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Trachtoum: That's what ye wanted, ain't it!? So come on, then! Tell the chief to forgive me! It's only fair!
Trachtoum: That's what ye wanted, ain't it!? So come on, then! Tell the chief to forgive me! It's only fair!
Wheiskaet: Pardon? You wish to slay the Lord of Crags?
Y'shtola: We ''must'' slay him, Captain. The people of Limsa Lominsa are depending upon us.
Wheiskaet: Hmph. You fancy yourselves heroes, then─just like in the tales?
Y'shtola: Be not so quick to judge. Long have I labored for the well-being of you and yours. And my associate here has bathed in Ifrit's hellfire and lived.
Y'shtola: She is blessed with a power that protects her from primal influence. Thus was she able to lay low the Lord of the Inferno.
Y'shtola: We know full well the risks, and have taken every possible precaution. We lack only the knowledge of how to enter Titan's lair. Pray be so good as to grant us the boon of your wisdom, and we shall be on our way.
Wheiskaet: A man/woman who can't be tempered? Useful...but it will not be enough.
Wheiskaet: It is true that the Company of Heroes fought and felled primals─but each victory was bought with the lifeblood of brave men and women.
Wheiskaet: And Titan was the worst we faced. Aye, we defeated him─in the end─but he took from us some of our very best.
Wheiskaet: Even ''if'' you possess the power you claim, I have no reason to believe you will succeed.
Y'shtola: Believe what you will. We mean to try.
Y'shtola: Though our lives be forfeit, we will not abandon Limsa to the wrath of Titan.
Wheiskaet: You are passionate, I'll grant you that...
Wheiskaet: ...And you deserved better than the greeting I gave you. But I will not send you into O'Ghomoro on a whim. To be plain, I do not wish to see you give your lives in vain.
Wheiskaet: At the very least, I must have assurances that you are more than common adventurers.
Wheiskaet: I oversee security for Master Gegeruju's estates. Perhaps you can demonstrate your abilities by attending to one of our─
Y'shtola: Ye gods, man─have you heard nothing I have said? We have not the ''time'' to perform trivial tasks. The enemy is at the gates!
Wheiskaet: Do you imagine words can sway me, girl?
Wheiskaet: If you dislike my conditions, then you are welcome to find your own way into O'Ghomoro.
Y'shtola: <sigh> Though it pains me to admit it, I fear we have no choice but to acquiesce to the man's demands.
Y'shtola: Yet much remains to be done if we are to best Titan. Forgive me, but I must ask you to undertake this task alone. I will use the time to see to the remaining preparations.
Wheiskaet: Leaving the dirty work to others, are we? Heh, very well.
Y'shtola: Pray do whatever the good captain bids...however trifling. Remember: the fate of Limsa Lominsa hangs in the balance.
Wheiskaet: Master Gegeruju's requests can be more demanding than you realize. Before I set you to your true task, I would like to verify that this won't be a waste of my time.
Wheiskaet: A nix has recently been seen prowling the beach to the east. As you can imagine, my master does not want large slimy creatures anywhere near his lands.
Wheiskaet: The beast is cunning, but you should have no difficulty luring it out with herring.
Wheiskaet: Slay the nix and return to me. Oh, and don't forget to bring me a leg as proof of the kill.
Wheiskaet: Well? Did you deal with the nix?
Wheiskaet: Lest you think me overly cautious for testing you in this way, you should know that we had an incident not long ago. A foolish young employee was dismissed for lying about his past. He claimed to have served in the Company of Heroes, but I knew for a fact he did not.
Wheiskaet: Anyway, now that the pointless busywork is finished, I shall give you a challenge as befits your talents.
Wheiskaet: Two highly distinguished individuals are scheduled to visit Costa del Sol in the near future, and Master Gegeruju wishes to welcome them with an elaborate banquet.
Wheiskaet: But while money is no object, not everything Master Gegeruju desires can be so easily purchased.
Wheiskaet: It is to be an extremely exotic feast. And so, Yuki, your mission is to seek out and obtain the rare ingredients our chef requires.
Wheiskaet: Naturally, such fine dining must be accompanied with a suitable wine. And by “suitable,” I mean “the very best there is.” That, however, can wait for the time being, as I believe you have enough on your plate as it is.
Wheiskaet: It will be a long and arduous journey, but you need not toil alone. Many of the mercenaries who once served under my command still live, and they will guide you in your quest. For the first ingredient, I would have you travel to the South Shroud and speak with Landenel at Camp Tranquil.
Wheiskaet: ...What? Do you mean to tell me that you cannot afford to waste time, as your associate did?
Wheiskaet: Adventurer, if you have not the endurance to complete this mission, how do you expect me to believe you can outlast the Lord of Crags? Either do it or don't─I have work to do.
Landenel: Do you require assistance, adventurer?
Landenel: ...So this is the one who would challenge Titan. I've been expecting you, [Forename].
Landenel: The ingredient you seek is the egg of a giant adamantoise.
Landenel: The method of acquisition should be obvious─you steal it from the beast's nest, of course. Simple in theory, but difficult in execution. Most who try die in the attempt.
Landenel: Will I help you get it? Hah, you amuse me. I will not jeopardize my position by openly assisting you. From me you will receive only information. What you do with it is your choice.
Landenel: Let me be clear: this business between you, me, and the captain must remain a secret.
Landenel: See, I don't regret my time spent with the Company in the slightest. Traveling the world, meeting interesting people, killing them─it was all jolly good fun.
Landenel: Alas, Gridanians are, by and large, an unforgiving lot─Detoh here being a rare exception.
Landenel: I've had to go to great lengths to ensure that I am seen as a model citizen, with no taste for drinking, whoring, gambling, and all those other activities I so dearly miss.
Landenel: So understand that if you ruin my little charade by wagging your tongue, I'll fashion a noose with your entrails and hang you from the nearest heavenspillar.
Landenel: Well, what are you waiting for? There's a perfectly good adamantoise egg in a nest to the east of here, just ripe for the taking.
Landenel: Not that I expect you to live long enough to claim it!
Landenel: The mother never strays far from the child, and you will surely be attacked the moment you lay hands upon the egg.
Landenel: ...There will be other heroes, [Forename]. ''You'' do not need to challenge Titan. Abandon your quest, or your corpse will rot in this swamp.

