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{{Item infobox
|Unique =  
| name = Cobalt Plate
|Image = cobalt plate icon1.png
| icon = cobalt plate icon1.png
|Name = Cobalt Plate
| description = A sheet of hammered cobalt.
|Type = Metal
| effects =  
|Stack = 99
| duration =
|Recast =  
| type = crafting material
|Description = A sheet of hammered cobalt.
| material-type = Metal
|Exchange =  
| untradable =  
|ObjectType =Materials
| unsellable =  
|Gil = 25
| rarity = white
| recast =
| recast-hq =
| value = 2
| value-hq = 3
| patch = 2.0
| id-gt = 5074
Cobalt Plate is a [[Metal]] [[Materials|material]] used to [[crafting|craft]] various [[items]].
===Crafting Recipe===
==Obtained By==
===Recipe 1===
| source = class
| sheet =  
Level 43 [[Armorer]]
| type = Metal
| class = Armorer
* 5 [[Ice Shard]],  2 [[Cobalt Ingot]]
| level = 43
| durability = 40
| difficulty = 77
|valign=top width=10%|'''Yield'''<br />
| max-quality = 1264
| yield = 1
|valign=top width=10%|'''Difficulty'''
| quick-synthesis =  
| qs-craftsmanship =  
|valign=top width=10%|'''Durability'''<br />
| hq =
| craftsmanship =
|valign=top width=10%|'''Maximum Quality'''<br />
| craftsmanship-rec = 150
| ingredient1 = 2 Cobalt Ingot
| ingredient2 = 5 Ice Shard
===Purchased From===
===[[Treasure Hunt]]===
{{contained in}}
===Dropped By===

==Used For==
==Used For==
{{quest list}}
===Crafting Ingredient===
===Crafting Ingredient===
*[[Corner Counter]] (Level 46 [[Carpenter]])
{{recipe list}}
*[[Cannonballs]] (Level 45 [[Blacksmith]])
===[[Free Company Crafting]]===
*[[Cobalt Raising Hammer]] (Level 47 [[Blacksmith]])
*{{Item icon|Coelacanth-class Bow}}
*[[Egret Dolabra]] (Level 48 [[Blacksmith]])
*{{Item icon|Coelacanth-class Bridge}}
*[[Cobalt Claws]] (Level 49 [[Blacksmith]])
*{{Item icon|Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull}}
*[[Bertha Cannon]] (Level 50 [[Blacksmith]])
*{{Item icon|Invincible II-type Hull}}
*[[Wolf Claws]] (Level 50 [[Blacksmith]])
*{{Item icon|Modified Unkiu-class Pressure Hull}}
*[[Cobalt Skillet]] (Level 43 [[Armorer]])
*{{Item icon|Whale-class Pressure Hull}}
*[[Cobalt Scutum]] (Level 44 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Vambraces]] (Level 44 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Elmo]] (Level 45 [[Armorer]])
*[[Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers]] (Level 45 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt-plated Jackboots]] (Level 45 [[Armorer]])
*[[Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves]] (Level 45 [[Armorer]])
*[[Glade Rounded Chimney]] (Level 45 [[Armorer]])
*[[Moogle Letter Box]] (Level 45 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Barbut]] (Level 46 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt-plated Caligae]] (Level 46 [[Armorer]])
*[[Metal Interior Wall]] (Level 46 [[Armorer]])
*[[Metal Flooring]] (Level 46 [[Armorer]])
*[[Riviera Desk]] (Level 46 [[Armorer]])
*[[Hells&#39; Kitchen]] (Level 47 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets]] (Level 48 [[Armorer]])
*[[Company Chest]] (Level 48 [[Armorer]])
*[[Riviera Bookshelf]] (Level 48 [[Armorer]])
*[[Manor Fireplace]] (Level 48 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield]] (Level 49 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Sallet]] (Level 49 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Mesail]] (Level 49 [[Armorer]])
*[[Oasis Chandelier]] (Level 49 [[Armorer]])
*[[Thermal Alembic]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Kite Shield]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Celata]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Chain Coif]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Cuirass]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Gauntlets]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Plate Belt]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Sabatons]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Sollerets]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Militia Barbut]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Militia Mitt Gauntlets]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Armorer&#39;s Visor]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Kite Shield]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Celata]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Elmo]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Cuirass]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Gauntlets]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Scale Fingers]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Plate Belt]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Sabatons]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Wolf Scale Greaves]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Projection Module]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Purification Module]] (Level 50 [[Armorer]])
*[[Cobalt Preserves]] (Level 44 [[Goldsmith]])
*[[Gargoyle Sculpture]] (Level 50 [[Goldsmith]])
*[[Regal Letter Box]] (Level 50 [[Goldsmith]])

Revision as of 22:54, 17 September 2023


Cobalt Plate

Item type
Material type
Carpenter frame icon.png 46
Blacksmith frame icon.png 45
Armorer frame icon.png 43
Goldsmith frame icon.png 44
Vendor Value
Gil 2 HQ icon.png Gil 3
Market board icon1.png MB prices

A sheet of hammered cobalt.

