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(formatted dialogue, added optional dialogue) |
(5 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown) | |||
Line 8: | Line 8: | ||
| location-y = 12.3 | | location-y = 12.3 | ||
| type = main scenario | | type = main scenario | ||
| quest-line = Stormblood Main Scenario | | quest-line = Stormblood Main Scenario Quests | ||
| organization = | | organization = | ||
| class = | | class = | ||
Line 17: | Line 17: | ||
| exp = 107000 | | exp = 107000 | ||
| gil = 1424 | | gil = 1424 | ||
| reward-opt1 = 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Fending | | reward-opt1 = 1 HQ Marid Leather Breeches of Fending | ||
| reward-opt2 = 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming | | reward-opt2 = 1 HQ Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming | ||
| reward-opt3 = 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Striking | | reward-opt3 = 1 HQ Marid Leather Breeches of Striking | ||
| reward-opt4 = 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Scouting | | reward-opt4 = 1 HQ Marid Leather Breeches of Scouting | ||
| reward-opt5 = 3 Piety Materia V | | reward-opt5 = 3 Piety Materia V | ||
| unlocks = | | unlocks = | ||
Line 27: | Line 27: | ||
| release = stormblood | | release = stormblood | ||
| patch = 4.0 | | patch = 4.0 | ||
| msq-index = 473 | |||
}} | }} | ||
==Steps== | ==Steps== | ||
*Speak with [[Tansui]]. | *Speak with [[Tansui]]. | ||
*Speak with [[Alphinaud]]. | *Speak with [[Alphinaud]]. | ||
*Speak with [[Rasho]]. | *Speak with [[Rasho]]. | ||
*Speak with [[Rasho]]. | *Speak with [[Rasho]]. | ||
Line 52: | Line 50: | ||
*On the docks of Kugane, you prepare to part ways with your Confederate allies. For an instant, Rasho lets slip his mask and thanks you earnestly for your deeds in service to Doma. And then, just like that, the mask is back in place, for some stories are destined to remain untold. | *On the docks of Kugane, you prepare to part ways with your Confederate allies. For an instant, Rasho lets slip his mask and thanks you earnestly for your deeds in service to Doma. And then, just like that, the mask is back in place, for some stories are destined to remain untold. | ||
== | ==Dialogue== | ||
??? | ===Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)=== | ||
'''Alphinaud:''' ...Thank you. | |||
The occupation is ended, then. And the people must be informed of our victory. | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' But I will not simply give up Gosetsu for lost. Before aught else, we must needs search the ruins. | |||
'''Soroban:''' Allow me, my friends. The castle is still collapsing into the river, and could easily drag you to your deaths. I can navigate the waters easily, without fear of drowning. | |||
'''Alisaie:''' Be reasonable, Brother. You know he is right. | |||
'''Yugiri:''' [Forename]. A word, if I may. | |||
'''Yugiri:''' My lord withdraws into himself, unable to turn his thoughts from the keep. He needs us now, more than ever... | |||
'''Soroban:''' My friends, I am returned. I swam as far into the ruins as I could... | |||
'''Lyse:''' And...? Did you find him? | |||
'''Soroban:''' ...Nay, lady. Naught remained of the keep for me to search. | |||
'''Soroban:''' Undermined from below and shaken from above, the manner of its collapse was most unusual. If the floor beneath him gave way before the rest...it is not impossible that he could have been sent tumbling into the river. | |||
'''Soroban:''' But the water is thick with silt and debris. Despite my best efforts, I could not find him. I am sorry. | |||
'''Hien:''' ...There is naught for which you should apologize. Thank you, Soroban, for taking it upon yourself to search. | |||
'''Hien:''' The castle is in ruins, and the people are eager to learn the fate of their nation. We leave at once. | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' Are you sure, my lord? | |||
'''Hien:''' The day is won, and the morrow beckons... | |||
'''Hien:''' It falls to us to greet it. | |||
'''Lyse:''' ...I'm going down to the docks to see if I can't get one of the Confederate ships to take us to the enclave. | |||
'''Alisaie:''' Mayhap we should tell the others at the House of the Fierce to gather there? | |||
'''Cirina:''' Magnai and Sadu know naught of what happened in the castle. I will go and tell them. | |||
