Difference between revisions of "Pharos Sirius"

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(→‎link= Siren: clarify that death throes stops all actions and all movement)
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{{other uses|the optional level 50 [[dungeon]]|the optional level '''60''' [[dungeon]] from [[Heavensward]]|Pharos Sirius (Hard)}}
{{#ev:youtube|v0ra0pTjJRc|350|right|Pharos Sirius Guide}}
{{Duty infobox
{{Quote|The once-proud Pharos Sirius is twice dishonored--once by the Calamity, and now by the deadly siren of Umbra, who plots to hold the lighthouse as a personal stronghold with the aid of her minions. Silence her lunatic song, dispatch the usual suspects--ashkin and winged monstrosities--and reclaim the light of the civilized world.|Game Description}}
| name = Pharos Sirius
Pharos Sirius is a level 50 [[dungeons|dungeon]] released in [[Patch Notes|patch]] 2.1.
| description = The seas around the Isles of Umbra are rife with hidden reefs and rocks, and many a hapless ship has met its demise beneath her surging waves. Recognizing the need to provide vessels with safe passage through these treacherous waters, the Admiral of Limsa Lominsa ordered the construction of a great lighthouse. So it was that Pharos Sirius came into being, shortly before dusk fell upon the Sixth Astral Era.
*Players need to talk to [[Diamanda]] in [[Aleport]] (x26,y26) to start the quest, [[Sirius Business]] to unlock.
*Players must have completed the main storyline and the quest [[Sirius Business]].
For a time, Pharos Sirius served seafarers faithfully, the radiance of its aether-fueled lantern piercing the blackest night. Alas, its light was prematurely extinguished by the Calamity, the destruction wrought by Bahamut leaving vast parts of the structure in ruin. Corrupted crystals and aether alike now pervade its halls and passageways, and the reconstruction effort is at a standstill.
*Light Party (4 Players) (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS).
*Time Restriction: 90 minutes
Worst still, if rumors can be believed, the dreaded siren of Umbra has returned to claim Pharos Sirius for her domain. Dauntless adventurers must venture within and defeat the seductress and her legion of undead minions if this beacon of civilization is to shine once more.
*Average Ilvl 48+
| image = Pharos Sirius.png
*Rewards: Allagan Tomestone of Mythology x50 (Updated in Patch 2.2)
| type = dungeon
*Rewards: Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery x20 (Added in Patch 2.2)
| level = 50
| level-sync = 50
| ilvl = 48
| ilvl-sync = 110
| difficulty = normal
| size = 4man
| time-limit = 90
| duty-finder = Dungeons (A Realm Reborn)
| roulette = High-level Dungeons
| tomestones = 30 Poetics
| entrance = Western La Noscea
| entrance-coordinates = 16,30
| req-quest = Sirius Business
| modes = command, explorer
| patch = 2.1
| release = A Realm Reborn
}} {{TOC limit|3}}
# Clear the Aether Pump 0/1
#Clear the Aether Pump: 0/1
# Clear the Second Spire 0/1
#Clear the Second Spire: 0/1
# Clear the Fuel Chamber 0/1
#Clear the Fuel Chamber: 0/1
# Clear the Aether Compressor 0/1
#Clear the Aether Compressor: 0/1
# Defeat the Siren 0/1
#Defeat the [[Siren]]: 0/1
{| width=75%
* [[Sirius Leech]]
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width=100%
* [[Sirius Pugil]]
* [[Sirius Elbst]]
* [[Sirius Uragnite]]
* [[Zombie Sailor]]
* [[Zombie Barber]]
| [[Siren]] ||
* [[Zombie War Hound]]
* [[Bhoot]]
| [[Symond the Unsinkable]] ||
* [[Corrupted Sprite]]
* [[Drifting Soul]]
|width=50% valign=top|
* [[Corrupted Slime]]
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width=100%
* [[Screamer]]
* [[Zu Egg]]
* [[Zu Pullet]]
* [[Zu Cockerel]]
* [[Corrupted Pudding]]
| [[Tyrant]] ||
* [[Zombie Storm Private]]
* [[Zombie Storm Sergeant]]
| [[Zu]] ||

====Symond the Unsinkable====
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[Symond the Unsinkable]]===
*He has a straight line AoE that does moderate damage and puts a crystal debuff on the target. Its not able to be silenced but its fairly easy to dodge.
{{#ev:youtube|TvRBiFUqG7k|350|right|Pharos Sirius Guide}}
The enemies' attacks in this encounter can add a stack of '''Corrupting Crystal''' to each player. At three stacks, it will explode, dealing damage and applying a {{status effect|Vulnerability Up}} [[Vulnerability Up]] stack to all nearby players.

*He summons adds that also do a circular AoE that does low damage but also gives a stack of the crystal debuff. The attack is instant and I couldn't find a way to stop it except maybe stun locking. Best to stay spread out when fighting them so only one person is getting the debuff.
To limit stacks, stay spread out, avoid AoEs, and kill the [[Zombie War Hound]] adds as quickly as possible.

