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[[File:Mainscenarioquest.png]][[Main Scenario Quest]]
{{Quest infobox
| title = Revolution
| QuestGiver = [[Swift]] - [[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]] (x8, y8)
| image = Revolution Image.png
| Requirements = Level 50
| description = [[Swift]] has a message for you from General [[Raubahn]].
| Items =  
| quest-giver = Swift
| Exp = 4800
| location = Ul'dah - Steps of Nald
| Gil = 405
| location-x = 8.4
| Reward =  
| location-y = 8.9
| OptReward = [[file:noct ring icon1.png|link=Noct Ring]], [[file:gloam ring icon1.png|link=Gloam Ring]], [[file:auroral ring icon1.png|link=Auroral Ring]], [[file:allagan silver piece icon1.png|link=Allagan Silver Piece]] (x2)
| type = main scenario
| PrevQuest = [[Reap the Whirlwind]]
| quest-line = Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
| NextQuest = [[Stories We Tell]]
| level = 50
| req-items =  
| exp = 2340
| gil = 0
| reward-opt1 = 1 Daystar Necklace
| reward-opt2 = 1 Evenstar Necklace
| reward-opt3 = 2 Allagan Silver Piece
| unlocks =
| prev-quest = Reap the Whirlwind
| next-quest = Stories We Tell
| patch = 2.3
| release = A Realm Reborn
| id-edb = a08b065da30
| id-gt = 66982
| msq-index = 190
For this set of gear Daystar = Healing and Evenstar = Casting. This is the first mention of [[Omega]], which would go on to be the the focus of the 8-player raid series for ''[[Stormblood]]'' ([[Patch 4.0|4.0]]).
*Speak with Bartholomew on the Royal Promenade.
*Speak with [[Bartholomew]] on [[the Royal Promenade]].