'''Hien:''' They fought valiantly and with honor, Cirina. I pray you tell them that as well. | |||
'''Hien:''' You too, my friend, were instrumental in this triumph. I must insist that you be present when we bring these tidings to my people. | |||
====Optional==== | |||
'''Soroban:''' My brothers of the Blue have called for me, but we shall speak again soon. | |||
'''Alisaie:''' I wish I knew what to say, but I've never had my brother's way with words. It's...what he would have wanted? ...I–I'm sorry. This is not helping. | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' Our Confederate allies have already set about ferrying the others to the Doman Enclave. By the time we arrive, all should be present and waiting. | |||
'''Cirina:''' I cannot accompany you to the enclave. Magnai and Sadu will expect me to deliver the news of our victory to them in person. | |||
'''Yugiri:''' You have witnessed the destruction wrought by the Empire, but nowhere is it more apparent than the enclave. Would that you could have seen it as it was... | |||
'''Lyse:''' It seems Tansui was on his way as soon as he saw you flee the keep. | |||
'''Hien:''' You've never actually been to the enclave, have you? It was a lively place...before Zenos sent his troops. | |||
===Speaking with Tansui=== | |||
'''Tansui:''' ...You all look like shite. | |||
'''Tansui:''' The captain thought you might need a ride to the enclave. Ready to come aboard? | |||
'''< What will you say? >''' | |||
'''< Let's go. >''' | |||
'''< Give us a moment. >''' | |||
'''''< Give us a moment. >''''' | |||
'''Tansui:''' As you wish. They've waited twenty–five years. A few more minutes won't make a difference. | |||
'''(Dialogue Ends)''' | |||
'''''< Let's go. >''''' | |||
'''Tansui:''' On you go, then. Sit wherever you like. | |||
'''Tansui:''' I don't know what happened in there, but it's over. You won. That's cause enough for celeberation—and those people you're about to see need something to celebrate... | |||
====Cutscene==== | |||
'''Rasho:''' We brought everyone here. You are the last to arrive. | |||
'''Hien:''' I see. Thank you. We owe the Confederacy a great debt... | |||
'''Rasho:''' I have waited twenty-five years for this moment. You owe us naught. | |||
'''Formidable Farmer:''' Look! It's Lord Hien! | |||
'''Yugiri:''' Some few words of encouragement would not go amiss, my lord. | |||
'''Hien:''' Um...Right! Uh, yes. O-Of course... | |||
'''< What will you say? >''' | |||
'''< Off you trot, then. >''' | |||
'''< You're their lord, remember. Stand tall! >''' | |||
'''< Well, if you won't say something, I will. >''' | |||
'''''< Off you trot, then. >''''' | |||
'''Hien:''' Ummm... Er, um...right, um, right! Off─off I go! | |||
'''''< You're their lord, remember. Stand tall! >''''' | |||
'''Hien:''' Forgive me. This is rather more daunting than I had anticipated. | |||
But you are right, I must be strong. Wish me luck. | |||
'''''< Well, if you won't say something, I will. >''''' | |||
'''Hien:''' Hah hah! Hearing you say that, I find my courage somehow renewed. | |||
Much obliged. | |||
'''(All)''' | |||
'''Hien:''' We are a sorry lot, are we not. Tired, dirty, stinking of blood and sweat and ash. A people pushed to the point of breaking. | |||
'''Hien:''' And yet we won. | |||
'''Hien:''' The perseverance to endure decades of oppression. The will to carry on the legacy of those we have lost. These were the bonds that held us together and gave us the strength to reclaim our home. | |||
'''Hien:''' After twenty-five hard years, the shadow of the Empire no longer darkens these lands, and we may at last look forward to the dawning of a new day. But, my friends, it will be a day of work. | |||
'''Hien:''' So I ask you: have you yet the strength to stand? | |||
'''Hien:''' To rise up with me once more, here and now, and begin to rebuild our homeland? | |||
'''Alisaie:''' This will not end with Doma. We will see to that. Right, Lyse? | |||
'''Lyse:''' Right! | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' Indeed, this is but the beginning. The tide is turning, and it shall soon bear us back across the seas, and onward unto the next battlefield. | |||
====Optional==== | |||
'''Hien:''' Twenty–five years... If only you were here to see it. | |||
'''Formidable Farmer:''' Kami take me, I never believed this day would come! I'm sorry I doubted you before, my friend. | |||
