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:''Main article: [[La Noscea]]''
{{Area infobox
[[File:Eastern La Noscea Map.jpg|thumb|400px|Middle La Noscea Map]]
| description = An area in the southeast of Vylbrand, eastern La Noscea stretches from Bloodshore on the sea to Raincatcher Gully further inland. The region has a great diversity of terrain, with pristine white sand beaches to the east and dense jungles to the west.
[[File:eastern la noscea1.jpg|400px|thumb|Costa Del Sol]]
| type = zone
[[File:eastern la noscea2.jpg|400px|thumb|Costa Del Sol]]
| within = La Noscea
| map = Eastern La Noscea Map.jpg
| screenshot =
| aetheryte1 = [[Costa del Sol]];31, 30
| aetheryte2 = [[Agelyss Wise|Wineport]];21, 21
| weather = clear skies, fair skies, fog, clouds, rain
| connections = [[Lower La Noscea]] (S)<br>[[Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks]] (E) <br>[[Middle La Noscea]] (NW)<br>[[Upper La Noscea]] (N)
{{TOC limit|3}}
{{location table header|Middle La Noscea|showLevel=false}}
| [[Bloodshore]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[Gullperch Tower]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[Isle of Endless Summer]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[The Garlok's Lair]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[Hidden Falls]]
: {{map icon|ferry}} [[Hidden Falls Docks]]
| {{map icon|settlement}} [[Costa del Sol]]
: {{map icon|aetheryte}} Costa del Sol
: {{map icon|ferry}} [[Costa del Sol Ferry Docks]]
: {{map icon|chocobokeep}} [[Chocobo Porter]]
: {{map icon|mail}} [[Delivery Moogle]]
: {{map icon|merchant}} [[Merchant and Mender (Costa del Sol)]]
| [[Raincatcher Gully]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[The Severed String]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[Red Mantis Falls]]
: {{map icon|ferry}} [[Raincatcher Gully Docks]]
: {{map icon|fishing}} [[Agelyss River]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[Brayflox's Longstop (Landmark)|Brayflox's Longstop]]
: {{map icon|dungeon}} [[Brayflox's Longstop]]
: {{map icon|raid}} [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut]]
| [[Wineport]]
: {{map icon|aetheryte}} Wineport Aetheryte
: {{map icon|chocobokeep}} [[Chocobo Porter]]
: {{map icon|mail}} [[Delivery Moogle]]
: {{map icon|merchant}} [[Merchant and Mender (Wineport)]]
| [[Agelyss Wise]]
: {{map icon|landmark}} [[Castrum Occidens]]

{{Fishing Eastern La Noscea}}
[[Eastern La Noscea Sidequests]]
[[Eastern La Noscea FATEs]]

