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{{Quest infobox | |||
{{Quest | | title = Labor of Love | ||
| | | description = Trunk-like arms akimbo, [[Guiding Star]] seems to radiate a deep understanding of crafting. | ||
| | | image = | ||
| | | quest-giver = Guiding Star | ||
| | | location = Mor Dhona | ||
| | | location-x = 21.9 | ||
| | | location-y = 6.9 | ||
| | | type = repfeature | ||
| | | quest-line = Zodiac Weapons Quests | ||
| | | organization = | ||
}} | | class = | ||
| job = | |||
| level = 50 | |||
| req-quest = | |||
| req-items = 1 Allagan Resin, 1 Vale Bubo, 1 Voidweave, 1 Amdapor Vellum, 1 Indigo Pearl, 1 Perfect Mortar, 1 Perfect Pestle, 1 Bombard Core, 1 Sacred Spring Water | |||
| requirements = | |||
| exp = 0 | |||
| gil = 0 | |||
| mettle = | |||
| reward1 = 1 Zodium | |||
| reward-opt(1-8) = | |||
| unlocks = | |||
| prev-quest = Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac | |||
| next-quest = His Dark Materia | |||
| patch = 2.45 | |||
| release = A Realm Reborn | |||
}} __NOTOC__ | |||
==Walkthrough== | ==Walkthrough== | ||
{{main|Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest}} | |||
<mark>The dungeons '''do not need to be completed with the class that accepted the quests''' and '''do not need a relic weapon equipped''' to be rewarded the item. The dungeons can also be completed unsynced with an [[Unrestricted Party]].</mark> | |||
==Steps== | ==Steps== | ||
*Deliver a lump of Allagan resin to Guiding Star. | *Deliver a [[Allagan Resin|lump of Allagan resin]] to [[Guiding Star]]. | ||
*Obtain [[Vale Bubo|vale bubo]] in [[the Aurum Vale]]. | |||
*Obtain vale bubo in the Aurum Vale. | *Obtain a [[Voidweave|piece of voidweave]] in [[Haukke Manor (Hard)]]. | ||
*Deliver the requested goods to [[Guiding Star]]. | |||
*Obtain a piece of voidweave in Haukke Manor (Hard). | *Obtain a [[Amdapor Vellum|slip of Amdapor vellum]] in [[the Lost City of Amdapor]]. | ||
*Obtain an [[Indigo Pearl|Indigo pearl]] in [[Sastasha (Hard)]]. | |||
*Deliver the requested goods to Guiding Star. | |||
*Obtain a slip of Amdapor vellum in the Lost City of Amdapor. | |||
*Obtain an Indigo pearl in Sastasha (Hard). | |||
*Deliver the requested goods to Guiding Star. | *Deliver the requested goods to Guiding Star. | ||
*Deliver a [[Perfect Mortar|perfect mortar]] {{HQ}} and a [[Perfect Pestle|perfect pestle]] {{HQ}} to [[Guiding Star]]. | |||
*Deliver a perfect mortar and a perfect pestle to Guiding Star. | *Deliver a [[Bombard Core|Bombard core]] and a [[Sacred Spring Water|bottle of sacred spring water]] to [[Guiding Star]]. | ||
*Deliver a Bombard core and a bottle of sacred spring water to Guiding Star | |||
==Journal== | ==Journal== | ||
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*His passion for crafting stirred by news of your quest to restore the arm of a Zodiac Brave, Guiding Star sets about devising a compound capable of becoming the weapon's frame. He lights upon Allagan resin as the ideal base for such a substance, and bids you scour southern Thanalan's markets for a lump of the stuff. | *His passion for crafting stirred by news of your quest to restore the arm of a Zodiac Brave, Guiding Star sets about devising a compound capable of becoming the weapon's frame. He lights upon Allagan resin as the ideal base for such a substance, and bids you scour southern Thanalan's markets for a lump of the stuff. | ||
*With an excited light in his eyes, Guiding Star accepts the Allagan resin, remarking that no other material in Eorzea is so mutable. Now that you have secured the substance's base, he goes on, an ore known as vale bubo is required to grant it rigidity, as well as a piece of voidweave to lend it a measure of suppleness. To procure such seldom-seen materials, you will have no choice but to brave the horrors of the Aurum Vale and Haukke Manor respectively. ※The Aurum Vale and Haukke Manor (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item. | *With an excited light in his eyes, Guiding Star accepts the Allagan resin, remarking that no other material in Eorzea is so mutable. Now that you have secured the substance's base, he goes on, an ore known as vale bubo is required to grant it rigidity, as well as a piece of voidweave to lend it a measure of suppleness. To procure such seldom-seen materials, you will have no choice but to brave the horrors of the Aurum Vale and Haukke Manor respectively. | ||
**※The Aurum Vale and Haukke Manor (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. | |||
**※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item. | |||
*The threats of the Vale and voidsent are at your back, and the vale bubo and voidweave safely in your possession. Deliver them now to Guiding Star in Revenant's Toll. | *The threats of the Vale and voidsent are at your back, and the vale bubo and voidweave safely in your possession. Deliver them now to Guiding Star in Revenant's Toll. | ||