*He puts two large circles on the ground that do persistent damage that grow eventually dividing the room in half. Its easy for the party to get separated so the healer and tank especially want to make sure to be on the same half of the room before the circles grow.
* '''Corrupting Shot:''' straight line AoE from the boss's position.
* '''Crystalline Shot:''' makes either 1 or 2 large circular puddles on the ground. The puddle(s) will expand 2 times, and touching them will give a Corrupting Crystal stack. If there's one puddle, stay around the edges of the arena. If there are two, then try to split the party across the two safe zones, to minimize splash damage from Corrupting Crystal explosions.
* '''Giga Slash:''' Large AoE that knocks players back (but does not apply a stack of Corrupting Crystal).

*Crystal debuff explodes when you get three stacks of it. Deals Severe damage and puts a Vulnerability debuff on targets.
If you reach 3 stacks of Corrupting Crystal, run away from everyone so the explosion doesn't hit them. Since you are already at 3 stacks, you can run into the Crystalline Shot puddles if necessary.

*Strategy we used was to avoid AoE as much as possible, burn down adds before anyone could get more then a stack and to not get separated by the room divide. Try to divide the adds or take shifts so that no one person is getting three stacks. Not much more to it I think.
Around 15% HP, either use the melee LB to end the boss, or use the caster LB to kill the 3-4 hounds that spawn.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[Zu (Boss)|Zu]]===
*The battle starts with a ring of Eggs spawning on the outer border of the room. Boss does little damage at this point. Killing Eggs gives Zu several stack of enrage, so it is not advised to start the fight killing eggs. Once enraged Zu will deal more damage but also take more damage. If, however, Zu gets too many enrage stacks (not certain how many but usually 15+) She does a cone AoE that does severe damage and stuns all targets hit for several seconds. It is devastating and resulted in many wipes.
Tank: Face the boss away from the group.

*Zu casts a room wide AoE that does moderate damage but increases with enrage stacks.
Healer: Be prepared for a lot of AoE healing.

*A few seconds into the fight and two eggs will light up and begin casting "Hatch" which will spawn one of two adds. One will move around attacking a target while occasionally casting an AoE that does low to moderate damage. The other will stand in place and choose a single target, marked by a blue beam, and barrage them repeatedly with a moderate damage nuke.
There are two types of eggs, spotted and plain. The plain eggs spawn an '''Zu Pullet''' that does a minor AoE, while the spotted eggs spawn a '''Zu Cockerel''' that tethers to a player.

*By themselves the adds are pretty easy to handle but they can add up quickly. Later on in the fight three eggs start to light up at once and they start spawning faster than we could take them out.
Ignore the eggs until the message "The egg is threatening to hatch," appears, which will cause 2-3 eggs to start to glow purple. Only kill one of them. If one of them is a spotted egg, kill it. If more than one egg is killed, Zu will use {{action icon|Flying Frenzy}} and bodyslam a party member, which can easily kill someone.
* Alternatively, do not kill any eggs and just kill the chicks after they spawn.

*At some point about halfway Zu will fly up into the Air becoming untargetable and start throwing down circle AoEs. This phase wasn't hard and actually was kind of a break for us to mop up some of the baby birds.
{{DNC}}[[Dancer]]s should avoid using {{Action icon|Standard Finish}}, as this will destroy multiple eggs at once.

*Strategy we used to eventually beat Zu was to kill one egg and let one chick spawn. Killing one egg didn't seem to give enough stacks for Zu to cast her crazy ground stomp stun, it kept one add out of the fight and also increased the damage she took from enrage. Things started to get hectic around the three egg spawns but we managed to burn her down with a LB before things got messy.
When Zu flies into the air, kill any adds that are alive. While in the air, Zu will place ground effects under the tank. Also uses the {{BLU}} [[Blue Mage]] [[spell]] '''{{action icon|Sonic Boom}}'''.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r5.png|link=]] [[Tyrant]]===
*He had low HP and died nearly as fast as a trash pull. The only mechanic I saw was he summoned a few zombie adds. Sorry I don't know anymore than that.
Tank: Face the boss away from the group and pick up the Sailor adds.

Move out of the circular AoE that appears under Tyrant during Bombination.
*This fight is healer intensive. The primary mechanic that seems to give the most trouble is "Siren's Song". Two of Siren's moves put a debuff on a target for 12 seconds requiring them to be healed to full health or the they become mind controlled for several seconds. Mind controlled targets only seem to do basic attacks so they're not devastating, but it knocks a person out of the fight and makes subsequent party members harder to top off with an extra source of damage.

*Siren targets one party member besides the tank and puts Siren's Song on them.
The boss seems to have quite low HP. Either AoE the adds with the boss or just burn the boss down.

*Siren puts a persistent bleed on the Tank. I don't think it was bad but it was on the tank the most of the fight.
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Siren (boss)|Siren]]===

*Siren summon groups of two types of adds. Zombie Pirates and Zombie Sergeants I believe. The Pirates are just normal auto attacking mobs, they make things harder for the healer. The Sergeants on the other hand crawl slowly along the ground toward a target, they cannot be bound or slowed, and when they reach the target they grab them and hold them in place. I think they also pacify you making you unable to take actions. I was only targeted during wipes, they seem to go after the healer and the tank every time. They don't have a lot of HP and we made them kill priority because they just made things difficult. Especially if I'm right about the pacification.
Tank: Position the boss near the center of the room and be ready to pick up the Zombie Storm Privates. Kite the Zombie Storm Sergeants.

