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Anniversary was introduced in [[patch 4.4]].
Anniversary was introduced in [[patch 4.4]].

Players can register the date engraved on their eternity rings at the [[Sanctum of the Twelve]], allowing them to reaccept the quest [[The Ties that Bind]].
Players can register the date engraved on their eternity rings at the [[Sanctum of the Twelve]], allowing them to reaccept the quest {{questlink|feature|The Ties That Bind}}.
* Players may only reaccept this quest on or after the day of their anniversary.
* Players may only reaccept this quest on or after the day of their anniversary.
* Players may only undertake this quest for their anniversary once per year.
* Players may only undertake this quest for their anniversary once per year.

Revision as of 01:07, 21 August 2022

Ceremony of Eternal Bonding

Eternal Bond or the Ceremony of Eternal Bonding is the marriage system in A Realm Reborn. Revealed in E3 2014 and introduced in patch 2.45, any two players can show their devotions to each other by getting married or "Eternal Bonded." Players can marry whoever they want, regardless of gender, race, region, or allegiance. Married players will not only have a memorable ceremony with their friends but also receive special commemorative items depending on their Plans.

The main in-game utility of Eternal Bond is that player will be able to teleport to their partner with their Eternity Rings.

The ceremony takes place at the Sanctum of the Twelve (North of The Hawthorne Hut in the East Shroud).

Once Bonded, players can divorce by speaking to the Sanctum Acolyte.


Players can register for Eternal Bond in the Mog Station.

Players must complete the quest Feature QuestThe Ties That Bind by talking to Claribel in East Shroud (X:17.5 Y:18.2).

Players must reserve a time slot for the ceremony and are able to send out 40 guest invitations per player.


There are 3 tiers of Eternal Bond, Standard Plan, Gold Plan and Platinum Plan. Standard Plan is free, Gold Plan is $10 per player ($20 total) and Platinum Plan is $20 per player ($40 total).

Standard Plan

Standard Plan is Free.


Eternity ring icon1.png  Eternity Ring, Garments of Innocence (Undyable), Eternity cake icon1.png  Eternity Cake, Embrace (Emote).png  Embrace and new hairstyles.

Few Ceremony decoration, cutscene and music choices.

Gold Plan

Gold Ceremony cost $10 per player or ($20 total).

In addition to everything Standard players receive, Gold couples will receive dyeable wedding clothes, Ceremony Chocobo mount, and extra decoration, cutscene, and background music choices for the ceremony. Item for attending guests (demon giftbox minion?). Ability to book your wedding slot 1 hour ahead of Standard couples.


Eternity ring icon1.png  Eternity Ring, Garments of Passion (Dyable), Ceremony chocobo icon2.png  Ceremony Chocobo (2-seat mount), Eternity cake icon1.png  Eternity Cake, Embrace (Emote).png  Embrace, new hairstyles, Demon box icon2.png  Demon Box and Bridesmoogle icon2.png  Bridesmoogle for up to 80 guests.

More Ceremony decoration, cutscene and music choices.

Ability to book your wedding slot 1 hour ahead of Standard couples.

Platinum Plan

Platinum Ceremony cost $20 per player or ($40 total).


Eternity ring icon1.png  Eternity Ring, Garments of Passion (Dyable), Garments of Devotion (Dyable with special details), Ceremony chocobo icon2.png  Ceremony Chocobo (2-seat mount), Eternity cake icon1.png  Eternity Cake, Embrace (Emote).png  Embrace, new hairstyles, Demon box icon2.png  Demon Box and Bridesmoogle icon2.png  Bridesmoogle for up to 80 guests.

Most Ceremony decoration, cutscene and music choices.

Ability to book your wedding slot 1 hour ahead of Gold couples and 2 hours ahead of Standard couples.

Ceremony Registration

You can schedule the time and date of the ceremony by talking to Etoinelle at Chapel entrance.

Registration times are different depending on the level of your Plan. Registration for Platinum couples begin on Friday 1AM PST (4AM EST), Gold couples begin on Friday 2AM PST (5AM EST) and Standard couples begin on Friday 3AM PST (6AM EST).

Each venue reservation is for a 2 hour block. Players can register for up to 2 weeks ahead of the ceremony.

Ceremony of Eternal Bonding

Ceremony of eternal bonding1.jpg

The Ceremony of Eternal Bonding takes place at the Ivory Chapel inside The Sanctum of the Twelve.


The Lover's Kiss (Choir Moogle), The Spinner's Hand (Officiant of the Graces), and The Solemn Oath (Officiant of the Vows). Each is presided over by a different officiant, who brings a distinct feel to the proceedings.


Players have the choices of decorating their venues. Standard has a single option, Gold has 3 options and Platinum has 5.

Procession and Recession


  • Enter the Ivory Chapel on foot.
  • Enter the Ivory Chapel seated upon an enchanted gondola.


  • Leave the Ivory Chapel on foot.
  • Leave the Ivory Chapel riding a chocobo.

Gold and Platinum couples can change procession cutscenes.


Gold and Platinum couples can make changes to the ceremony music.

Day of the Ceremony

Guests must have the invitation in your inventory to attend the Ceremony.

When the scheduled time for your ceremony arrives, both you and your partner, along with any guests in attendance, may enter the venue by speaking with Etoinelle. Please be reminded that only those who possess an invitation may attend the ceremony. This requirement also extends to you and your partner, who must be in possession of your blank invitations.

