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{{:Weathered Weapons}}
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==Weathered Armor==
==Weathered Armor==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{{:Weathered Armor}}
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Weathered Astrum Armguards]]||[[File:weathered astrum armguards icon1.png]]||100||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Hands||80||46||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +23, [[Determination]] +11,
|[[Weathered Astrum Belt]]||[[File:weathered astrum belt icon1.png]]||100||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Waist||69||40||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +16, [[Vitality]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Skill Speed]] +17,
|[[Weathered Astrum Helm]]||[[File:weathered astrum helm icon1.png]]||100||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Head||80||46||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Skill Speed]] +23,
|[[Weathered Astrum Hose]]||[[File:weathered astrum hose icon1.png]]||100||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Legs||112||65||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +38, [[Skill Speed]] +26,
|[[Weathered Astrum Sabatons]]||[[File:weathered astrum sabatons icon1.png]]||100||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Feet||80||46||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Accuracy]] +23, [[Determination]] +11,
|[[Weathered Auroral Boots]]||[[File:weathered auroral boots icon1.png]]||100||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Feet||63||63||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Skill Speed]] +23,
|[[Weathered Auroral Bracers]]||[[File:weathered auroral bracers icon1.png]]||100||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Hands||63||63||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Accuracy]] +23, [[Skill Speed]] +16,
|[[Weathered Auroral Brais]]||[[File:weathered auroral brais icon1.png]]||100||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Legs||88||88||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Determination]] +19, [[Skill Speed]] +38,
|[[Weathered Auroral Coif]]||[[File:weathered auroral coif icon1.png]]||100||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Head||63||63||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Skill Speed]] +23,
|[[Weathered Auroral Sash]]||[[File:weathered auroral sash icon1.png]]||100||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Waist||55||55||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +16, [[Vitality]] +18, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +17, [[Determination]] +9,
|[[Weathered Auroral Tabard]]||[[File:weathered auroral tabard icon1.png]]||100||[[Archer|ARC]], [[Bard|BRD]]<br />Level 50||Body||88||88||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +38, [[Determination]] +19,
|[[Weathered Daystar Belt]]||[[File:weathered daystar belt icon1.png]]||100||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Waist||40||69||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +16, [[Mind]] +16, [[Piety]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +3, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12
|[[Weathered Daystar Breeches]]||[[File:weathered daystar breeches icon1.png]]||100||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Legs||65||112||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +35, [[Mind]] +34, [[Piety]] +20, [[Accuracy]] +8, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +38
|[[Weathered Daystar Circlet]]||[[File:weathered daystar circlet icon1.png]]||100||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Head||46||80||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +22, [[Mind]] +21, [[Accuracy]] +5, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Determination]] +16
|[[Weathered Daystar Gloves]]||[[File:weathered daystar gloves icon1.png]]||100||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Hands||46||80||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +22, [[Mind]] +21, [[Accuracy]] +5, [[Determination]] +11, [[Spell Speed]] +23
|[[Weathered Daystar Robe]]||[[File:weathered daystar robe icon1.png]]||100||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Body||65||112||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +35, [[Mind]] +34, [[Piety]] +29, [[Accuracy]] +8, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +26
|[[Weathered Daystar Sollerets]]||[[File:weathered daystar sollerets icon1.png]]||100||[[Conjurer|CNJ]], [[White Mage|WHM]], [[Scholar|SCH]]<br />Level 50||Feet||46||80||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +22, [[Mind]] +21, [[Accuracy]] +5, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Spell Speed]] +23
|[[Weathered Evenstar Bootees]]||[[File:weathered evenstar bootees icon1.png]]||100||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Feet||46||80||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +22, [[Intelligence]] +21, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +23, [[Spell Speed]] +16,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Coat]]||[[File:weathered evenstar coat icon1.png]]||100||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Body||65||112||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +35, [[Intelligence]] +34, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +26, [[Determination]] +27,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Gloves of Casting]]||[[File:weathered evenstar gloves of casting icon1.png]]||100||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Hands||46||80||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +22, [[Intelligence]] +21, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +23, [[Spell Speed]] +16,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Hat]]||[[File:weathered evenstar hat icon1.png]]||100||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Head||46||80||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +22, [[Intelligence]] +21, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +23, [[Spell Speed]] +16,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Sash of Casting]]||[[File:weathered evenstar sash of casting icon1.png]]||100||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Waist||40||69||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +16, [[Intelligence]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +17, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Tights]]||[[File:weathered evenstar tights icon1.png]]||100||[[Thaumaturge|THM]], [[Arcanist|ACN]], [[Black Mage|BLM]], [[Summoner|SMN]]<br />Level 50||Legs||65||112||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +35, [[Intelligence]] +34, [[Accuracy]] +26, [[Determination]] +27,
|[[Weathered Gloam Belt]]||[[File:weathered gloam belt icon1.png]]||100||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Waist||55||55||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +16, [[Vitality]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Determination]] +12,
|[[Weathered Gloam Boots]]||[[File:weathered gloam boots icon1.png]]||100||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Feet||63||63||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Determination]] +11, [[Skill Speed]] +23,
|[[Weathered Gloam Bracers]]||[[File:weathered gloam bracers icon1.png]]||100||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Hands||63||63||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Determination]] +16, [[Skill Speed]] +16,
|[[Weathered Gloam Brais]]||[[File:weathered gloam brais icon1.png]]||100||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Legs||88||88||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Accuracy]] +38, [[Determination]] +19,
|[[Weathered Gloam Coif]]||[[File:weathered gloam coif icon1.png]]||100||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Head||63||63||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +23, [[Skill Speed]] +16,
|[[Weathered Gloam Tabard]]||[[File:weathered gloam tabard icon1.png]]||100||[[Pugilist|PGL]], [[Monk|MNK]]<br />Level 50||Body||88||88||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +38, [[Determination]] +19,
|[[Weathered Noct Breeches]]||[[File:weathered noct breeches icon1.png]]||100||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Legs||160||160||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Parry]] +38, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +26,
|[[Weathered Noct Circlet]]||[[File:weathered noct circlet icon1.png]]||100||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Head||114||114||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +16, [[Determination]] +16,
|[[Weathered Noct Gauntlets]]||[[File:weathered noct gauntlets icon1.png]]||100||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Hands||114||114||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Accuracy]] +23, [[Skill Speed]] +16,
|[[Weathered Noct Greaves]]||[[File:weathered noct greaves icon1.png]]||100||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Feet||114||114||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +21, [[Vitality]] +24, [[Accuracy]] +16, [[Determination]] +16,
|[[Weathered Noct Hoplon]]||[[File:weathered noct hoplon icon1.png]]||100||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Paladin|PLD]]<br />Level 50||Shield||304||119||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +11, [[Vitality]] +12, [[Parry]] +8, [[Accuracy]] +12,
|[[Weathered Noct Lorica]]||[[File:weathered noct lorica icon1.png]]||100||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Body||160||160||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Parry]] +38, [[Accuracy]] +26,
|[[Weathered Noct Plate Belt]]||[[File:weathered noct plate belt icon1.png]]||100||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Marauder|MRD]], [[Paladin|PLD]], [[Warrior|WAR]]<br />Level 50||Waist||99||99||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +16, [[Vitality]] +18, [[Parry]] +17, [[Determination]] +9,
|[[Weathered Suit of Astrum Mail]]||[[File:weathered suit of astrum mail icon1.png]]||100||[[Lancer|LNC]], [[Dragoon|DRG]]<br />Level 50||Body||112||65||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +39, [[Accuracy]] +38, [[Skill Speed]] +26,
*Block Strength and Rate

