlurker's Belt of Casting Cryptlurkers belt of casting icon1.png 80 520 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 448 784 2 Vitality +301, Intelligence +294, Critical Hit +155, Determination +221
Cryptlurker's Belt of Fending Cryptlurkers belt of fending icon1.png 80 520 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1120 1120 2 Strength +294, Vitality +334, Critical Hit +155, Tenacity +221
Cryptlurker's Belt of Healing Cryptlurkers belt of healing icon1.png 80 520 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 448 784 2 Vitality +301, Mind +294, Critical Hit +221, Piety +155
Cryptlurker's Belt of Maiming Cryptlurkers belt of maiming icon1.png 80 520 LNC, DRG 784 616 2 Strength +294, Vitality +334, Critical Hit +155, Skill Speed +221
Cryptlurker's Belt of Scouting Cryptlurkers belt of scouting icon1.png 80 520 ROG, NIN 616 616 2 Dexterity +294, Vitality +334, Determination +155, Direct Hit Rate +221
Cryptlurker's Belt of Striking Cryptlurkers belt of striking icon1.png 80 520 PGL, MNK, SAM 616 616 2 Strength +294, Vitality +334, Critical Hit +221, Determination +155
Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Aiming Augmented cryptlurkers belt of aiming icon1.png 80 530 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 629 629 2 Dexterity +310, Vitality +356, Determination +158, Direct Hit Rate +226
Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Casting Augmented cryptlurkers belt of casting icon1.png 80 530 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 458 801 2 Vitality +320, Intelligence +310, Critical Hit +158, Determination +226
Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Fending Augmented cryptlurkers belt of fending icon1.png 80 530 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1144 1144 2 Strength +310, Vitality +356, Critical Hit +158, Tenacity +226
Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Healing Augmented cryptlurkers belt of healing icon1.png 80 530 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 458 801 2 Vitality +320, Mind +310, Critical Hit +226, Piety +158
Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Maiming Augmented cryptlurkers belt of maiming icon1.png 80 530 LNC, DRG 801 629 2 Strength +310, Vitality +356, Critical Hit +158, Skill Speed +226
Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Scouting Augmented cryptlurkers belt of scouting icon1.png 80 530 ROG, NIN 629 629 2 Dexterity +310, Vitality +356, Determination +158, Direct Hit Rate +226
Augmented Cryptlurker's Belt of Striking Augmented cryptlurkers belt of striking icon1.png 80 530 PGL, MNK, SAM 629 629 2 Strength +310, Vitality +356, Critical Hit +226, Determination +158
Edenmorn Leather Belt of Aiming Edenmorn leather belt of aiming icon1.png 80 530 ARC, BRD, MCH, DNC 629 629 2 Dexterity +310, Vitality +356, Critical Hit +158, Skill Speed +226
Edenmorn Leather Belt of Casting Edenmorn leather belt of casting icon1.png 80 530 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 458 801 2 Vitality +320, Intelligence +310, Spell Speed +226, Direct Hit Rate +158
Edenmorn Leather Belt of Fending Edenmorn leather belt of fending icon1.png 80 530 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB 1144 1144 2 Strength +310, Vitality +356, Critical Hit +226, Determination +158
Edenmorn Leather Belt of Healing Edenmorn leather belt of healing icon1.png 80 530 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 458 801 2 Vitality +320, Mind +310, Determination +226, Spell Speed +158
Edenmorn Leather Belt of Maiming Edenmorn leather belt of maiming icon1.png 80 530 LNC, DRG 801 629 2 Strength +310, Vitality +356, Determination +158, Direct Hit Rate +226
Edenmorn Leather Belt of Scouting Edenmorn leather belt of scouting icon1.png 80 530 ROG, NIN 629 629 2 Dexterity +310, Vitality +356, Critical Hit +158, Skill Speed +226
Edenmorn Leather Belt of Striking Edenmorn leather belt of striking icon1.png 80 530 PGL, MNK, SAM 629 629 2 Strength +310, Vitality +356, Critical Hit +158, Skill Speed +226