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{{Dungeon Infobox
{{EX notice}}
|name=Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)
{{otheruses|the level 60 challenge-mode [[trial]]|the optional story-mode level 60 [[trial]]|Containment Bay S1T7|the level 90 [[Faux Hollows]] [[trial]]|Containment Bay S1T7 (Unreal)}}
{{Duty infobox
| name = Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)
| description = Preserved upon the [[Allagan tomestone]] you received from [[Unukalhai]] was an extraordinary history─a detailed record of the battles fought between the eikon [[Sephirot]] and the armies of [[Allag]]. After feeding the account of this epic conflict into [[Azys Lla]]'s verification systems, you have succeeded in activating what the node describes as a “combat simulation." <br>
Can the enigmatic technology of the ancient empire truly manifest an enhanced simulacrum of the formidable Fiend? Can this artificial incarnation truly surpass the threat posed by the original Sephirot? There is but one way to know for certain...
| image = Containment_Bay_S1T7_(Extreme).png
| type = Trial
|time=60 minutes
| level = 60
| level-sync = 60
|tomestone=[[File:Lore icon1.png|link=Allagan Tomestone of Lore|20px|Allagan Tomestone of Lore]] 20 [[File:Scripture icon1.png|link=Allagan Tomestone of Scripture|20px|Allagan Tomestone of Scripture]] 10
| ilvl = 205
| ilvl-sync =
| difficulty = extreme
|quest= [[A Fiendish Likeness]]
| size = full
| time-limit = 60
| duty-finder = High-end Trials (Heavensward)
{{see also|Containment Bay S1T7}}
| roulette = Mentor
| location = Containment Bay S1T7
*'''Quest:''' [[A Fiendish Likeness]]
| region = Abalathia's Spine
*'''Quest-giver Location:''' [[Unukalhai]] - [[The Rising Stones]] (x6, y5)
| tomestones = 20 poetics
*'''Prerequisites:''' Quest [[When the Bough Wakes]]
| entrance = Azys Lla
| entrance-coordinates = 25.4, 22.5, 8.4
| req-quest = A Fiendish Likeness
| patch = 3.2
| release = heavensward
| echo = ex-trial
| stone-sky-sea = Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)
}} {{TOC limit|3}}
DnT Guide:[http://dtguilds.enjin.com/sephirotguide [DnT<nowiki>]</nowiki> Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) Guide ]
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] The Fiend: [[Sephirot]]===
{{#ev:youtube|AWsvth8E_Pk|350|right|Video Guide by MTQCapture}}
{{#ev:youtube|7TdM6gc_JrY|350|right|Video Guide by Mrhappy1227}}
DnT Guide:[http://dtguilds.enjin.com/sephirotguide [DnT<nowiki>]</nowiki> Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) Guide]
===Phase 1: 100% - 65%===  
====<big>Phase 1: 100% - 65%</big>====
:'''Tifferet''' - Party-wide damage that must be healed through, as it can be used in rapid succession.

:'''''First of all i'd like to say this fight is a dance and you have to know that all moves will blend into each other, I'll try to keep them in order and as detailed as possible.''
:'''Ein Sof''' - Four green circles will pop up, growing in size over time. Standing in these circles will gradually deal damage and inflict {{status effect|vulnerability up}} '''[[Vulnerability Up]]''' stacks. Go to the half of the arena where there are no circles and prepare for '''Fiendish Rage'''.
:'''Ein Sof''' - Four green circles will pop up growing in size over time, go to the side where no circle pops, and while doing this at the same time the next move will be happening so split up here healers on one side with off-tank and DPS on the other.

:'''Fiendish Rage''' - Two players will be marked and you'll have to split up the group to share damage for the two hits (usually people will stack the healers and the off tank on one side and the DPS on the other)
:'''Fiendish Rage''' - A healer and a DPS will be marked with stack markers. Sephirot will leap to them one at a time, dealing damage and inflicting a {{status effect|physical vulnerability up}} '''[[Physical Vulnerability Up]]''' debuff. While running to the safe half of the arena to deal with '''Ein Sof''', the healers and off-tank should move to one side while the DPS move to the other. Because of the debuff, the main tank should stand between each group and avoid getting hit.
:: '''''main tank cannot be hit by either of the split AoE hits or a deadly death blowing debuff will be applied to him'''''

:'''Chesed''' - This will happen after you guys are done splitting up the damage from the previous ability, tank will usually re-center the boss ASAP after both groups have been hit, and usually soon after he's back in the center you'll see his arm charge back for a super hit on the main tank which I think will happen twice back-to-back (one tank buff+adlo usually works wonders).
:'''Chesed''' - Hard-hitting tankbuster with no cast bar, only indicated by Sephirot slowly raising his arm. Tank should re-center the boss and face him away, as this attack is followed by a frontal cleave '''Triple Trial'''.