Revision as of 10:23, 31 October 2020

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

The Lominsan Way

The Lominsan Way Image.png
Quest giver
Lower La Noscea (X:35, Y:15)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Experience 29,640
Gil 2,416
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestHungry Hungry Goobbues
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestNix That

Trachtoum remains unconvinced of your readiness to defeat the dread primal Tidus.

— In-game description



  • Your conversation with Trachtoum is interrupted by an irate miller, who accuses the flustered marauder of shirking his duty. As you look on in stunned silence, Trachtoum claims to have slain the goobbue that you but recently dispatched. Unconvinced, the miller decides that the truth will be revealed "the Lominsan way." Speak with the miller outside and discover what this entails.
  • After besting Trachtoum in a boulder-breaking contest by avoiding their attacks and defeating the bomb they try to use, you discover that the marauder was never a member of the Company of Heroes. However, he tells you that one of the Company's former captains now works at Costa del Sol. Journey to the resort and beg the veteran's assistance.
  • WhileWheiskaet acknowledges your passion, he is reluctant to send an adventurer of unknown character to his death. If you wish to learn how the Company of Heroes defeated Titan, you must yet again prove yourself by completing Wheiskaet's challenges.


Trachtoum: So, uh...as I was sayin', I still don't know if ye've got what it takes to face Tidus. Maybe if ye slew a─

Grey Fleet Miller: Trachtoum? You in here drinking again? If you are, that goobbue had better be dead!

Trachtoum: Oh, it's dead, chief, ye have me word on that! Cleaved the beast's skull in two with me trusty axe, I did!

Grey Fleet Miller: Is that a fact? And what will your friend here say if I ask her?

Trachtoum: Sh-She'll vouch for me, of course! Ain't that right...friend?

Grey Fleet Miller: Tell me true: was it Trachtoum who slew that goobbue...or was it you?

Trachtoum: Chief! Wh-What are ye sayin'!? It's me, Trachtoum, the finest axeman ever to serve in the Company of Heroes, the legendary mercenaries who slew that bastard Tidus!