*Now in possession of the wherewithal to make his proposed compound indurate and supple, Guiding Star's thoughts turn to imbuing it with elegance and beauty. He feels a slip of Amdapor vellum from the Lost City will lend the former, and an Indigo pearl from Sastasha the latter. As ever, it would seem you will have to risk all if you are to reap the rewards... ※The Lost City of Amdapor and Sastasha (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item. | *Now in possession of the wherewithal to make his proposed compound indurate and supple, Guiding Star's thoughts turn to imbuing it with elegance and beauty. He feels a slip of Amdapor vellum from the Lost City will lend the former, and an Indigo pearl from Sastasha the latter. As ever, it would seem you will have to risk all if you are to reap the rewards... | ||
**※The Lost City of Amdapor and Sastasha (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder. | |||
**※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item. | |||
*After shedding no small amount of blood, sweat, and tears, you now grasp a piece of Amdapor vellum and an Indigo pearl. Make your way back to Revenant's Toll, where it is to be hoped far fewer perils await. | *After shedding no small amount of blood, sweat, and tears, you now grasp a piece of Amdapor vellum and an Indigo pearl. Make your way back to Revenant's Toll, where it is to be hoped far fewer perils await. | ||
*All four ingredients now in his hands, Guiding Star thanks you for your tireless labor, and explains the next step: grinding the materials together to intermingle their powers. Alas, his puny mixing instruments are apparently incapable of withstanding the titanic forces which will be released in the process. Accordingly, he bids you find the only tools equal to the task: a perfect mortar and pestle, both of high quality. ※Certain ingredients required to craft these items can be obtained by desynthesizing aged goods sold at the Silver Bazaar. | *All four ingredients now in his hands, Guiding Star thanks you for your tireless labor, and explains the next step: grinding the materials together to intermingle their powers. Alas, his puny mixing instruments are apparently incapable of withstanding the titanic forces which will be released in the process. Accordingly, he bids you find the only tools equal to the task: a perfect mortar and pestle, both of high quality. | ||
**※Certain ingredients required to craft these items can be obtained by desynthesizing aged goods sold at the Silver Bazaar. | |||
*You hand the perfect tools to Guiding Star, who is nigh salivating at the prospect of using them. Though his thanks are as effusive as ever, you sense that yet another request is in the offing─and are swiftly proved right when the craftsman tasks you with two further acquisitions: a Bombard core to heat the compound, and a bottle of sacred spring water to cool it afterwards. | *You hand the perfect tools to Guiding Star, who is nigh salivating at the prospect of using them. Though his thanks are as effusive as ever, you sense that yet another request is in the offing─and are swiftly proved right when the craftsman tasks you with two further acquisitions: a Bombard core to heat the compound, and a bottle of sacred spring water to cool it afterwards. | ||
*All ingredients assembled, Guiding Star now sets to work crafting. Sweat streaming over a brow deeply furrowed with concentration, you watch as he grinds, hammers, heats, and cools. The result is zodium, a material of unsurpassed bonding perfect for recreating your arm of yore. Handing the material to you with a joyous laugh, the craftsman thanks you for giving him the chance to make something so wondrous, and prays the Builder Himself will give you success in remaking your arm of legend. ※If you have obtained all four items requested by Gerolt, you may return to Hyrstmill to have your Zodiac Weapon forged. | *All ingredients assembled, Guiding Star now sets to work crafting. Sweat streaming over a brow deeply furrowed with concentration, you watch as he grinds, hammers, heats, and cools. The result is zodium, a material of unsurpassed bonding perfect for recreating your arm of yore. Handing the material to you with a joyous laugh, the craftsman thanks you for giving him the chance to make something so wondrous, and prays the Builder Himself will give you success in remaking your arm of legend. | ||
**※If you have obtained all four items requested by Gerolt, you may return to Hyrstmill to have your Zodiac Weapon forged. | |||
==Dialogue== | |||
===Accepting the Quest=== | |||
'''(If met Guiding Star)''' | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Ah, my kindred spirit─have you come for more of Talan's “cookbooks”? Or do you have another purpose here this day? | |||
'''(If not met Guiding Star)''' | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Good day, adventurer. What brings you here? ...Hm? You're looking for someone wise in the ways of crafting and gathering? Well, I am but one who aspires to mastery, but I offer you my services nonetheless. What would you have me make? | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Eh? You need a versatile material with which to fashion anew the legendary arm of a ''Zodiac Brave''? | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Byregot's beard... That is no small thing. I daresay some form of dark matter would best serve your purpose, but you won't find anything suitable in Eorzea's markets. ...Which means you're going to have to improvise. A truly unique material is called for... | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Well, you certainly know how to pique a craftsman's interest! I will aid you in this enterprise, adventurer! | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' To begin, we must scour every ilm of the realm for materials with the requisite properties. Our search may outlast our lives─mayhap our children's lives too─but we shall be vindicated in death, even if it takes five hundred years! | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' ...Not one for jests, I take it. Heh! Even my passion is not so boundless. The materials I have in mind are hard to come by, 'tis true, but not so hard as all that. Allagan resin should serve as a base for our compound. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' I hear some traders found a few lumps of the stuff amongst the Allagan ruins in southern Thanalan. If you browse the markets over there, you're sure to find one sooner or later. The journey will be long, of course─but not so arduous as searching ''every'' ilm of Eorzea, eh? | |||
===Delivering a lump of Allagn resin to Guiding Star=== | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' So you've returned, adventurer. Have you found our base material? | |||
'''''<Hand Over Allagan Resin>''''' | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Ah, the fabled resin of Allag! An odd substance, I grant you. None alive know the true extent of its powers, nor less their source. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' I believe, however, that any attempt to recreate the arm of a Zodiac Brave will founder without a base material as mutable as aether. This resin is one such substance. It will readily take on the qualities of whatever we choose to add to it. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' ...Which brings us on to the question of what exactly to add. Plainly, the compound must needs be indurate at heart, lest it break during battle, yet supple enough that no blow may make it shatter. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' A vale bubo of the kind sometimes found within the Aurum Vale will provide ample rigidity. Born of brimstone and mythril, there is no more unyielding an ore. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' As for suppleness, a piece of voidweave would seem the ideal choice. If rumors are to be believed, it is a cloth bound together by magicks from the dark realm. I cannot speak for the truth of such claims, of course, but I do know the fabric has only ever been found in areas where voidsent roam in great numbers. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' I fear that acquiring these materials will require no small amount of effort on your part─but we can ill afford to compromise on quality if your dream of wielding a legendary arm is to become a reality. | |||
===Delivering the requested goods to Guiding Star=== | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Ah, adventurer. I trust the Builder lit your way through both the Vale and the voidsent? | |||
'''''<Hand Over Vale Bubo and Voidweave>''''' | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Well I'll be damned... The vale bubo and the voidweave, just as I requested. Well done to you, my friend, well done indeed. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Our work is far from over, however. Though we now possess the means to imbue our compound with strength and suppleness, it wants still for elegance and beauty. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' For the former, I believe a slip of Amdapor vellum will serve. The people of the lost city used magicks to protect their writings against the ravages of time, meaning that perfect specimens can be found there even now. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' As for beauty, an Indigo pearl would be best, but none save the Sahagin can wrest them from the Deep. That being the case, I'd suggest paying a visit to Sastasha Seagrot. The pirates there are thought to guard the fishbacks' treasures. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' An arduous path awaits, adventurer, but [she/he] who faces the greatest risk reaps the greatest reward. Once you have brought these two, we will have all the materials we need. May the Builder light your way. | |||
===Delivering the requested goods to Guiding Star=== | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Ah, how elegant will our compound be for a slip of Amdapor vellum, how radiant for an Indigo pearl? | |||
'''''<Hand Over Amdapor Vellum and Indigo Pearl>''''' | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Your efforts have paid off handsomely, my friend. We now hold everything we need to imbue our compound with the necessary qualities. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' ...Which just leaves the small matter of making it. I will need to levigate the items you have gathered. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' However, the forces released in their grinding are enough to shatter solid stone. Only a perfect mortar and pestle can withstand the magicks of mixing. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Though it pains me to ask more of you, could you procure a set? How you go about it is your business, of course, but my inner crafter tells me you can fashion them yourself. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' If you are inclined to try, I would advise a journey to the Silver Bazaar. The components of antiques from ages past can find new purpose, after all. | |||
