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Accepting Guildleves tutorial 1
Initiating Levequests tutorial
Levequest Duty tutorial 1

Guildleves or Levequests are repeatable quests players can perform to earn experience, gil and items. Unlike regular quests, which can only be performed once per character, levequests can be performed again and again as long as the player has Leve allowances.

  • Guildleves can be completed individually or as a group.

To start a guildleve, talk to a NPC with <Levemete> under his or her name. After accepting it, guildleve appears in your Journal. Players can initiate the levequest from their journal.

  • Players gain 3 Levequest allowances every 12 hours, earth time. Leve allowances stack up to 100.

Battlecraft Leves

Main article: Battlecraft Leves

Battlecraft Leves are levequests for your Disciples of War or Magic classes and jobs. Battlecraft Leves require the player to complete specific combat related objectives within a time limit. These objectives include kill missions, investigation missions and escort missions. When you initiate a Levequest, you have the option to adjust its difficulty. The greater the difficulty is, the higher level the enemies are and the greater the rewards will be.

After you start a Levequest, the locations of the targets are displayed on your map. Target monsters will have silver card icons above their heads.

Tradecraft Leves

Main article: Tradecraft Leves
Completing Tradecraft Leves tutorial

Tradecraft Leves are levequests for your crafting classes. Tradecraft Leve is different from the other Leves. It requires the player to deliver specific crafted item(s) to the a client, with no time limit. The player completes the mission after delivering the item(s). High Quality versions of the items will earn the player greater rewards.

After the completion of a tradecraft leve, the player is awarded with experience for that crafting class.

  • High Quality items will earn players 100% additional experience.
  • In the case of 3 items Leves, High Quality items earn players 33% additional experience per items.

From level 1 - 49, the location of levequest givers are dependent on the class. There are 6 levequests every 5 level. 3 of which are in the guild of the main city of where you learned the class, and the other 3 will be in a location dependent on your class.

From level 50 - 59, all Tradecraft Leves will be in Foundation, quest giver Eloin (x10,y10).

FFXIV Crafting's Levequest Guide can also be helpful on this topic.

Fieldcraft Leves

Main article: Fieldcraft Leves

Fieldcraft Leves are levequests for your gathering classes. Fieldcraft Leves require the player to complete specific gathering related objectives within a time limit. These objectives range from visiting specific locations to gathering specific number of items.

After the completion of a gathering leve, the player is awarded with experience for that gathering class.

Grand Company Leves

Main article: Grand Company Leves
Grand Company Leve Tutorial

Grand Company Leves are combat quests available only to the members of a specific Grand Company. Players are required to talk to an officer of the Grand Company to accept these quests. By completing these leves, players will gain Grand Company Seals along with experience.

  • Players can perform Grand Company Leves for any of the 3 Grand Companies and receive seals for their own. If you perform Grand Company Leves of your own Company, you will receive bonus experience and seals.

Temple Leves

Main article: Temple Leves

Temple Leves are a new form of Leves available in Ishgard and other 3.0 areas. Similar to normal Leves, players can select from Battlecraft Leves, Fieldcraft Leves and Tradecraft Leves. Unlike normal Leves, players can undertake large-scale levequests which require ten leve allowances. These levequests are more difficult but offer greater experience and item rewards.

  • Large-scale Temple Leves require 10 times the Leve allowance, reward 5 times the EXP and are slightly more difficult. They are less allowance efficient and more time efficient.

Guildleve Locations


Level Zone Town NPC
1 - 4 Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing Graceful Song
5 - 9 Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing Graceful Song
10 - 14 Western Thanalan Horizon Totonowa
15 - 19 Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone Poponagu
25 - 29 Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo Esmond
40 - 44 Northern Thanalan Camp Bluefog Rurubana

The Black Shroud

Level Zone Town NPC
1 - 4 Central Shroud The Bannock Muriaule
5 - 9 Central Shroud The Bannock Muriaule
10 - 14 Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows Tierney
15 - 19 East Shroud Hawthorne Hut Qina Lyehga
20 - 24 South Shroud Quarrymill Nyell
25 - 29 South Shroud Quarrymill Nyell
30 - 34 South Shroud Camp Tranquil Merthelin

La Noscea

Level Zone Town NPC
1 - 4 Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead Wyrkholsk
5 - 9 Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead Wyrkholsk
10 - 14 Western La Noscea Swiftperch Swygskyf
15 - 19 Western La Noscea Aleport Orwen
20 - 24 Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks Ourawann
25 - 29 Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks Ourawann
30 - 34 Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol Nahctahr
35 - 39 Eastern La Noscea Wineport Aileen


Level Zone Town NPC
35 - 39 Coerthas Central Highlands The Observatorium Cimeaurant
40 - 44 Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Voilinaut

Mor Dhona

Level Zone Town NPC
45 - 49 Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find K'leytai

Grand Company Leve Locations

Level Grand Company Zone Town NPC Minimum Rank
20 - 24 Twin Adder East Shroud Hawthorne Hut Cedrepierre Private (Unknown Class)
20 - 24 Maelstrom Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks Eugene Private (Unknown Class)
20 - 24 Immortal Flames Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone Kikiri Private (Unknown Class)
25 - 29 Twin Adder East Shroud Hawthorne Hut Cedrepierre Private (Unknown Class)
25 - 29 Maelstrom Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks Eugene Private (Unknown Class)
25 - 29 Immortal Flames Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone Kikiri Private (Unknown Class)
30 - 34 Twin Adder South Shroud Camp Tranquil H'amneko Sergeant Third Class
30 - 34 Maelstrom Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol C'lafumyn Sergeant Third Class
30 - 34 Immortal Flames Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo Blue Herring Sergeant Third Class
35 - 39 All Three Coerthas Central Highlands The Observatorium Haisie Sergeant Third Class
40 - 44 All Three Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Lodile Sergeant Third Class
45 All Three Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find Eidhart Chief Sergeant
  • You can perform Grand Company Leves from any of the Company Sergeants not only Sergeants from your own Company, although performing Leves from your own Company will earn you bonus experience and seals.