:'''Ain''' - This move will happen when you see one green circle spawn on the map (same looking as the ones from ratzon), best practice is to center your self between the boss and the green circle, usually closer to the boss then the green circle to avoid extra damage, and this is done to bait the Ain ability in the direction of the green circle (safe to usually start moving past him after his arms pull back, in preperation for the next ability which will be markers/circles).
:'''Ain''' - Sephirot will use '''Ein Sof''' again to spawn one green circle, shortly followed by him facing a random party member and cleaving the arena moments later. The group should stand between Sephirot and the circle so that he directs '''Ain''' towards it, allowing the party to easily deal with '''Ratzon'''.

:'''Ratzon''' - For this I know most people in learning groups have been doing big purple circle right behind the boss and the small green ones spread out, and i think this is the worst practice happening at the moment, and whats causing much problems for newer groups trying to get to Phase 3 continuously. In my opinion Big circle at the edge of the map would work best because then only one player is having to move really far rather then 3-5 other players having to struggle getting out of the bigger circle's AoE to be safe.
:'''Ratzon''' - One party member is targeted with a large purple circle AoE while six are targeted with smaller green circles. The party must run behind Sephirot and spread out. The purple circle can be placed either just behind Sephirot or at the edge of the arena.

<gallery mode=nolines>
File:3.png|Ain+Markers/Circles Example
Ain Markers Circles Example.png|Ain+Markers/Circles Example

:'''''-Repeat from Ein Sof till phase 2'''''
====<big>Phase 2: Adds</big>====
:'''Cochma''' - Large add that deals strong physical damage and applies {{status effect|magic vulnerability up 2}} '''[[Magic Vulnerability Up]]''' stacks over time. The main tank should grab this and be healed regularly. Upon dying, the Cochma deals significant party-wide damage with '''Genesis'''. Two of these will appear during the phase.

:'''Binah''' - Smaller adds which the off tank should grab, as they deal magical damage. Upon dying, they each deal moderate party-wide damage with '''Genesis'''. Four sets of three Binah adds will appear during the phase.

===Phase 2: Adds===  
====<big>Phase 3</big>====
:'''Yesod''' - The ground will flash yellow, and a small circle AoE will be placed under each party member after a small delay, dealing damage and inflicting a {{status effect|damage down}} '''[[Damage Down]]''' debuff. Avoid this by moving away as the flash occurs. If the party isn't grouped up, be sure to avoid moving into someone else's AoE. This attack is used in conjunction with other attacks during this phase.

:Not quite sure what to put for this part yet cause different groups do different things and it's sad/weird to me that we can't figure out the best way, if i understand it correctly and being a healer, and decent with numbers 2 big adds spawn and 12 small ones spawn, so I don't understand why 6-1-6-1 wouldn't always be the best way to go, for heals sake and tank sake. but please i know this part will need a edit hopefully someone more enlightened has a more solid answer.
:'''Force Field''' - Four party members receive a green [[File:Force against magic icon1.png|link=]] '''Force Against Magic''' debuff, which provides a severe physical weakness and a strong magical resistance. The other four receive an orange [[File:Force against might icon1.png|link=]] '''Force Against Might''' debuff, which does the inverse. These are used to resolve the following three attacks.

:'''Cochma (big add)''' - Physical Damage and will apply magic down vulnerability stacks over time, also healers note that this big add has it's own little mini tank buster so just be ready to heal this adds tank around that time.
:'''Spirit/Life Force''' - Sephirot will damage half the arena with a green sphere and half with an orange sphere. Be sure to stand in the sphere that ''matches the color of your debuff'' to avoid fatal damage. When no debuffs are present, this will deal moderate damage to the party.
::-upon dying a Cochma add can do roughly 10K damage per person party wide without proper buffs and what not

