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Revision as of 20:01, 14 April 2020


Memoria Misera (Extreme)

Memoria Misera (Extreme).png
80 (Sync: N/A"N/A" is not a number.)
Item Level
470 (Sync: N/A"N/A" is not a number.)
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
60 minutes
Req. quest
quest Wandering Dramaturge

The Emperor was said to be a cruel man, ruling Garlemald with an iron fist. But he was no less cruel when still known as High Legatus Varis yae Galvus, commander of armies. Few are the men who would dare recall the dark days of his military career, and yet reliving such memories was the key to Bozja's liberation. As you recount your harrowing journey into the past to the wandering dramaturge, a wan smile plays across his face─inspiration strikes. He quickly sets quill to paper and prepares to immortalize your deeds in words─an otherworldly tale of adventure that would leave even the boldest men aquiver with fear, and the Warrior of Light perhaps aghast at the embellishments to this climactic encounter.

— In-game description

Memoria Misera (Extreme) is a level 80 trial introduced in patch 5.25 with Shadowbringers.


After completing the quest Wandering Dramaturge, speak to the ????? in ????? (X??,Y??) as a level 80 Disciple of War or Magic.




Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Idealized Chevalier's Temple Chain Idealized chevaliers temple chain icon1.png 80 480 PLD Head 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Determination +79 
Idealized Boii Burgeonet Idealized boii burgeonet icon1.png 80 480 WAR Head 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Determination +79 
Idealized Bale Burgeonet Idealized bale burgeonet icon1.png 80 480 DRK Head 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Bodyguard's Blinder Idealized bodyguards blinder icon1.png 80 480 GNB Head 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Pteroslaver Armet Idealized pteroslaver armet icon1.png 80 480 DRG Head 383 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Determination +113 Direct Hit Rate +79 
Idealized Bhikku Knotcap Idealized bhikku knotcap icon1.png 80 480 MNK Head 301 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Determination +79 
Idealized Kasuga Hanbo Idealized kasuga hanbo icon1.png 80 480 SAM Head 301 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Direct Hit Rate +113 
Idealized Hattori Somen Idealized hattori somen icon1.png 80 480 NIN Head 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Direct Hit Rate +79 
Idealized Fili Chapeau Idealized fili chapeau icon1.png 80 480 BRD Head 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Gunslinger's Hat Idealized gunslingers hat icon1.png 80 480 MCH Head 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Direct Hit Rate +113 Skill Speed +79 
Idealized Dancer's Headdress Idealized dancers headdress icon1.png 80 480 DNC Head 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Skill Speed +79 
Idealized Wicce Petasos Idealized wicce petasos icon1.png 80 480 BLM Head 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +113 Determination +79 
Idealized Beckoner's Horn Idealized beckoners horn icon1.png 80 480 SMN Head 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +113 Determination +79 
Idealized Estoqueur's Tricorne Idealized estoqueurs tricorne icon1.png 80 480 RDM Head 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Determination +79 Direct Hit Rate +113 
Idealized Ebers Hood Idealized ebers hood icon1.png 80 480 WHM Head 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Spell Speed +113 Piety +79 
Idealized Arbatel Mortarboard Idealized arbatel mortarboard icon1.png 80 480 SCH Head 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Determination +113 Piety +79 
Idealized Soothsayer's Turban Idealized soothsayers turban icon1.png 80 480 AST Head 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Determination +79 Spell Speed +113 
Idealized Chevalier's Cuirass Idealized chevaliers cuirass icon1.png 80 480 PLD Body 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +125 Tenacity +179 
Idealized Boii Tunic Idealized boii tunic icon1.png 80 480 WAR Body 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Skill Speed +125 Tenacity +179 
Idealized Bale Cuirass Idealized bale cuirass icon1.png 80 480 DRK Body 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +125 Tenacity +179 
Idealized Bodyguard's Coat Idealized bodyguards coat icon1.png 80 480 GNB Body 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Pteroslaver Mail Idealized pteroslaver mail icon1.png 80 480 DRG Body 513 403 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Bhikku Cyclas Idealized bhikku cyclas icon1.png 80 480 MNK Body 403 403 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +125 Direct Hit Rate +179 
