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===Magna Roader===
===Magna Roader===
===Number XXIV===
Periodically spawns 3 elemental circles (fire, ice and thunder) in the arena before attuning itself to one of 3 elements. Players should run into the circle of the same element to prevent their attacks from being countered.
===Magna Roader Loot===
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===Number XXIV===
Periodically spawns 3 elemental circles (fire, ice and thunder) in the arena before attuning itself to one of 3 elements. Players should run into the circle of the same element to prevent their attacks from being countered.
===Magna Roader Loot===

===Number XXIV Loot===
===Number XXIV Loot===

Revision as of 06:40, 20 July 2017

Template:Dungeon Infobox


"The Alliance and the Resistance cannot suffer a repeat of the slaughter at Specula Imperatoris. As such, they will not march upon Castrum Abania until they can be certain the fortress's main cannon will not be brought to bear against them. With the aid of an Alliance contact in Radiata, you and your comrades have devised a plan to infiltrate the castrum and seize control of the cannon. Several parties, including yours, will attempt to create a diversion inside the castrum, thereby allowing Lyse and her unit of Resistance fighters to proceed relatively unhindered to the fire control center. Weapons research is to be your destination, and one can only imagine what manner of foes await you there..." — Game Description




Magna Roader

Number XXIV

Periodically spawns 3 elemental circles (fire, ice and thunder) in the arena before attuning itself to one of 3 elements. Players should run into the circle of the same element to prevent their attacks from being countered.



Magna Roader Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Valerian Archer's Belt Valerian archers belt icon1.png 69 288 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 296 296 1 Dexterity +93, Vitality +95, Determination +67, Skill Speed +95
Valerian Archer's Boots Valerian archers boots icon1.png 69 288 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 341 341 2 Dexterity +124, Vitality +126, Critical Hit +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Valerian Archer's Bracelet Valerian archers bracelet icon1.png 69 288 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Bracelets 1 1 1 Dexterity +93, Determination +95, Direct Hit Rate +67
Valerian Archer's Ring Valerian archers ring icon1.png 69 288 ARC, ROG, BRD, NIN, MCH Ring 1 1 1 Dexterity +93, Skill Speed +67, Direct Hit Rate +95
Valerian Brawler's Belt Valerian brawlers belt icon1.png 69 288 PGL, MNK, SAM Waist 296 296 1 Strength +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Skill Speed +95
Valerian Brawler's Bracelet Valerian brawlers bracelet icon1.png 69 288 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +93, Critical Hit +95, Skill Speed +67
Valerian Brawler's Ring Valerian brawlers ring icon1.png 69 288 PGL, LNC, MNK, DRG, SAM Ring 1 1 1 Strength +93, Skill Speed +95, Direct Hit Rate +67
Valerian Brawler's Thighboots Valerian brawlers thighboots icon1.png 69 288 PGL, MNK, SAM Feet 341 341 2 Strength +124, Vitality +126, Determination +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Valerian Dark Priest's Belt Valerian dark priests belt icon1.png 69 288 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Waist 215 376 1 Vitality +85, Intelligence +93, Determination +67, Spell Speed +95
Valerian Dark Priest's Boots Valerian dark priests boots icon1.png 69 288 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Feet 248 434 2 Vitality +114, Intelligence +124, Critical Hit +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Valerian Dark Priest's Bracelet Valerian dark priests bracelet icon1.png 69 288 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Bracelets 1 1 1 Intelligence +93, Critical Hit +67, Determination +95
Valerian Dark Priest's Ring Valerian dark priests ring icon1.png 69 288 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM Ring 1 1 1 Intelligence +93, Spell Speed +67, Direct Hit Rate +95
Valerian Priest's Belt Valerian priests belt icon1.png 69 288 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 215 376 1 Vitality +85, Mind +93, Determination +67, Piety +95
Valerian Priest's Boots Valerian priests boots icon1.png 69 288 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 248 434 2 Vitality +114, Mind +124, Critical Hit +89, Spell Speed +127
Valerian Priest's Bracelet Valerian priests bracelet icon1.png 69 288 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Bracelets 1 1 1 Mind +93, Determination +67, Piety +95
Valerian Priest's Ring Valerian priests ring icon1.png 69 288 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Ring 1 1 1 Mind +93, Critical Hit +67, Spell Speed +95
Valerian Rune Fencer's Belt Valerian rune fencers belt icon1.png 69 288 LNC, DRG Waist 376 296 1 Strength +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Determination +95
Valerian Rune Fencer's Thighboots Valerian rune fencers thighboots icon1.png 69 288 LNC, DRG Feet 434 341 2 Strength +124, Vitality +126, Critical Hit +127, Direct Hit Rate +89
Valerian Vedette's Belt Valerian vedettes belt icon1.png 69 288 ROG, NIN Waist 296 296 1 Dexterity +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Skill Speed +95
Valerian Vedette's Thighboots Valerian vedettes thighboots icon1.png 69 288 ROG, NIN Feet 341 341 2 Dexterity +124, Vitality +126, Determination +127, Direct Hit Rate +89
Xenobian Belt Xenobian belt icon1.png 69 288 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 538 538 1 Strength +93, Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Skill Speed +95
Xenobian Paladin's Bracelet Xenobian paladins bracelet icon1.png 69 288 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Bracelets 1 1 1 Vitality +95, Critical Hit +95, Skill Speed +67
Xenobian Paladin's Ring Xenobian paladins ring icon1.png 69 288 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Ring 1 1 1 Vitality +95, Critical Hit +67, Determination +95
Xenobian Sollerets Xenobian sollerets icon1.png 69 288 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 620 620 2 Strength +124, Vitality +126, Critical Hit +89, Tenacity +127

Number XXIV Loot

Inferno Loot

Additional Treasure Coffers

Treasure Coffer 1

Coordinates: (x??,y??)

Treasure Coffer 2

Coordinates: (x??,y??)

Treasure Coffer 3

Coordinates: (x??,y??)

Treasure Coffer 4

Coordinates: (x??,y??)

Treasure Coffer 5

Coordinates: (x??,y??)

Available in All Treasure Coffers Except Treasure Coffer 1

