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{{:Endwalker Role Quests}}

*According to the developers, role quests replaced job quests due to the difficulty of developing many job-specific storylines each [[expansion]]. This is due to the increasing number of jobs per expansion and increasing fame of the player character in their respective jobs over time. <ref>http://blog.livedoor.jp/umadori0726/archives/60517255.html</ref>
[[Category:Patch 5.0 Features‎]][[Category:Patch 6.0 Features‎]]
[[Category:Patch 5.0 Features‎]][[Category:Patch 6.0 Features‎]]

Revision as of 03:10, 16 October 2023

Role Quests are the replacement for Job Quests beginning with the Shadowbringers expansion. Players must complete at least one role quest chain to complete the Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests. Role quests in Endwalker are optional for main scenario progression but provide other rewards and are needed for Battle Mentor qualification.

Crafting and Gathering classes instead progress to The Crystalline Mean in Shadowbringers, followed by The Studium in Endwalker.


Shadowbringers Role Quests are unlocked upon completing the level 70 main scenario quest Main Scenario QuestWarrior of Darkness. Completing at least one role questline is mandatory to finish the level 79 main scenario quest Main Scenario QuestThe Light of Inspiration.

These role quests focus on assisting bounty hunters in Norvrandt to exterminate powerful Sin Eaters known as the Cardinal Virtues.

Tank role.png Tank

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
The Man with Too Many Scars Role quest 70 Granson
Shaped by Tragedy Role quest 72 Granson
Defined by Loss Role quest 74 Granson
The Princess and Her Knight Role quest 76 Granson
The Hardened Heart Role quest 78 Sul Oul 1 Paella icon1.png  Paella
To Have Loved and Lost Role quest 80 Sul Oul Speaker for the righteous icon1.png  Speaker for the Righteous
Tank Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
Tank Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
1 Battledance materia vii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII

Melee DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical DPS

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
No Greater Sport Role quest 70 Lue-Reeq
Vengeance in Defeat Role quest 72 Lue-Reeq
Freedom from Privilege Role quest 74 Lue-Reeq
The Hunter's Legacy Role quest 76 Lue-Reeq
Fellowship Restored Role quest 78 Olvara 1 Risotto al nero icon1.png  Risotto al Nero
Courage Born of Fear Role quest 80 Lue-Reeq Speaker for the brave icon1.png  Speaker for the Brave
Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
Physical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
1 Heavens eye materia vii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII

Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Hollow Pursuits Role quest 70 Cerigg
A Voice from the Void Role quest 72 Cerigg
Echoes of the Past Role quest 74 Cerigg
Nyelbert's Lament Role quest 76 Cerigg
Taynor's Training Day Role quest 78 Cerigg 1 Espresso con panna icon1.png  Espresso con Panna
A Tearful Reunion Role quest 80 Cerigg Speaker for the wise icon1.png  Speaker for the Wise
Magical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
Magical DPS Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
1 Heavens eye materia vii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII
5 Nightworld silver piece icon1.png  Nightworld Silver Piece

Healer role.png Healer

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Traditions and Travails Role quest 70 Giott
Affronts and Allies Role quest 72 Giott
The Scientific Method Role quest 74 Giott
The Lost and the Found Role quest 76 Giott
Never to Return Role quest 78 Giott 1 Masala chai icon1.png  Masala Chai
The Soul of Temperance Role quest 80 Giott Speaker for the honorable icon1.png  Speaker for the Honorable
Healer Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
Healer Role Quests (Shadowbringers)
1 Piety materia vii icon1.png  Piety Materia VII
1 Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII
1 Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII

Master Role Quests

This optional quest chain is unlocked by completing Main Scenario QuestShadowbringers and all previous role quests in Shadowbringers.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
Shadow Walk with Me Sidequest 80 Glynard Tales to be told icon1.png  Tales to Be Told
Safekeeping Sidequest 80 Cyella
Role Master Quests (Shadowbringers)
Role Master Quests (Shadowbringers)


Unlike Shadowbringers Role Quests which are available early on in the Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests, Endwalker Role Quests become available around halfway through the Endwalker Main Scenario Quests. Specifically, they require the completion of the level 85 quest Main Scenario QuestAt World's End. Each questline involves working with a leader of the Eorzean Alliance - Gridania for tanks, Limsa Lominsa for melee DPS, Doma for physical ranged DPS, Ishgard for magical ranged DPS, and Ala Mhigo for healers - to hunt down monsters known as blasphemies. Completing a given questline will unlock the ability to dye all Endwalker Artifact Armor for that role.

