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<noinclude>{{see also|Level 80 Gear Guide|Weathered Weapons (iLvl 430)}}
<noinclude>{{see also|Level 80 Gear Guide|Artifact Weapons (Shadowbringers)}}
Acquired from [[Grenoldt]] in [[The Tempest]] (x34.2,y25.7) after completing the [[Role Quests]] line. The non-''Weathered'' dyable version of this gear is the i480 [[Idealized Armor]] set. These items themselves are not upgradeable.</noinclude>
Acquired from [[Grenoldt]] in [[The Tempest]] (x34.2,y25.7) after completing the [[Role Quests]] line. The non-''Weathered'' dyable version of this gear is the i480 [[Idealized Armor]] set. These items themselves are not upgradeable.</noinclude>
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Revision as of 20:52, 20 January 2023

See also: Level 80 Gear Guide and Artifact Weapons (Shadowbringers)

Acquired from Grenoldt in The Tempest (x34.2,y25.7) after completing the Role Quests line. The non-Weathered dyable version of this gear is the i480 Idealized Armor set. These items themselves are not upgradeable.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Weathered Arbatel Bottoms Weathered arbatel bottoms icon1.png 80 430 SCH Legs 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Mind +406, Critical Hit +383, Piety +268
Weathered Arbatel Cloak Weathered arbatel cloak icon1.png 80 430 SCH Body 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Mind +406, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Arbatel Gloves Weathered arbatel gloves icon1.png 80 430 SCH Hands 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Spell Speed +236, Piety +165
Weathered Arbatel Mortarboard Weathered arbatel mortarboard icon1.png 80 430 SCH Head 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Determination +236, Piety +165
Weathered Arbatel Thighboots Weathered arbatel thighboots icon1.png 80 430 SCH Feet 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Critical Hit +165, Piety +236
Weathered Bale Burgeonet Weathered bale burgeonet icon1.png 80 430 DRK Head 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Bale Cuirass Weathered bale cuirass icon1.png 80 430 DRK Body 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +268, Tenacity +383
Weathered Bale Flanchard Weathered bale flanchard icon1.png 80 430 DRK Legs 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Determination +268, Tenacity +383
Weathered Bale Gauntlets Weathered bale gauntlets icon1.png 80 430 DRK Hands 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Bale Sollerets Weathered bale sollerets icon1.png 80 430 DRK Feet 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Beckoner's Coat Weathered beckoners coat icon1.png 80 430 SMN Body 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Intelligence +406, Critical Hit +268, Determination +383
Weathered Beckoner's Crakows Weathered beckoners crakows icon1.png 80 430 SMN Feet 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Determination +165, Spell Speed +236
Weathered Beckoner's Fingerless Gloves Weathered beckoners fingerless gloves icon1.png 80 430 SMN Hands 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Determination +165, Direct Hit Rate +236
Weathered Beckoner's Horn Weathered beckoners horn icon1.png 80 430 SMN Head 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Beckoner's Sarouel Weathered beckoners sarouel icon1.png 80 430 SMN Legs 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Intelligence +406, Critical Hit +383, Direct Hit Rate +268
Weathered Bhikku Boots Weathered bhikku boots icon1.png 80 430 MNK Feet 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Bhikku Cyclas Weathered bhikku cyclas icon1.png 80 430 MNK Body 826 826 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +268, Direct Hit Rate +383
Weathered Bhikku Gloves Weathered bhikku gloves icon1.png 80 430 MNK Hands 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Determination +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Bhikku Knotcap Weathered bhikku knotcap icon1.png 80 430 MNK Head 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Bhikku Poleyns Weathered bhikku poleyns icon1.png 80 430 MNK Legs 826 826 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Bodyguard's Blinder Weathered bodyguards blinder icon1.png 80 430 GNB Head 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Bodyguard's Coat Weathered bodyguards coat icon1.png 80 430 GNB Body 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Bodyguard's Fingerless Gloves Weathered bodyguards fingerless gloves icon1.png 80 430 GNB Hands 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Tenacity +165
Weathered Bodyguard's Thighboots Weathered bodyguards thighboots icon1.png 80 430 GNB Feet 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Tenacity +236
