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Revision as of 22:02, 21 October 2021

The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos

Fair Skies.png Showers.png Snow.png Thunderstorms.png Gloom.png

Eurkea Hydatos map.PNG
Map of The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos

Isle of Val
Connects to
Kugane (N)
Aethernet Shard (X:20.2, Y:13.4)

The Forbidden Land, Eureka, is an instanced area that up to 144 players can explore simultaneously. Contend with raging aetherial energies and strengthen Eureka weapons and gear in order to progress through this untamed land.

— In-game description

The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos is a zone in Isle of Val.

See also: The Forbidden Land, Exploratory Missions and Baldesion Arsenal


Eureka hydatos1.jpg

Hydatos marks the conclusion of the Eureka expedition. With its discovery, the elemental level cap has been raised to 60. Increase your elemental level to unlock more of the story and the ability to further augment your arms and armor.

To enter Eureka Hydatos, you must first complete the Eureka Pyros story.

  • Level Requirement: Disciple of War or Magic level 70
  • Item Level Sync: 300
  • Party Size: Eight players
  • Time Limit: 180 minutes


Complete the quest And We Shall Call It Hydatos

  • Level: Disciple of War or Magic level 70
  • Starting NPC: Rodney
  • Starting NPC Location: Kugane (X:8.5 Y:14.2)
  • Players must first complete the story of Eureka Pyros.

Shops & Services

Vendor Name Vendor Location
Expedition Artisan (Eureka Hydatos) X:20.5, Y:13.3
Expedition Scholar (Eureka Hydatos) X:21.0, Y:13.7
Expedition Provisioner (Eureka Hydatos) X:19.8, Y:13.9
Gerolt (Eureka Hydatos) X:21.4, Y:13.6

Eureka Hydatos FATEs

FATE Notorious Monster Location Elemental EXP Eureka Tomestones Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Lockboxes/Crystals Notable Rewards Spawn Mob
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 50) Drink Me
Water Elemental Conflict (X:13.8, Y:21.6) 2,536,625 Eureka 30Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 3 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 50) I Ink, Therefore I Am
Water Khalamari (X:10.8, Y:25.6) 11,161,152 Eureka 63Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 4 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
5 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Lv. 55 Xzomit
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 51) From Tusk till Dawn
Earth Stegodon (X:10.4, Y:17.2) 12,277,267 Eureka 69Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 4 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
5 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Lv. 56 Hydatos Primelephas
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 52) Bullheaded Berserker
Ice Molech (X:8.1, Y:21.8) 13,529,549 Eureka 75Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 5 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
6 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Molechs horn icon1.png  Molech's Horn
Lv. 57 Val Nullchu
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 53) Mad, Bad, and Fabulous to Know
Wind Piasa (X:7.1, Y:14.5) 14,936,622 Eureka 81Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 5 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
6 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 58 Vivid Gastornis
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 54) Fearful Symmetry
Fire Frostmane (X:8.2, Y:26.1) 16,519,904 Eureka 87Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 6 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
7 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Lv. 59 Northern Tiger
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 55) Crawling Chaos
Water Daphne (X:24.2, Y:19) 18,304,054 Eureka 96Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 6 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
7 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 60 Dark Void Monk
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 56) Duty-free
Lightning King Goldemar (X:29.1, Y:23) 19,393,977 Eureka 99Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 7 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
8 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Goldemars horn icon1.png  Goldemar's Horn
1 Triple Triad Card r2.png  Dvergr Card
Lv. 61 Hydatos Wraith Night spawn icon1.png
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 57) Leukewarm Reception
Earth Leuke (X:37.4, Y:26.4) 21,566,102 Eureka 105Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 7 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
8 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 62 Tigerhawk
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 58) Robber Barong
Fire Barong (X:32.2, Y:25.3) 24,390,235 Eureka 108Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 8 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
9 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
Lv. 63 Laboratory Lion
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 59) Stone-cold Killer
Water Ceto (X:36.3, Y:14) 25,699,605 Eureka 114Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 8 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
9 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Hydatos cluster icon1.png  Hydatos Cluster
1 Cetos claw icon1.png  Ceto's Claw
Lv. 64 Hydatos Delphine
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 60) I Don't Want to Believe
Ice Ovni Umbral Turbulence.png (X:26.3, Y:29.2) 25,699,605 Eureka 120Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 9 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
10 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
1 Obscure logogram icon1.png  Obscure Logogram
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 60) The Baldesion Arsenal: Expedition Support
Wind Tristitia (X:18.7, Y:28.4) 25,699,605 Eureka 120Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 9 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
30 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png
(Lv. 60) Crystalline Provenance
FireIce Provenance Watcher (X:32.8, Y:19.5) 25,699,605 Eureka 120Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 9 Hydatos lockbox icon1.png  Hydatos Lockbox
10 Hydatos crystal icon1.png  Hydatos Crystal
3 Crystalline scale icon1.png  Crystalline Scale
1 Triple Triad Card r3.png  Provenance Watcher Card
Lv. 65 Crystal Claw