Grey Fleet Miller: ...Tidus? Tidus? Who in the seven hells is Tidus!? Some primal you fought in a drink-sodden dream? The Company of Heroes slew Titan, you bloody half-wit!

Trachtoum: Ah. Aye, well...see, Tidus was what me an' the lads used to call him.

Grey Fleet Miller: That's the biggest load of Sahagin shite I've ever heard.

Both of you, outside! We'll learn the truth the Lominsan way!

Grey Fleet Miller: Trachtoum─if you didn't slay that goobbue, you may consider your contract revoked!


Trachtoum Parter of Seas: All right─ye know the rules! First one to smash their boulder will be judged the goobbue slayer!

Trachtoum Parter of Seas: An' don't even think about tryin' to kill me! That's cheatin'!

Grey Fleet Miller: Who picked these boulders!? They're nothing alike!

Ah, the hells with it─let the contest begin!

Trachtoum Parter of Seas: How ye doin', lass? Feelin' a bit stiff, by any chance?

Trachtoum Parter of Seas: Heh heh...only killin's against the rules!

Trachtoum Parter of Seas: Y-Yer still at it!? Bugger me─'tis lucky I've got one of these!

Trachtoum Parter of Seas: Me arms, me bleedin' arms...


Trachtoum: All right, all right, I admit it! I lied about bein' in the Company of Heroes. But I'm beggin' ye, chief─please don't dismiss me! I've learned me lesson, honest I have!

Grey Fleet Miller: Save your blubbering, Trachtoum. <sigh> Gods, I should've known...

Trachtoum: Mercy, please! I didn't want to deceive ye, I swear! It's just that I kept gettin' turned away by all the folk I asked for work, an' I panicked!

Trachtoum: See, the last job I had was at Costa del Sol, an' there was this grizzled marauder everyone treated like royalty. When I heard he was a captain in the Company of Heroes, I finally understood why.

Trachtoum: I-I wasn't bein' serious when I said I was one of 'em! But ye went an' believed me, so I...so I, er...

Trachtoum: L-Look─his name was Wheiskaet, all right!? Wheiskaet! He'll tell ye how to defeat Titus or whatever the hells that thing's name is!

Trachtoum: That's what ye wanted, ain't it!? So come on, then! Tell the chief to forgive me! It's only fair!

Wheiskaet: Pardon? You wish to slay the Lord of Crags?

Y'shtola: We must slay him, Captain. The people of Limsa Lominsa are depending upon us.

Wheiskaet: Hmph. You fancy yourselves heroes, then─just like in the tales?

Y'shtola: Be not so quick to judge. Long have I labored for the well-being of you and yours. And my associate here has bathed in Ifrit's hellfire and lived.

Y'shtola: She is blessed with a power that protects her from primal influence. Thus was she able to lay low the Lord of the Inferno.

Y'shtola: We know full well the risks, and have taken every possible precaution. We lack only the knowledge of how to enter Titan's lair. Pray be so good as to grant us the boon of your wisdom, and we shall be on our way.

Wheiskaet: A man/woman who can't be tempered? Useful...but it will not be enough.

Wheiskaet: It is true that the Company of Heroes fought and felled primals─but each victory was bought with the lifeblood of brave men and women.

Wheiskaet: And Titan was the worst we faced. Aye, we defeated him─in the end─but he took from us some of our very best.

Wheiskaet: Even if you possess the power you claim, I have no reason to believe you will succeed.

Y'shtola: Believe what you will. We mean to try.

Y'shtola: Though our lives be forfeit, we will not abandon Limsa to the wrath of Titan.

Wheiskaet: You are passionate, I'll grant you that...

Wheiskaet: ...And you deserved better than the greeting I gave you. But I will not send you into O'Ghomoro on a whim. To be plain, I do not wish to see you give your lives in vain.

Wheiskaet: At the very least, I must have assurances that you are more than common adventurers.

Wheiskaet: I oversee security for Master Gegeruju's estates. Perhaps you can demonstrate your abilities by attending to one of our─

Y'shtola: Ye gods, man─have you heard nothing I have said? We have not the time to perform trivial tasks. The enemy is at the gates!