===Delivering a perfect mortar and a perfect pestle to Guiding Star=== | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Have you chanced upon the perfect mortar and pestle yet, adventurer? I can do nothing till you have the both of them. | |||
'''''<Hand Over Perfect Mortar and Perfect Pestle>''''' | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Ahhh, the quality of these tools... I tell you, adventurer, 'tis rare indeed to work with such fine instruments. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' I thank the Builder that you chose to entrust me with this commission. Had you not, I might have gone to my grave never having laid hands on anything so fine! Hah! I can hardly wait to begin! | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Yet wait I must...unless you happen to have a spare Bombard core and some sacred spring water to hand. The first is to provide sufficient heat to ensure that the constituents blend properly during firing, and the second to quench the mixture without adding impurities. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Though no ordinary merchant will have either of these in stock, I'm quite sure an adventurer of your experience will be able to find them somewhere or other. | |||
===Delivering a Bombard core and a bottle of sacred spring water to Guiding Star=== | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' The completion of the process rests on your procuring a Bombard core and some sacred spring water. Do you have them? | |||
'''''<Hand Over Bombard Core and Sacred Spring Water>''''' | |||
====Cutscene==== | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Well done, my friend! All the pieces are in place: our four key ingredients are ready to be mixed within the Allagan resin, and then naught remains but to heat and quench the blend. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Now, allow me to crown your efforts by bringing this miraculous material into being! | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' I present to you a material the like of which this realm has never seen. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' It shall take whatever form an artisan wills, meld with whatever he commands, its very essence becoming one with the whole. No other substance can boast such strength, suppleness, elegance, beauty, ''and'' versatility─and naught else is fit to forge anew an arm of legend! | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' >> Friend─I give you...zodium! << | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Haha! That the lonely road to mastery should lead me here. You have my gratitude, adventurer, for fanning the flames of my curiosity, and urging me to venture into the unknown. | |||
'''Guiding Star:''' Now take this zodium, and reforge your weapon of yore! |
Revision as of 04:41, 28 October 2024
Labor of Love
- Quest giver
- Guiding Star
- Location
- Mor Dhona (X:21.9, Y:6.9)
- Quest line
- Zodiac Weapons Quests
- Level
- 50
- Required items
- 1 Allagan Resin
1 Vale Bubo
1 Voidweave
1 Amdapor Vellum
1 Indigo Pearl
1 Perfect Mortar
1 Perfect Pestle
1 Bombard Core
1 Sacred Spring Water - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac
- Next quest
His Dark Materia
- Patch
- 2.45
“Trunk-like arms akimbo, Guiding Star seems to radiate a deep understanding of crafting.
— In-game description
- 1 Zodium
- Main article: Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest
The dungeons do not need to be completed with the class that accepted the quests and do not need a relic weapon equipped to be rewarded the item. The dungeons can also be completed unsynced with an Unrestricted Party.
- Deliver a lump of Allagan resin to Guiding Star.
- Obtain vale bubo in the Aurum Vale.
- Obtain a piece of voidweave in Haukke Manor (Hard).
- Deliver the requested goods to Guiding Star.
- Obtain a slip of Amdapor vellum in the Lost City of Amdapor.
- Obtain an Indigo pearl in Sastasha (Hard).
- Deliver the requested goods to Guiding Star.
- Deliver a perfect mortar
and a perfect pestle
to Guiding Star.
- Deliver a Bombard core and a bottle of sacred spring water to Guiding Star.
- Trunk-like arms akimbo, Guiding Star seems to radiate a deep understanding of crafting.
- His passion for crafting stirred by news of your quest to restore the arm of a Zodiac Brave, Guiding Star sets about devising a compound capable of becoming the weapon's frame. He lights upon Allagan resin as the ideal base for such a substance, and bids you scour southern Thanalan's markets for a lump of the stuff.
- With an excited light in his eyes, Guiding Star accepts the Allagan resin, remarking that no other material in Eorzea is so mutable. Now that you have secured the substance's base, he goes on, an ore known as vale bubo is required to grant it rigidity, as well as a piece of voidweave to lend it a measure of suppleness. To procure such seldom-seen materials, you will have no choice but to brave the horrors of the Aurum Vale and Haukke Manor respectively.