==Weathered Accessories==
==Weathered Accessories==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
{{:Weathered Accessories}}
!Item Level
!Magic Defence
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Weathered Auroral Choker]]||[[File:weathered auroral choker icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Determination]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Auroral Earrings]]||[[File:weathered auroral earrings icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +17, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Auroral Ring]]||[[File:weathered auroral ring icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Skill Speed]] +17, ,
|[[Weathered Auroral Wristlets]]||[[File:weathered auroral wristlets icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Dexterity]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +17, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Daystar Armillae]]||[[File:weathered daystar armillae icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +16, [[Piety]] +9, [[Accuracy]] +3, [[Determination]] +12,
|[[Weathered Daystar Earrings]]||[[File:weathered daystar earrings icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +3, [[Determination]] +12, [[Spell Speed]] +12,
|[[Weathered Daystar Necklace]]||[[File:weathered daystar necklace icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +16, [[Piety]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +3, [[Spell Speed]] +12,
|[[Weathered Daystar Ring]]||[[File:weathered daystar ring icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Mind]] +16, [[Piety]] +13, [[Accuracy]] +3, [[Determination]] +9,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Armillae of Casting]]||[[File:weathered evenstar armillae of casting icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +16, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12, [[Determination]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Earrings of Casting]]||[[File:weathered evenstar earrings of casting icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Determination]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Necklace of Casting]]||[[File:weathered evenstar necklace of casting icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +16, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12, [[Spell Speed]] +17, ,
|[[Weathered Evenstar Ring of Casting]]||[[File:weathered evenstar ring of casting icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Intelligence]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +17, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Gloam Choker]]||[[File:weathered gloam choker icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +16, [[Determination]] +9, [[Skill Speed]] +17, ,
|[[Weathered Gloam Earrings]]||[[File:weathered gloam earrings icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +17, ,
|[[Weathered Gloam Ring]]||[[File:weathered gloam ring icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Determination]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Gloam Wristlets]]||[[File:weathered gloam wristlets icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +16, [[Accuracy]] +17, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Noct Choker]]||[[File:weathered noct choker icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Necklace||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Parry]] +17, [[Skill Speed]] +12, ,
|[[Weathered Noct Earrings]]||[[File:weathered noct earrings icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Earrings||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +12, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +17, ,
|[[Weathered Noct Ring]]||[[File:weathered noct ring icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Ring||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Parry]] +12, [[Accuracy]] +17, ,
|[[Weathered Noct Wristlets]]||[[File:weathered noct wristlets icon1.png]]||100||[[classes|All Classes]]<br />Level 50||Bracelets||1||1||align = "left" |[[Vitality]] +18, [[Accuracy]] +17, [[Skill Speed]] +12, ,