:'''Binah (little adds)''' - Magical Damage (these guys can really hurt the big add tank if not careful with the positioning of them)
:'''Fiendish Wail''' - Two towers will appear, one on each side of the arena. At least one party member with an ''orange debuff must stand in each tower'' to prevent lethal damage and a {{status effect|vulnerability up}} '''[[Vulnerability Up]]''' stack from being inflicted on the party. At least one of the four party members should be on each side in preparation to prevent all four from standing in one tower. Four sets of towers will appear throughout the phase, with the latter two requiring a tank to take each as there will not be any debuffs present.
::-upon dying each Binah add can do roughly 2K damage per person party wide without proper buffs and what not

'''''Note: So after more time in here the best way to go if things are shaky is 3-1-9-1 and it usually always works out as long as people are topped off before the 'Cochma' goes off.'''''
:'''Da'at''' - When debuffs are present, Sephirot will use '''Ein Sof''' to summon expanding circles and tether the four orange-debuff party members. These party members should move away while the ''green-debuff party members move towards Sephirot and grab a tether'', preventing fatal damage from being dealt. When no debuffs are present, this deals heavy AoE damage to random party members, starting with a tankbuster on the main tank.
===Phase 3===
:should have this part completed by the end of today, aboutz to go hard.

:'''Yesad''' - Interestingly enough this move is the first and probably most important move to be on the lookout for throughout the entirety of phase 3, and this first one is usually dealt with by just stacking together in the middle of the map for the start of phase 3. The best way to know that this move is coming or that it's time to move is the entire floor will flash a yellowish color and will then crack up all green, start moving after the yellow flash.
:'''Earth Shaker''' - A healer and a DPS will get a marker above their heads as well as a proximity tether. One should move far to the left and away from Sephirot while the other moves right. Another '''Yesod''' will occur simultaneously, forcing everyone to move.

:'''Force Field''' - This will be the next ability and all this does is applies one of two possible debuffs on you which will come into play for a couple of the next abilities we're about to talk about.
:'''Pillar of Mercy''' - The party should stack inside the first blue circle at the northern edge of the arena until '''Yesod''' goes off, then move outside of the circle to be knocked away, without falling off the arena. Two expanding '''Ein Sof''' circles will also spawn in sequence, forcing the party to be knocked in a certain direction.
::-'''Orange Debuff:''' physical resistance, will stack far south of the boss, after first two towers during Razton (green growing balls), also these guys will be stuck with the responsibility of being in the towers AoE while they are up, if at least one person with orange is not in the towers AoE when it goes off it's going to hurt and party will get paralyzed. Best practice here is four people will have orange and as soon as they get it they should call right or left, so that way all four people with orange don't end up at the same tower.
::-'''Blue Debuff:''' magic resistance, will stack at boss's chin breaking the tethers, after towers during Razton (green growing balls), Very important to break the tethers here blue people, or most likely someone's going to die.

:'''Big Balls in his Hands #1''' - This will happen right after everyone gets their force field debuff, and to not die just make sure you go to the hand where you're matching your debuff color with the color of the ball in his hand.
:'''Malkuth''' - Sephirot will lower his head and inflict a strong knockback. Group up near him or use knockback resistance.

:'''Towers #1''' - This happens next and is not that hard to deal with at all, simply have two orange people stand in each each tower, at the very least you want one person with the orange debuff in each tower at all times, two is for safety measures.
:'''Pillar of Severity''': Prior to this move, four Binahs and a Storm of Words add will spawn. Each tank should grab a pair of Binahs while the party quickly burns down the Storm of Words. Mechanics will continue during this time, so tanks should be prepared to take towers. Eventually, the party will stack on the remains of the Storm of Words to avoid getting knocked off stage by Sephirot.

:'''Razton (Green Growing Balls)''' - This will sort of happen during towers and is kinda of a way to say get ready to get in place, if you have orange you're at this point running away from the boss (south of boss), and if you have the blue debuff you should be stacking at his chin to grab one of the four tethers from the orange guys. (if a tether is left on a orange person he/she will be killed)
The enrage will be indicated by an unavoidable '''Pillar of Severity'''.