- ※The Aurum Vale and Haukke Manor (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item.
- The threats of the Vale and voidsent are at your back, and the vale bubo and voidweave safely in your possession. Deliver them now to Guiding Star in Revenant's Toll.
- Now in possession of the wherewithal to make his proposed compound indurate and supple, Guiding Star's thoughts turn to imbuing it with elegance and beauty. He feels a slip of Amdapor vellum from the Lost City will lend the former, and an Indigo pearl from Sastasha the latter. As ever, it would seem you will have to risk all if you are to reap the rewards...
- ※The Lost City of Amdapor and Sastasha (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item.
- After shedding no small amount of blood, sweat, and tears, you now grasp a piece of Amdapor vellum and an Indigo pearl. Make your way back to Revenant's Toll, where it is to be hoped far fewer perils await.
- All four ingredients now in his hands, Guiding Star thanks you for your tireless labor, and explains the next step: grinding the materials together to intermingle their powers. Alas, his puny mixing instruments are apparently incapable of withstanding the titanic forces which will be released in the process. Accordingly, he bids you find the only tools equal to the task: a perfect mortar and pestle, both of high quality.
- ※Certain ingredients required to craft these items can be obtained by desynthesizing aged goods sold at the Silver Bazaar.
- You hand the perfect tools to Guiding Star, who is nigh salivating at the prospect of using them. Though his thanks are as effusive as ever, you sense that yet another request is in the offing─and are swiftly proved right when the craftsman tasks you with two further acquisitions: a Bombard core to heat the compound, and a bottle of sacred spring water to cool it afterwards.
- All ingredients assembled, Guiding Star now sets to work crafting. Sweat streaming over a brow deeply furrowed with concentration, you watch as he grinds, hammers, heats, and cools. The result is zodium, a material of unsurpassed bonding perfect for recreating your arm of yore. Handing the material to you with a joyous laugh, the craftsman thanks you for giving him the chance to make something so wondrous, and prays the Builder Himself will give you success in remaking your arm of legend.
- ※If you have obtained all four items requested by Gerolt, you may return to Hyrstmill to have your Zodiac Weapon forged.
Accepting the Quest
(If met Guiding Star) Guiding Star: Ah, my kindred spirit─have you come for more of Talan's “cookbooks”? Or do you have another purpose here this day?
(If not met Guiding Star) Guiding Star: Good day, adventurer. What brings you here? ...Hm? You're looking for someone wise in the ways of crafting and gathering? Well, I am but one who aspires to mastery, but I offer you my services nonetheless. What would you have me make? Guiding Star: Eh? You need a versatile material with which to fashion anew the legendary arm of a Zodiac Brave? Guiding Star: Byregot's beard... That is no small thing. I daresay some form of dark matter would best serve your purpose, but you won't find anything suitable in Eorzea's markets. ...Which means you're going to have to improvise. A truly unique material is called for... Guiding Star: Well, you certainly know how to pique a craftsman's interest! I will aid you in this enterprise, adventurer! Guiding Star: To begin, we must scour every ilm of the realm for materials with the requisite properties. Our search may outlast our lives─mayhap our children's lives too─but we shall be vindicated in death, even if it takes five hundred years! Guiding Star: ...Not one for jests, I take it. Heh! Even my passion is not so boundless. The materials I have in mind are hard to come by, 'tis true, but not so hard as all that. Allagan resin should serve as a base for our compound. Guiding Star: I hear some traders found a few lumps of the stuff amongst the Allagan ruins in southern Thanalan. If you browse the markets over there, you're sure to find one sooner or later. The journey will be long, of course─but not so arduous as searching every ilm of Eorzea, eh?
Delivering a lump of Allagn resin to Guiding Star
Guiding Star: So you've returned, adventurer. Have you found our base material? <Hand Over Allagan Resin> Guiding Star: Ah, the fabled resin of Allag! An odd substance, I grant you. None alive know the true extent of its powers, nor less their source. Guiding Star: I believe, however, that any attempt to recreate the arm of a Zodiac Brave will founder without a base material as mutable as aether. This resin is one such substance. It will readily take on the qualities of whatever we choose to add to it. Guiding Star: ...Which brings us on to the question of what exactly to add. Plainly, the compound must needs be indurate at heart, lest it break during battle, yet supple enough that no blow may make it shatter. Guiding Star: A vale bubo of the kind sometimes found within the Aurum Vale will provide ample rigidity. Born of brimstone and mythril, there is no more unyielding an ore. Guiding Star: As for suppleness, a piece of voidweave would seem the ideal choice. If rumors are to be believed, it is a cloth bound together by magicks from the dark realm. I cannot speak for the truth of such claims, of course, but I do know the fabric has only ever been found in areas where voidsent roam in great numbers. Guiding Star: I fear that acquiring these materials will require no small amount of effort on your part─but we can ill afford to compromise on quality if your dream of wielding a legendary arm is to become a reality.
