The Ivory Shoals |
- |
1 |
Bamboo Weave, Red Moko Grass, Empty Crystal |
Birch Branch, Scarlet Sap, Unaspected Crystal, Quickarm Materia III, Heavens' Eye Materia II, Water Crystal, Wind Crystal, Earth Crystal
Deep-sea Site 1 |
- |
1 |
Bamboo Weave, Red Moko Grass, Empty Crystal, Vivianite |
Ferberite, Gold Ore, Battledance Materia II, Battledance Materia III, Quicktongue Materia II, Quicktongue Materia III, Earth Crystal, Ice Crystal, Unaspected Crystal,
Deep-sea Site 2 |
The Ivory Shoals |
4 |
Bamboo Weave, Red Moko Grass, Empty Crystal |
Unaspected Crystal, Birch Branch, Scarlet Sap, Craftsman's Command Materia II, Craftsman's Command Materia III, Craftsman's Competence Materia II, Craftsman's Competence Materia III, Wind Crystal, Water Crystal
The Lightless Basin |
Deep-sea Site 1 |
4 |
Bamboo Weave, Empty Crystal, Vivianite, Crimson Coral |
Ferberite, Gold Ore, Unaspected Crystal, Gatherer's Grasp Materia II, Gatherer's Grasp Materia III, Gatherer's Guile Materia II, Gatherer's Guile Materia III, Earth Crystal, Ice Crystal
Deep-sea Site 3 |
Deep-sea Site 1 |
7 |
Bamboo Weave, Red Moko Grass, Deep-red Crystal, Empty Crystal, Aurelia Polyp |
Dark Chestnut Branch, Birch Branch, Unaspected Crystal, Savage Might Materia II, Savage Might Materia III, Quickarm Materia III, Water Crystal, Wind Crystal
The Southern Rimilala Trench |
Deep-sea Site 2 |
7 |
Bamboo Weave, Deep-green Crystal, Empty Crystal, Vivianite, Crimson Coral |
Gold Ore, Platinum Ore, Unaspected Crystal, Piety Materia II, Piety Materia III, Quicktongue Materia II, Quicktongue Materia III, Ice Crystal, Earth Crystal
The Umbrella Narrow |
The Lightless Basin |
10 |
Bamboo Weave, Red Moko Grass, Deep-blue Crystal, Empty Crystal, Balsa Wood Scrap, Aurelia Polyp |
Dark Chestnut Branch, Birch Branch, Unaspected Crystal, Craftsman's Command Materia II, Craftsman's Command Materia III, Craftsman's Cunning Materia II, Craftsman's Cunning Materia III, Wind Crystal, Water Crystal
Offender's Rot |
The Umbrella Narrow |
14 |
Bamboo Weave, Red Clay, Balsa Wood Scrap, Deep-red Crystal, Empty Crystal |
Dark Chestnut Branch, Birch Branch, Unaspected Crystal, Savage Aim Materia II, Savage Aim Materia III, Savage Might Materia III, Lightning Crystal, Water Crystal
Neolith Island |
Deep-sea Site 3 |
17 |
Bamboo Weave, Red Clay, Balsa Wood Scrap, Colossus Slab, Deep-red Crystal, Empty Crystal |
Gold Ore, Platinum Ore, Ferberite, Unaspected Crystal, Quickarm Materia II, Quickarm Materia III, Savage Aim Materia III, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal
Unidentified Derelict |
Deep-sea Site 3 |
20 |
2nd Submersible Permission, Extravagant Salvaged Ring, Extravagant Salvaged Bracelet, Extravagant Salvaged Earring, Extravagant Salvaged Necklace, Salvaged Bracelet, Salvaged Earring, Salvaged Necklace, Salvaged Ring |
Star Sapphire, Sapphire, Star Ruby, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Gold Ingot, Platinum Ingot
The Cobalt Shoals |
Neolith Island |
20 |
Bamboo Weave, Balsa Wood Lumber, Balsa Wood Scrap, Deep-blue Crystal, Empty Crystal, Raw Celestine, Aurelia Polyp |
Dark Chestnut Branch, Birch Branch, Unaspected Crystal, Craftsman's Command Materia III, Craftsman's Command Materia IV, Craftsman's Cunning Materia III, Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV, Water Shard, Water Cluster
The Mystic Basin |
Offender's Rot |
24 |
Balsa Wood Lumber, Balsa Wood Scrap, Deep-red Cluster, Empty Crystal, Black Clay, Raw Celestine, Faded Copy of Ambient Abyss |
Ferberite, Platinum Ore, Savage Might Materia III, Savage Aim Materia III, Savage Aim Materia IV, Earth Shard, Earth Cluster
Deep-sea Site 4 |
Offender's Rot |
27 |
Extravagant Salvaged Earring, Deep-red Cluster, Balsa Wood Scrap, Balsa Wood Lumber, Deep-green Cluster, Empty Crystal, Vivianite, Raw Celestine |
Dark Chestnut Branch, Birch Branch, Quicktongue Materia III, Quicktongue Materia IV, Piety Materia III, Piety Materia IV, Ice Shard, Ice Cluster
The Central Rimilala Trench |
Unidentified Derelict |
27 |
Balsa Wood Lumber, Balsa Wood Scrap, Deep-red Cluster, Deep-blue Cluster, Raw Celestine, Crimson Coral, Magnanimous Mogcrown |
Platinum Ore, Gold Ore, Ferberite, Savage Might Materia III, Savage Might Materia IV, Quickarm Materia III, Quickarm Materia IV, Earth Shard, Earth Cluster
The Wreckage of Discovery I |
The Central Rimilala Trench |
30 |