:'''Towers #2''' - This will now happen again right after Razton/Tethers, so orange people get ready to get right back in a tower ASAP after green balls disappear.
<gallery mode=nolines>
File:2fixed.jpg|Pillar+Yesod+Ein Sof Example
:'''Big Balls in his Hands #2''' - This will now also happen again after towers are dealt with, so get to your respective sides, after this ability the color debuff should wear off be ready for earth-shaker makers ASAP.
File:1.jpg|Earth Shaker+Yesod Positioning
:'''Earth Shaker/Yesad''' - 1 DPS and 1 Healer will get a marker above their heads, one has to go far left and the other has to go far right, everyone else should be stacking up tight on bosses mid because keep in mind this earth shaker is happening while a Yesad is also about to be going down, so after the yellow flash goes of get ready to move everyone including the outer people that had the earth shaker markers.
:'''Da'At/AoE Damage''' - Basically after the above earth shaker and yesad go off, everyone kind of wants to spread out and have their own little space, because this ability will start causing damage (which has a AoE splash, hence the spreading out) to random players starting with a very hard hit on the Main tank.
:'''Towers #3''' - These towers have to get handled by tanks only because no one will have the color debuffs to handle them with, so tanks with their super HP will at this part take one tower each.
:'''Big Balls in his Hands #3''' - Since we don't have any color debuffs, everyone can just stack in mid, and healers get ready to lift/top off party.
:'''Pillar of Mercy/Yesad/Razton(x2 balls)''' - Best practice is to stack on the first pillar of mercy till you see the yellow flash that way you bait the Yesad to where no one should be standing. Once the yellow flash happens right away step out of the first pillar of mercy, looking at the boss you want to step out to the right, if looking away from the boss step out to the left (keep in mind a knock back is incoming, so don't do a deep left or right while moving out of the pillar of mercy.)
:'''Earth Shaker/Da'At/Yesad''' - Heaker/DPS with earth shaker makers get ready to go to your proper sides, rest of the group spread out getting ready for Yesad.
:'''Towers #4''' - These towers have to get handled by tanks only because no one will have the color debuffs to handle them with, so tanks with their super HP will at this part take one tower each.
:'''Big Balls in his Hands #4''' - Since we don't have any color debuffs, everyone can just stack in mid, and healers get ready to lift/top off party
:'''Malkuth (Knock-Back)''' - Most groups will stack by his face, by whatever marker is there and move slightly forward to avoid being knocked off the edge after he blows the party back.
Note: Healing hell starts here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:'''Adds/Big Balls Hands #5''' - Mainly tanks have to worry here about running forward and grabbing adds rest of the party usually stacks on Storm of Words after being knocked back there (healers will be lifting group from knock-back DMG and then will be getting ready to lift the party after AoE Damage, while also topping off tanks for their towers, while also getting ready to AoE heal again after towers for some crazy party DMG).
:'''Towers #5/Yesad/Storm of Words''' - Tanks grab a tower each, the rest of the group should be stacked on Storm of Words, and getting ready to move for the Yesad that is about to happen (after the yesad finish of the last two adds and stack on Storm of Words getting ready for the last yesad of phase 3).
:'''Big Balls Hands #6''' - Healers make sure everyone is topped and AoE heal after they go off.
:'''Yesad''' - This here is the last yesad of phase 3 before the group gets knocked up into the air, thanks to Storm of Words.
:'''Big Balls Hands #7''' - If you're a healer at this point your like holy s*** i still have MP left?
Note: Healing hell ends here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:'''''-Repeat from the first yesad until you defeat him or he enrages'''''
File:2fixed.jpg|Pillar+Yesad+Razton Example
File:1.jpg|Earth Shaker+Yesad Positioning

