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*[[Heavens' Ward Helm Fragment]] - Used to purchase weapons, shield, and barding.
*[[Heavens' Ward Helm Fragment]] - Used to purchase weapons, shield, and barding.
*[[Round Table Barding]]
*[[Round Table Barding]]
*[[Archbishop Thordan VII Card]]
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Revision as of 15:47, 11 November 2015

Template:Dungeon Infobox

See also: The Singularity Reactor

"With his typical flair for embellishment, the wandering minstrel has woven yet another stirring epic─this time from the threads of your Azys Lla confrontation with Archbishop Thordan VII. With the final verse yet ringing in the chambers of your mind, the memories of that titanic struggle arise once more with an almost surreal clarity..." — Game Description



King Thoradan

  • Turn away when he casts Dragon's Gaze to avoid being feared
  • for Lightning storm, spread out
  • Dragon's Rage - stack on the player who gets the glowing arrow
  • phase ends when he sticks his sword in the ground - stack in center if you're not already

Ser Chamibert

  • run in opposite directions to break the chain
  • one person per pillar of light

Ser Zepherin

  • the lower his health, the less damage Sacred Cross will do
  • three knights will appear at the edges and will charge forward
    • stand in the correct spot along the edge to avoid them
      • don't be between two blue knights, be between a red and blue knight

Ser Janlenoux and Ser Adelphel

  • tank them apart so they don't tether
  • Divine Right - one knight will put up a shield buff, one a sword buff, focus on the one with the sword buff
  • blue marks will target three players and do aoe damage
    • first targeted player runs to the right of the focused knight
    • second player runs to the left
    • third player runs to the right again
  • the knights will continue using Diving Right to swap their sword/shield buffs, change target to the one with the swords buff

Other Phases

  • ???



Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Axe of the Heavens Axe of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 MRD WAR 75 (Physical) 3.44 86.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Skill Speed +97
Bow of the Heavens Bow of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 ARC BRD 68 (Physical) 3.04 68.90 0 Dexterity +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Determination +93
Cane of the Heavens Cane of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 CNJ WHM 104 (Magical) 3.44 86.00 0 Vitality +99, Mind +105, Piety +75, Spell Speed +97
Claymore of the Heavens Claymore of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 DRK 75 (Physical) 2.96 74.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Parry +68, Critical Hit Rate +97
Codex of the Heavens Codex of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 SCH 104 (Magical) 3.12 78.00 0 Vitality +99, Mind +105, Piety +75, Determination +93
Daggers of the Heavens Daggers of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 ROG NIN 75 (Physical) 2.64 66.00 0 Dexterity +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Determination +93
Grimoire of the Heavens Grimoire of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 ACN SMN 104 (Magical) 3.12 78.00 0 Vitality +99, Intelligence +105, Critical Hit Rate +97, Determination +65
Halberd of the Heavens Halberd of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 LNC DRG 75 (Physical) 2.88 72.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +97, Determination +65
Heavensfire Heavensfire icon1.png 60 205 MCH 68 (Physical) 2.48 56.21 0 Dexterity +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Determination +93
Heavensmeter Heavensmeter icon1.png 60 205 AST 104 (Magical) 3.20 80.00 0 Vitality +99, Mind +105, Piety +75, Critical Hit Rate +97
Knuckles of the Heavens Knuckles of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 PGL MNK 75 (Physical) 2.56 64.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +97, Determination +65
Staff of the Heavens Staff of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 THM BLM 104 (Magical) 3.28 82.00 0 Vitality +99, Intelligence +105, Critical Hit Rate +68, Spell Speed +97
Sword of the Heavens Sword of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 GLA PLD 75 (Physical) 2.24 56.00 0 Strength +75, Vitality +79, Critical Hit Rate +49, Determination +66


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shield of the Heavens Shield of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 GLA, PLD Shield 549 199 0 Strength +30, Vitality +31, Parry +19, Skill Speed +28


Weapon Images

Thordans reign weapon1.jpg Thordans reign weapon2.jpg Thordans reign weapon3.jpg

Trial Images

Thordans reign1.jpg Thordans reign2.jpg Thordans reign4.jpg


With his typical flair for embellishment, the wandering minstrel has woven yet another stirring epic─this time from the threads of your Azys Lla confrontation with Archbishop Thordan VII. With the final verse yet ringing in the chambers of your mind, the memories of that titanic struggle arise once more with an almost surreal clarity...