3rd Submersible Permission, Marine Wax Ester, Extravagant Salvaged Earring, Extravagant Salvaged Bracelet, Extravagant Salvaged Necklace, Extravagant Salvaged Ring, Salvaged Earring, Salvaged Bracelet, Salvaged Necklace, Salvaged Ring |
Platinum Ingot, Gold Ingot, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Star Ruby, Star Sapphire
Komura |
The Cobalt Shoals |
30 |
Balsa Wood Lumber, Red Moko Grass, Synthetic Fiber, Synthetic Resin, Chemically Treated Chimera Hide, Cassia Log, Empty Crystal, Deep-green Cluster, Magnanimous Mogcrown |
Birch Log, Dark Chestnut Log, Battledance Materia IV, Heavens' Eye Materia IV
Kanayama |
Komura |
34 |
Empty Crystal, Deep-red Cluster, Raw Celestine, Synthetic Fiber, Synthetic Resin, Vivianite, Balsa Wood Lumber, Crystal Boule |
Aurum Regis Sand, Cloud Mica, Hardsilver Sand, Raw Larimar, Titanium Ore, Quickarm Materia IV, Savage Might Materia IV
Concealed Bay |
The Mystic Basin |
37 |
Combed Wool Rug, Crystal Boule, Plundered Treasure, Salvaged Earring, Salvaged Ring, Salvaged Bracelet, Marine Wax Ester |
Dead Man's Chest, Gold Ingot, Platinum Ingot
Deep-sea Site 5 |
The Wreckage of Discovery I |
37 |
Balsa Wood Lumber, Synthetic Resin, Synthetic Fiber, Deep-blue Cluster, Empty Cluster, Aurelia Polyp, Crimson Coral, Faded Copy of Ambient Abyss |
Battledance Materia V, Quickarm Materia V, Quicktongue Materia IV, Quicktongue Materia V, Savage Might Materia IV, Savage Might Materia V, Savage Aim Materia IV, Savage Aim Materia V, Heavens' Eye Materia V
Purgatory |
Deep-sea Site 5 |
40 |
4th Submersible Permission, Dinosaur Fossil, Raw Celestine, Vivianite, Deep-green Cluster, Aurelia Polyp |
Gatherer's Grasp Materia V, Gatherer's Guile Materia V, Craftsman's Command Materia V, Craftsman's Competence Materia V, Piety Materia V
Deep-sea Site 6 |
Deep-sea Site 5 |
40 |
Aetherochemical Fiber, Cassia Log, Deep-blue Cluster, Empty Crystal, Synthetic Resin |
Beech Log, Birch Log, Dark Chestnut Log, Old-growth Camphorwood Log, Persimmon Log, Spruce Log, Zelkova Log, Bamboo Stick
The Rimilala Shelf |
Deep-sea Site 6 |
44 |
Kamacite Ore, Deep-green Cluster, Empty Cluster, Faded Copy of Ambient Abyss |
Cobalt Ore, Darksteel Ore, Luminium Ore, Molybdenum Ore, Titanium Ore, Mythrite Ore, Battledance Materia V, Piety Materia V, Savage Might Materia V, Water Cluster
Deep-sea Site 7 |
The Central Rimilala Trench |
44 |
Cassia Log, Balsa Wood Lumber, Deep-red Cluster, Aetherochemical Fiber, Abroader Otter |
Clear Glass Lens, Frosted Glass Lens, Crystal Glass, Polarized Glass, Belah'dian Glass, Tempered Glass, Savage Aim Materia V, Fire Cluster, Ice Cluster
Glittersand Basin |
Deep-sea Site 7 |
47 |
Astral Moraine, Mythrite Sand, Aurum Regis Sand, Durium Sand, Hardsilver Sand, Palladium Sand, Lumythrite Sand, Dawnlight Aethersand, Savage Aim Materia VI, Heavens' Eye Materia VI, Quicktongue Materia VI, Battledance Materia VI
Flickering Dip |
Purgatory |
47 |
Aetherochemical Fiber, Kamacite Ore, Synthetic Resin, Marine Wax Ester, Faded Copy of Ambient Abyss |
Adamantite Ore, Cloud Mica, Limestone, Marble, Granite, Siltstone, Piety Materia V, Battledance Materia V, Quickarm Materia V, Quicktongue Materia V
The Wreckage of the Headway |
Flickering Dip |
50 |
Plundered Treasure, Salvaged Coinage, Extravagant Salvaged Bracelet, Extravagant Salvaged Earring, Extravagant Salvaged Ring |
Dead Man's Chest, Gold Ingot, Gold Ore, Rose Gold Ingot, Wind Cluster
The Upwell |
The Wreckage of the Headway |
50 |
Aurelia Polyp |
Wool Top, Clear Prism, Glamour Prism, Glamour Dispeller, Grade 6 Dark Matter, Grade 7 Dark Matter
The Rimilala Trench Bottom |
The Upwell |
50 |
Balsa Wood Lumber |
Craftsman's Command Materia VI, Craftsman's Cunning Materia VI, Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VI, Gatherer's Guile Materia VI, Piety Materia VI, Earth Cluster, Lightning Cluster
Stone Temple |
The Upwell |
50 |
Plundered Treasure, Undersea Spoils, Magnanimous Mogcrown, Crystal Boule |
Dead Man's Chest, Cut Stone, Darksteel Ore, Doman Iron Ore, Gold Ingot, Native Gold, Gold Ore, Platinum Ingot, Scintillant Ingot
Sunken Vault |
The Rimilala Trench Bottom |
50 |
Emerald Crystal Boule, Crystal Boule, Cerulean Crystal Boule, Deep-green Cluster, Deep-blue Cluster, Deep-red Cluster |
Rhodonite, Star Spinel, Triphane, Unaspected Crystal, Earth Crystal, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, Lightning Crystal, Water Crystal, Wind Crystal