{{see also|Sephirotic Weapons}}
*25 [[Allagan Tomestones of Esoterics]]
*Each player will receive 1 {{item icon|Fiend Totem}} per kill. Collect 10 totems to exchange for a weapon or 99 for a {{Item icon|Warring Lanner Whistle}} at [[Bertana]] in [[Idyllshire]] (X:5.9 Y:5.2).
*13 [[Allagan Tomestones of Lore]]
*{{tomestone|Poetics|20}} [[Allagan Tomestone of Poetics]]
*[[Fiend Totem]]
*{{Item icon|Sephirot Card}} (Drops at a fixed rate)
*[[Faded Copy of Fiend]]
*{{Item icon|Sephirot Sap}} Drops directly from boss, must be '''synced'''
*[[Warring Lanner Whistle]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
!Item Level
!Damage (Type)
!Auto Attack
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Axe of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:axe of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Marauder|MRD]] [[Warrior|WAR]]||77 (Physical)||3.44||88.29||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +119, [[Vitality]] +128, [[Determination]] +103, [[Skill Speed]] +76
|[[Blade of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:blade of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Gladiator|GLA]] [[Paladin|PLD]]||77 (Physical)||2.24||57.49||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +85, [[Vitality]] +91, [[Parry]] +54, [[Skill Speed]] +77
|[[Bow of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:bow of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Archer|ARC]] [[Bard|BRD]]||69 (Physical)||3.04||69.92||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +119, [[Vitality]] +128, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +76, [[Skill Speed]] +108
|[[Cane of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:cane of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[White Mage|WHM]]||106 (Magical)||3.44||88.29||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +115, [[Mind]] +119, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +108, [[Spell Speed]] +76
|[[Edge of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:edge of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220|| [[Dark Knight|DRK]]||77 (Physical)||2.96||75.97||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +119, [[Vitality]] +128, [[Determination]] +103, [[Skill Speed]] +76
|[[Fire of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:fire of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220|| [[Machinist|MCH]]||69 (Physical)||2.64||60.72||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +119, [[Vitality]] +128, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +108, [[Skill Speed]] +76
|[[Fists of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:fists of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Pugilist|PGL]] [[Monk|MNK]]||77 (Physical)||2.56||65.70||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +119, [[Vitality]] +128, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +76, [[Skill Speed]] +108
|[[Pike of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:pike of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Lancer|LNC]] [[Dragoon|DRG]]||77 (Physical)||2.88||73.92||2||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +119, [[Vitality]] +128, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +76, [[Skill Speed]] +108
|[[Points of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:points of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Rogue|ROG]] [[Ninja|NIN]]||77 (Physical)||2.56||65.70||2||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +119, [[Vitality]] +128, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +108, [[Skill Speed]] +76
|[[Song of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:song of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220|| [[Scholar|SCH]]||106 (Magical)||3.12||80.08||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +115, [[Mind]] +119, [[Determination]] +72, [[Spell Speed]] +108
|[[Staff of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:staff of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Black Mage|BLM]]||106 (Magical)||3.28||84.18||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +115, [[Intelligence]] +119, [[Determination]] +72, [[Spell Speed]] +108
|[[Star of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:star of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220|| [[Astrologian|AST]]||106 (Magical)||3.20||82.13||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +115, [[Mind]] +119, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +76, [[Determination]] +103
|[[Word of the Sephirot]]|| [[File:word of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Arcanist|ACN]] [[Summoner|SMN]]||106 (Magical)||3.12||80.08||2||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +115, [[Intelligence]] +119, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +108, [[Determination]] +72

===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Paladin's Sephirot Arms (IL 220)}}
{{Drops table row|Axe of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Edge of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Pike of the Sephirot}}
!Item Level
{{Drops table row|Fists of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Katana of Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Points of the Sephirot}}
!Block Strength
{{Drops table row|Bow of the Sephirot}}
!Block Rate
{{Drops table row|Fire of the Sephirot}}
!Materia Slots
{{Drops table row|Staff of the Sephirot}}
!Stats and Attributes
{{Drops table row|Word of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Rapier of Sephirot}}
|[[Shield of the Sephirot]]||[[File:shield of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Paladin|PLD]]||Shield||364||364||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +37, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +31, [[Determination]] +21
{{Drops table row|Cane of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Song of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Star of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Shield of the Sephirot}}
{{Drops table row|Fiend Sap}}
{{Drops table row|Sephirotic Weapon Coffer (IL 220)}}
{{Drops table row|Warring Lanner Whistle}}
{{Drops table row|Faded Copy of Fiend}}
{{Table footer}}

Preserved upon the Allagan tomestone you received from Unukalhai was an extraordinary history─a detailed record of the battles fought between the eikon Sephirot and the armies of Allag. After feeding the account of this epic conflict into Azys Lla’s verification systems, you have succeeded in activating what the node describes as a “combat simulation.”
This duty is associated with the following [[achievements]]:

Can the enigmatic technology of the ancient empire truly manifest an enhanced simulacrum of the formidable Fiend? Can this artificial incarnation truly surpass the threat posed by the original Sephirot? There is but one way to know for certain...
{| {{STDT|mech1}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Veni Veni Venias}}
{{achievement table row|Mightier than the Fiend}}

<gallery mode=packed>
File:Sephirot concept art.png
'''Sephirot:''' Pestilent northerners...
You shall regret the decision to loosen my fetters!
'''Sephirot:''' The equilibrium of life...
I shall tip thy scales and partake of thy bounteous energy!
'''Sephirot:''' Patience and penance...
For millenia have I yearned to enact this vengeance!
'''Sephirot:''' I am the end and the beginning!
By my touch shall your wretched lives me blessed!
'''Sephirot:''' You have dimmed my boundless light.
What power of death do you mortals wield...?
'''Sephirot:''' I am the incarnation of life!
I cannot perish...cannot wither...

