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===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] Greater Armadilo===
* Stone Flail - hard-hitting tankbuster
* Head Toss - stack mechanic
* Right Round - avoid the spiked ball he's tethered too
* Flail Smash - roomwide AOE from the middle, move far out, then runback in to avoid 2nd AOE
''Mechanics will repeat until boss is dead.''
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] Amphibious Talos===
* Efface - tankbuster
* Wellbore - AOE from middle of map, this will also spawn 4 water spires after, move out the way
* High Pressure - knockback that will try and push you into the water spires
* Swift Spill - rotating mechanic, start at behind and follow him round
''Mechanics will repeat until boss is dead.''
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] Lightwarden Storge===
* Intestinal Crank - room-wide AOE
* Heretics Fork - laser beams - stay in front of the ball to dodge
* Breaking Wheel - stand underneath the boss to avoid damage
* Crystal Nail - will spawn 4 AOE puddles around the boss, avoid these, will be replaced by feathers for next mechanic, also combined with Heretics Fork by boss
* Censure - will cause the feathers to cast Heretics Fork in a certain order which you need to follow 1 through all 4 of them to avoid damage, the boss will also cast Heretics Fork
''*Censure - if mechanics are repeated fully then censure may cause feathers to do breaking Wheel and not Heretics Fork or vice versa.''
''Mechanics will repeat until boss is dead.''


Revision as of 12:24, 3 July 2019


Malikah's Well

Malikah's Well (image).png
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest A Fresh Start
??? (X:??, Y:??)"??" is not a number.

Mourning the loss of her beloved, the queen of Nabaath Areng commanded a great well be built in his memory, its waters offering respite from the sweltering heat. In more recent years, the well was transformed into an excavation site by the miners of Amh Araeng. It has long since fallen into disuse, yet the presence of Light emanating from within is unmistakable. What horrors await at the trolley tracks' end in the depths of this massive reservoir?

— In-game description

Malikah's Well is a level 77 dungeon introduced in patch 5.0 with Shadowbringers.



Aggressive difficulty r6.png Greater Armadilo

  • Stone Flail - hard-hitting tankbuster
  • Head Toss - stack mechanic
  • Right Round - avoid the spiked ball he's tethered too
  • Flail Smash - roomwide AOE from the middle, move far out, then runback in to avoid 2nd AOE

Mechanics will repeat until boss is dead.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Amphibious Talos

  • Efface - tankbuster
  • Wellbore - AOE from middle of map, this will also spawn 4 water spires after, move out the way
  • High Pressure - knockback that will try and push you into the water spires
  • Swift Spill - rotating mechanic, start at behind and follow him round

Mechanics will repeat until boss is dead.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Lightwarden Storge

  • Intestinal Crank - room-wide AOE
  • Heretics Fork - laser beams - stay in front of the ball to dodge
  • Breaking Wheel - stand underneath the boss to avoid damage
  • Crystal Nail - will spawn 4 AOE puddles around the boss, avoid these, will be replaced by feathers for next mechanic, also combined with Heretics Fork by boss
  • Censure - will cause the feathers to cast Heretics Fork in a certain order which you need to follow 1 through all 4 of them to avoid damage, the boss will also cast Heretics Fork

*Censure - if mechanics are repeated fully then censure may cause feathers to do breaking Wheel and not Heretics Fork or vice versa.

Mechanics will repeat until boss is dead.


Silver Coffer (small).png ?????

Silver Coffer (small).png ?????

Silver Coffer (small).png ?????

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: ?? Y: ??)

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: ?? Y: ??)

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 5 (X: ?? Y: ??)

Bronze Coffer (small).png Additional Coffer Items


Gear Images

Dungeon Images