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===Delivering the royal gigant blood to Adkin===
===Delivering the royal gigant blood to Adkin===
'''(If first time doing the quest)'''
  '''Adkin:''' Ouranos's might is quite legendary─are you certain you can handle the leader of the hecatoncheires?
  '''Adkin:''' Ouranos's might is quite legendary─are you certain you can handle the leader of the hecatoncheires?
  '''''<Hand Over Royal Gigant Blood>'''''
  '''''<Hand Over Royal Gigant Blood>'''''
  '''Adkin:''' Yes, yesss! Spending three centuries beneath the ground has imbued the hecatoncheires with unnatural vitality born of malice. I am astounded that you survived, in truth.
  '''Adkin:''' Yes, yesss! Spending three centuries beneath the ground has imbued the hecatoncheires with unnatural vitality born of malice. I am astounded that you survived, in truth.
'''Adkin:''' We draw nearer and nearer to our goal. You have no qualms with drawing blood again, yes?
'''Adkin:''' Good. Then cross the Doxy's Pull to Hullbreaker Isle, and kill the king unchained!
'''(If not the first time doing the quest)'''
'''Adkin:''' Ouranos's might is quite legendary─are you certain you can handle the leader of the hecatoncheires?
'''''<Hand Over Royal Gigant Blood>'''''
'''Adkin:''' You are something, [miss/sir]─back at the Bonfire with royal gigant blood in hand. Yesss, your will is frightfully strong.
  '''Adkin:''' We draw nearer and nearer to our goal. You have no qualms with drawing blood again, yes?
  '''Adkin:''' We draw nearer and nearer to our goal. You have no qualms with drawing blood again, yes?
  '''Adkin:''' Good. Then cross the Doxy's Pull to Hullbreaker Isle, and kill the king unchained!
  '''Adkin:''' Good. Then cross the Doxy's Pull to Hullbreaker Isle, and kill the king unchained!

Revision as of 08:03, 14 January 2025


Method in His Malice

Quest giver
Central Thanalan (X:23.6, Y:13.7)
Quest line
Zodiac Weapons Quests
Required items
1 Tonberry King Blood.png  Tonberry King Blood
1 Royal Gigant Blood.png  Royal Gigant Blood
1 Kraken Blood.png  Kraken Blood
1 Vicegerent Blood.png  Vicegerent Blood
1 Perfect vellum icon1.png  Perfect Vellum
1 Perfect pounce icon1.png  Perfect Pounce
1 Bombard core icon1.png  Bombard Core
1 Sacred spring water icon1.png  Sacred Spring Water
1 Furite sand icon1.png  Furite Sand
Experience 0
Gil 0
Previous quest
Feature QuestWherefore Art Thou, Zodiac
Feature QuestOne Man's Trash
Next quest
Feature QuestHis Dark Materia

Adkin's unwavering stare suggests he would have words with you.

— In-game description



Main article: Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest

The dungeons do not need to be completed with the class that accepted the quests and do not need a relic weapon equipped to be rewarded the item. The dungeons can also be completed unsynced with an Unrestricted Party.



  • Adkin's unwavering stare suggests he would have words with you.
  • After explaining your relic predicament, Adkin pronounces that he will craft a unique sphere scroll to win himself glory in Master Mutamix's eyes. He supposes that an ink distilled from the regal blood of four beings can contain the power of the materia you propose. The scholar bids you first slay “the king disfigured” in the Wanderer's Palace, and gather the blood it sheds.
    • ※The Wanderer's Palace can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
    • ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item.
  • You have procured a vial of tonberry king blood. Now present it to Adkin at the Bonfire.
  • Adkin accepts the vial with untoward glee. Next, he asks you to obtain the blood of “the king imprisoned” in Copperbell Mines.
    • ※Copperbell Mines (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
    • ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item.
  • The leader of the hecatoncheires is no more, and the vial of royal gigant blood is in your hands. Return now to the Bonfire and offer it to Adkin.
  • Your latest prize now delivered to Adkin for distillation, the scholar now entreats you to drain the lifeblood of “the king unchained” on Hullbreaker Isle.
    • ※Hullbreaker Isle can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
    • ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item.
  • You have released the kraken soul from its body and kept its blood as your prize. Adkin no doubt eagerly awaits its delivery at the Bonfire.
  • You give the vial of kraken blood to an excited Adkin. All that is left is to obtain the life force of “the king forgotten,” found within the Sunken Temple of Qarn where it is said to animate the very stone statues therein.
    • ※The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
    • ※By completing a dungeon, there is a small chance that you will obtain the associated item.
  • You have obtained a vial of vicegerent blood. Return with it to Adkin at the Bonfire.
  • After taking the last vial of blood, Adkin confidently promises he can concoct an ink of unparalleled aetherial conductivity for your sphere scroll. However, he lacks for a proper paper and the means to keep the ink adhered to it. Thus, he bids you procure and deliver a high-quality page of perfect vellum and a pinch of perfect pounce.
    • ※Certain ingredients required to craft these items can be obtained by desynthesizing aged goods sold at the Silver Bazaar.
  • Delivery of the requested goods seems to agitate Adkin, and he reveals his ink is lacking in the proper consistency and color. However, he also claims that it is complete but for a Bombard core to purify the blood, sacred spring water to suspend the distillation within, and furite sand found near Ishgardian castles to increase aetherial conductivity. Find and deliver all three.
  • With every ingredient for both scroll and ink in hand, Adkin triumphantly fashions a zodiac scroll. He gives it to you with a few words of encouragement on your quest to recreate a legendary arm, all the while crowing that his achievement will bring him all the closer to becoming Master Mutamix's favorite disciple.
    • ※If you have obtained all four items requested by Gerolt, you may return to Hyrstmill to have your Zodiac Weapon forged.


