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==Activities and ranks==
==Activities and ranks==
Players can rank up their free companies by participating in activities to earn free company experience points. As of patch 5.2 there are 30 ranks (up from the previous eight ranks).  
Players can rank up their free companies by participating in activities to earn free company experience points. As of [[patch 5.2]], there are 30 ranks (up from the previous eight ranks).  

Activities include but are not limited to, fighting [[monsters]], [[gathering]]  high quality resources, [[crafting]] high quality [[items]], completing [[guildleves]], [[Guildleve#Grand Company Leves|Grand Company Leves]], recruiting new members, undertaking supply and provisioning missions, and [[Treasure Hunt]]s. These activities also grant Free [[Company Credit]]s {{Company credit}} that can be used to earn buffs and items.
Activities include but are not limited to, fighting [[monsters]], [[gathering]]  high quality resources, [[crafting]] high quality [[items]], completing [[guildleves]], [[Guildleve#Grand Company Leves|Grand Company Leves]], recruiting new members, undertaking supply and provisioning missions, and [[Treasure Hunt]]s. These activities also grant Free [[Company Credit]]s {{Company credit}} that can be used to earn buffs and items.

Revision as of 16:41, 5 January 2022


Free Company Tutorial 1

Free Companies are player operated organizations similar to guilds in other MMOs. Players can only be in 1 Free Company at a time. Like Linkshells, Free Companies have separate chat channels that operate across servers; unlike Linkshells, Free Companies have the option of additional ranks and activities for members.

Finding and joining a Free Company

New players can find an existing Free Company on the Lodestone Free Company search portal. Use the search options to filter by server, size, affiliated Grand Company, and desired activities. Once a desired Free Company is located, check the Member List for the Free Company and use the in-game Player Search to find an online representative of the Free Company. Once found, click the player's name and select "View Company Profile", then click the "Submit Application" button if the company is open to application.

While there is no in-game search for Free Companies, Free Companies often recruit in the /shout chat of major cities (Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, the Crystarium), and asking in the /shout chat for a Free Company can also result in multiple recruitment notices. In Patch 5.35 an official Community Finder page was added to Lodestone where players can view posted recruitment listings.

Creating a Free Company

To create a Free Company players need to be level 25 or higher and be part of a Grand Company. The founding player must not have been in a free company for at least 24 hours. Creation process:

  1. Obtain a company petition from the OIC administrator in Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, or Gridania.
  2. Fill out the petition with the company's name and tag.
  3. Obtain three signatures from three player characters in the same server. The player characters can be at any level, but they cannot be in a Free Company. Note: All signatories will become founding members of the Free Company after creation, and can leave after the process is complete.
  4. Return to the OIC administrator with the petition and pay a 15,000 gil registration fee.

Activities and ranks

Players can rank up their free companies by participating in activities to earn free company experience points. As of patch 5.2, there are 30 ranks (up from the previous eight ranks).

Activities include but are not limited to, fighting monsters, gathering high quality resources, crafting high quality items, completing guildleves, Grand Company Leves, recruiting new members, undertaking supply and provisioning missions, and Treasure Hunts. These activities also grant Free Company Credits Company Credit that can be used to earn buffs and items.

Free Company Crafting

See also: Crafting Facility

Introduced in Heavensward, Free Company Crafting allows the players to create Aetherial Wheels, Housing Items and Company Airships for the Free Company.

Free Company Airships

Introduced in Heavensward, Company Airships can embark on Exploratory Voyages. These voyages explore the uncharted lands in The Sea of Clouds for exclusive, rare items.

Subaquatic Voyages

In a similar vein, in Patch 4.2 of Stormblood Subaquatic Voyages were added, allowing Free Companies to send submersibles out on Exploratory Voyages for rare and exclusive items.

Aetherial Wheel

Introduced in Patch 2.5, Aetherial Wheel allows the Free Company to use Free Company Actions without spending company credit.

Retainer Dispatchment

An expansion of duties permit is required to place a retainer on your estate grounds outside the hall. These permits are purchasable from independent sutlers in any residential district.

One, two, or three retainers can be placed on small, medium, and large estates respectively.

