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<div class="heading">[[Job]]s</div>
<div class="heading">[[Job]]s</div>
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! Disciples of War
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle; width: 100px;" | {{Tank}} [[List of tank actions|Tank]]
! Disciples of Magic
| style="border-width:0; height:7px;" |
| '''[[Paladin]] {{PLD}}'''<br><small>([[List of paladin actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of paladin traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Warrior]] {{WAR}}'''<br><small>([[List of warrior actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of warrior traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Dark Knight]] {{DRK}}'''<br><small>([[List of dark knight actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of dark knight traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Gunbreaker]] {{GNB}}'''<br><small>([[List of gunbreaker actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of gunbreaker traits|traits]])</small>
! class="class-cell" | {{Paladin}} [[Paladin]] &ndash; {{GLA}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{CNJ}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of paladin actions|actions]])</small>
| style="border-width:0; height:10px;" |
! class="class-cell" | {{Scholar}} [[Scholar]] &ndash; {{ACN}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{CNJ}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of scholar actions|actions]])</small>
! class="class-cell" | {{Warrior}} [[Warrior]] &ndash; {{MRD}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{GLA}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of warrior actions|actions]])</small>
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" | {{Healer}} [[List of healer actions|Healer]]
! class="class-cell" | {{White Mage}} [[White Mage]] &ndash; {{CNJ}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{ACN}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of white mage actions|actions]])</small>
! class="class-cell" | {{Bard}} [[Bard]] &ndash; {{ARC}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{PGL}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of bard actions|actions]])</small>
| '''[[White Mage]] {{WHM}}'''<br><small>([[List of white mage actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of white mage traits|traits]])</small>
! class="class-cell" | {{Black Mage}} [[Black Mage]] &ndash; {{THM}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{ARC}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of black mage actions|actions]])</small>
| '''[[Scholar]] {{SCH}}'''<br><small>([[List of scholar actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of scholar traits|traits]]{{bullet}}[[List of scholar pet actions|pet]])</small>
| '''[[Astrologian]] {{AST}}'''<br><small>([[List of astrologian actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of astrologian traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Sage]] {{SGE}}'''<br><small>([[List of sage actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of sage traits|traits]])</small>
! class="class-cell" | {{Dragoon}} [[Dragoon]] &ndash; {{LNC}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{MRD}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of dragoon actions|actions]])</small>
| style="border-width:0; height:10px;" |
! class="class-cell" | {{Summoner}} [[Summoner]] &ndash; {{ACN}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{THM}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of summoner actions|actions]])</small>
! class="class-cell" | {{Monk}} [[Monk]] &ndash; {{PGL}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{LNC}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of monk actions|actions]])</small>
! rowspan="8" style="vertical-align:middle; width:100px;" | {{Melee DPS}} [[List of melee dps actions|Melee DPS]]
! class="class-cell" |  
! rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" |  ''Maiming''
! class="class-cell" | {{Ninja}} [[Ninja]] &ndash; {{ROG}}{{SupNotice|1|Primary class (Lv. 30)|y}} {{PGL}}{{SupNotice|2|Secondary class (Lv. 15)|y}} <small>([[List of ninja actions|actions]])</small>
| '''[[Dragoon]] {{DRG}}'''<br><small>([[List of dragoon actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of dragoon traits|traits]])</small>
! class="class-cell" |
| '''[[Reaper]] {{RPR}}'''<br><small>([[List of reaper actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of reaper traits|traits]])</small>
! style="padding: 4px 0;" colspan="2" | ''[[Heavensward]]''
| style="border-width:0; height:10px;" |
! class="class-cell" | {{Dark Knight}} [[Dark Knight]] &ndash; <small>([[List of dark knight actions|actions]])</small>
! rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" | ''Striking''
! class="class-cell" | {{Astrologian}} [[Astrologian]] &ndash; <small>([[List of astrologian actions|actions]])</small>
! class="class-cell" | {{Machinist}} [[Machinist]] &ndash; <small>([[List of machinist actions|actions]])</small>
| '''[[Monk]] {{MNK}}'''<br><small>([[List of monk actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of monk traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Samurai]] {{SAM}}'''<br><small>([[List of samurai actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of samurai traits|traits]])</small>
! style="padding: 4px 0;" colspan="2" | ''[[Stormblood]]''
| style="border-width:0; height:10px;" |
! class="class-cell" | {{Samurai}} [[Samurai]] &ndash; <small>([[List of samurai actions|actions]])</small>
! rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" | ''Scouting''
! class="class-cell" | {{Red Mage}} [[Red Mage]] &ndash; <small>([[List of red mage actions|actions]])</small>
| '''[[Ninja]] {{NIN}}'''<br><small>([[List of ninja actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of ninja traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Viper]] {{VPR}}'''<br><small>([[List of viper actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of viper traits|traits]])</small>
| style="border-width:0; height:10px;" |
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" | {{Physical Ranged DPS}} [[List of physical ranged dps actions|Physical Ranged DPS]]
| '''[[Bard]] {{BRD}}'''<br><small>([[List of bard actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of bard traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Machinist]] {{MCH}}'''<br><small>([[List of machinist actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of machinist traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Dancer]] {{DNC}}'''<br><small>([[List of dancer actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of dancer traits|traits]])</small>
| style="border-width:0; height:10px;" |
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" | {{Magical Ranged DPS}} [[List of magic ranged dps actions|Magical Ranged DPS]]
| '''[[Black Mage]] {{BLM}}'''<br><small>([[List of black mage actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of black mage traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Summoner]] {{SMN}}'''<br><small>([[List of summoner actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of summoner traits|traits]]{{bullet}}[[List of summoner pet actions|pet]])</small>
| '''[[Red Mage]] {{RDM}}'''<br><small>([[List of red mage actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of red mage traits|traits]])</small>
| '''[[Pictomancer]] {{PCT}}'''<br><small>([[List of pictomancer actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of pictomancer traits|traits]])</small>
| style="border-width:0; height:10px;" |
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" | {{Limited}} [[Limited Jobs|Limited]]
| '''[[Blue Mage]] {{BLU}}'''<br><small>([[List of blue mage actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of blue mage traits|traits]])
| '''[[Beastmaster]]'''<br><small>([[List of beastmaster actions|actions]]{{bullet}}[[List of beastmaster traits|traits]])</small>
| colspan="3" | <small>''[[Class]]es''</small>
<!-- ! Related links
<!-- ! Related links
| colspan="3" style="text-align:left;" | [[List of summon skills|Summon skills]]{{bullet}}[[Class mechanic]] -->
| colspan="3" style="text-align:left;" | [[List of summon skills|Summon skills]]{{bullet}}[[Class mechanic]] -->
</div></div></div><!-- Categorization -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}| dark knight | paladin | warrior | healers | astrologian | scholar | white mage | dps | bard | black mage | dragoon | machinist | monk | ninja | red mage | samurai | summoner = [[Category:{{PAGENAME}}|*]]}}<noinclude>
</div></div></div><!-- Categorization -->{{#switch:{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}| dark knight | paladin | warrior | healers | astrologian | scholar | white mage | dps | bard | black mage | dragoon | machinist | monk | ninja | red mage | samurai | summoner = [[Category:{{PAGENAME}}|*]]}} [[Category:Jobs]]<noinclude>
== See also ==
* [[:Template:Class navbar]]
[[Category:Navigation templates]]</noinclude>
[[Category:Navigation templates]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 03:55, 17 May 2024