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* Having given you due warning, Zero would leave you to your own devices. | * Having given you due warning, Zero would leave you to your own devices. | ||
Revision as of 21:12, 1 March 2024
Nowhere to Run
- Quest giver
- Zero
- Location
- Zero's Domain (X:5, Y:7)
- Quest line
- Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 90
- Gil
- Previous quest
Groping in the Dark
- Next quest
The Wind Rises
- Patch
- 6.2
“Having given you due warning, Zero would leave you to your own devices.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- Speak with Zero and have her accompany you.
- Gather information while Zero is accompanying you.
- Accompany Zero to the designated location and then speak with her.
- Accompany Zero to the designated location and then speak with her again.
- Search for Farfarello while Zero is accompanying you.
- Speak with Ciriatto while Zero is accompanying you.
- Speak with Ciriatto again while Zero is accompanying you.
- Speak with Ciriatto yet again while Zero is accompanying you.
- Speak with Estinien.
- Having given you due warning, Zero would leave you to your own devices.
Varshahn: 'Tis quite a gathering of voidsent. I pray one among them has the knowledge we seek.
Estinien: The longer one lives, the more one yearns for peace. I understand why some would sequester themselves here.
Y'shtola: 'Tis said that a person's domain is a reflection of what abides in their heart. If true, this place may offer a glimpse into Zero's past.
Zero: Consider yourselves duly warned. If you wish to go among the voidsent here, that is your choice to make.
Zero: All have fled from one master or another. But whether any of those masters in turn served Golbez, I do not know. You must ask them yourselves.
Zero: Most have traveled to your world, so it shouldn't be difficult to communicate.
Varshahn: We shall go about making inquiries at once. Thank you for your counsel.
Varshahn: Once we've learned all we can, let us reconvene at yonder plaza.
Zero: You're going too, of course? In which case, I shall accompany you.
Zero: I wish only to observe. Do not expect me to help.
Zero: Then it's settled. I'm ready when you are.
“Nowhere to Run” accepted.
Zero: Ready? Then lead the way. I leave it to you to decide with whom you speak.
Zero is now accompanying you. Keep her at your side in order to proceed with quest objectives.
You can leave Zero behind by entering a different area, or by speaking with her and selecting the option to part ways.
If you wish to have Zero accompany you again, return and speak with her at the original location.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Zero: Although this is my domain, I don't make a habit of strolling about. 'Tis a strange feeling...
Zero: I call this my abode, but spend hardly any time here. I return only for meditation.
Zero: While physical wounds can be healed by replenishing one's aether, you can't preserve your form if you lose sight of yourself.
Zero: Such is the risk inherent in consuming another's soul. It dilutes your sense of self. Alters you inside and out.
Zero: To guard against this, I meditate. Visualize who I am, in a place all my own.
Empty-eyed Voidsent: To walk around with her like that... You're her minion, then?
Zero: You know I don't take minions. She has some questions, and I want you to answer them.
Empty-eyed Voidsent: Golbez? I don't know that one. Only Scathach.
Empty-eyed Voidsent: When she led us beyond the veil, I grew scared and fled.
Empty-eyed Voidsent: I've been here since. I don't know anyone else, nor do I wish to. That's all I can tell you.
Zero: Scathach was a powerful voidsent who ruled over a vast domain. That was a long time ago, though, so I doubt she has any connection to Golbez.
Empty-eyed Voidsent: I told you─I don't know anyone else, nor do I wish to. Leave me be.
Hungry Voidsent: <rumble> Stay away from me... If you don't want to be eaten, stay away...
Hungry Voidsent: Golbez, Golbez... I've heard the name before.
Hungry Voidsent: Ah, I remember! Always speaking of a great crusade. I don't know what that is, but it sounds delicious. <slurp>
Zero: A crusade, you say? From whom did you hear this?
Hungry Voidsent: Farfarello. He was a minion of another minion. Went on and on about the terrible things he saw.
Zero: I see... Perhaps Farfarello can tell us more.
Hungry Voidsent: Why do you want to know about Golbez? Do you have a crusade too?
Waiting Voidsent: Whose likeness is this, you ask? The hero who will save the world. I'm waiting for the day he comes. Or was it a she? I can’t remember the details...
Waiting Voidsent: I don't know how long I’ve been waiting, or why I even wait. Could you be the hero, perhaps?
Waiting Voidsent: ...No, I don't think so. Something tells me I’ll know when I meet him. Or her. I'll just have to keep waiting.