Tank role.png Tank

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Shrouded in Peril Role quest 85 Gridanian Delegate
To Give Voice Role quest 86 Keeper of the Entwined Serpents
A Gift Undone Role quest 87 Keeper of the Entwined Serpents
A Pact Proven Role quest 88 Keeper of the Entwined Serpents
Hearts True Role quest 89 Keeper of the Entwined Serpents 1 Coconut cod chowder icon1.png  Coconut Cod Chowder
A Path Unveiled Role quest 90 Keeper of the Entwined Serpents More than death icon1.png  More than Death
Tank Role Quests (Endwalker)
Tank Role Quests (Endwalker)
2 Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX
2 Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX
2 Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX

Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Storm Clouds Brewing Role quest 85 Lominsan Delegate
The Crushing Tide Role quest 86 Maelstrom Secretariat
Old Heroes Never Die Role quest 87 Maelstrom Secretariat
A Mother's Suffering Role quest 88 Maelstrom Secretariat
Out of the Shadows Role quest 89 Maelstrom Secretariat 1 Coconut cod chowder icon1.png  Coconut Cod Chowder
To Calmer Seas Role quest 90 Maelstrom Secretariat More than loss icon1.png  More than Loss
Melee DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)
Melee DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)
2 Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX
2 Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX
2 Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX

Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Seeds of Disquiet Role quest 85 Doman Delegate
When the Kami Answer Role quest 86 Yugiri
Home No Longer Role quest 87 Yugiri
The Devoted Daughter Role quest 88 Yugiri
A Singular Gift Role quest 89 Yugiri 1 Coconut cod chowder icon1.png  Coconut Cod Chowder
Laid to Rest Role quest 90 Yugiri More than loneliness icon1.png  More than Loneliness
Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)
Physical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)
2 Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX
2 Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX
2 Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX

Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Our Aching Souls Role quest 85 Ishgardian Delegate
No Forgiveness, No Deliverance Role quest 86 Artoirel
Only Justice, Only Vengeance Role quest 87 Artoirel
Wills Unending, Faith Unbending Role quest 88 Artoirel
O Mighty Fury, Guide Us to Victory Role quest 89 Artoirel 1 Coconut cod chowder icon1.png  Coconut Cod Chowder
Ever March Heavensward Role quest 90 Artoirel More than fear icon1.png  More than Fear
Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)
Magical Ranged DPS Role Quests (Endwalker)
2 Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX
2 Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX
2 Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX

Healer role.png Healer

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Far from Free Role quest 85 Ala Mhigan Delegate
The Butcher's Blade Role quest 86 Blasphemy Hunter
A New Battleground Role quest 87 Blasphemy Hunter
Laying the Past to Rest Role quest 88 Blasphemy Hunter
Trail of Skulls Role quest 89 Blasphemy Hunter 1 Salted thavnairian cod icon1.png  Salted Thavnairian Cod
The Gift of Mercy Role quest 90 Blasphemy Hunter More than guilt icon1.png  More than Guilt
Healer Role Quests (Endwalker)
Healer Role Quests (Endwalker)
2 Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX
2 Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX
2 Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX

Master Role Quests

This quest chain is unlocked by completing Main Scenario QuestEndwalker and all previous role quests in Endwalker.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Bitter Snow Sidequest 90 Shirabaht
Frozen Hope Sidequest 90 Artoirel
3 Grade 6 tincture of strength icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Strength
3 Grade 6 tincture of dexterity icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity
3 Grade 6 tincture of vitality icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Vitality
3 Grade 6 tincture of intelligence icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Intelligence
3 Grade 6 tincture of mind icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Mind
Misguided Few Sidequest 90 Fourchenault
3 Piety materia x icon1.png  Piety Materia X
3 Battledance materia x icon1.png  Battledance Materia X
3 Quickarm materia x icon1.png  Quickarm Materia X
3 Quicktongue materia x icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia X
Forlorn Glory Sidequest 90 Fourchenault Sum of our parts icon1.png  Sum of Our Parts
Role Master Quests (Endwalker)
Role Master Quests (Endwalker)
3 Heavens eye materia x icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia X
3 Savage aim materia x icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia X
3 Savage might materia x icon1.png  Savage Might Materia X


  • According to the developers, role quests replaced job quests due to the difficulty of developing many job-specific storylines each expansion. This is due to the increasing number of jobs per expansion and increasing fame of the player character in their respective jobs over time. [1]