==Shops & Services==
{{merchant list|Eastern La Noscea}}
*[[2nd Cohort Eques]]
*[[2nd Cohort Hoplomachus]]
*[[2nd Cohort Laquearius]]
*[[2nd Cohort Signifer]]
*[[2nd Cohort Secutor]]
*[[2nd Cohort Vanguard]]
*[[Apkallu (Mob)|Apkallu]]
*[[Bloodshore Bell]]
*[[Cork Bulb]]
*[[Dung Midge Swarm]]
*[[Grass Raptor]]
*[[Goobbue (Mob)|Goobbue]]
*[[Giant Pelican]]
*[[Jungle Coeurl]]
*[[Kobold Missionary]]
*[[Kobold Patrolman]]
*[[Kobold Pitman]]
*[[Large Buffalo]]
*[[Mildewed Goobbue]]
*[[Qiqirn Gullroaster]]
*[[Wind Sprite]]
===B Rank===
*[[Bloody Mary]]
===A Rank===
===S Rank===
{{see also|Sightseeing Log}}
Players can unlock the Sightseeing Log by completing the level 20 quest {{questlink|feature|A Sight to Behold}}. After completing the first 20 vistas, players can unlock the remaining vistas by talking to the NPC [[Millith Ironheart]] in [[Old Gridania]] (X:10.7, Y:6.0).
{| {{STDT|location sortable align-left}}
! #
! Name
! Zone         
! Coordinate
! Weather
! data-sort-type=number | Time
! Emote
! Comment
| 24 || [[Sightseeing Log 24: Hidden Falls| Hidden Falls]] ||[[Eastern La Noscea]] || (X:32.6, Y:23.5) || {{weather icon|fair skies}} [[Fair Skies]] <br> {{weather icon|clear skies}} [[Clear Skies]] || 8:00-12:00 || {{action icon|Sit}} ||{{action icon|Sit}} on chair at end of dock.
| 25 || [[Sightseeing Log 25: Gullperch Tower| Gullperch Tower]] ||[[Eastern La Noscea]] || (X:29.6, Y:33.8) || {{weather icon|rain}} [[Rain]] <br> {{weather icon|showers}} [[Showers]] || 18:00-5:00 || {{action icon|Lookout}} ||On top of Gullperch Tower. Located on the edge of the wall to the left of the two lookout NPCs.
This zone is associated with the following achievements:
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Eastern La Noscea}}
<gallery mode=packed>
Eastern la noscea1.jpg
Eastern la noscea2.jpg
Eastern la noscea3.jpg
Eastern La Noscea Map Fishing.jpg|Fishing Holes
An area in the southeast of Vylbrand, eastern La Noscea stretches from Bloodshore on the sea to Raincatcher Gully further inland. The region has a great diversity of terrain, with pristine white sand beaches to the east and dense jungles to the west.
Bloodshore’s name stems from a macabre tale. Around fifty years ago, the enmity between the League of Lost Bastards and the followers of Rycharde Mistbeard came to a head off the coast of eastern La Noscea. When the smoke cleared, four galleys had sunk, and hundreds of corpses had been swept away with the tide, the water and sand stained red with their blood.
====Gullperch Tower====
One of three beacons built along the La Noscean coast in the Sixth Astral Era, Gullperch Tower is the easternmost—warning ships navigating the Strait of Merlthor of its deadly shallows, while also serving as a watchtower for pirate and Sahagin raids on Bloodshore.
====Costa del Sol====
Though this area was originally cleared for farmland, it was abandoned upon the discovery that no crops would grow in the salt-ridden soil. It then caught the eye of Master Gegeruju, a wealthy Ul'dahn entrepreneur, who purchased the land and set about developing it in the style of the south sea isles. Gegeruju has not only altered the area’s flora to match his tastes—going as far as introducing species native to more tropical climes such as the Cieldalaes—but also changed its name to Costa del Sol.
====The Garlok's Lair====
Intrigued by the “monster” known as the Garlok that was said to live in this dark cavern, Master Gegeruju sent a band of sellswords into the depths to find it. Not only are they rumored to have stumbled upon the legendary fear babe... but also stumbled “into” it, stirring the Garlok from its ages-long slumber.
====Hidden Falls====
Sheltered on three sides by towering cliffs, Hidden Falls can be found several score yalms upstream from where the Agelyss River empties into the Strait of Merlthor. Taken by its beauty, Ul'dahn plutocrat Gegeruju was quick to purchase the land and construct a stage upon which private performances for the magnate’s favored clients are held.
===Raincatcher Gully===
A great many plants blossom into crimson flowers within the warmth of this dense jungle, though scholars remain unsure of the causes behind such an imbalance in color amongst the region’s flora.
====Brayflox’s Longstop====
Brayflox Alltalks, a former member of the Company of Heroes, sought to establish a camp in this region. However, she was unaware of the wounded wyrm slumbering in a cave deep within. Thus, the party of goblins she sent into the jungle met with great tragedy.
====The Severed String====
Home to a black marketeer, the Severed String was also a shop dealing in smuggled and stolen goods until the owner abandoned it for reasons unknown. Though the place stood empty for a long while, at some point imperial deserters took up residence within its aptly named walls.
====Red Mantis Falls====
The deadly red mantises that lay their eggs near the base of this majestic waterfall also lend the place its ominous name.
====Raincatcher Gully Docks====
The ferry stops at these docks to take travelers across the river, and a small storehouse nearby serves its porters and steersmen. Of late, rumors abound of unscrupulous characters with a Far Eastern look to them entering the shack.
===Agelyss Wise===
The ruins of an archaic road, Agelyss Wise’s age is so great that some scholars hypothesize it was already old in the days of ancient Allag.
Blessed with fertile soil and groundwater rich in minerals, Wineport is a Lominsan village famous for its vineyards and fine wines. The Bacchus grapes they grow are known to produce particularly exquisite vintages. Though the village is not a port in the traditional sense, its name derives from its bustling trade.
====Castrum Occidens====
Castrum Occidens was built by the XIVth Imperial Legion in the Seventh Umbral Era, and is garrison to the 2nd Cohort once under the command of Praefectus Rhitahtyn sas Arvina. The Garleans are said to have spent a great amount of time and effort examining the fragment of Dalamud lodged beneath the stronghold.
<ref>Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 108</ref>
<references />
{{Zone nav}}

Latest revision as of 23:06, 9 November 2024

Eastern La Noscea

Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Fog.png Clouds.png Rain.png

Eastern La Noscea Map.jpg
Map of Eastern La Noscea

La Noscea
Connects to
Lower La Noscea (S)
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (E)
Middle La Noscea (NW)
Upper La Noscea (N)
Costa del Sol (X:31, Y:30)
Wineport (X:21, Y:21)

An area in the southeast of Vylbrand, eastern La Noscea stretches from Bloodshore on the sea to Raincatcher Gully further inland. The region has a great diversity of terrain, with pristine white sand beaches to the east and dense jungles to the west.

— In-game description

Eastern La Noscea is a zone in La Noscea.