'''Wounded Elder:''' It's you! The woman/man who came to set us free. Of course. You must have had a hand in this. My thanks to you. | |||
'''Isse:''' <sniffle> Mother, Father... I understand now. I do... | |||
'''Azami:''' Why are you crying, Brother? Isn't today a good day? | |||
'''Tsuranuki:''' 'Twas a year ago my lord Kaien died, and with him, the dream of Doma. Never again would we be free, I thought... | |||
'''Tsuranuki:''' ...Miserable old fool that I am. But Doma lives! Doma rises! Doma will stand tall again! Till the end of my days will I labor to make it so! | |||
'''Liberation Front Infantry:''' I want to shout and scream until my throat is hoarse. I want my fallen brothers and sister to know that it was not in vain! | |||
'''Yugiri:''' It was not for naught. It was not for naught... | |||
'''Cirina:''' Oh. Hien is not with you? N–No matter. The sun and moon were not fated to share the same sky. | |||
'''Soroban:''' Oh, you will not be staying in the enclave? | |||
'''Alisaie:''' We journeyed here from the opposite side of the world, but until now, it didn't seem half as far. I think that means our work here is done. | |||
'''Lyse:''' I'm glad we could be a part of it. That we could see with our own eyes that things can change if people have the courage to stand up and fight. | |||
===Speaking with Alphinaud (Cutscene)=== | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' Are you quite certain you would not prefer to stay awhile longer? There are sure to be festivities—at which you would be the guest of honor, like as not. Very well. | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' There are other ways in which we might celebrate—by rejoining the fight for freedom in Gyr Abania, for one. | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' Short though our time here has been, we have all come to regard this land and her people as our own, I think. But we have done that which we came here to do. | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' Word of Doma's liberation will soon spread throughout the Empire, and we must seize this opportunity to rekindle the fires of liberation in the West. | |||
'''Alisaie:''' We dare not allow the imperials a moment's respite, lest they march on Doma again. For the sake of all concerned, we should leave immediately. | |||
'''Cirina:''' Did I hear you right? You are leaving? | |||
'''Lyse:''' I'm afraid so. We've got our own battle to fight. What about you? Will you be heading back to the Steppe? | |||
'''Cirina:''' Yes. The war here is ended, and there is no cause to remain. The Oronir and Dotharl have already withdrawn. | |||
'''Cirina:''' I will follow them anon, but I wished to bid you farewell first. | |||
'''Soroban:''' The Blue, too, must return to their homes, but we will be back. Doma has need of merchants and builders, and we are eager to offer our services! | |||
'''Tansui:''' And just like that, our grand fellowship is broken? Without ceremony or pomp, you steal off into the dark? | |||
'''Tansui:''' No matter. We have plenty to be getting on with. Places to be, people to rob, and so on. And the captain never was one for mingling. | |||
'''Rasho:''' I am a pirate. Give me a song at the tavern, and I will be happy. Hobnobbing with Lord Hien? Nay. | |||
'''Tansui:''' <sigh> No taste for the finer things... | |||
'''Tansui:''' In any event, we need not part ways here. If you are for Kugane, we would be happy to take you. Her waters have always been...fruitful. | |||
'''Cirina:''' I wish you well on your journey, my friends. May you ever walk in crimson. | |||
'''Lyse:''' Thank you, Cirina. For everything. | |||
'''Soroban:''' May the kami speed you on your way! Until we meet again! | |||
====Optional==== | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' We have said our good–byes. Though it be with heavy hearts, let us board the boat and begin our long journey home. | |||
'''Tansui:''' Didn't even think to tell Lord Hien you were leaving? Well... I'm sure you had your reasons. | |||
===Speaking with Rasho=== | |||
'''Rasho:''' Naught remains undone? You are ready to depart? | |||
'''< What will you say? >''' | |||
'''< We're ready. >''' | |||
'''< Not yet. >''' | |||
'''''< Not yet. >''''' | |||
'''Rasho:''' Oh? I thought matters in your homeland pressing. Mayhap I was mistaken. | |||
'''(Conversation ends.)''' | |||