Amiable Voidsent: You're one of the mortals! Is it true? When you die over there, you really die?
Amiable Voidsent: So it is, so it is! What brings you here, then?
Amiable Voidsent: Ah yes, Golbez. He seeks strong minions to grow his army, so I hear.
Amiable Voidsent: But recently, he stopped doing that. Instead, he devours all.
Zero: Perhaps he's gathered enough fodder and is now intent on bolstering his own strength. A sure sign that he is about to make a move.
Zero: Satisfied with what you've learned? Ah─but let's step away before you become too tempting to resist.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Amiable Voidsent: It's normal enough for newcomers to appear, but for her to bring them herself? That's never happened before. At least not in my time.
Varshahn: 'Twas in order to strike down the Cloud of Darkness that my sister crossed over into the void.
Varshahn: What befell her after she vanished into the gate? How did she become Golbez's captive? These things and more, I hope to learn...
Vicious Voidsent: Unnngh, I'm so hungry I might die... But I can't─not while someone’s near.
Vicious Voidsent: You're not devouring my aether, you hear me? You're not devouring my aether!
Zero: You have other business? Fine. Come and find me at my abode when you've finished.
Estinien: If a voidsent is too weak to create its own domain, it must join with others for protection.
Estinien: Alternately, it might devour them in a bid to become stronger, but in so doing risk losing its sense of self.
Estinien: 'Tis an unenviable struggle...
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Y'shtola: As you may recall, when a larger voidsent is summoned, only its soul makes the journey to the Source.
Y'shtola: Upon its arrival, it takes possession of a host body. But during that time, what becomes of its actual body here in the Thirteenth?
Y'shtola: The answer to this question may give us valuable insight into cross-rift travel.
Y'shtola: To that end, while asking after Golbez, I shall also see what the voidsent can tell me about their experiences when summoned.
Squid-headed Voidsent: Hmph, if it isn't a mortal. You remind me of the time I was summoned to your world by someone who sought beauty.
Squid-headed Voidsent: Well, it turned out to be a deviant who had my vessel chained to a bed. And when I tried to break free, he had the gall to call me a hideous fiend!
Squid-headed Voidsent: And as if that wasn't bad enough, he started slicing me up! I left that body and fled back here as quickly as I could. Never again, never again...
Zero: Finished tending to your other affairs? Then let us continue on.
Zero: Although this is my domain, I don't make a habit of strolling about. 'Tis a strange feeling...
Zero: It seems the rumors of Golbez reach even my remote domain.
Zero: Fair to assume he's gathering strength for his crusade─whatever that may be.
Zero: But I must say, I wouldn't have guessed that Farfarello once fought in Golbez's army. It's a miracle he survived serving an archfiend.
Zero: Ah, I suppose I should explain.
Zero: Farfarello is the weakest among us. Constantly in fear of being devoured, he seldom consorts with others.
Zero: The only one he's comfortable with is Ciriatto.
Zero: He's a fellow coward who runs the instant he senses a threat, and won't stop until he's exhausted.
Zero: When their hunger grows too intense, they feed on each other's aether. Such is their relationship.
Zero: But I ramble. You intend to seek out Farfarello, I presume?
Zero: Then I'll come with you. He's less likely to hide that way.
Orchestrion: Now playing Somewhere in the World... (Endwalker).
Throne of Fire: Not only did the mortals conquer Troia─they defeated Scarmiglione?
Throne of Fire: I struggle to believe it...
Spy's Voice: There is more, my lords. They were aided by one of our world, who transformed Scarmiglione's soul into crystal!
Throne of Fire: Crystal!? This one speaks of memoria!
Throne of Water: Now there's a word I've not heard for an age. It'd bring a pang of nostalgia to my breast and a tear to my eye...
Throne of Water: ...If the very notion wasn't absurd! The gifted are gone, drowned in Darkness─as were we all!
Golbez: And yet Scarmiglione still does not answer.
Golbez: Were he alive, he would have returned by now.
Golbez: Weakest though he was, his ability to regenerate was without peer.
Throne of Water: Hmph!
Golbez: If this account is true─if a memoriate has survived...
Golbez: They cannot be suffered to live.
Throne of Wind: Leave this matter to me, Lord Golbez.
Barbariccia: I, Barbariccia, shall strike down any who pose a threat to our plans.
Golbez: 'Tis true you are a proven commander, well suited to leading an assault.
Barbariccia: And when I have succeeded, I would beg a boon of you.
Golbez: What do you desire?
Barbariccia: The dragon's aether. All that remains.