Please be warned that the ceremony will be postponed if both you and your partner do not finalize wedding preparations in the dressing room within 20 minutes (Earth time) of the doors opening.

During the ceremony, you and your partner will receive eternity rings in exchange for your promise wristlets. On the day of the ceremony, please ensure that you have your blank invitation, your wristlet, and one free slot in your inventory. If you are unable to receive your eternity ring, the ceremony will be postponed and you will be required to reschedule.

Upon arriving at the venue, you and your partner will be shown to separate dressing rooms to attire yourself and finalize the ceremony plan.

The ceremony proper will commence no later than 40 minutes (Earth time) into the two-hour reservation.

Although the venue is reserved for two hours, the ceremony may conclude earlier.

Ceremony Proceedings

After you and your partner have finalized the ceremony plan in your respective dressing rooms, you will have another 20 minutes (Earth time) before the ceremony commences. If you do not wish to wait however, you may begin immediately by ringing the eternity bell.

The dressing room is the last place where you may attire yourself prior to the ceremony. Please ensure that your appearance is as you desire ahead of time.

The ceremony will proceed as follows:

  • You and your partner will make your entrance.
  • An address is given to guests in attendance.
  • The blessing and exchange of rings.

Ordinarily, the ceremony will proceed through its stages at a predetermined pace. If both you and your partner ring the eternity bell, however, you may move to the next stage without waiting.

After the exchange of rings, the reception will begin, during which time you, your partner, and your guests may mingle.

Please note that the ceremony requires a maximum of two hours (Earth time) from start to finish.

When the ceremony has ended, you may report to Claribel to complete the special quest Feature QuestThe Ties That Bind and receive rewards according to your service plan.


Eternal Bond Anniversary1.jpg

Anniversary was introduced in patch 4.4.

Players can register the date engraved on their eternity rings at the Sanctum of the Twelve, allowing them to reaccept the quest Feature QuestThe Ties That Bind.

  • Players may only reaccept this quest on or after the day of their anniversary.
  • Players may only undertake this quest for their anniversary once per year.

Registering an Anniversary

Players must form a party with their partner and, with eternity rings in their inventories, speak with Hawu Bajihri together at the Sanctum of the Twelve in the East Shroud (X:17.5 Y:18.4).

  • In the event a player and their partner are in different time zones, it is possible their anniversaries may be set to different dates.

Confirming Anniversary Dates

Players can speak with Hawu Bajihri at any time to confirm the date of their anniversary. A one-time notification will also be sent to players the next time they enter the East Shroud or any of the following areas on or after the day of their anniversary:

Reaccepting the Quest

When reaccepting the quest Feature QuestThe Ties That Bind, players will start from the ceremony planning stage of the quest. Furthermore, players will have access to all options available to the platinum plan, regardless of the plan selected for their first ceremony.

  • Players will not receive new ceremonial garments, eternity rings, ceremony chocobo whistles, Jandelaine's tokens, or magicked prisms (heart).


Other Items


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Dyeable Requirement
Bootlets of Eternal Devotion Bootlets of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Feet 4 9 Yes Platinum Plan
Bootlets of Eternal Innocence Bootlets of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Feet 4 9 No Standard Plan
Bootlets of Eternal Passion Bootlets of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Feet 4 9 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans
Boots of Eternal Devotion Boots of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Feet 4 9 Yes Platinum Plan
Boots of Eternal Innocence Boots of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Feet 4 9 No Standard Plan
Boots of Eternal Passion Boots of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Feet 4 9 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans
Gloves of Eternal Devotion Gloves of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Hands 4 9 Yes Platinum Plan
Gloves of Eternal Innocence Gloves of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Hands 4 9 No Standard Plan
Gloves of Eternal Passion Gloves of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Hands 4 9 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans
Gown of Eternal Devotion Gown of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Body 6 13 Yes Platinum Plan
Gown of Eternal Innocence Gown of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Body 6 13 No Standard Plan
Gown of Eternal Passion Gown of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Body 6 13 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans
Slacks of Eternal Devotion Slacks of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 Yes Platinum Plan
Slacks of Eternal Innocence Slacks of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 No Standard Plan
Slacks of Eternal Passion Slacks of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans
Tailcoat of Eternal Devotion Tailcoat of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Body 6 13 Yes Platinum Plan
Tailcoat of Eternal Innocence Tailcoat of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Body 6 13 No Standard Plan
Tailcoat of Eternal Passion Tailcoat of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Body 6 13 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans
Tights of Eternal Devotion Tights of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 Yes Platinum Plan
Tights of Eternal Innocence Tights of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 No Standard Plan
Tights of Eternal Passion Tights of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans
Veil of Eternal Devotion Veil of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Head 4 9 Yes Platinum Plan
Veil of Eternal Innocence Veil of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Head 4 9 No Standard Plan
Veil of Eternal Passion Veil of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Head 4 9 Yes Gold and Platinum Plans


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Requirement
Eternity Ring Eternity ring icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Ring 0 0 0 Standard, Gold and Platinum Plans
Promise of Devotion Promise of devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Bracelets 0 0 0 Platinum Plan
Promise of Innocence Promise of innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Bracelets 0 0 0 Standard Plan
Promise of Passion Promise of passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Bracelets 0 0 0 Gold Plan