'''''< We're ready. >''''' | |||
'''Rasho:''' To Kugane, then... | |||
====Optional==== | |||
'''Alphinaud:''' In a way, this too feels like a homecoming. How long has it been since Carvallain brought us here...? | |||
'''Lyse:''' It's just as colorful as I remember... | |||
'''Alisaie:''' I can still hear his voice... My ears haven't stopped ringing since he first barged his way into the Rising Stones, a veritable force of nature. | |||
'''Tansui:''' It's a rare thing for us to sail into Kugane like common traders. I don't rightly recall the last time, but it will have been years. | |||
===Speaking with Rasho=== | |||
'''Rasho:''' Have everything? Good. We will need to weigh anchor before the Sekiseigumi arrive. | |||
'''Rasho:''' ...From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for what you did. Give my regards to the Ul'dahn. |
Latest revision as of 03:08, 15 September 2024
The World Turned Upside Down
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Yanxia (X:13.6, Y:12.3)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 67
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Die Is Cast
- Next quest
A Swift and Secret Departure
The Perfect Woman
Child Labor
In the Line of Duty
The Weight of a Dream
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 473 / 960 (49.3%)
Stormblood Progress: 94 / 162 (58%)
“Alphinaud is at a loss for words.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Fending
- 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming
- 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Striking
- 1 Marid Leather Breeches of Scouting
- 3 Piety Materia V
- Alphinaud is at a loss for words.
- The castle has fallen, and the imperial occupation of Doma is at an end. But what of Gosetsu? Is there truly no hope? Alphinaud is unwilling to assume the worst, and so Soroban agrees to search the crumbling ruin. Alas, when he returns, he tells you that naught remained of the keep for him to search. Though he found no body, it seems all but impossible that the samurai survived...
- Difficult though it is, you and your comrades must look to the future. Gosetsu would accept no less. The Domans who fought valiantly for their freedom are gathered in the enclave, and wait to receive their lord.
- Hien was raised to rule, and so the language of leadership comes naturally to him. But when faced with the prospect of addressing his countrymen in the wake of their victory, he hesitates, until you spur him to rise to the occasion with your characteristic wit. As you and the other Scions look on, he implores his countrymen not to grow complacent, for the true challenge lies in the days ahead, when they must come together to rebuild their broken nation. Judging from the faces of the gathered men and women, you have little reason to doubt that they will.
- Truly, there is no rest for the righteous, as the Scions can ill afford to remain in Doma and enjoy their victory. Gyr Abania still suffers under the rule of Zenos yae Galvus, and it is imperative that you return to the West with all possible haste.
- Rasho and Tansui understand the urgency of your cause, and agree to take you to Kugane, where you might secure passage to Limsa Lominsa aboard a larger ship. A generous gesture, no doubt, but one that will give the captain an excellent excuse to slip away from the festivities...
- On the docks of Kugane, you prepare to part ways with your Confederate allies. For an instant, Rasho lets slip his mask and thanks you earnestly for your deeds in service to Doma. And then, just like that, the mask is back in place, for some stories are destined to remain untold.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Alphinaud: ...Thank you. The occupation is ended, then. And the people must be informed of our victory. Alphinaud: But I will not simply give up Gosetsu for lost. Before aught else, we must needs search the ruins.
Soroban: Allow me, my friends. The castle is still collapsing into the river, and could easily drag you to your deaths. I can navigate the waters easily, without fear of drowning.
Alisaie: Be reasonable, Brother. You know he is right.
Yugiri: [Forename]. A word, if I may. Yugiri: My lord withdraws into himself, unable to turn his thoughts from the keep. He needs us now, more than ever...
Soroban: My friends, I am returned. I swam as far into the ruins as I could...
Lyse: And...? Did you find him?
