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m (Add missing optional dialog)
(8 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 7: Line 7:
| location-y = 11
| location-y = 11
| type = main scenario
| type = main scenario
| quest-line = Heavensward Main Scenario
| quest-line = Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
| level = 59
| level = 59
| req-items =  
| req-items =  
| exp = 172800
| exp = 53820
| gil = 641
| gil = 641
| reward-opt1 = 1 Piety Materia IV
| reward-opt1 = 1 Piety Materia IV
Line 16: Line 16:
| reward-opt3 = 1 Savage Aim Materia IV
| reward-opt3 = 1 Savage Aim Materia IV
| reward-opt4 = 1 Heavens' Eye Materia IV
| reward-opt4 = 1 Heavens' Eye Materia IV
| unlocks = ot Aether Current
| unlocks = cur Aether Current
| prev-quest = The First Flight of the Excelsior
| prev-quest = The First Flight of the Excelsior
| next-quest = In Node We Trust, Basic Training, Good Clean Fun, General Protection Fault, Excessive Force
| next-quest = In Node We Trust, Basic Training, Good Clean Fun, General Protection Fault, Excessive Force
| patch = 3.0
| patch = 3.0
| release = Heavensward
| release = Heavensward
| msq-index = 330
*Search for a terminal. 0/3
*Search for a terminal. 0/3
Line 41: Line 42:
*You find Wedge, who in his turn has found a curious spherical... ''thing''. Ask Cid what he makes of this discovery.
*You find Wedge, who in his turn has found a curious spherical... ''thing''. Ask Cid what he makes of this discovery.