— In-game description


Crafting Recipe

Cobalt Plate
Armorer frame icon.png ARM
Max quality
Quick Synthesis
High Quality
Craftsmanship rec.

Treasure Hunt

Used For


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Cobalt Aforethought Levequest quest 45 T'mokkri

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Cobalt skillet icon1.png  Cobalt Skillet ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 43
Cobalt preserves icon1.png  Cobalt Preserves ABasic Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 44
Cobalt scutum icon1.png  Cobalt Scutum ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 44
Cobalt vambraces icon1.png  Cobalt Vambraces ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 44
Altered cobalt elmo icon1.png  Altered Cobalt Elmo ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 45
Cannonballs icon1.png  Cannonballs ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 45
Cobalt elmo icon1.png  Cobalt Elmo ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 45
Cobalt-plated jackboots icon1.png  Cobalt-plated Jackboots ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 45
Glade rounded chimney icon1.png  Glade Rounded Chimney ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 45
Moogle letter box icon1.png  Moogle Letter Box ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 45
Tortoiseshell scale fingers icon1.png  Tortoiseshell Scale Fingers ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 45
Tortoiseshell scale greaves icon1.png  Tortoiseshell Scale Greaves ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 45
Cobalt barbut icon1.png  Cobalt Barbut ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 46
Cobalt-plated caligae icon1.png  Cobalt-plated Caligae ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 46
Corner counter icon1.png  Corner Counter ABasic Carpenter frame icon.png CRP 46
Metal flooring icon1.png  Metal Flooring ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 46
Metal interior wall icon1.png  Metal Interior Wall ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 46
Riviera desk icon1.png  Riviera Desk ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 46
Cobalt raising hammer icon1.png  Cobalt Raising Hammer ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 47
Hells kitchen icon1.png  Hells' Kitchen ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 47
Cobalt mitt gauntlets icon1.png  Cobalt Mitt Gauntlets ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 48
Company chest icon1.png  Company Chest ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 48
Egret dolabra icon1.png  Egret Dolabra ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 48
Manor fireplace icon1.png  Manor Fireplace ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 48
Riviera bookshelf icon1.png  Riviera Bookshelf ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 48
Cobalt bladed lantern shield icon1.png  Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 49
Cobalt claws icon1.png  Cobalt Claws ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 49
Cobalt mesail icon1.png  Cobalt Mesail ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 49
Cobalt sallet icon1.png  Cobalt Sallet ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 49
Oasis chandelier icon1.png  Oasis Chandelier ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 49
Altered cobalt cuirass icon1.png  Altered Cobalt Cuirass ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Altered cobalt gauntlets icon1.png  Altered Cobalt Gauntlets ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Altered cobalt sabatons icon1.png  Altered Cobalt Sabatons ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Cobalt celata icon1.png  Cobalt Celata ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Cobalt chain coif icon1.png  Cobalt Chain Coif ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Cobalt cuirass icon1.png  Cobalt Cuirass ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Cobalt gauntlets icon1.png  Cobalt Gauntlets ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Cobalt mask icon1.png  Cobalt Mask ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Cobalt sabatons icon1.png  Cobalt Sabatons ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Cobalt sollerets icon1.png  Cobalt Sollerets ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Kite shield icon1.png  Kite Shield ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Thermal alembic icon1.png  Thermal Alembic ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50
Armorers visor icon1.png  Armorer's Visor BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50 ★
Bertha cannon icon1.png  Bertha Cannon ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 50 ★
Militia barbut icon1.png  Militia Barbut BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50 ★
Militia mitt gauntlets icon1.png  Militia Mitt Gauntlets BGreen Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50 ★
Gargoyle sculpture icon1.png  Gargoyle Sculpture ABasic Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 50 ★★
Projection module icon1.png  Projection Module ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50 ★★★
Purification module icon1.png  Purification Module ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 50 ★★★
Regal letter box icon1.png  Regal Letter Box ABasic Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 50 ★★★
Hingan house roof (kura-zukuri) icon1.png  Hingan House Roof (Kura-zukuri) ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 64
Factory flooring icon1.png  Factory Flooring ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 80
Factory interior wall icon1.png  Factory Interior Wall ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 80

Free Company Crafting