Soroban: ...Nay, lady. Naught remained of the keep for me to search. Soroban: Undermined from below and shaken from above, the manner of its collapse was most unusual. If the floor beneath him gave way before the rest...it is not impossible that he could have been sent tumbling into the river. Soroban: But the water is thick with silt and debris. Despite my best efforts, I could not find him. I am sorry.
Hien: ...There is naught for which you should apologize. Thank you, Soroban, for taking it upon yourself to search. Hien: The castle is in ruins, and the people are eager to learn the fate of their nation. We leave at once.
Alphinaud: Are you sure, my lord?
Hien: The day is won, and the morrow beckons... Hien: It falls to us to greet it.
Lyse: ...I'm going down to the docks to see if I can't get one of the Confederate ships to take us to the enclave.
Alisaie: Mayhap we should tell the others at the House of the Fierce to gather there?
Cirina: Magnai and Sadu know naught of what happened in the castle. I will go and tell them.
Hien: They fought valiantly and with honor, Cirina. I pray you tell them that as well. Hien: You too, my friend, were instrumental in this triumph. I must insist that you be present when we bring these tidings to my people.
Soroban: My brothers of the Blue have called for me, but we shall speak again soon.
Alisaie: I wish I knew what to say, but I've never had my brother's way with words. It's...what he would have wanted? ...I–I'm sorry. This is not helping.
Alphinaud: Our Confederate allies have already set about ferrying the others to the Doman Enclave. By the time we arrive, all should be present and waiting.
Cirina: I cannot accompany you to the enclave. Magnai and Sadu will expect me to deliver the news of our victory to them in person.
Yugiri: You have witnessed the destruction wrought by the Empire, but nowhere is it more apparent than the enclave. Would that you could have seen it as it was... Lyse: It seems Tansui was on his way as soon as he saw you flee the keep.
Hien: You've never actually been to the enclave, have you? It was a lively place...before Zenos sent his troops.
Speaking with Tansui
Tansui: ...You all look like shite. Tansui: The captain thought you might need a ride to the enclave. Ready to come aboard?
< What will you say? > < Let's go. > < Give us a moment. >
< Give us a moment. > Tansui: As you wish. They've waited twenty–five years. A few more minutes won't make a difference. (Dialogue Ends)
< Let's go. > Tansui: On you go, then. Sit wherever you like. Tansui: I don't know what happened in there, but it's over. You won. That's cause enough for celeberation—and those people you're about to see need something to celebrate...
Rasho: We brought everyone here. You are the last to arrive.
Hien: I see. Thank you. We owe the Confederacy a great debt...
Rasho: I have waited twenty-five years for this moment. You owe us naught.
Formidable Farmer: Look! It's Lord Hien!
Yugiri: Some few words of encouragement would not go amiss, my lord.
Hien: Um...Right! Uh, yes. O-Of course...
< What will you say? > < Off you trot, then. > < You're their lord, remember. Stand tall! > < Well, if you won't say something, I will. >
< Off you trot, then. > Hien: Ummm... Er, um...right, um, right! Off─off I go!
< You're their lord, remember. Stand tall! > Hien: Forgive me. This is rather more daunting than I had anticipated. But you are right, I must be strong. Wish me luck.
< Well, if you won't say something, I will. > Hien: Hah hah! Hearing you say that, I find my courage somehow renewed. Much obliged.
(All) Hien: We are a sorry lot, are we not. Tired, dirty, stinking of blood and sweat and ash. A people pushed to the point of breaking. Hien: And yet we won. Hien: The perseverance to endure decades of oppression. The will to carry on the legacy of those we have lost. These were the bonds that held us together and gave us the strength to reclaim our home. Hien: After twenty-five hard years, the shadow of the Empire no longer darkens these lands, and we may at last look forward to the dawning of a new day. But, my friends, it will be a day of work. Hien: So I ask you: have you yet the strength to stand? Hien: To rise up with me once more, here and now, and begin to rebuild our homeland?
Alisaie: This will not end with Doma. We will see to that. Right, Lyse?
Lyse: Right!
Alphinaud: Indeed, this is but the beginning. The tide is turning, and it shall soon bear us back across the seas, and onward unto the next battlefield.
Hien: Twenty–five years... If only you were here to see it.
Formidable Farmer: Kami take me, I never believed this day would come! I'm sorry I doubted you before, my friend.