*The spherical device turns out to be a “[[Guidance Node|guidance node]],” which furnishes you with a destination: the [[The Aetherochemical Research Facility|Aetherochemical Research Facility]], situated upon the [[The Flapship|Flagship]]. Though it is unclear what the [[Thordan VII|archbishop]] seeks in the area marked “[[The Warring Triad|Triad Control]],” you can be sure no good will come of it.
*The spherical device turns out to be a “[[Guidance Node|guidance node]],” which furnishes you with a destination: [[the Aetherochemical Research Facility]], situated upon [[the Flagship]]. Though it is unclear what the [[Thordan VII|archbishop]] seeks in the area marked “[[The Warring Triad|Triad Control]],” you can be sure no good will come of it.
===Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)===
'''Cid:''' First of all, in the interests of efficiency, I suggest we make this place our base camp. We can coordinate the search for the archbishop from here.
'''Alphinaud:''' I have no objections. Now that we stand upon Azys Lla, I am struck by the vastness of the isle. We must needs be methodical if we are to find our quarry.
'''Cid:''' Good. Now, unless I'm mistaken, this used to be an airship landing, and a major one at that. From what I know if Allagan design, there should be a terminal nearby that's linked to the isle's operational heart.
'''Cid:''' If we can find such a terminal, we should be able to learn something of the archbishop's whereabouts. Let's split up and look for it.
===Searching for an active terminal===
'''Biggs:''' The empire borrowed most of its technology from Allagan relics. If we can find the terminal, I reckon we can operate it.
'''Alphinaud:''' I daresay this landing could accommodate even a Ragnarok-class vessel... Remarkable.
'''Estinien:''' Machines are beyond my ken—I shall leave it to the others to find this "terminal." Of more concern to me are the dragons that I sense nearby.
====Optional Dialogue====
'''Biggs:''' This place is an engineer's playground. If I had the time, I'd be going over it with a bleedin' magnifying glass.
'''Cid:''' This terminal has long since ceased to function. Search for another.
'''Alphinaud:''' To think that such a massive structure has been floating above our heads for all these millennia... It beggars belief...
'''Y'shtola:''' Alas, I have found naught of use.
'''Estinien:''' This ominous presence... To whom does it belong?
===Speaking with Cid===
'''Cid:''' ...Nothing? Damn it. There's just this terminal, then, but it doesn't respond to anything I do. Any bright ideas, Wedge?  '''Cid:''' ...Wedge? He was here just a moment ago. Oh, don't tell me he's wandered off...
'''Cid:''' I'm sorry, [Forename], but could you help me search for him? Absent-minded as he is, I worry that he's strayed beyond the landing area, and made friends with the local sentinels.
'''Cid:''' I need you to help me search for Wedge. Absent—minded as he is, I worry that he's strayed beyond the landing area, and made friends with the local sentinels.
===Searching for Wedge (Cutscene)===
'''Wedge:''' Owww....
'''Cid:''' Wedge! Are you all right!?
'''Wedge:''' I-I'm fine, Chief. I just tripped, that's all.
'''Cid:''' Fool of a Lalafell! What were you thinking, coming here on your own!? Death by overwork is one thing—death by ''stupidity'' quite another!
'''Wedge:''' I'm sorry, Chief... B-But I think I've found something!
'''Cid:''' What is this? The wreck of a sentinel?
'''Wedge:''' This is no wreck, Chief! She's still operational!
'''Wedge:''' See?
'''Guidance Node:''' <blip> Initiating....
Performing diagnostics...
<blip> Diagnosis complete.
To proceed, please agree to the terms and conditions of use.
'''''< Do you agree? >'''''
'''< Yes. >'''
'''< I... suppose? >'''
'''(Either answer)'''
'''Guidance Node:''' Thank you. To register as a user, please state your name.
'''Wedge:''' I'm Wedge, and that there is [Forename]!
'''Guidance Node:''' <blip> User registration complete. Welcome to Azys Lla, Master Wedge and (Master/Mistress) [Forename]. I am Guidance Node G-Li.
====Optional Dialogue====
'''Biggs:''' That fool of a Lalafell, always making us worry... And he's already gone and named the node! Can you believe it?
'''Wedge:''' I'm sorry... I promise to more careful from now on...
'''Guidance Node:''' <blip> Greeting, Mistress/Master [Forename]. Is there something you wish to know?
'''Alphinaud:''' This device serves as an aetheryte, yet it is not made of crystal. To think that the Allagans could emulate the properties of so fundamental a substance...
'''Y'shtola:''' No. Nothing at all.
'''Estinien:''' Did you find anything?
===Speaking with Cid (Cutscene)===
'''Cid:''' Hm. This isn't quite what I had in mind, but it might just serve.
'''Cid:''' Wedge, bring the node this way, would you? There's something I'd like to try.
====Cutscene Start====
'''Cid:''' Node! I need a status report on the facility!
'''Wedge:''' Gilly! You have to do what the chief says!
'''Wedge:''' Yes, that's it! Good girl!
'''Cid:''' Ah, here we are...Hmmm, not much of note. It appears someone recently reactivated "Helix," which is this area.
'''Alphinaud:''' Reactivated, you say?
'''Cid:''' By the archbishop, I'd wager. I daresay he woke the place up when he used the Vanu's key.
'''Cid:''' Are there any other people in the facility? If so, where? 
'''Cid:''' Let's see here... On the "Flagship"—that's the central isle—I'm seeing positive readings within the Aethereochemical Research Facility and the Fractal Continuum...
'''Cid:''' And what have we here? Intruders detected in the Gamma Quadrant, defense system engaged.
'''Y'shtola:''' Our imperial friends, I suspect. I hope they enjoy the defense system. But what of the archbishop and his cronies?
'''Cid:''' Hmmm, what might offer an indication? ...Ah! How about this: which area is currently consuming the most energy?
'''Cid:''' ...Somewhere called "Triad Control," inside the research facility.
'''Alphinaud:''' And what manner of place is that?
'''Cid:''' It is, and I quote, "a regulation facility for the 'Warring Triad' test subjects." And that's all it says. The rest of the information is only accessible to users with consular privileges.
'''Y'shtola:''' I mislike the sound of this...which leads me to believe that it is indeed the place.
'''Alphinaud:''' I am inclined to agree with Y'shtola. Whatever it is the archbishop seeks, it is like to be there.
'''Cid:''' That settles it, then. Let's find a way to cross over to the Flagship.

Latest revision as of 19:47, 16 June 2024

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Systematic Exploration

Quest giver
Azys Lla (X:9, Y:11)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Experience 53,820
Gil 641
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe First Flight of the Excelsior
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Node We Trust
Side QuestBasic Training
Side QuestGood Clean Fun
Side QuestGeneral Protection Fault
Side QuestExcessive Force

Main Scenario Progress: 330 / 960 (34.4%)


Heavensward Progress: 89 / 138 (64.5%)


Cid looks like a man with a plan.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


  • Search for a terminal. 0/3
  • Speak with Cid.
  • Speak with Cid.


  • Having established a base camp, Cid suggests that you find one of the terminals connected to the isle's operational heart. Search the area for an active terminal.
  • Your search has yielded nothing. Return to base camp and report to Cid.
  • As he ponders your report, Cid notices with a start that Wedge has wandered off without a word. Help him find his absent-minded colleague before trouble does.
  • You find Wedge, who in his turn has found a curious spherical... thing. Ask Cid what he makes of this discovery.


Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Cid: First of all, in the interests of efficiency, I suggest we make this place our base camp. We can coordinate the search for the archbishop from here. 
Alphinaud: I have no objections. Now that we stand upon Azys Lla, I am struck by the vastness of the isle. We must needs be methodical if we are to find our quarry. 
Cid: Good. Now, unless I'm mistaken, this used to be an airship landing, and a major one at that. From what I know if Allagan design, there should be a terminal nearby that's linked to the isle's operational heart. 
Cid: If we can find such a terminal, we should be able to learn something of the archbishop's whereabouts. Let's split up and look for it. 