Revision as of 01:56, 21 April 2014

Allagan Tomestone Of Soldiery was introduced in patch 2.2. Players can exchange these Tomestones for level 100 Weathered Armor and Accessories and Rowena's Token (Soldiery) by giving them to Auriana in Mor Dhona (x22,y6). Players can exchange multiple Rowena's Token (Soldiery) and 1 Unidentified Allagan Tomestone for Weathered weapon.

Weathered Weapons

Disambig icon.png This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same or similar titles. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.

Weathered Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Weathered Noct Circlet Weathered noct circlet icon1.png 50 100 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 134 134 0 Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 
Weathered Astrum Helm Weathered astrum helm icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG RPR Head 94 74 0 Strength +22 Vitality +23 Direct Hit Rate +18 Skill Speed +25 
Weathered Gloam Coif Weathered gloam coif icon1.png 50 100 PGL ROG MNK NIN SAM VPR Head 74 74 0 Strength +22 Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Skill Speed +18 
Weathered Auroral Coif Weathered auroral coif icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 74 74 0 Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Direct Hit Rate +18 Skill Speed +25 
Weathered Evenstar Hat Weathered evenstar hat icon1.png 50 100 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 54 94 0 Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Spell Speed +18 
Weathered Daystar Circlet Weathered daystar circlet icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 54 94 0 Mind +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +18 Determination +25 Direct Hit Rate +5 
Weathered Noct Lorica Weathered noct lorica icon1.png 50 100 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 180 180 0 Strength +36 Vitality +37 Direct Hit Rate +27 Tenacity +39 
Weathered Suit of Astrum Mail Weathered suit of astrum mail icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG RPR Body 126 99 0 Strength +36 Vitality +37 Direct Hit Rate +39 Skill Speed +27 
Weathered Gloam Tabard Weathered gloam tabard icon1.png 50 100 PGL ROG MNK NIN SAM VPR Body 99 99 0 Strength +36 Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Determination +27 
Weathered Auroral Tabard Weathered auroral tabard icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 99 99 0 Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Determination +27 
Weathered Evenstar Coat Weathered evenstar coat icon1.png 50 100 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 72 126 0 Intelligence +36 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +27 Determination +39 
Weathered Daystar Robe Weathered daystar robe icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 72 126 0 Mind +36 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +27 Direct Hit Rate +8 Piety +39 
Weathered Noct Gauntlets Weathered noct gauntlets icon1.png 50 100 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 134 134 0 Strength +22 Vitality +23 Direct Hit Rate +25 Skill Speed +18 
Weathered Astrum Armguards Weathered astrum armguards icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG RPR Hands 94 74 0 Strength +22 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +25 Determination +18 
Weathered Gloam Bracers Weathered gloam bracers icon1.png 50 100 PGL ROG MNK NIN SAM VPR Hands 74 74 0 Strength +22 Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Determination +25 Skill Speed +18 
Weathered Auroral Bracers Weathered auroral bracers icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 74 74 0 Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Direct Hit Rate +25 Skill Speed +18 
Weathered Evenstar Gloves Weathered evenstar gloves icon1.png 50 100 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 54 94 0 Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Spell Speed +18 
Weathered Daystar Gloves Weathered daystar gloves icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 54 94 0 Mind +22 Vitality +21 Determination +18 Direct Hit Rate +5 Spell Speed +25 
Weathered Noct Breeches Weathered noct breeches icon1.png 50 100 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 180 180 0 Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +27 Tenacity +39 
Weathered Astrum Hose Weathered astrum hose icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG RPR Legs 126 99 0 Strength +36 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +39 Skill Speed +27 
Weathered Auroral Brais Weathered auroral brais icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 99 99 0 Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Determination +27 Skill Speed +39 
Weathered Gloam Brais Weathered gloam brais icon1.png 50 100 PGL ROG MNK NIN SAM VPR Legs 99 99 0 Strength +36 Dexterity +36 Vitality +37 Determination +27 Direct Hit Rate +39 
Weathered Evenstar Tights Weathered evenstar tights icon1.png 50 100 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 72 126 0 Intelligence +36 Vitality +33 Determination +39 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Weathered Daystar Breeches Weathered daystar breeches icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 72 126 0 Mind +36 Vitality +33 Critical Hit +39 Direct Hit Rate +8 Piety +27 
Weathered Noct Greaves Weathered noct greaves icon1.png 50 100 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 134 134 0 Strength +22 Vitality +23 Determination +25 Direct Hit Rate +18 
Weathered Astrum Sabatons Weathered astrum sabatons icon1.png 50 100 LNC DRG RPR Feet 94 74 0 Strength +22 Vitality +23 Determination +18 Direct Hit Rate +25 
Weathered Gloam Boots Weathered gloam boots icon1.png 50 100 PGL ROG MNK NIN SAM VPR Feet 74 74 0 Strength +22 Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Determination +18 Skill Speed +25 
Weathered Auroral Boots Weathered auroral boots icon1.png 50 100 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 74 74 0 Dexterity +22 Vitality +23 Direct Hit Rate +18 Skill Speed +25 
Weathered Evenstar Bootees Weathered evenstar bootees icon1.png 50 100 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 54 94 0 Intelligence +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +25 Spell Speed +18 
Weathered Daystar Sollerets Weathered daystar sollerets icon1.png 50 100 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 54 94 0 Mind +22 Vitality +21 Critical Hit +18 Direct Hit Rate +5 Spell Speed +25 