Weathered Bodyguard's Trousers Weathered bodyguards trousers icon1.png 80 430 GNB Legs 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +268, Determination +383
Weathered Boii Boots Weathered boii boots icon1.png 80 430 WAR Feet 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Skill Speed +165
Weathered Boii Brais Weathered boii brais icon1.png 80 430 WAR Legs 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Tenacity +268
Weathered Boii Burgeonet Weathered boii burgeonet icon1.png 80 430 WAR Head 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Boii Gauntlets Weathered boii gauntlets icon1.png 80 430 WAR Hands 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Boii Tunic Weathered boii tunic icon1.png 80 430 WAR Body 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Skill Speed +268, Tenacity +383
Weathered Chevalier's Cuirass Weathered chevaliers cuirass icon1.png 80 430 PLD Body 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +268, Tenacity +383
Weathered Chevalier's Gauntlets Weathered chevaliers gauntlets icon1.png 80 430 PLD Hands 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Determination +236
Weathered Chevalier's Poleyns Weathered chevaliers poleyns icon1.png 80 430 PLD Legs 1502 1502 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Tenacity +268
Weathered Chevalier's Sollerets Weathered chevaliers sollerets icon1.png 80 430 PLD Feet 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Determination +236
Weathered Chevalier's Temple Chain Weathered chevaliers temple chain icon1.png 80 430 PLD Head 1073 1073 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Dancer's Armlets Weathered dancers armlets icon1.png 80 430 DNC Hands 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Dancer's Bottoms Weathered dancers bottoms icon1.png 80 430 DNC Legs 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Determination +268, Direct Hit Rate +383
Weathered Dancer's Casaque Weathered dancers casaque icon1.png 80 430 DNC Body 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Determination +383, Direct Hit Rate +268
Weathered Dancer's Headdress Weathered dancers headdress icon1.png 80 430 DNC Head 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Skill Speed +165
Weathered Dancer's Shoes Weathered dancers shoes icon1.png 80 430 DNC Feet 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Ebers Armlets Weathered ebers armlets icon1.png 80 430 WHM Hands 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Spell Speed +165, Piety +236
Weathered Ebers Hood Weathered ebers hood icon1.png 80 430 WHM Head 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Spell Speed +236, Piety +165
Weathered Ebers Robe Weathered ebers robe icon1.png 80 430 WHM Body 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Mind +406, Critical Hit +268, Determination +383
Weathered Ebers Skirt Weathered ebers skirt icon1.png 80 430 WHM Legs 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Mind +406, Determination +268, Piety +383
Weathered Ebers Thighboots Weathered ebers thighboots icon1.png 80 430 WHM Feet 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Critical Hit +165, Determination +236
Weathered Estoqueur's Bliaud Weathered estoqueurs bliaud icon1.png 80 430 RDM Body 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Intelligence +406, Critical Hit +383, Direct Hit Rate +268
Weathered Estoqueur's Boots Weathered estoqueurs boots icon1.png 80 430 RDM Feet 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Critical Hit +165, Spell Speed +236
Weathered Estoqueur's Bottoms Weathered estoqueurs bottoms icon1.png 80 430 RDM Legs 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Intelligence +406, Determination +268, Direct Hit Rate +383
Weathered Estoqueur's Gloves Weathered estoqueurs gloves icon1.png 80 430 RDM Hands 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Critical Hit +165, Determination +236
Weathered Estoqueur's Tricorne Weathered estoqueurs tricorne icon1.png 80 430 RDM Head 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Determination +165, Direct Hit Rate +236
Weathered Fili Armlets Weathered fili armlets icon1.png 80 430 BRD Hands 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Direct Hit Rate +236
Weathered Fili Bottoms Weathered fili bottoms icon1.png 80 430 BRD Legs 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +268, Direct Hit Rate +383
Weathered Fili Chapeau Weathered fili chapeau icon1.png 80 430 BRD Head 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Fili Gilet Weathered fili gilet icon1.png 80 430 BRD Body 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +268, Determination +383