Searching for an active terminal

Biggs: The empire borrowed most of its technology from Allagan relics. If we can find the terminal, I reckon we can operate it. 
Alphinaud: I daresay this landing could accommodate even a Ragnarok-class vessel... Remarkable.
Estinien: Machines are beyond my ken—I shall leave it to the others to find this "terminal." Of more concern to me are the dragons that I sense nearby. 

Optional Dialogue

Biggs: This place is an engineer's playground. If I had the time, I'd be going over it with a bleedin' magnifying glass.
Cid: This terminal has long since ceased to function. Search for another.
Alphinaud: To think that such a massive structure has been floating above our heads for all these millennia... It beggars belief...
Y'shtola: Alas, I have found naught of use.
Estinien: This ominous presence... To whom does it belong?

Speaking with Cid

Cid: ...Nothing? Damn it. There's just this terminal, then, but it doesn't respond to anything I do. Any bright ideas, Wedge?  Cid: ...Wedge? He was here just a moment ago. Oh, don't tell me he's wandered off... 
Cid: I'm sorry, [Forename], but could you help me search for him? Absent-minded as he is, I worry that he's strayed beyond the landing area, and made friends with the local sentinels. 
Cid: I need you to help me search for Wedge. Absent—minded as he is, I worry that he's strayed beyond the landing area, and made friends with the local sentinels.

Searching for Wedge (Cutscene)

Wedge: Owww....
Cid: Wedge! Are you all right!?
Wedge: I-I'm fine, Chief. I just tripped, that's all.
Cid: Fool of a Lalafell! What were you thinking, coming here on your own!? Death by overwork is one thing—death by stupidity quite another! 
Wedge: I'm sorry, Chief... B-But I think I've found something!
Cid: What is this? The wreck of a sentinel? 
Wedge: This is no wreck, Chief! She's still operational! 
Wedge: See?
Guidance Node: <blip> Initiating.... 
Performing diagnostics... 
<blip> Diagnosis complete. 
To proceed, please agree to the terms and conditions of use. 
< Do you agree? >
< Yes. >
< I... suppose? >
(Either answer)
Guidance Node: Thank you. To register as a user, please state your name. 
Wedge: I'm Wedge, and that there is [Forename]!
Guidance Node: <blip> User registration complete. Welcome to Azys Lla, Master Wedge and (Master/Mistress) [Forename]. I am Guidance Node G-Li. 

Optional Dialogue

Biggs: That fool of a Lalafell, always making us worry... And he's already gone and named the node! Can you believe it?
Wedge: I'm sorry... I promise to more careful from now on...
Guidance Node: <blip> Greeting, Mistress/Master [Forename]. Is there something you wish to know?
Alphinaud: This device serves as an aetheryte, yet it is not made of crystal. To think that the Allagans could emulate the properties of so fundamental a substance...
Y'shtola: No. Nothing at all.
Estinien: Did you find anything?

Speaking with Cid (Cutscene)

Cid: Hm. This isn't quite what I had in mind, but it might just serve. 
Cid: Wedge, bring the node this way, would you? There's something I'd like to try. 

Cutscene Start

Cid: Node! I need a status report on the facility! 
Wedge: Gilly! You have to do what the chief says! 
Wedge: Yes, that's it! Good girl! 
Cid: Ah, here we are...Hmmm, not much of note. It appears someone recently reactivated "Helix," which is this area.
Alphinaud: Reactivated, you say? 
Cid: By the archbishop, I'd wager. I daresay he woke the place up when he used the Vanu's key. 
Cid: Are there any other people in the facility? If so, where?  
Cid: Let's see here... On the "Flagship"—that's the central isle—I'm seeing positive readings within the Aethereochemical Research Facility and the Fractal Continuum... 
Cid: And what have we here? Intruders detected in the Gamma Quadrant, defense system engaged. 
Y'shtola: Our imperial friends, I suspect. I hope they enjoy the defense system. But what of the archbishop and his cronies? 
Cid: Hmmm, what might offer an indication? ...Ah! How about this: which area is currently consuming the most energy? 
Cid: ...Somewhere called "Triad Control," inside the research facility. 
Alphinaud: And what manner of place is that? 
Cid: It is, and I quote, "a regulation facility for the 'Warring Triad' test subjects." And that's all it says. The rest of the information is only accessible to users with consular privileges.
Y'shtola: I mislike the sound of this...which leads me to believe that it is indeed the place. 
Alphinaud: I am inclined to agree with Y'shtola. Whatever it is the archbishop seeks, it is like to be there. 
Cid: That settles it, then. Let's find a way to cross over to the Flagship.