*Periodically during the fight Siren will disappear and do one of two attacks. The first is a straight line nuke similar to Ifrit's charge. It does Severe damage and you don't have a lot time to get out of the way. The second is an AoE that puts the Siren's Song debuff on all party members. You need to group up and get some major AoE healing going so no one gets MCed. Its easy to tell which of the two moves she's casting based on where she appears. She comes from the border of the room when she does the charge and she appears in the center of the room if she is doing the AoE debuff.
Two types of adds can spawn: '''Zombie Storm Privates''' that run, and '''Zombie Storm Sergeants''' which crawl along the ground. If the latter touches a player, that player will be inflicted with {{status effect|bind}} '''Death Throes''' and will be unable to act or move until the add is killed.

*When she appears in the center to cast the AoE charm, you can avoid it by stacking on Siren. Think of it as Hydra's Fear Itself.
* '''Deathly Verse:''' inflicts a player with {{status effect|charm}} '''Siren Song'''. Healers have 12 seconds to heal them to full HP, or they will become {{status effect|confused}} [[confused]] and attack fellow party members for 8 seconds.
* '''{{action icon|Song of Torment}}:''' Applies a {{status effect|bleed}} [[Bleeding]] debuff to the tank. This debuff can be removed with {{item icon|Esuna}}. This cast can also be interrupted if one reacts quickly, but it's better to conserve interrupts for the boss's other moves.

*About halfway through the fight she will start doing an AoE heal debuff called Lunatic Voice. This makes it even harder for healers to keep people out of mind control. It can be dispelled but our healer seemed to have a lot of trouble keeping people topped off and getting the debuffs off.
When Siren vanishes, she will either appear in the center of the room and cast Deathly Cadenza, or on an edge and cast Feral Lunge.
* '''Deathly Cadenza:''' Large donut AoE at the center of the room. Anyone hit by this will get the {{status effect|charm}} '''Siren Song''' debuff. Stay in the center of the arena (the circle of metal grates) to avoid it, or interrupt the cast.
* '''Feral Lunge:''' Straight line AoE that goes through the center of the arena.

*Lunatic Voice and should be stunned by the tank.
At around 50% HP or below, Siren will start casting Lunatic Voice.
* '''Lunatic Voice:''' Applies {{status effect|reduced immunity}} [[Reduced Immunity]], which reduces healing received, to all players. The cast can be interrupted, and the debuff can be removed with {{item icon|Esuna}}.

{{see also|Ilvl 60 Dungeon Armor|Ilvl 60 Dungeon Accessories}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="75%"
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Symond the Unsinkable]]===
*{{Item reward|5|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Symond the Unsinkable}}
!Item Level
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Zu (Boss)|Zu]]===
*{{Item reward|10|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Zu (Boss)}}
!Magic Defence
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Tyrant]]===
!Stats and Attributes
{{Drops list|Tyrant}}
| [[Demagogue Ring]] || [[File:demagogue ring icon1.png]]|| 60 || Level 50 || Ring || 1 || 1 ||[[Intelligence]] +8, [[Accuracy]] +11, [[Determination]] +5
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Siren]]===
*{{Item reward|15|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
| [[Peltast Earrings]] || [[File:peltast earrings icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 50 || Earrings || 1 || 1 ||[[Strength]] +8, [[Skill Speed]] +11, [[Determination]] +5
*{{Item icon|Siren Card}} (Drops at a fixed rate)
*{{Item icon|Faded Copy of A Light in the Storm}} (Drops at a fixed rate)
| [[Strategos Earrings]] || [[File:strategos earrings icon1.png]]|| 60 || Level 50 || Earrings || 1 || 1 ||[[Mind]] +8, [[Piety]] +5, [[Spell Speed]] +11
{{Drops list|Siren (boss)|Siren}}
| [[Toxotes Wristlets]] || [[File:Toxotes wristlets icon1.png]]|| 60 || Level 50 || Wrists || 1 || 1 ||[[Dexterity]] +8, [[Skill Speed]] +8, [[Determination]] +8,
===Treasure Coffers===
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 11.1 Y: 10.6)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Sabatons}}
{{Drops table row|Lord's Sabatons}}
{{Drops table row|Thick Sollerets}}
{{Drops table row|Hetairos Jackboots}}
{{Drops table row|War Caligae}}
{{Drops table row|Noble's Leg Guards}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Leggings}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Moccasins}}
{{Drops table row|Austere Leggings}}
{{Drops table row|Blessed Espadrilles}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Duckbills}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Pattens}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Ring}}
{{Table footer}}
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 11.1 Y: 10.9)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Tabard}}
{{Drops table row|Lord's Cuirass}}
{{Drops table row|Thick Haubergeon}}
{{Drops table row|Hetairos Mail}}
{{Drops table row|War Harness}}
{{Drops table row|Noble's Jacket}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Acton}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Tunic}}
{{Drops table row|Austere Cowl}}
{{Drops table row|Blessed Gown}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Trousers}}
{{Drops table row|Lord's Trousers}}
{{Drops table row|Thick Skirt}}
{{Drops table row|Hetairos Breeches}}
{{Drops table row|War Subligar}}
{{Drops table row|Noble's Brais}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Breeches}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Kecks}}
{{Drops table row|Austere Tights}}
{{Drops table row|Blessed Slops}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Breeches}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Chausses}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Wristlets}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Ring}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Ring}}
{{Table footer}}
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.4 Y: 12.3)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Circlet}}
{{Drops table row|Lord's Celata}}
{{Drops table row|Thick Chain Coif}}
{{Drops table row|Hetairos Elmo}}
{{Drops table row|War Mesail}}
{{Drops table row|Noble's Goggles}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Helm}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Bandana}}
{{Drops table row|Blessed Monocle}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Mask}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Coif}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Gauntlets}}
{{Drops table row|Lord's Gauntlets}}
{{Drops table row|Thick Vambraces}}
{{Drops table row|Hetairos Armguards}}
{{Drops table row|War Mitt Gauntlets}}
{{Drops table row|Noble's Armguards}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Mitts}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Bracers}}
{{Drops table row|Austere Ringbands}}
{{Drops table row|Blessed Halfgloves}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Gloves}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Halfgloves}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Choker}}
{{Table footer}}
====[[File:Bronze Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 12.0 Y: 11.0)====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Earrings}}
{{Drops table row|Hoplite Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Peltast Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Toxotes Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Demagogue Choker}}
{{Drops table row|Strategos Choker}}
{{Table footer}}
This duty is associated with the following achievements:

{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center" width="75%"
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius}}
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
| [[Blessed Gown]] || [[File:blessed gown icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Scholar|SCH]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 53 || 100 ||[[Vitality]] +16, [[Mind]] +16, [[Piety]] +10, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +24
| [[Hoplite Sabatons]] || [[File:hoplite sabatons icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[paladin|PLD]] [[warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Feet || 106 || 106 ||[[Strength]] +10, [[Vitality]] +11, [[Accuracy]] +11, [[Determination]] +10
| [[Lord's Cuirass]] || [[File:lords cuirass icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[paladin|PLD]] [[warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 148 || 148 ||[[Strength]] +16, [[Vitality]] +18, [[Parry]] +17, [[Determination]] +17
| [[Lord's Gauntlets]] || [[File:lords gauntlets icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[paladin|PLD]] [[warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 106 || 106 ||[[Strength]] +10, [[Vitality]] +11, [[Skill Speed]] +11, [[Determination]] +10
| [[Lord's Plate Belt]] || [[File:lords plate belt icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[gladiator|GLD]] [[Marauder|MRD]] [[paladin|PLD]] [[warrior|WAR]] <br /> Level 50 || Waist || 92 || 92 ||[[Strength]] +8, [[Vitality]] +8, [[Parry]] +8, [[Determination]] +8
| [[Noble's Goggles]] || [[File:nobles goggles icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[archer|ARC]] [[bard|BRD]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 55 || 55 ||[[Dexterity]] +10, [[Vitality]] +11, [[Determination]] +10, [[Skill Speed]] +11
| [[Peltast Helm]] || [[File:peltast helm icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 50 || Head || 55 || 55 ||[[Strength]] +10, [[Vitality]] +11, [[Accuracy]] +15, [[Determination]] +7
| [[Strategos Breeches]] || [[File:strategos breeches icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[Disciples of Magic]] <br /> Level 50 || Legs || 53 || 100 ||[[Vitality]] +16, [[Mind]] +16, [[Piety]] +15, [[Spell Speed]] +17
| [[Toxotes Bracers]] || [[File:toxotes bracers icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 50 || Hands || 55 || 55 ||[[Dexterity]] +10, [[Vitality]] +11, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +11,
[[Skill Speed]] +15
| [[Toxotes Tunic]] || [[File:toxotes tunic icon1.png]]|| 60 || [[Disciples of War]] <br /> Level 50 || Body || 76 || 76 ||[[Dexterity]] +16, [[Vitality]] +18, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +17,
[[Accuracy]] +24