Throne of Fire: The insolence! Know your place!
Barbariccia: With respect, my locks are free as the wind. Without incentive to sway them, I know not whither they will blow.
Golbez: Boldly spoken. I trust you will not disappoint me.
Barbariccia: Upon this flowing hair and my immortal soul, I will not fail.
Golbez: Then go, and impress upon these interlopers the futility of defiance.
Barbariccia: My lord!
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Zero: Farfarello keeps to the fringes of my domain. This way.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Zero: Farfarello keeps to the fringes of my domain. This way.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Zero: The voidsent here don't answer to a master. They can do as they please.
Zero: But all must answer to the hunger, and seek out prey when they need aether.
Zero: Except Farfarello and Ciriatto, that is─they are content to take from one another. Barring an incident, they dare not venture out.
Zero: When he takes flight, Ciriatto will not seek shelter until he is utterly spent. Farfarello, on the other hand, prefers to hide in the same place. Come.
Ciriatto: Oh, whatever will I do now? <whimper>
Zero: Ciriatto... This is rather unexpected. Where is Farfarello?
Ciriatto: <gulp>
Ciriatto: Farfarello...isn't here anymore. He's...left. Y-Yes, that's right!
Zero: Left? That doesn't sound like him at all.
Ciriatto: W-Well, he's gone, all right? Wh-What more do you want me to say?
Zero: And off he flees, as he is wont to do.
Zero: But something about this doesn't sit well with me...
Zero: What do you make of Ciriatto's behavior?
What will you say?
> He seemed frightened. Perhaps someone had threatened him?
> I don't think he was telling the truth.
Zero: So you think so too.
Zero: As he says, Farfarello is gone. But that is quite unusual.
Zero: As is the fact that Ciriatto, who was clearly frightened by something, chose not to flee but instead hid here, where Farfarello usually─
Zero: ...No.
Zero: We must go after Ciriatto. Now.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Zero: I know Farfarello was our quarry, but Ciriatto's behavior troubles me. We must find him.
Vicious Voidsent: Unnngh, I'm so hungry I might die... But I can't─not while someone’s near.
Vicious Voidsent: You're not devouring my aether, you hear me? You're not devouring my aether!
Zero: Ciriatto, we need to talk.
Ciriatto: Th-There's no time! The wind rises! We must flee!
Zero: The wind rises...? What is he talking about?
Zero: After him.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Zero: What's gotten into you? What do you mean, the wind rises?
Ciriatto: When the wind rises, she comes! Barbariccia!
Zero: Barba...riccia? Who in the world is that?
Ciriatto: We must flee, all of us! There's no time!
Zero: I don't sense anything, but he seems convinced.
Zero: It's a dead end beyond. We'll corner him.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Orchestrion: Now playing Unspoken.
Ciriatto: We're doomed! There's nowhere to run!
Zero: What are you running from?
Ciriatto: I-I already told you! Barbariccia, the archfiend of wind!
Zero: Archfiend, you say?
Ciriatto: We will be devoured or forced to serve. To fight in the crusade. But it makes no difference. In the end, all are eaten by her or her enemies.
Ciriatto: I didn't want to fight anymore. That's why I fled and came here!
Zero: I see. That explains everything...almost.
Zero: I thought it was Farfarello who used to serve an archfiend. Not you.
Zero: Not you, who always ran at the first sign of trouble. You who now speak as though you were Barbariccia's minion. There's only one explanation...
What will you say?
> He devoured Farfarello...didn't he?
Zero: Indeed, that would account for his uncharacteristic behavior.
Zero: So, is that the way of it? Did you devour Farfarello?
Zero: And not just a portion of his aether, but his entire being.
Ciriatto: ...H-How did you know?
Zero: It wasn't only your behavior that felt strange.
Zero: You felt strange. As if there was more than you present.
> ...
Zero: Now, I don't believe you would've lost control. More likely it was at Farfarello's behest.
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
Ciriatto: I can't hide anything from you...
Orchestrion: Now playing Tears for Mor Dhona.
Ciriatto: I admit it. Farfarello didn't leave. I ate him.
Ciriatto: He feared Barbariccia more than anything. Hated the endless fighting.
Ciriatto: So he begged me to devour him, that he would never have to fight again.
Zero: Rather than an eternity of fighting, he chose a moment of pain...
Ciriatto: For all the good it did. I can still hear his voice in my head. He's frightened, so very frightened...
Zero: When you're eaten, your essence is blended with that of your devourer. And though you have no control, your consciousness in part endures.