Accepting the Quest

(If first time doing the quest)
Adkin: >> You! You are the one who's trafficked with Hubairtin in sphere scrolls, yes? Then stop moving towards him. I said stop moving! <<
Adkin: >> Perhaps you do not yet know me, but you will. Soon, all will know Adkin, Master Mutamix's right hand! Now what is it you want? <<
Adkin: A sphere scroll─I knew it! You came to sup of Hubairtin's “knowledge” without paying me any heed. Tut-tut, [miss/sir]!
Adkin: >> No more, I say! Hubairtin has milked your dealings enough. Today, I shall fashion the scroll you seek, and gain Master Mutamix's respect in so doing! <<
Adkin: Now hush─I must think. Channeling materia of power beyond compare into an empty host... Tricky.
Adkin: Only an ink with an unholy level of aetherial conductivity would suffice. Hah, Hubairtin's beloved superior enchanted ink would combust, transferring such energy into a sphere scroll.
Adkin: What was it Hubairtin's notes said? Something along the lines of “kill the four kings: disfigured, imprisoned, unchained, and forgotten.” But why? Ah, that's right─for their blood!
Adkin: The answer, [miss/sir], is an ink distilled from blood! Yesss, the blood of these so-called kings, which you will be harvesting! Now, your first target is the king disfigured. I believe it can be found in the Wanderer's Palace.
Adkin: I am unsure what it actually is, so I say slay anything that moves. Yes, yes, the palace was once sacred ground, but neither the long dead of Nym nor myself care. Now go to your grisly task, and do not return without the blood!
(If not the first time doing the quest)
Adkin: >> Ah, my friend the slayer. What do you want now? Another!? Well, helping you last time did seem to improve my standing in Master Mutamix's eyes... <<
Adkin: Fine. I will fashion another Zodiac scroll. I will not sully my hands getting the blood for the ink, though, so I hope you remember the method. Yes? Good. I will be waiting.
Adkin: ...Why are you still here? Must I think of everything!? Go and slay the king disfigured in the Wanderer's Palace, and do not return without its blood!

Delivering the vial of tonberry king blood to Adkin

(If first time doing the quest)
Adkin: Is the deed done, [miss/sir]? Have you a vial of the king disfigured's blood?
<Hand Over Tonberry King Blood>
Adkin: Yes, yesss, how disgusting! See how it oozes, [miss/sir]? This viscosity means untold power!
Adkin: I shall begin to distill the essence from this blood─and you will not trouble me with lackwit questions while I am at it!
Adkin: ...By which I mean, [miss/sir], that our cause will be better served if you make way to Copperbell Mines. It is home to Ouranos, the king imprisoned; we seek its blood. Now leave me to my experiments, and I'll leave you to the slaying─good-bye!
(If not the first time doing the quest)
Adkin: Is the deed done, [miss/sir]? Have you a vial of the king disfigured's blood?
<Hand Over Tonberry King Blood>
Adkin: Ahhh, it seems powerful as ever─though I cannot say I've missed the feeling of bile rising in my gullet.
Adkin: I shall begin to distill the essence from this blood─and you will not trouble me with lackwit questions while I am at it!
Adkin: ...By which I mean, [miss/sir], that our cause will be better served if you make way to Copperbell Mines. It is home to Ouranos, the king imprisoned; we seek its blood. Now leave me to my experiments, and I'll leave you to the slaying─good-bye!