[[File:pharos sirius1.jpg|400px]]
===Dungeon Images===
[[File:pharos sirius2.jpg|400px]]
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[[File:pharos sirius3.jpg|400px]]
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File:Pharos sirius4.png
===Drawn By The Light===
Situated upon the Isles of Umbra, this colossal lighthouse was erected to guide ships safely through the treacherous reefs near Aleport. Its light shone by means of a revolutionary mechanism developed by Naldiq & Vymelli’s, which channeled the land’s aether into the crystal housed in the beacon chamber before releasing it again. As the Calamity wreaked havoc upon the realm, however, the lighthouse was struck clean through by a hail of fireballs causing vast amounts of aether to spew forth. That aether solidified all at once, leaving behind the dynamic formation of corrupted crystals that remains lodged in the structure to this day. Though its original light has ceased to shine, Pharos Sirius continues to function after a fashion owing to the crystals' glow. Concerns grew over its structural integrity, however, and craftsmen were sent in to carry out repairs—only to be driven out by a dread fiend. A siren of seafaring legend had taken up residence within the lighthouse, and intrepid adventurers were called upon to evict this unwelcome tenant.
With their enthralling song, these seductive she-devils of the waves have lured many sailors to a watery demise. Some years ago, the pirate king Mistbeard hunted down the creatures, and for a time their ruinous voices were not to be heard upon the five seas. Following the Calamity, however, a siren would appear upon the Isles of Umbra—or what few of their kind that remained being drawn, it would seem, to corrupted crystals.
===Subterranean Incursion===
With the siren silenced at the adventurers' hands, the restoration of Pharos Sirius could begin in earnest, but it was not long ere trouble arose once more—from the very foundations of the lighthouse. As the men and women of Naldiq & Vymelli’s went about their work, they suddenly found themselves overrun by an order of kobolds. In a bid to move their troops into Limsa Lominsa undetected, the beastmen had dug a tunnel stretching from O'Ghomoro, but a miscalculation brought them to the Isles of Umbra instead.
Upon being alerted, the Maelstrom swiftly assembled a small yet capable unit of adventurers. Borne to the beacon chamber by airship, they fought their way down the tower, level by level, and pushed back the forces of the kobolds.
===The Progenitrix===
The Progenitrix is a prototype bomb developed by ambitious Kobold alchemists seeking to accelerate the pace at which they tunnel the stony hearts of crag, and for. Creating a bomb of this size requires a past to accept the possibility of lethal explosion during the compression process. For the kobolds, however, the exponential gain in potency appears to be worth risking a horrible, fiery death.
'''Siren:''' adrift...my embrace...come hither... ♪
'''Siren:''' ...shame...fated ones...in flames...♪
'''Siren:''' ...the sea...forever...with me...♪
'''Siren:'''  My song...silenced...in darkness...quiet...

{{Duties nav|dungeon}}

Latest revision as of 03:42, 20 January 2025

Disambig icon.png This article is about the optional level 50 dungeon. For the optional level 60 dungeon from Heavensward, see Pharos Sirius (Hard).

Pharos Sirius

Pharos Sirius.png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
48 (Sync: 110)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (A Realm Reborn)
High-level Dungeons
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 
Req. quest
Feature quest Sirius Business
Western La Noscea (X:16, Y:30)
Command Mission, Explorer

The seas around the Isles of Umbra are rife with hidden reefs and rocks, and many a hapless ship has met its demise beneath her surging waves. Recognizing the need to provide vessels with safe passage through these treacherous waters, the Admiral of Limsa Lominsa ordered the construction of a great lighthouse. So it was that Pharos Sirius came into being, shortly before dusk fell upon the Sixth Astral Era.

For a time, Pharos Sirius served seafarers faithfully, the radiance of its aether-fueled lantern piercing the blackest night. Alas, its light was prematurely extinguished by the Calamity, the destruction wrought by Bahamut leaving vast parts of the structure in ruin. Corrupted crystals and aether alike now pervade its halls and passageways, and the reconstruction effort is at a standstill.

Worst still, if rumors can be believed, the dreaded siren of Umbra has returned to claim Pharos Sirius for her domain. Dauntless adventurers must venture within and defeat the seductress and her legion of undead minions if this beacon of civilization is to shine once more.

— In-game description

Pharos Sirius is a level 50 dungeon introduced in patch 2.1.


  1. Clear the Aether Pump: 0/1
  2. Clear the Second Spire: 0/1
  3. Clear the Fuel Chamber: 0/1
  4. Clear the Aether Compressor: 0/1
  5. Defeat the Siren: 0/1



Aggressive difficulty r5.png Symond the Unsinkable

Pharos Sirius Guide

The enemies' attacks in this encounter can add a stack of Corrupting Crystal to each player. At three stacks, it will explode, dealing damage and applying a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up stack to all nearby players.

To limit stacks, stay spread out, avoid AoEs, and kill the Zombie War Hound adds as quickly as possible.

  • Corrupting Shot: straight line AoE from the boss's position.
  • Crystalline Shot: makes either 1 or 2 large circular puddles on the ground. The puddle(s) will expand 2 times, and touching them will give a Corrupting Crystal stack. If there's one puddle, stay around the edges of the arena. If there are two, then try to split the party across the two safe zones, to minimize splash damage from Corrupting Crystal explosions.
  • Giga Slash: Large AoE that knocks players back (but does not apply a stack of Corrupting Crystal).

If you reach 3 stacks of Corrupting Crystal, run away from everyone so the explosion doesn't hit them. Since you are already at 3 stacks, you can run into the Crystalline Shot puddles if necessary.

Around 15% HP, either use the melee LB to end the boss, or use the caster LB to kill the 3-4 hounds that spawn.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Zu

Tank: Face the boss away from the group.

Healer: Be prepared for a lot of AoE healing.

There are two types of eggs, spotted and plain. The plain eggs spawn an Zu Pullet that does a minor AoE, while the spotted eggs spawn a Zu Cockerel that tethers to a player.

Ignore the eggs until the message "The egg is threatening to hatch," appears, which will cause 2-3 eggs to start to glow purple. Only kill one of them. If one of them is a spotted egg, kill it. If more than one egg is killed, Zu will use Flying Frenzy.png  Flying Frenzy and bodyslam a party member, which can easily kill someone.