{{Duties nav|trial}}

Latest revision as of 22:18, 13 August 2024

Disambig icon.png This article is about the level 60 challenge-mode trial. For the optional story-mode level 60 trial, see Containment Bay S1T7. For the level 90 Faux Hollows trial, see Containment Bay S1T7 (Unreal).


Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)

Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme).png
60 (Sync: 60)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
60 minutes
Duty Finder
High-end Trials (Heavensward)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 20 
Req. quest
Feature quest A Fiendish Likeness
Azys Lla (X:25.4, Y:22.5, Z:8.4)
Containment Bay S1T7
Abalathia's Spine
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
On wipe: +5% (max +25%)

Preserved upon the Allagan tomestone you received from Unukalhai was an extraordinary history─a detailed record of the battles fought between the eikon Sephirot and the armies of Allag. After feeding the account of this epic conflict into Azys Lla's verification systems, you have succeeded in activating what the node describes as a “combat simulation."
Can the enigmatic technology of the ancient empire truly manifest an enhanced simulacrum of the formidable Fiend? Can this artificial incarnation truly surpass the threat posed by the original Sephirot? There is but one way to know for certain...

— In-game description

Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) is a level 60 trial introduced in patch 3.2 with Heavensward.


Aggressive difficulty r6.png The Fiend: Sephirot

Video Guide by MTQCapture
Video Guide by Mrhappy1227

DnT Guide:[DnT] Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) Guide

Phase 1: 100% - 65%

Tifferet - Party-wide damage that must be healed through, as it can be used in rapid succession.
Ein Sof - Four green circles will pop up, growing in size over time. Standing in these circles will gradually deal damage and inflict Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up stacks. Go to the half of the arena where there are no circles and prepare for Fiendish Rage.
Fiendish Rage - A healer and a DPS will be marked with stack markers. Sephirot will leap to them one at a time, dealing damage and inflicting a Physical vulnerability up icon1.png Physical Vulnerability Up debuff. While running to the safe half of the arena to deal with Ein Sof, the healers and off-tank should move to one side while the DPS move to the other. Because of the debuff, the main tank should stand between each group and avoid getting hit.
Chesed - Hard-hitting tankbuster with no cast bar, only indicated by Sephirot slowly raising his arm. Tank should re-center the boss and face him away, as this attack is followed by a frontal cleave Triple Trial.
Ain - Sephirot will use Ein Sof again to spawn one green circle, shortly followed by him facing a random party member and cleaving the arena moments later. The group should stand between Sephirot and the circle so that he directs Ain towards it, allowing the party to easily deal with Ratzon.
Ratzon - One party member is targeted with a large purple circle AoE while six are targeted with smaller green circles. The party must run behind Sephirot and spread out. The purple circle can be placed either just behind Sephirot or at the edge of the arena.

Phase 2: Adds

Cochma - Large add that deals strong physical damage and applies Magic vulnerability up icon2.png Magic Vulnerability Up stacks over time. The main tank should grab this and be healed regularly. Upon dying, the Cochma deals significant party-wide damage with Genesis. Two of these will appear during the phase.
Binah - Smaller adds which the off tank should grab, as they deal magical damage. Upon dying, they each deal moderate party-wide damage with Genesis. Four sets of three Binah adds will appear during the phase.