Wheiskaet: Do you imagine words can sway me, girl?

Wheiskaet: If you dislike my conditions, then you are welcome to find your own way into O'Ghomoro.

Y'shtola: <sigh> Though it pains me to admit it, I fear we have no choice but to acquiesce to the man's demands.

Y'shtola: Yet much remains to be done if we are to best Titan. Forgive me, but I must ask you to undertake this task alone. I will use the time to see to the remaining preparations.

Wheiskaet: Leaving the dirty work to others, are we? Heh, very well.

Y'shtola: Pray do whatever the good captain bids...however trifling. Remember: the fate of Limsa Lominsa hangs in the balance.

Wheiskaet: Master Gegeruju's requests can be more demanding than you realize. Before I set you to your true task, I would like to verify that this won't be a waste of my time.

Wheiskaet: A nix has recently been seen prowling the beach to the east. As you can imagine, my master does not want large slimy creatures anywhere near his lands.

Wheiskaet: The beast is cunning, but you should have no difficulty luring it out with herring.

Wheiskaet: Slay the nix and return to me. Oh, and don't forget to bring me a leg as proof of the kill.

Wheiskaet: Well? Did you deal with the nix?

Wheiskaet: Lest you think me overly cautious for testing you in this way, you should know that we had an incident not long ago. A foolish young employee was dismissed for lying about his past. He claimed to have served in the Company of Heroes, but I knew for a fact he did not.

Wheiskaet: Anyway, now that the pointless busywork is finished, I shall give you a challenge as befits your talents.

Wheiskaet: Two highly distinguished individuals are scheduled to visit Costa del Sol in the near future, and Master Gegeruju wishes to welcome them with an elaborate banquet.

Wheiskaet: But while money is no object, not everything Master Gegeruju desires can be so easily purchased.

Wheiskaet: It is to be an extremely exotic feast. And so, Yuki, your mission is to seek out and obtain the rare ingredients our chef requires.

Wheiskaet: Naturally, such fine dining must be accompanied with a suitable wine. And by “suitable,” I mean “the very best there is.” That, however, can wait for the time being, as I believe you have enough on your plate as it is.

Wheiskaet: It will be a long and arduous journey, but you need not toil alone. Many of the mercenaries who once served under my command still live, and they will guide you in your quest. For the first ingredient, I would have you travel to the South Shroud and speak with Landenel at Camp Tranquil.

Wheiskaet: ...What? Do you mean to tell me that you cannot afford to waste time, as your associate did?

Wheiskaet: Adventurer, if you have not the endurance to complete this mission, how do you expect me to believe you can outlast the Lord of Crags? Either do it or don't─I have work to do.

Landenel: Do you require assistance, adventurer?

Landenel: ...So this is the one who would challenge Titan. I've been expecting you, [Forename].

Landenel: The ingredient you seek is the egg of a giant adamantoise.

Landenel: The method of acquisition should be obvious─you steal it from the beast's nest, of course. Simple in theory, but difficult in execution. Most who try die in the attempt.

Landenel: Will I help you get it? Hah, you amuse me. I will not jeopardize my position by openly assisting you. From me you will receive only information. What you do with it is your choice.

Landenel: Let me be clear: this business between you, me, and the captain must remain a secret.

Landenel: See, I don't regret my time spent with the Company in the slightest. Traveling the world, meeting interesting people, killing them─it was all jolly good fun.

Landenel: Alas, Gridanians are, by and large, an unforgiving lot─Detoh here being a rare exception.

Landenel: I've had to go to great lengths to ensure that I am seen as a model citizen, with no taste for drinking, whoring, gambling, and all those other activities I so dearly miss.

Landenel: So understand that if you ruin my little charade by wagging your tongue, I'll fashion a noose with your entrails and hang you from the nearest heavenspillar.

Landenel: Well, what are you waiting for? There's a perfectly good adamantoise egg in a nest to the east of here, just ripe for the taking.

Landenel: Not that I expect you to live long enough to claim it!

Landenel: The mother never strays far from the child, and you will surely be attacked the moment you lay hands upon the egg.

Landenel: ...There will be other heroes, [Forename]. You do not need to challenge Titan. Abandon your quest, or your corpse will rot in this swamp.