Zero: Were this a world where the wheel of life and death still turned, the soul wouldn't linger so stubbornly.
Zero: In time, it would return to the great flow.
Zero: But there's no such end here. No escape. All know this. In making his choice, Farfarello must have been desperate indeed.
Zero: And now that desperation has joined with Ciriatto's fear, driving him to act erratically.
Ciriatto: This place will become a battlefield. We don't want to be eaten. Neither me or Farfarello. But there's nowhere to go! Nowhere!
Zero: Then tell me about Barbariccia. I would know who it is we face.
Ciriatto: It's too late. She's as good as here, and no one can escape her winds! No one!
Orchestrion: Now playing Neverborn.
[Voiced cutscene START]
Ciriatto: B-Barbariccia... She is come!
Zero: And she's brought her domain with her.
Zero: The archfiend's after you and yours, I shouldn't doubt.
Zero: Perhaps you should go and find them. But be warned─whatever this is about, do not expect us to get involved.
Ciriatto: I can't bear it... Eating and being eaten... I only want to be left in peace...
Zero: You and me both.
Varshahn: One of the archfiends approaches?
Y'shtola: They must have been tracking our movements.
Estinien: She's here!
Orchestrion: Now playing What Comes of Despair.
Barbariccia: Excellent. You've saved me the trouble of traveling to Troia.
Estinien: So you're Barbariccia.
Barbariccia: Mind you manners, mortal! My name is not to be spoken save in reverence and fear.
Barbariccia: And what is this pitiful domain?
Barbariccia: Pitiful wretches all. I will put you out of your misery!
Barbariccia: Alas, poor Scarmiglione, and good riddance. Felled by outsiders in pursuit of what, pray tell?
Varshahn: A dragon─one who crossed to this world thousands of years ago. Know you aught of it?
Barbariccia: A dragon, you say?
Barbariccia: Hahaha... Ahahahaha!
Barbariccia: My Lord Golbez is more clever than I realized. To let the prize live that it might lure more prey to us.
Barbariccia: Very well. In gratitude and service, I shall devour every last mote of their souls.
Varshahn: Where is she? Where is Azdaja!?
Barbariccia: Heh, you even share its scent. How curious...and irresistible!
Estinien: If you think us easy prey, you're wrong.
Barbariccia: Unlike Scarmilgione, I need not skulk in shadow to claim what is mine.
Barbariccia: If you would know about the dragon you seek, then enter into my domain.
Barbariccia: You may flee instead if you wish─if the fate of the sorry lot here is of no concern to you. One way or another, I will have satisfaction.
Estinien: What's the plan, then?
What will you say?
> Go after Barbariccia—what else?
> If we go, we'd be playing into her hands.
Estinien: Aye, that we would. Even so, we don't have any intention of turning tail now, do we?
Estinien: We find her and get our answers. Will you be joining us, Zero?
Zero: You may be easily goaded into accepting her challenge, but my curiosity is not so insatiable as to cloud my judgment.
Zero: Nevertheless, if you are desperate for my aid...you know my price.
Varshahn: I shall pay it.
Varshahn: So long as you leave me strength enough to see my sister home, you may take as much as you wish.
Varshahn: And lest you forget, mine is no ordinary aether. Barbaricia too recognized its potency.
Zero: ...Very well. We have a bargain.
“Nowhere to Run” objective fulfilled!
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Y'shtola: What little I learned in your absence did not pertain to the archfiends. That discussion can wait until after we've tended to Barbariccia.
Varshahn: Just you wait, Barbariccia. I will have answers from you yet...
Zero: I have no intention of demanding anyone's aether until afterwards. Weakening you now would only reduce my chances of getting paid.
Estinien: The less time we give the enemy to prepare, the better. If everyone is ready, then let us set forth.
Varshahn: Indeed. And yet...my heart weighs heavy for those Barbariccia struck down. Were it not for us, she would not have come here.
Varshahn: Should you require a moment, Zero...
Zero: For what? Barbariccia took what she could. She was wise to strike quickly─as we would be.
Estinien: Agreed. This is no time for sentiment. Only the battle matters now.
“Nowhere to Run” complete!
Speaking to present NPCs immediately after:
Varshahn: Just you wait, Barbariccia. I will have answers from you yet...
Y'shtola: What little I learned in your absence did not pertain to the archfiends. That discussion can wait until after we've tended to Barbariccia.
Estinien: Scarmiglione possessed the power of regeneration. Let us see what Barbariccia can do with her winds.