Weathered Fili Shoes Weathered fili shoes icon1.png 80 430 BRD Feet 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Gunslinger's Bottoms Weathered gunslingers bottoms icon1.png 80 430 MCH Legs 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Gunslinger's Coat Weathered gunslingers coat icon1.png 80 430 MCH Body 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Gunslinger's Halfgloves Weathered gunslingers halfgloves icon1.png 80 430 MCH Hands 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Gunslinger's Hat Weathered gunslingers hat icon1.png 80 430 MCH Head 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Skill Speed +165, Direct Hit Rate +236
Weathered Gunslinger's Thighboots Weathered gunslingers thighboots icon1.png 80 430 MCH Feet 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Hattori Chainmail Weathered hattori chainmail icon1.png 80 430 NIN Body 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Determination +383, Direct Hit Rate +268
Weathered Hattori Kyahan Weathered hattori kyahan icon1.png 80 430 NIN Feet 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Hattori Somen Weathered hattori somen icon1.png 80 430 NIN Head 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Hattori Tekko Weathered hattori tekko icon1.png 80 430 NIN Hands 590 590 2 Dexterity +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Hattori Trousers Weathered hattori trousers icon1.png 80 430 NIN Legs 826 826 2 Dexterity +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +268, Direct Hit Rate +383
Weathered Kasuga Hanbo Weathered kasuga hanbo icon1.png 80 430 SAM Head 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Direct Hit Rate +236
Weathered Kasuga Haori Weathered kasuga haori icon1.png 80 430 SAM Body 826 826 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Kasuga Kote Weathered kasuga kote icon1.png 80 430 SAM Hands 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Determination +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Kasuga Tsutsu-hakama Weathered kasuga tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 80 430 SAM Legs 826 826 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Skill Speed +383, Direct Hit Rate +268
Weathered Kasuga Zori Weathered kasuga zori icon1.png 80 430 SAM Feet 590 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Skill Speed +165, Direct Hit Rate +236
Weathered Pteroslaver Armet Weathered pteroslaver armet icon1.png 80 430 DRG Head 751 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Determination +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Pteroslaver Gauntlets Weathered pteroslaver gauntlets icon1.png 80 430 DRG Hands 751 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +165, Skill Speed +236
Weathered Pteroslaver Greaves Weathered pteroslaver greaves icon1.png 80 430 DRG Feet 751 590 2 Strength +250, Vitality +262, Critical Hit +236, Skill Speed +165
Weathered Pteroslaver Mail Weathered pteroslaver mail icon1.png 80 430 DRG Body 1051 826 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Pteroslaver Subligar Weathered pteroslaver subligar icon1.png 80 430 DRG Legs 1051 826 2 Strength +406, Vitality +426, Determination +383, Direct Hit Rate +268
Weathered Soothsayer's Armlets Weathered soothsayers armlets icon1.png 80 430 AST Hands 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Determination +236, Piety +165
Weathered Soothsayer's Chiton Weathered soothsayers chiton icon1.png 80 430 AST Body 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Mind +406, Critical Hit +268, Piety +383
Weathered Soothsayer's Sandals Weathered soothsayers sandals icon1.png 80 430 AST Feet 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Critical Hit +165, Piety +236
Weathered Soothsayer's Skirt Weathered soothsayers skirt icon1.png 80 430 AST Legs 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Mind +406, Determination +383, Piety +268
Weathered Soothsayer's Turban Weathered soothsayers turban icon1.png 80 430 AST Head 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Mind +250, Determination +165, Spell Speed +236
Weathered Srivatsa Weathered srivatsa icon1.png 80 430 PLD Shield 2145 2145 0 Strength +125, Vitality +131, Determination +83, Tenacity +118
Weathered Wicce Bottoms Weathered wicce bottoms icon1.png 80 430 BLM Legs 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Intelligence +406, Critical Hit +383, Determination +268
Weathered Wicce Coat Weathered wicce coat icon1.png 80 430 BLM Body 601 1051 2 Vitality +384, Intelligence +406, Spell Speed +383, Direct Hit Rate +268
Weathered Wicce Petasos Weathered wicce petasos icon1.png 80 430 BLM Head 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Critical Hit +236, Determination +165
Weathered Wicce Shoes Weathered wicce shoes icon1.png 80 430 BLM Feet 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Spell Speed +236, Direct Hit Rate +165
Weathered Wicce Wrist Torque Weathered wicce wrist torque icon1.png 80 430 BLM Hands 429 751 2 Vitality +236, Intelligence +250, Spell Speed +165, Direct Hit Rate +236