Wounded Elder: It's you! The woman/man who came to set us free. Of course. You must have had a hand in this. My thanks to you.
Isse: <sniffle> Mother, Father... I understand now. I do...
Azami: Why are you crying, Brother? Isn't today a good day?
Tsuranuki: 'Twas a year ago my lord Kaien died, and with him, the dream of Doma. Never again would we be free, I thought... Tsuranuki: ...Miserable old fool that I am. But Doma lives! Doma rises! Doma will stand tall again! Till the end of my days will I labor to make it so!
Liberation Front Infantry: I want to shout and scream until my throat is hoarse. I want my fallen brothers and sister to know that it was not in vain!
Yugiri: It was not for naught. It was not for naught...
Cirina: Oh. Hien is not with you? N–No matter. The sun and moon were not fated to share the same sky.
Soroban: Oh, you will not be staying in the enclave?
Alisaie: We journeyed here from the opposite side of the world, but until now, it didn't seem half as far. I think that means our work here is done.
Lyse: I'm glad we could be a part of it. That we could see with our own eyes that things can change if people have the courage to stand up and fight.
Speaking with Alphinaud (Cutscene)
Alphinaud: Are you quite certain you would not prefer to stay awhile longer? There are sure to be festivities—at which you would be the guest of honor, like as not. Very well. Alphinaud: There are other ways in which we might celebrate—by rejoining the fight for freedom in Gyr Abania, for one. Alphinaud: Short though our time here has been, we have all come to regard this land and her people as our own, I think. But we have done that which we came here to do. Alphinaud: Word of Doma's liberation will soon spread throughout the Empire, and we must seize this opportunity to rekindle the fires of liberation in the West.
Alisaie: We dare not allow the imperials a moment's respite, lest they march on Doma again. For the sake of all concerned, we should leave immediately.
Cirina: Did I hear you right? You are leaving?
Lyse: I'm afraid so. We've got our own battle to fight. What about you? Will you be heading back to the Steppe?
Cirina: Yes. The war here is ended, and there is no cause to remain. The Oronir and Dotharl have already withdrawn. Cirina: I will follow them anon, but I wished to bid you farewell first.
Soroban: The Blue, too, must return to their homes, but we will be back. Doma has need of merchants and builders, and we are eager to offer our services!
Tansui: And just like that, our grand fellowship is broken? Without ceremony or pomp, you steal off into the dark? Tansui: No matter. We have plenty to be getting on with. Places to be, people to rob, and so on. And the captain never was one for mingling.
Rasho: I am a pirate. Give me a song at the tavern, and I will be happy. Hobnobbing with Lord Hien? Nay.
Tansui: <sigh> No taste for the finer things... Tansui: In any event, we need not part ways here. If you are for Kugane, we would be happy to take you. Her waters have always been...fruitful.
Cirina: I wish you well on your journey, my friends. May you ever walk in crimson.
Lyse: Thank you, Cirina. For everything.
Soroban: May the kami speed you on your way! Until we meet again!
Alphinaud: We have said our good–byes. Though it be with heavy hearts, let us board the boat and begin our long journey home.
Tansui: Didn't even think to tell Lord Hien you were leaving? Well... I'm sure you had your reasons.
Speaking with Rasho
Rasho: Naught remains undone? You are ready to depart?
< What will you say? > < We're ready. > < Not yet. >
< Not yet. > Rasho: Oh? I thought matters in your homeland pressing. Mayhap I was mistaken. (Conversation ends.)
< We're ready. > Rasho: To Kugane, then...
Alphinaud: In a way, this too feels like a homecoming. How long has it been since Carvallain brought us here...?
Lyse: It's just as colorful as I remember...
Alisaie: I can still hear his voice... My ears haven't stopped ringing since he first barged his way into the Rising Stones, a veritable force of nature.
Tansui: It's a rare thing for us to sail into Kugane like common traders. I don't rightly recall the last time, but it will have been years.
Speaking with Rasho
Rasho: Have everything? Good. We will need to weigh anchor before the Sekiseigumi arrive. Rasho: ...From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for what you did. Give my regards to the Ul'dahn.