Delivering the royal gigant blood to Adkin

(If first time doing the quest)
Adkin: Ouranos's might is quite legendary─are you certain you can handle the leader of the hecatoncheires?
<Hand Over Royal Gigant Blood>
Adkin: Yes, yesss! Spending three centuries beneath the ground has imbued the hecatoncheires with unnatural vitality born of malice. I am astounded that you survived, in truth.
Adkin: We draw nearer and nearer to our goal. You have no qualms with drawing blood again, yes?
Adkin: Good. Then cross the Doxy's Pull to Hullbreaker Isle, and kill the king unchained!
(If not the first time doing the quest)
Adkin: Ouranos's might is quite legendary─are you certain you can handle the leader of the hecatoncheires?
<Hand Over Royal Gigant Blood>
Adkin: You are something, [miss/sir]─back at the Bonfire with royal gigant blood in hand. Yesss, your will is frightfully strong.
Adkin: We draw nearer and nearer to our goal. You have no qualms with drawing blood again, yes?
Adkin: Good. Then cross the Doxy's Pull to Hullbreaker Isle, and kill the king unchained!

Delivering the vial of kraken blood to Adkin

Adkin: What is that awful scent? Oh, it's you...and the stench of the Doxy's Pull, I suppose.
<Hand Over Kraken Blood>
Adkin: ...Have I lost my mind, or is this blood blue!? <sniff> Blech! And what a foul stench!
Adkin: Still, it ill suits an alchemist of my status to bemoan the odorous. And Master Mutamix will no doubt look on me with respect if I can transform this gunk into ink.
Adkin: Of course, all this rests upon you obtaining four kinds of blood. You must still slay the king forgotten, [miss/sir]. The Sunken Temple of Qarn is where you are like to find it.
Adkin: Nothing is known of the blood's owner, but the substance itself is said to be full of magicks. Why, I have even heard it can animate stone! Perhaps a walking statue is the king forgotten?

Delivering a vial of vicegerent blood to Adkin

Adkin: Huuubairtiiin, oh, Huuubairtiiin! I am worthier than you, and when you have fallen from Master Mutamix's good graces, I shall laugh and laugh and laugh!
<Hand Over Vicegerent Blood>
Adkin: So this is the blood of the king forgotten! Yesss, you have done alchemy a great service by finding this, [miss/sir]!
Adkin: Well, can we not now distill four kings' blood into an ink most conductive of aether?
Adkin: No. Not yet. This ink is my alchemical masterpiece, and I shall not see its power lessened by something so base as parchment.
Adkin: So while I finish mixing the elements of the ink, you may busy yourself with finding a page of perfect vellum to write upon, and a pinch of perfect pounce to ensure the ink's adhesion.
Adkin: It matters not to me whether you pilfer or purchase them. Make them by reusing pieces of aged goods from the Silver Bazaar for all I care. One way or the other, kindly go away now─a genius is working!

Delivering a page of perfect vellum and a pinch of perfect pounce to Adkin

Adkin: Blast! ...By which I mean, oh, happy, happy day, you are returned, [miss/sir]! And no doubt with the vellum and pounce, yes?
<Hand Over Perfect Vellum and Perfect Pounce>
Adkin: Yes, yes, exquisite, really. I owe you a debt of gratitude...or something. But really, must you always be so damned quick!?
Adkin: ...My apologies, [miss/sir]. I simply need more time, confound it! The ink is proving trickier than I anticipated. My best attempts are...are failures, and I do not like it!
Adkin: But you will help just one last time, yes? What am I saying─of course you will!
Adkin: Now, I need a Bombard core to heat the blood and sacred spring water in which to suspend the distillation.
Adkin: Ah, and furite sand should bring the aetherial conductivity of the ink to new heights. No doubt you can find the pulverized alloy somewhere in the north. After all, those Ishgardians use it in the building of their castles.

Delivering a Bombard core, a bottle of sacred spring water, and a handful of furite sand to Adkin

Adkin: Yes, yes, yesss─victory shall be mine! Soon, so soon, I will complete my long labors and take my rightful place beside Master Mutamix.
<Hand Over Bombard Core, Sacred Spring Water, and Furite Sand>


Adkin: [Miss/Sir], you have what I desire, yes?
Adkin: >> Oh, how wonderful a friend, how true an ally! I will dip my quill into our ink, and with trembling fingers draw symbols of power upon the vellum. The completion of your scroll is now at hand! <<
Adkin: >> Yes, yesss! I need but a few moments─alone! You may have the scroll, but not the secrets of my craft. They are mine, I tell you! Mine! <<
Adkin: Done... It is done! Ahaha, this contrivance will surely make me Master Mutamix's strong right hand. Hah! Hubairtin's day is done, and mine is newly dawned!
Adkin: Yet...well, I suppose it was Hubairtin who taught me the theory of sphere scrolls. And the adventurer did work long and hard in service of this. Perhaps I should offer my thanks to the pair?
Adkin: Ahaha, I do so amuse myself. The very notion that my genius is less than anyone else's is ludicrous! But their contributions shall not be forgotten when I become Master Mutamix's right hand.
Adkin: Well, [miss/sir], here it is: Eorzea's first Zodiac scroll! Take it, with my wish that it serves in your pursuit of the perfect weapon! Ahahaha!