  • Alternatively, do not kill any eggs and just kill the chicks after they spawn.

Dancer frame icon1.png Dancers should avoid using Standard Finish.png  Standard Finish, as this will destroy multiple eggs at once.

When Zu flies into the air, kill any adds that are alive. While in the air, Zu will place ground effects under the tank. Also uses the Blue Mage frame icon.png Blue Mage spell Sonic Boom.png  Sonic Boom.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Tyrant

Tank: Face the boss away from the group and pick up the Sailor adds.

Move out of the circular AoE that appears under Tyrant during Bombination.

The boss seems to have quite low HP. Either AoE the adds with the boss or just burn the boss down.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Siren

Tank: Position the boss near the center of the room and be ready to pick up the Zombie Storm Privates. Kite the Zombie Storm Sergeants.

Two types of adds can spawn: Zombie Storm Privates that run, and Zombie Storm Sergeants which crawl along the ground. If the latter touches a player, that player will be inflicted with Bind icon1.png Death Throes and will be unable to act or move until the add is killed.

  • Deathly Verse: inflicts a player with Hysteria icon1.png Siren Song. Healers have 12 seconds to heal them to full HP, or they will become Confused icon1.png confused and attack fellow party members for 8 seconds.
  • Song of Torment.png  Song of Torment: Applies a Bleed icon1.png Bleeding debuff to the tank. This debuff can be removed with Esuna.png  Esuna. This cast can also be interrupted if one reacts quickly, but it's better to conserve interrupts for the boss's other moves.

When Siren vanishes, she will either appear in the center of the room and cast Deathly Cadenza, or on an edge and cast Feral Lunge.

  • Deathly Cadenza: Large donut AoE at the center of the room. Anyone hit by this will get the Hysteria icon1.png Siren Song debuff. Stay in the center of the arena (the circle of metal grates) to avoid it, or interrupt the cast.
  • Feral Lunge: Straight line AoE that goes through the center of the arena.

At around 50% HP or below, Siren will start casting Lunatic Voice.

  • Lunatic Voice: Applies Reduced Immunity icon1.png Reduced Immunity, which reduces healing received, to all players. The cast can be interrupted, and the debuff can be removed with Esuna.png  Esuna.


See also: Ilvl 60 Dungeon Armor and Ilvl 60 Dungeon Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Symond the Unsinkable

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Austere leggings icon1.png  Austere Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Blessed espadrilles icon1.png  Blessed Espadrilles Feet 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue pattens icon1.png  Demagogue Pattens Feet 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue ring icon1.png  Demagogue Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue wristlets icon1.png  Demagogue Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos jackboots icon1.png  Hetairos Jackboots Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite ring icon1.png  Hoplite Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite sabatons icon1.png  Hoplite Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite wristlets icon1.png  Hoplite Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Lords sabatons icon1.png  Lord's Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Nobles leg guards icon1.png  Noble's Leg Guards Feet 60 BGreen 1
Peltast leggings icon1.png  Peltast Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Peltast ring icon1.png  Peltast Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Peltast wristlets icon1.png  Peltast Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Strategos duckbills icon1.png  Strategos Duckbills Feet 60 BGreen 1
Strategos ring icon1.png  Strategos Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Strategos wristlets icon1.png  Strategos Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Thick sollerets icon1.png  Thick Sollerets Feet 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes moccasins icon1.png  Toxotes Moccasins Feet 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes ring icon1.png  Toxotes Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes wristlets icon1.png  Toxotes Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
War caligae icon1.png  War Caligae Feet 60 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Zu

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Austere ringbands icon1.png  Austere Ringbands Hands 60 BGreen 1
Blessed halfgloves icon1.png  Blessed Halfgloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Blessed monocle icon1.png  Blessed Monocle Head 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue halfgloves icon1.png  Demagogue Halfgloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue mask icon1.png  Demagogue Mask Head 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos armguards icon1.png  Hetairos Armguards Hands 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos elmo icon1.png  Hetairos Elmo Head 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite circlet icon1.png  Hoplite Circlet Head 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite gauntlets icon1.png  Hoplite Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1
Lords celata icon1.png  Lord's Celata Head 60 BGreen 1
Lords gauntlets icon1.png  Lord's Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1
Nobles armguards icon1.png  Noble's Armguards Hands 60 BGreen 1
Nobles goggles icon1.png  Noble's Goggles Head 60 BGreen 1
Peltast helm icon1.png  Peltast Helm Head 60 BGreen 1
Peltast mitts icon1.png  Peltast Mitts Hands 60 BGreen 1
Strategos coif icon1.png  Strategos Coif Head 60 BGreen 1
Strategos gloves icon1.png  Strategos Gloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Thick chain coif icon1.png  Thick Chain Coif Head 60 BGreen 1
Thick vambraces icon1.png  Thick Vambraces Hands 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes bandana icon1.png  Toxotes Bandana Head 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes bracers icon1.png  Toxotes Bracers Hands 60 BGreen 1
War mesail icon1.png  War Mesail Head 60 BGreen 1
War mitt gauntlets icon1.png  War Mitt Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Tyrant