*Swift has a message for you from General Raubahn.
* [[Swift]] has a message for you from General [[Raubahn]].
* General [[Raubahn]] has summoned you to a private meeting in [[the Fragrant Chamber]], at which he wishes to discuss the results of your investigation, as well as his own. [[Alphinaud]] has already been notified, and will be waiting for you outside. Proceed to [[the Royal Promenade]] and speak with [[Bartholomew]].
* There are men and women who will not scruple to set the world ablaze in the pursuit of power. [[Teledji Adeledji]] is one such man, having orchestrated the refugee uprising from the start. General [[Raubahn]] and the sultana believe that he intends to exploit the chaos in order to gain control of the [[Carteneau Flats]], in which an [[Omega|Allagan creation]] not unlike [[the Ultima Weapon]] has been discovered. Were someone to harness the power of this relic, they would have the strength to subjugate all of [[Eorzea]]─or so it is feared. Yet despite having learned of [[Teledji Adeledji]]'s schemes, it would seem that your allies are not yet ready to move against him...
===Accepting the Quest===
'''Swift:''' The Flame General left word that you were to proceed to the Fragrant Chamber as soon as you returned. He wishes to discuss your recent discoveries, as well as the results of our own investigation.
'''Swift:''' Master Alphinaud has already been informed and should be waiting for you outside. Pray proceed to the Royal Promenade with all haste and speak with Bartholomew.
====Optional Dialogue====
'''Swift:''' The sultana will be in attendance as well. Pray do not keep Her Grace waiting.
'''Alphinaud:''' Excellent work, [Forename]. The information you brought us helped me persuade General Raubahn to call this meeting. Mayhap now we can discuss matters openly and honestly.
===Speaking with Bartholomew===
'''Bartholomew:''' We have been expecting you, madam/sir. Please proceed inside.
'''Raubahn:''' Commander Swift has kept us apprised of your recent activities. You've made great strides towards quelling the violence.
'''Alphinaud:''' Despite our best efforts to determine what provoked this uprising, the truth continues to elude us. Have you uncovered aught which might shed some light on the mystery?
'''Raubahn:''' This information does not leave this room.
'''Raubahn:''' The Syndicate's decision to reject the Doman refugees' appeal for asylum had lasting repercussions. A number of those displaced by the Calamity claimed it was proof of a policy of discrimination.
'''Raubahn:''' Together with a group of Ala Mhigan refugees, they organized a series of demonstrations to protest against the sultanate.
'''Raubahn:''' Demonstrations which became heated, but did not descend into violence.
'''Raubahn:''' Until a certain incident served as a call to arms.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' A unit of Brass Blades sent to supervise a demonstration loosed arrows upon unarmed protesters.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' It was this atrocity which prompted the refugees to take up arms. I need not tell you what followed.
'''Raubahn:''' We assumed at first that the attack was born of a miscommunication. When emotions run high, they happen. But suspicions were raised regarding the unit's commanding officer, whom I ordered interrogated. 
'''Raubahn:''' Sure enough, our fears were soon confirmed. The dog confessed that a merchant had offered him coin to give the order─a merchant in the employ of Teledji Adeledji.
'''Alphinaud:''' Teledji Adeledji?
'''Alphinaud:''' But he spoke in favor of the Domans' cause, and has ever seemed sympathetic towards the refugees' plight. Why would he do such a thing?
'''Raubahn:''' Know you of the Carteneau Reclamation Bill?
'''Raubahn:''' It is a proposal to annex the Carteneau Flats so that refugees may establish permanent settlements.
'''Alphinaud:''' When last I looked, that was disputed territory.
'''Raubahn:''' Aye. Some might even call it a battlefield.
'''Raubahn:''' The destruction wrought by Bahamut was greatest at the Carteneau Flats. That much is common knowledge.
'''Raubahn:''' What is less well known is that his rampage laid bare ancient Allagan ruins, of which no record existed.
'''Raubahn:''' There are certain...differences of opinion as to how these ruins should be handled, which is why each nation maintains a military presence in the region to this day.
'''Raubahn:''' Yet differ though we may, we are still allies. Therefore, in the interest of preserving the Eorzean Alliance, we have reached an agreement.
'''Raubahn:''' Any conflict which may arise during the course of military exercises in the region shall have no bearing on relations between our nations.
'''Raubahn:''' In full knowledge of this delicate state of affairs, Teledji Adeledji proposed the Carteneau Reclamation Bill.
'''Raubahn:''' A shameless bloody ruse which stands to benefit him in but one conceivable way.
'''Raubahn:''' If successful, he will gain control over the disputed territory, under the guise of assisting in the resettlement effort. And you can be sure he'll build an orphanage next to every Allagan ruin.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' The man would threaten the unity of the Eorzean Alliance and risk countless lives for personal gain!
'''Raubahn:''' He walks a path all his own, independent of any faction, and beholden to none of his fellows on the Syndicate.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' By inciting the less fortunate to violence, he hopes to convince others that the Carteneau Reclamation Bill is the only viable solution.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' His sympathy for the plight of the Domans was naught but posturing to gain credibility with the refugees. Of that there can be no doubt.
'''Alphinaud:''' Forgive me, but what could possibly motivate Teledji Adeledji to go to such lengths? What is so special about these ruins that he would risk his position on the Syndicate, and, most likely, charges of treason against the sultanate?
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' Omega...
'''Alphinaud:''' Pardon?
'''Raubahn:''' An Allagan monstrosity, not unlike the Ultima Weapon. Mayhap larger. We know not. It has yet to be fully excavated.
'''Raubahn:''' Allagan inscriptions indicate that it was created to fell Bahamut himself.
'''Raubahn:''' If accurate, it might explain why Nael van Darnus chose to bring the red moon down upon the Carteneau Flats.
'''Raubahn:''' Given the ends he went to to ensure Eorzea's annihilation, destroying the one weapon which could stay the elder primal may well have seemed like good sense.
'''Alphinaud:''' When first I bore witness to the power of the Ultima Weapon, I doubted the evidence of my senses... And now you tell me there is another such weapon─one which could contend with Bahamut. ''Bahamut''.
'''Raubahn:''' Aye. We were skeptical ourselves. Truth be told, until the Ultima Weapon's existence came to light, we thought the inscription had been mistranslated.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' At present, Omega is more akin to a fossil than a tool of war, having long since ceased to function. As such, its true potential cannot accurately be gauged.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' However, if someone were to restore it, as the Garleans did the Ultima Weapon, I have little doubt that he would wield untold power.
'''Raubahn:''' Power enough to subjugate Ul'dah, like as not, and the rest of Eorzea besides─which is doubtless why Teledji Adeledji yearns to have it.  