Logos Actions

One additional logogram and six new logos actions have been added.

Eurekan Weapons

After fully augmenting a Eurekan Weapon in Pyros and proceeding to a certain point in the Hydatos story, you will be able to augment your Eurekan weapon further by speaking to Gerolt in Hydatos (X:21.4 Y:13.6).

Eureka armor augmentation will be unlocked once 56 unique logos actions are registered in your log.

Happy Bunnies

Hydatos is also home to many a happy bunny. As a reward for saving them from imminent peril, happy bunnies will help you find hidden treasure on the island.

Notorious Monsters

Eureka hydatos2.jpg

Players may encounter notorious monsters that cannot be found in other regions of Eureka. Those who would engage them are advised to seek aid from other adventurers.

Defeating notorious monsters yields a great deal of elemental EXP, as well as various rewards.

The Baldesion Arsenal

The baldesion arsenal1.png
The baldesion arsenal2.png

The Baldesion Arsenal is a brutally difficult open dungeon that can be challenged by up to 56 players at once. To enter, you will need to complete the main Eureka storyline and prepare for the worst.

The entry requirements for this duty are extremely strict, as savage bosses, devious traps, and an effect that prevents resurrection by certain means all await you within.

Those who hope to challenge this dungeon should read all available information thoroughly, and properly understand the risks before entering.

Entering the Baldesion Arsenal

Aetherial nodes throughout Hydatos can provide access to the Baldesion Arsenal.

To make use of these nodes, your elemental level must be 60. You will also require a particular status enhancement.

Aetherial Nodes

Aetherial nodes1.png

There are two varieties of aetherial nodes: unstable blue nodes, and stable red nodes. Regardless of type, each node will disappear once accessed by a player, or if a certain amount of time passes without its being accessed.

  • Only the player who accesses a node will be transported, even if that player is in a party at the time.

The appearance of aetherial nodes is related to the atmospheric condition umbral turbulence.

Unstable Aetherial Nodes

An Aetheric Stabilizer is required to use unstable nodes. Aetheric Stabilizers can be acquired in Hydatos through various means, and will be consumed once they are used to access a node.

Stable Aetherial Nodes

Stable nodes do not require the use of Aetheric Stabilizers. However, each will only appear after a certain amount of time has passed following the disappearance of an unstable node.

Resurrection Restrictions

The detrimental status effect "Resurrection Restricted" will be applied upon entering the Baldesion Arsenal. While this status is active, you can only be resurrected via limit break or a specific logos action. For this reason, be aware that KO carries a heavy risk.

Withdrawal and Re-entry

If you use choose the Return function from the menu, or accept the prompt to return to the starting point while KO'd in the Baldesion Arsenal, you will be removed from the dungeon and transported to the expedition camp in Eureka Hydatos. To re-enter the dungeon, you will once again need to access an aetherial node, so think carefully before returning.


Those who defeat the bosses within and clear the entirety of the Baldesion Arsenal will be richly rewarded. To do so will be no mean feat, however─you must communicate well with your fellow adventurers if any of you are to reach the prize.


Having conquered the burning landscape of Pyros, the expedition pushes onward to a region ruled by water: Hydatos. Here rises the headquarters of the Students of Baldesion, their final destination, but aetheric anomalies and fearsome creatures conspire to ensure that entry will not be easily gained. Yet gain entry to the tower they must if they are to head off the threat of the primal Eureka and lay the isle's mysteries to rest once and for all...