Once a retainer is placed on estate grounds, items that they currently have listed for sale on the market can be purchased by anyone who speaks with them. Other players can also view the retainer's sales history (up to 20 entries). Placing retainers on estate grounds does not impact your ability to summon them via summoning bells to deposit and withdraw items, or to assign retainer ventures.

Free Company Entitlements

Rank Entitlement Description
1 Company Chest Gives access to the free company chest.
2 Crest Customization Allows the limited customization of your free company crest.
3 Chest Expansion Increases the number of company chest tabs to three.
4 Gear Customization Allows user to affix their free company crest to armor
5 Company Actions Allows the execution of company actions
6 Land Acquisition Enables the acquisition of land in residential districts.
7 Crest Expansion Allows for full customization of company crest.
8 Action Expansion Increases the maximum number of inactive and active company actions.
10 Chest Expansion Increases the number of company chest tabs to four.
12 Action Expansion Increases the maximum number of inactive company actions to 12.
15 Chest Expansion Increases the number of company chest tabs to five.
18 Action Expansion Increases the maximum number of inactive company actions to 14.
20 Action Expansion Increases the maximum number of inactive company actions to 15.

Free Company Actions

Rank 1 and 2 Actions can be purchased with Company Credit Company Credits or charged through Aetherial Wheels:

Rank Action Icon Duration Credits Description Aetherial Wheel
5 The Heat of Battle The heat of battle1.png 24h 3,010 Increases EXP earned through battle by 5%. Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation
Earth and Water Earth and water1.png 24h 3,010 Increases EXP earned through gathering by 5%. Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity
Helping Hand Helping hand1.png 24h 3,010 Increases EXP earned through crafting by 5%. Grade 1 Wheel of Industry
A Man's Best Friend A mans best friend1.png 24h 2,408 Increases EXP earned by companions by 10%. Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing
Mark Up Mark up icon2.png 24h 2,408 Increases Wolf Marks earned by 5%. Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry
Seal Sweetener Seal sweetener icon2.png 24h 2,408 Increases company seals earned by 5%. Grade 1 Wheel of Company
Jackpot Jackpot icon2.png 24h 2,408 Increases MGP payout by 5%. Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation
Brave New World Brave new world1.png 24h 1,505 Increases the attributes of all members under level 25 by 10%. Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation
Live off the Land Live off the land1.png 24h 2,408 Increases Gathering by 5. Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity
What You See What you see1.png 24h 2,408 Increases Perception by 5. Grade 1 Wheel of Observation
Eat from the Hand Eat from the hand1.png 24h 2,408 Increases Craftsmanship by 5. Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency
In Control In control1.png 24h 2,408 Increases Control by 5. Grade 1 Wheel of Precision
That Which Binds Us That which binds us1.png 24h 3,010 Increases spiritbonding speed. Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication
Meat and Mead Meat and mead1.png 24h 2,408 Increases duration of food effects by five minutes. Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment
Proper Care Proper care1.png 24h 3,010 Slows gear wear by 10%. Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence
Fleet-footed Fleet-footed icon2.png 24h 2,408 Increases duraton of Sprint in large settlements by 25%. Grade 1 Wheel of Swiftness
Reduced Rates Reduced rates1.png 24h 3,010 Reduces teleportation fees by 20%. Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage

Rank Action Icon Duration Credits Description Aetherial Wheel
8 The Heat of Battle II The heat of battle1.png 24h 6,020 Increases EXP earned through battle by 10%. Grade 2 Wheel of Confrontation
Earth and Water II Earth and water1.png 24h 6,020 Increases EXP earned through gathering by 10%. Grade 2 Wheel of Productivity
Helping Hand II Helping hand1.png 24h 6,020 Increases EXP earned through crafting by 10%. Grade 2 Wheel of Industry
A Man's Best Friend II A mans best friend1.png 24h 6,020 Increases EXP earned by companions by 15%. Grade 2 Wheel of Longeing
Mark Up II Mark up icon2.png 24h 6,020 Increases Wolf Marks earned by 10%. Grade 2 Wheel of Rivalry
Seal Sweetener II Seal sweetener icon2.png 24h 6,020 Increases company seals earned by 10%. Grade 2 Wheel of Company
Jackpot II Jackpot icon2.png 24h 6,020 Increases MGP payout by 10%. Duration: 24h Grade 2 Wheel of Recreation
Brave New World II Brave new world1.png 24h 3,010 Increases the attributes of all Disciple of War or Magic members under level 49 by 15%. Grade 2 Wheel of Initiation
Live off the Land II Live off the land1.png 24h 6,020 Increases Gathering by 10. Grade 2 Wheel of Capacity
What You See II What you see1.png 24h 6,020 Increases Perception by 10. Grade 2 Wheel of Observation
Eat from the Hand II Eat from the hand1.png 24h 6,020 Increases Craftsmanship by 10. Grade 2 Wheel of Efficiency
In Control II In control1.png 24h 6,020 Increases Control by 10. Grade 2 Wheel of Precision
That Which Binds Us II That which binds us1.png 24h 6,020 Increases spiritbonding speed. Grade 2 Wheel of Dedication
Meat and Mead II Meat and mead1.png 24h 6,020 Increases duration of food effects by ten minutes. Grade 2 Wheel of Nutriment
Proper Care II Proper care1.png 24h 6,020 Slows gear wear by 20%. Grade 2 Wheel of Permanence
Fleet-footed II Fleet-footed icon2.png 24h 4,816 Increases duration of Sprint in large settlements by 50%. Grade 2 Wheel of Swiftness
Reduced Rates II Reduced rates1.png 24h 6,020 Reduces teleportation fees by 30%. Grade 2 Wheel of Pilgrimage

Rank 3 Actions require Aetherial Wheels:

Action Icon Duration Description Aetherial Wheel
The Heat of Battle III The heat of battle1.png 24h Increases EXP earned through battle by 15%. Grade 3 Wheel of Confrontation
Earth and Water III Earth and water1.png 24h Increases EXP earned through gathering by 20%. Grade 3 Wheel of Productivity
Helping Hand III Helping hand1.png 24h Increases EXP earned through crafting by 20%. Grade 3 Wheel of Industry
A Man's Best Friend III A mans best friend1.png 24h Increases EXP earned by companions by 20%. Grade 3 Wheel of Longeing
Mark Up III Mark up icon2.png 24h Increases Wolf Marks earned by 15%. Grade 3 Wheel of Rivalry
Seal Sweetener III Seal sweetener icon2.png 24h Increases company seals earned by 15%. Grade 3 Wheel of Company
Jackpot III Jackpot icon2.png 24h Increases MGP payout by 15%. Grade 3 Wheel of Recreation
Live off the Land III Live off the land1.png 24h Increases Gathering by 15. Grade 3 Wheel of Capacity
What You See III What you see1.png 24h Increases Perception by 15. Grade 3 Wheel of Observation
Eat from the Hand III Eat from the hand1.png 24h Increases Craftsmanship by 15. Grade 3 Wheel of Efficiency
In Control III In control1.png 24h Increases Control by 15. Grade 3 Wheel of Precision
That Which Binds Us III That which binds us1.png 24h Increases spiritbonding speed. Grade 3 Wheel of Dedication
Meat and Mead III Meat and mead1.png 24h Increases duration of food effects by fifteen minutes. Grade 3 Wheel of Nutriment
Proper Care III Proper care1.png 24h Slows gear wear by 30%. Grade 3 Wheel of Permanence
Reduced Rates III Reduced rates1.png 24h Reduces teleportation fees by 40%. Grade 3 Wheel of Pilgrimage

Company Chest


Region Zone Aethernet Shard Position
The Black Shroud Old Gridania Shaded Bowyer X: 14 Y: 9
The Black Shroud New Gridania Adders' Nest X: 9 Y: 11
La Noscea Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Hawkers' Round X: 7 Y: 12
La Noscea Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Maelstrom Command X: 13 Y: 12
Thanalan Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Hall of Flames X: 8.3 Y: 9.4
Thanalan Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Sapphire Avenue Exchange X: 13.8 Y: 10.4
Gyr Abania Rhalgr's Reach Western Rhalgr's Reach X: 10.1 Y: 12.9
Hingashi Kugane Kogane Dori Markets X: 12.3 Y: 12.3