Delivering the requested goods to Guiding Star
Guiding Star: Ah, adventurer. I trust the Builder lit your way through both the Vale and the voidsent? <Hand Over Vale Bubo and Voidweave> Guiding Star: Well I'll be damned... The vale bubo and the voidweave, just as I requested. Well done to you, my friend, well done indeed. Guiding Star: Our work is far from over, however. Though we now possess the means to imbue our compound with strength and suppleness, it wants still for elegance and beauty. Guiding Star: For the former, I believe a slip of Amdapor vellum will serve. The people of the lost city used magicks to protect their writings against the ravages of time, meaning that perfect specimens can be found there even now. Guiding Star: As for beauty, an Indigo pearl would be best, but none save the Sahagin can wrest them from the Deep. That being the case, I'd suggest paying a visit to Sastasha Seagrot. The pirates there are thought to guard the fishbacks' treasures. Guiding Star: An arduous path awaits, adventurer, but [she/he] who faces the greatest risk reaps the greatest reward. Once you have brought these two, we will have all the materials we need. May the Builder light your way.
Delivering the requested goods to Guiding Star
Guiding Star: Ah, how elegant will our compound be for a slip of Amdapor vellum, how radiant for an Indigo pearl? <Hand Over Amdapor Vellum and Indigo Pearl> Guiding Star: Your efforts have paid off handsomely, my friend. We now hold everything we need to imbue our compound with the necessary qualities. Guiding Star: ...Which just leaves the small matter of making it. I will need to levigate the items you have gathered. Guiding Star: However, the forces released in their grinding are enough to shatter solid stone. Only a perfect mortar and pestle can withstand the magicks of mixing. Guiding Star: Though it pains me to ask more of you, could you procure a set? How you go about it is your business, of course, but my inner crafter tells me you can fashion them yourself. Guiding Star: If you are inclined to try, I would advise a journey to the Silver Bazaar. The components of antiques from ages past can find new purpose, after all.
Delivering a perfect mortar and a perfect pestle to Guiding Star
Guiding Star: Have you chanced upon the perfect mortar and pestle yet, adventurer? I can do nothing till you have the both of them. <Hand Over Perfect Mortar and Perfect Pestle> Guiding Star: Ahhh, the quality of these tools... I tell you, adventurer, 'tis rare indeed to work with such fine instruments. Guiding Star: I thank the Builder that you chose to entrust me with this commission. Had you not, I might have gone to my grave never having laid hands on anything so fine! Hah! I can hardly wait to begin! Guiding Star: Yet wait I must...unless you happen to have a spare Bombard core and some sacred spring water to hand. The first is to provide sufficient heat to ensure that the constituents blend properly during firing, and the second to quench the mixture without adding impurities. Guiding Star: Though no ordinary merchant will have either of these in stock, I'm quite sure an adventurer of your experience will be able to find them somewhere or other.
Delivering a Bombard core and a bottle of sacred spring water to Guiding Star
Guiding Star: The completion of the process rests on your procuring a Bombard core and some sacred spring water. Do you have them? <Hand Over Bombard Core and Sacred Spring Water>
Guiding Star: Well done, my friend! All the pieces are in place: our four key ingredients are ready to be mixed within the Allagan resin, and then naught remains but to heat and quench the blend. Guiding Star: Now, allow me to crown your efforts by bringing this miraculous material into being! Guiding Star: I present to you a material the like of which this realm has never seen. Guiding Star: It shall take whatever form an artisan wills, meld with whatever he commands, its very essence becoming one with the whole. No other substance can boast such strength, suppleness, elegance, beauty, and versatility─and naught else is fit to forge anew an arm of legend! Guiding Star: >> Friend─I give you...zodium! << Guiding Star: Haha! That the lonely road to mastery should lead me here. You have my gratitude, adventurer, for fanning the flames of my curiosity, and urging me to venture into the unknown. Guiding Star: Now take this zodium, and reforge your weapon of yore!