*General Raubahn has summoned you to a private meeting in the Fragrant Chamber, at which he wishes to discuss the results of your investigation, as well as his own. Alphinaud has already been notified, and will be waiting for you outside. Proceed to the Royal Promenade and speak with Bartholomew.
'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' That ''he'' should aspire to world domination... He who has ever walked two paces behind Lord Lolorito in matters of commerce.  

*There are men and women who will not scruple to set the world ablaze in the pursuit of power. Teledji Adeledji is one such man, having orchestrated the refugee uprising from the start. General Raubahn and the sultana believe that he intends to exploit the chaos in order to gain control of the Carteneau Flats, in which an Allagan creation not unlike the Ultima Weapon has been discovered. Were someone to harness the power of this relic, they would have the strength to subjugate all of Eorzea─or so it is feared. Yet despite having learned of Teledji Adeledji's schemes, it would seem that your allies are not yet ready to move against him...
'''Raubahn:''' 'Tis in acknowledgement of his own limitations that he seeks this power. Woe betide us all should we allow him to have it.  

'''Nanamo Ul Namo:''' Pray waste no time chasing rats. Only a fool would believe that secrets can be kept in Ul'dah.

[[Category:Main Scenario Quests]] [[Category:7th Astral Era Quests]] [[Category:Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Quests]] [[Category:Patch 2.3 Quests]]
  '''Alphinaud:''' It would seem the implications of the sultanate's refugee problem are rather more far-reaching than we assumed...

Latest revision as of 02:53, 28 April 2024

Main Scenario Quest icon.png


Revolution Image.png
Quest giver
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:8.4, Y:8.9)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 2,340
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestReap the Whirlwind
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestStories We Tell

Main Scenario Progress: 190 / 960 (19.8%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 190 / 241 (78.8%)


Swift has a message for you from General Raubahn.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


For this set of gear Daystar = Healing and Evenstar = Casting. This is the first mention of Omega, which would go on to be the the focus of the 8-player raid series for Stormblood (4.0).



  • There are men and women who will not scruple to set the world ablaze in the pursuit of power. Teledji Adeledji is one such man, having orchestrated the refugee uprising from the start. General Raubahn and the sultana believe that he intends to exploit the chaos in order to gain control of the Carteneau Flats, in which an Allagan creation not unlike the Ultima Weapon has been discovered. Were someone to harness the power of this relic, they would have the strength to subjugate all of Eorzea─or so it is feared. Yet despite having learned of Teledji Adeledji's schemes, it would seem that your allies are not yet ready to move against him...


Accepting the Quest

Swift: The Flame General left word that you were to proceed to the Fragrant Chamber as soon as you returned. He wishes to discuss your recent discoveries, as well as the results of our own investigation.
Swift: Master Alphinaud has already been informed and should be waiting for you outside. Pray proceed to the Royal Promenade with all haste and speak with Bartholomew.

Optional Dialogue

Swift: The sultana will be in attendance as well. Pray do not keep Her Grace waiting.
Alphinaud: Excellent work, [Forename]. The information you brought us helped me persuade General Raubahn to call this meeting. Mayhap now we can discuss matters openly and honestly.

Speaking with Bartholomew

Bartholomew: We have been expecting you, madam/sir. Please proceed inside.