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Demagogue choker icon1.png  Demagogue Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue earrings icon1.png  Demagogue Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite choker icon1.png  Hoplite Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite earrings icon1.png  Hoplite Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Peltast choker icon1.png  Peltast Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Peltast earrings icon1.png  Peltast Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Strategos choker icon1.png  Strategos Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Strategos earrings icon1.png  Strategos Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes choker icon1.png  Toxotes Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes earrings icon1.png  Toxotes Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Siren

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Austere cowl icon1.png  Austere Cowl Body 60 BGreen 1
Austere tights icon1.png  Austere Tights Legs 60 BGreen 1
Blessed gown icon1.png  Blessed Gown Body 60 BGreen 1
Blessed slops icon1.png  Blessed Slops Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue chausses icon1.png  Demagogue Chausses Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue halfrobe icon1.png  Demagogue Halfrobe Body 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos breeches icon1.png  Hetairos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos mail icon1.png  Hetairos Mail Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite tabard icon1.png  Hoplite Tabard Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite trousers icon1.png  Hoplite Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Lords cuirass icon1.png  Lord's Cuirass Body 60 BGreen 1
Lords trousers icon1.png  Lord's Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles brais icon1.png  Noble's Brais Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles jacket icon1.png  Noble's Jacket Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast acton icon1.png  Peltast Acton Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast breeches icon1.png  Peltast Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Strategos bliaud icon1.png  Strategos Bliaud Body 60 BGreen 1
Strategos breeches icon1.png  Strategos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Thick haubergeon icon1.png  Thick Haubergeon Body 60 BGreen 1
Thick skirt icon1.png  Thick Skirt Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes kecks icon1.png  Toxotes Kecks Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes tunic icon1.png  Toxotes Tunic Body 60 BGreen 1
War harness icon1.png  War Harness Body 60 BGreen 1
War subligar icon1.png  War Subligar Legs 60 BGreen 1

Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 11.1 Y: 10.6)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite sabatons icon1.png  Hoplite Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Lords sabatons icon1.png  Lord's Sabatons Feet 60 BGreen 1
Thick sollerets icon1.png  Thick Sollerets Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos jackboots icon1.png  Hetairos Jackboots Feet 60 BGreen 1
War caligae icon1.png  War Caligae Feet 60 BGreen 1
Nobles leg guards icon1.png  Noble's Leg Guards Feet 60 BGreen 1
Peltast leggings icon1.png  Peltast Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes moccasins icon1.png  Toxotes Moccasins Feet 60 BGreen 1
Austere leggings icon1.png  Austere Leggings Feet 60 BGreen 1
Blessed espadrilles icon1.png  Blessed Espadrilles Feet 60 BGreen 1
Strategos duckbills icon1.png  Strategos Duckbills Feet 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue pattens icon1.png  Demagogue Pattens Feet 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite wristlets icon1.png  Hoplite Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Peltast wristlets icon1.png  Peltast Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes wristlets icon1.png  Toxotes Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue wristlets icon1.png  Demagogue Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Strategos wristlets icon1.png  Strategos Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite ring icon1.png  Hoplite Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Peltast ring icon1.png  Peltast Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes ring icon1.png  Toxotes Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue ring icon1.png  Demagogue Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Strategos ring icon1.png  Strategos Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 11.1 Y: 10.9)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite tabard icon1.png  Hoplite Tabard Body 60 BGreen 1
Lords cuirass icon1.png  Lord's Cuirass Body 60 BGreen 1
Thick haubergeon icon1.png  Thick Haubergeon Body 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos mail icon1.png  Hetairos Mail Body 60 BGreen 1
War harness icon1.png  War Harness Body 60 BGreen 1
Nobles jacket icon1.png  Noble's Jacket Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast acton icon1.png  Peltast Acton Body 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes tunic icon1.png  Toxotes Tunic Body 60 BGreen 1
Austere cowl icon1.png  Austere Cowl Body 60 BGreen 1
Blessed gown icon1.png  Blessed Gown Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite trousers icon1.png  Hoplite Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Lords trousers icon1.png  Lord's Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Thick skirt icon1.png  Thick Skirt Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos breeches icon1.png  Hetairos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
War subligar icon1.png  War Subligar Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles brais icon1.png  Noble's Brais Legs 60 BGreen 1
Peltast breeches icon1.png  Peltast Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes kecks icon1.png  Toxotes Kecks Legs 60 BGreen 1
Austere tights icon1.png  Austere Tights Legs 60 BGreen 1
Blessed slops icon1.png  Blessed Slops Legs 60 BGreen 1
Strategos breeches icon1.png  Strategos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue chausses icon1.png  Demagogue Chausses Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite wristlets icon1.png  Hoplite Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Peltast wristlets icon1.png  Peltast Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes wristlets icon1.png  Toxotes Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue wristlets icon1.png  Demagogue Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Strategos wristlets icon1.png  Strategos Wristlets Bracelets 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite ring icon1.png  Hoplite Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Peltast ring icon1.png  Peltast Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes ring icon1.png  Toxotes Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue ring icon1.png  Demagogue Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1
Strategos ring icon1.png  Strategos Ring Ring 60 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.4 Y: 12.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite circlet icon1.png  Hoplite Circlet Head 60 BGreen 1
Lords celata icon1.png  Lord's Celata Head 60 BGreen 1
Thick chain coif icon1.png  Thick Chain Coif Head 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos elmo icon1.png  Hetairos Elmo Head 60 BGreen 1
War mesail icon1.png  War Mesail Head 60 BGreen 1
Nobles goggles icon1.png  Noble's Goggles Head 60 BGreen 1
Peltast helm icon1.png  Peltast Helm Head 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes bandana icon1.png  Toxotes Bandana Head 60 BGreen 1
Blessed monocle icon1.png  Blessed Monocle Head 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue mask icon1.png  Demagogue Mask Head 60 BGreen 1
Strategos coif icon1.png  Strategos Coif Head 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite gauntlets icon1.png  Hoplite Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1
Lords gauntlets icon1.png  Lord's Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1
Thick vambraces icon1.png  Thick Vambraces Hands 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos armguards icon1.png  Hetairos Armguards Hands 60 BGreen 1
War mitt gauntlets icon1.png  War Mitt Gauntlets Hands 60 BGreen 1
Nobles armguards icon1.png  Noble's Armguards Hands 60 BGreen 1
Peltast mitts icon1.png  Peltast Mitts Hands 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes bracers icon1.png  Toxotes Bracers Hands 60 BGreen 1
Austere ringbands icon1.png  Austere Ringbands Hands 60 BGreen 1
Blessed halfgloves icon1.png  Blessed Halfgloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Strategos gloves icon1.png  Strategos Gloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue halfgloves icon1.png  Demagogue Halfgloves Hands 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite earrings icon1.png  Hoplite Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Peltast earrings icon1.png  Peltast Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes earrings icon1.png  Toxotes Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue earrings icon1.png  Demagogue Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Strategos earrings icon1.png  Strategos Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite choker icon1.png  Hoplite Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Peltast choker icon1.png  Peltast Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes choker icon1.png  Toxotes Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue choker icon1.png  Demagogue Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Strategos choker icon1.png  Strategos Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 12.0 Y: 11.0)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite earrings icon1.png  Hoplite Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Peltast earrings icon1.png  Peltast Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes earrings icon1.png  Toxotes Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue earrings icon1.png  Demagogue Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Strategos earrings icon1.png  Strategos Earrings Earrings 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite choker icon1.png  Hoplite Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Peltast choker icon1.png  Peltast Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes choker icon1.png  Toxotes Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue choker icon1.png  Demagogue Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1
Strategos choker icon1.png  Strategos Choker Necklace 60 BGreen 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm pharos sirius icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius 10 Discover every location within Pharos Sirius. - 2.1