Phase 3

Yesod - The ground will flash yellow, and a small circle AoE will be placed under each party member after a small delay, dealing damage and inflicting a Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down debuff. Avoid this by moving away as the flash occurs. If the party isn't grouped up, be sure to avoid moving into someone else's AoE. This attack is used in conjunction with other attacks during this phase.
Force Field - Four party members receive a green Force against magic icon1.png Force Against Magic debuff, which provides a severe physical weakness and a strong magical resistance. The other four receive an orange Force against might icon1.png Force Against Might debuff, which does the inverse. These are used to resolve the following three attacks.
Spirit/Life Force - Sephirot will damage half the arena with a green sphere and half with an orange sphere. Be sure to stand in the sphere that matches the color of your debuff to avoid fatal damage. When no debuffs are present, this will deal moderate damage to the party.
Fiendish Wail - Two towers will appear, one on each side of the arena. At least one party member with an orange debuff must stand in each tower to prevent lethal damage and a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up stack from being inflicted on the party. At least one of the four party members should be on each side in preparation to prevent all four from standing in one tower. Four sets of towers will appear throughout the phase, with the latter two requiring a tank to take each as there will not be any debuffs present.
Da'at - When debuffs are present, Sephirot will use Ein Sof to summon expanding circles and tether the four orange-debuff party members. These party members should move away while the green-debuff party members move towards Sephirot and grab a tether, preventing fatal damage from being dealt. When no debuffs are present, this deals heavy AoE damage to random party members, starting with a tankbuster on the main tank.
Earth Shaker - A healer and a DPS will get a marker above their heads as well as a proximity tether. One should move far to the left and away from Sephirot while the other moves right. Another Yesod will occur simultaneously, forcing everyone to move.
Pillar of Mercy - The party should stack inside the first blue circle at the northern edge of the arena until Yesod goes off, then move outside of the circle to be knocked away, without falling off the arena. Two expanding Ein Sof circles will also spawn in sequence, forcing the party to be knocked in a certain direction.
Malkuth - Sephirot will lower his head and inflict a strong knockback. Group up near him or use knockback resistance.
Pillar of Severity: Prior to this move, four Binahs and a Storm of Words add will spawn. Each tank should grab a pair of Binahs while the party quickly burns down the Storm of Words. Mechanics will continue during this time, so tanks should be prepared to take towers. Eventually, the party will stack on the remains of the Storm of Words to avoid getting knocked off stage by Sephirot.

The enrage will be indicated by an unavoidable Pillar of Severity.


See also: Sephirotic Weapons

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins sephirot arms (il 220) icon1.png  Paladin's Sephirot Arms (IL 220) Other N/A CBlue 1
Axe of the sephirot icon1.png  Axe of the Sephirot Marauder's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Edge of the sephirot icon1.png  Edge of the Sephirot Dark Knight's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Pike of the sephirot icon1.png  Pike of the Sephirot Lancer's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Fists of the sephirot icon1.png  Fists of the Sephirot Pugilist's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Katana of sephirot icon1.png  Katana of Sephirot Samurai's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Points of the sephirot icon1.png  Points of the Sephirot Rogue's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Bow of the sephirot icon1.png  Bow of the Sephirot Archer's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Fire of the sephirot icon1.png  Fire of the Sephirot Machinist's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Staff of the sephirot icon1.png  Staff of the Sephirot Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Word of the sephirot icon1.png  Word of the Sephirot Arcanist's Grimoire 220 CBlue 1
Rapier of sephirot icon1.png  Rapier of Sephirot Red Mage's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Cane of the sephirot icon1.png  Cane of the Sephirot Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Song of the sephirot icon1.png  Song of the Sephirot Scholar's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Star of the sephirot icon1.png  Star of the Sephirot Astrologian's Arm 220 CBlue 1
Shield of the sephirot icon1.png  Shield of the Sephirot Shield 220 CBlue 1
Fiend sap icon1.png  Fiend Sap Material N/A ABasic 1
Sephirotic weapon coffer (il 220) icon1.png  Sephirotic Weapon Coffer (IL 220) Other N/A ABasic 1
Warring lanner whistle icon1.png  Warring Lanner Whistle Other N/A ABasic 1
Faded copy of fiend icon1.png  Faded Copy of Fiend Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Veni veni venias icon1.png  Veni Veni Venias 10 Defeat Sephirot in Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme). - 3.2
Mightier than the fiend icon1.png  Mightier than the Fiend 5 Complete Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 5.15



Sephirot: Pestilent northerners...
You shall regret the decision to loosen my fetters!
Sephirot: The equilibrium of life...
I shall tip thy scales and partake of thy bounteous energy!
Sephirot: Patience and penance...
For millenia have I yearned to enact this vengeance!
Sephirot: I am the end and the beginning!
By my touch shall your wretched lives me blessed!
Sephirot: You have dimmed my boundless light.
What power of death do you mortals wield...?
Sephirot: I am the incarnation of life!
I cannot perish...cannot wither...