Area Points of Interest
Landmark (map icon).png
Gullperch Tower
Landmark (map icon).png
Isle of Endless Summer
Landmark (map icon).png
The Garlok's Lair
Landmark (map icon).png
Hidden Falls
Ferry icon.png
Hidden Falls Docks
Settlement icon.png
Costa del Sol
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Costa del Sol
Ferry icon.png
Costa del Sol Ferry Docks
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter
Mail (map icon).png
Delivery Moogle
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant and Mender (Costa del Sol)
Raincatcher Gully
Landmark (map icon).png
The Severed String
Landmark (map icon).png
Red Mantis Falls
Ferry icon.png
Raincatcher Gully Docks
Fishing (map icon).png
Agelyss River
Landmark (map icon).png
Brayflox's Longstop
Dungeon (map icon).png
Brayflox's Longstop
Raid (map icon).png
The Binding Coil of Bahamut
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Wineport Aetheryte
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter
Mail (map icon).png
Delivery Moogle
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant and Mender (Wineport)
Agelyss Wise
Landmark (map icon).png
Castrum Occidens



Eastern La Noscea Sidequests


Eastern La Noscea FATEs

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:30.6, Y:31.2)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:20.7, Y:20.6)



B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


See also: Sightseeing Log

Players can unlock the Sightseeing Log by completing the level 20 quest Feature QuestA Sight to Behold. After completing the first 20 vistas, players can unlock the remaining vistas by talking to the NPC Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0).

# Name Zone Coordinate Weather Time Emote Comment
24 Hidden Falls Eastern La Noscea (X:32.6, Y:23.5) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Sit.png  Sit Sit.png  Sit on chair at end of dock.
25 Gullperch Tower Eastern La Noscea (X:29.6, Y:33.8) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of Gullperch Tower. Located on the edge of the wall to the left of the two lookout NPCs.


This zone is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm eastern la noscea icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Eastern La Noscea 10 Visit eastern La Noscea and unlock the area map. - 2.1



An area in the southeast of Vylbrand, eastern La Noscea stretches from Bloodshore on the sea to Raincatcher Gully further inland. The region has a great diversity of terrain, with pristine white sand beaches to the east and dense jungles to the west.


Bloodshore’s name stems from a macabre tale. Around fifty years ago, the enmity between the League of Lost Bastards and the followers of Rycharde Mistbeard came to a head off the coast of eastern La Noscea. When the smoke cleared, four galleys had sunk, and hundreds of corpses had been swept away with the tide, the water and sand stained red with their blood.

Gullperch Tower

One of three beacons built along the La Noscean coast in the Sixth Astral Era, Gullperch Tower is the easternmost—warning ships navigating the Strait of Merlthor of its deadly shallows, while also serving as a watchtower for pirate and Sahagin raids on Bloodshore.

Costa del Sol

Though this area was originally cleared for farmland, it was abandoned upon the discovery that no crops would grow in the salt-ridden soil. It then caught the eye of Master Gegeruju, a wealthy Ul'dahn entrepreneur, who purchased the land and set about developing it in the style of the south sea isles. Gegeruju has not only altered the area’s flora to match his tastes—going as far as introducing species native to more tropical climes such as the Cieldalaes—but also changed its name to Costa del Sol.

The Garlok's Lair

Intrigued by the “monster” known as the Garlok that was said to live in this dark cavern, Master Gegeruju sent a band of sellswords into the depths to find it. Not only are they rumored to have stumbled upon the legendary fear babe... but also stumbled “into” it, stirring the Garlok from its ages-long slumber.

Hidden Falls

Sheltered on three sides by towering cliffs, Hidden Falls can be found several score yalms upstream from where the Agelyss River empties into the Strait of Merlthor. Taken by its beauty, Ul'dahn plutocrat Gegeruju was quick to purchase the land and construct a stage upon which private performances for the magnate’s favored clients are held.

Raincatcher Gully

A great many plants blossom into crimson flowers within the warmth of this dense jungle, though scholars remain unsure of the causes behind such an imbalance in color amongst the region’s flora.

Brayflox’s Longstop

Brayflox Alltalks, a former member of the Company of Heroes, sought to establish a camp in this region. However, she was unaware of the wounded wyrm slumbering in a cave deep within. Thus, the party of goblins she sent into the jungle met with great tragedy.

The Severed String

Home to a black marketeer, the Severed String was also a shop dealing in smuggled and stolen goods until the owner abandoned it for reasons unknown. Though the place stood empty for a long while, at some point imperial deserters took up residence within its aptly named walls.

Red Mantis Falls

The deadly red mantises that lay their eggs near the base of this majestic waterfall also lend the place its ominous name.

Raincatcher Gully Docks

The ferry stops at these docks to take travelers across the river, and a small storehouse nearby serves its porters and steersmen. Of late, rumors abound of unscrupulous characters with a Far Eastern look to them entering the shack.

Agelyss Wise

The ruins of an archaic road, Agelyss Wise’s age is so great that some scholars hypothesize it was already old in the days of ancient Allag.


Blessed with fertile soil and groundwater rich in minerals, Wineport is a Lominsan village famous for its vineyards and fine wines. The Bacchus grapes they grow are known to produce particularly exquisite vintages. Though the village is not a port in the traditional sense, its name derives from its bustling trade.

Castrum Occidens

Castrum Occidens was built by the XIVth Imperial Legion in the Seventh Umbral Era, and is garrison to the 2nd Cohort once under the command of Praefectus Rhitahtyn sas Arvina. The Garleans are said to have spent a great amount of time and effort examining the fragment of Dalamud lodged beneath the stronghold. [1]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 108