Dungeon Images


Drawn By The Light

Situated upon the Isles of Umbra, this colossal lighthouse was erected to guide ships safely through the treacherous reefs near Aleport. Its light shone by means of a revolutionary mechanism developed by Naldiq & Vymelli’s, which channeled the land’s aether into the crystal housed in the beacon chamber before releasing it again. As the Calamity wreaked havoc upon the realm, however, the lighthouse was struck clean through by a hail of fireballs causing vast amounts of aether to spew forth. That aether solidified all at once, leaving behind the dynamic formation of corrupted crystals that remains lodged in the structure to this day. Though its original light has ceased to shine, Pharos Sirius continues to function after a fashion owing to the crystals' glow. Concerns grew over its structural integrity, however, and craftsmen were sent in to carry out repairs—only to be driven out by a dread fiend. A siren of seafaring legend had taken up residence within the lighthouse, and intrepid adventurers were called upon to evict this unwelcome tenant.


With their enthralling song, these seductive she-devils of the waves have lured many sailors to a watery demise. Some years ago, the pirate king Mistbeard hunted down the creatures, and for a time their ruinous voices were not to be heard upon the five seas. Following the Calamity, however, a siren would appear upon the Isles of Umbra—or what few of their kind that remained being drawn, it would seem, to corrupted crystals.

Subterranean Incursion

With the siren silenced at the adventurers' hands, the restoration of Pharos Sirius could begin in earnest, but it was not long ere trouble arose once more—from the very foundations of the lighthouse. As the men and women of Naldiq & Vymelli’s went about their work, they suddenly found themselves overrun by an order of kobolds. In a bid to move their troops into Limsa Lominsa undetected, the beastmen had dug a tunnel stretching from O'Ghomoro, but a miscalculation brought them to the Isles of Umbra instead.

Upon being alerted, the Maelstrom swiftly assembled a small yet capable unit of adventurers. Borne to the beacon chamber by airship, they fought their way down the tower, level by level, and pushed back the forces of the kobolds.

The Progenitrix

The Progenitrix is a prototype bomb developed by ambitious Kobold alchemists seeking to accelerate the pace at which they tunnel the stony hearts of crag, and for. Creating a bomb of this size requires a past to accept the possibility of lethal explosion during the compression process. For the kobolds, however, the exponential gain in potency appears to be worth risking a horrible, fiery death.


Siren: adrift...my embrace...come hither... ♪
Siren: ...shame...fated ones...in flames...♪
Siren: ...the sea...forever...with me...♪
Siren:  My song...silenced...in darkness...quiet...