Raubahn: Commander Swift has kept us apprised of your recent activities. You've made great strides towards quelling the violence. 
Alphinaud: Despite our best efforts to determine what provoked this uprising, the truth continues to elude us. Have you uncovered aught which might shed some light on the mystery? 
Raubahn: This information does not leave this room. 
Raubahn: The Syndicate's decision to reject the Doman refugees' appeal for asylum had lasting repercussions. A number of those displaced by the Calamity claimed it was proof of a policy of discrimination. 
Raubahn: Together with a group of Ala Mhigan refugees, they organized a series of demonstrations to protest against the sultanate. 
Raubahn: Demonstrations which became heated, but did not descend into violence. 
Raubahn: Until a certain incident served as a call to arms. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: A unit of Brass Blades sent to supervise a demonstration loosed arrows upon unarmed protesters. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: It was this atrocity which prompted the refugees to take up arms. I need not tell you what followed. 
Raubahn: We assumed at first that the attack was born of a miscommunication. When emotions run high, they happen. But suspicions were raised regarding the unit's commanding officer, whom I ordered interrogated.   
Raubahn: Sure enough, our fears were soon confirmed. The dog confessed that a merchant had offered him coin to give the order─a merchant in the employ of Teledji Adeledji. 
Alphinaud: Teledji Adeledji? 
Alphinaud: But he spoke in favor of the Domans' cause, and has ever seemed sympathetic towards the refugees' plight. Why would he do such a thing? 
Raubahn: Know you of the Carteneau Reclamation Bill? 
Raubahn: It is a proposal to annex the Carteneau Flats so that refugees may establish permanent settlements.
Alphinaud: When last I looked, that was disputed territory. 
Raubahn: Aye. Some might even call it a battlefield. 
Raubahn: The destruction wrought by Bahamut was greatest at the Carteneau Flats. That much is common knowledge. 
Raubahn: What is less well known is that his rampage laid bare ancient Allagan ruins, of which no record existed. 
Raubahn: There are certain...differences of opinion as to how these ruins should be handled, which is why each nation maintains a military presence in the region to this day. 
Raubahn: Yet differ though we may, we are still allies. Therefore, in the interest of preserving the Eorzean Alliance, we have reached an agreement. 
Raubahn: Any conflict which may arise during the course of military exercises in the region shall have no bearing on relations between our nations. 
Raubahn: In full knowledge of this delicate state of affairs, Teledji Adeledji proposed the Carteneau Reclamation Bill. 
Raubahn: A shameless bloody ruse which stands to benefit him in but one conceivable way. 
Raubahn: If successful, he will gain control over the disputed territory, under the guise of assisting in the resettlement effort. And you can be sure he'll build an orphanage next to every Allagan ruin. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: The man would threaten the unity of the Eorzean Alliance and risk countless lives for personal gain! 
Raubahn: He walks a path all his own, independent of any faction, and beholden to none of his fellows on the Syndicate. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: By inciting the less fortunate to violence, he hopes to convince others that the Carteneau Reclamation Bill is the only viable solution. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: His sympathy for the plight of the Domans was naught but posturing to gain credibility with the refugees. Of that there can be no doubt. 
Alphinaud: Forgive me, but what could possibly motivate Teledji Adeledji to go to such lengths? What is so special about these ruins that he would risk his position on the Syndicate, and, most likely, charges of treason against the sultanate? 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Omega... 
Alphinaud: Pardon? 
Raubahn: An Allagan monstrosity, not unlike the Ultima Weapon. Mayhap larger. We know not. It has yet to be fully excavated. 
Raubahn: Allagan inscriptions indicate that it was created to fell Bahamut himself. 
Raubahn: If accurate, it might explain why Nael van Darnus chose to bring the red moon down upon the Carteneau Flats. 
Raubahn: Given the ends he went to to ensure Eorzea's annihilation, destroying the one weapon which could stay the elder primal may well have seemed like good sense. 
Alphinaud: When first I bore witness to the power of the Ultima Weapon, I doubted the evidence of my senses... And now you tell me there is another such weapon─one which could contend with Bahamut. Bahamut. 
Raubahn: Aye. We were skeptical ourselves. Truth be told, until the Ultima Weapon's existence came to light, we thought the inscription had been mistranslated. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: At present, Omega is more akin to a fossil than a tool of war, having long since ceased to function. As such, its true potential cannot accurately be gauged. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: However, if someone were to restore it, as the Garleans did the Ultima Weapon, I have little doubt that he would wield untold power. 
Raubahn: Power enough to subjugate Ul'dah, like as not, and the rest of Eorzea besides─which is doubtless why Teledji Adeledji yearns to have it. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: That he should aspire to world domination... He who has ever walked two paces behind Lord Lolorito in matters of commerce. 
Raubahn: 'Tis in acknowledgement of his own limitations that he seeks this power. Woe betide us all should we allow him to have it. 
Nanamo Ul Namo: Pray waste no time chasing rats. Only a fool would believe that secrets can be kept in Ul'dah. 
Alphinaud: It would seem the implications of the sultanate's refugee problem are rather more far-reaching than we assumed...