Weathered Accessories

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Weathered Noct Earrings Weathered noct earrings icon1.png 50 100 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +13 
Weathered Gloam Earrings Weathered gloam earrings icon1.png 50 100 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +13 
Weathered Auroral Earrings Weathered auroral earrings icon1.png 50 100 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Dexterity +18 Vitality +18 Critical Hit +13 Direct Hit Rate +19 
Weathered Evenstar Earrings Weathered evenstar earrings icon1.png 50 100 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Intelligence +18 Vitality +16 Determination +19 Direct Hit Rate +13 
Weathered Daystar Earrings Weathered daystar earrings icon1.png 50 100 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Mind +18 Vitality +16 Determination +19 Direct Hit Rate +4 Spell Speed +13 
Weathered Noct Choker Weathered noct choker icon1.png 50 100 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Skill Speed +13 Tenacity +19 
Weathered Gloam Choker Weathered gloam choker icon1.png 50 100 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Determination +13 Skill Speed +19 
Weathered Auroral Choker Weathered auroral choker icon1.png 50 100 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Dexterity +18 Vitality +18 Determination +19 Direct Hit Rate +13 
Weathered Evenstar Necklace Weathered evenstar necklace icon1.png 50 100 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Intelligence +18 Vitality +16 Critical Hit +13 Spell Speed +19 
Weathered Daystar Necklace Weathered daystar necklace icon1.png 50 100 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Mind +18 Vitality +16 Direct Hit Rate +4 Spell Speed +13 Piety +19 
Weathered Noct Wristlets Weathered noct wristlets icon1.png 50 100 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Direct Hit Rate +19 Skill Speed +13 
Weathered Gloam Wristlets Weathered gloam wristlets icon1.png 50 100 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Critical Hit +13 Direct Hit Rate +19 
Weathered Auroral Wristlets Weathered auroral wristlets icon1.png 50 100 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Dexterity +18 Vitality +18 Critical Hit +13 Direct Hit Rate +19 
Weathered Evenstar Armillae Weathered evenstar armillae icon1.png 50 100 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Intelligence +18 Vitality +16 Critical Hit +13 Determination +19 
Weathered Daystar Armillae Weathered daystar armillae icon1.png 50 100 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Mind +18 Vitality +16 Determination +19 Direct Hit Rate +4 Piety +13 
Weathered Noct Ring Weathered noct ring icon1.png 50 100 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Direct Hit Rate +19 Tenacity +13 
Weathered Gloam Ring Weathered gloam ring icon1.png 50 100 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Strength +18 Vitality +18 Determination +19 Direct Hit Rate +13 
Weathered Auroral Ring Weathered auroral ring icon1.png 50 100 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Dexterity +18 Vitality +18 Direct Hit Rate +13 Skill Speed +19 
Weathered Evenstar Ring Weathered evenstar ring icon1.png 50 100 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Intelligence +18 Vitality +16 Critical Hit +13 Direct Hit Rate +19 
Weathered Daystar Ring Weathered daystar ring icon1.png 50 100 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Mind +18 Vitality +16 Determination +13 Direct Hit Rate +4 Piety +19