Idealized Kasuga Haori Idealized kasuga haori icon1.png 80 480 SAM Body 403 403 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Hattori Chainmail Idealized hattori chainmail icon1.png 80 480 NIN Body 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Determination +179 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Idealized Fili Gilet Idealized fili gilet icon1.png 80 480 BRD Body 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +125 Determination +179 
Idealized Gunslinger's Coat Idealized gunslingers coat icon1.png 80 480 MCH Body 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Dancer's Casaque Idealized dancers casaque icon1.png 80 480 DNC Body 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Determination +179 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Idealized Wicce Coat Idealized wicce coat icon1.png 80 480 BLM Body 293 513 5 Intelligence +180 Vitality +166 Direct Hit Rate +125 Spell Speed +179 
Idealized Beckoner's Coat Idealized beckoners coat icon1.png 80 480 SMN Body 293 513 5 Intelligence +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +125 Determination +179 
Idealized Estoqueur's Bliaud Idealized estoqueurs bliaud icon1.png 80 480 RDM Body 293 513 5 Intelligence +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +179 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Idealized Ebers Robe Idealized ebers robe icon1.png 80 480 WHM Body 293 513 5 Mind +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +125 Determination +179 
Idealized Arbatel Cloak Idealized arbatel cloak icon1.png 80 480 SCH Body 293 513 5 Mind +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Soothsayer's Chiton Idealized soothsayers chiton icon1.png 80 480 AST Body 293 513 5 Mind +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +125 Piety +179 
Idealized Chevalier's Gauntlets Idealized chevaliers gauntlets icon1.png 80 480 PLD Hands 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Determination +113 
Idealized Boii Gauntlets Idealized boii gauntlets icon1.png 80 480 WAR Hands 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Bale Gauntlets Idealized bale gauntlets icon1.png 80 480 DRK Hands 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Determination +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Bodyguard's Fingerless Gloves Idealized bodyguards fingerless gloves icon1.png 80 480 GNB Hands 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Tenacity +79 
Idealized Pteroslaver Gauntlets Idealized pteroslaver gauntlets icon1.png 80 480 DRG Hands 383 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Bhikku Gloves Idealized bhikku gloves icon1.png 80 480 MNK Hands 301 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Determination +113 Direct Hit Rate +79 
Idealized Kasuga Kote Idealized kasuga kote icon1.png 80 480 SAM Hands 301 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Determination +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Hattori Tekko Idealized hattori tekko icon1.png 80 480 NIN Hands 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Determination +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Fili Armlets Idealized fili armlets icon1.png 80 480 BRD Hands 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Determination +79 Direct Hit Rate +113 
Idealized Gunslinger's Halfgloves Idealized gunslingers halfgloves icon1.png 80 480 MCH Hands 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Determination +113 Direct Hit Rate +79 
Idealized Dancer's Armlets Idealized dancers armlets icon1.png 80 480 DNC Hands 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Determination +79 
Idealized Wicce Wrist Torque Idealized wicce wrist torque icon1.png 80 480 BLM Hands 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Direct Hit Rate +113 Spell Speed +79 
Idealized Beckoner's Fingerless Gloves Idealized beckoners fingerless gloves icon1.png 80 480 SMN Hands 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Determination +79 Direct Hit Rate +113 
Idealized Estoqueur's Gloves Idealized estoqueurs gloves icon1.png 80 480 RDM Hands 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +79 Determination +113 
Idealized Ebers Armlets Idealized ebers armlets icon1.png 80 480 WHM Hands 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Spell Speed +79 Piety +113 
Idealized Arbatel Gloves Idealized arbatel gloves icon1.png 80 480 SCH Hands 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Spell Speed +113 Piety +79 
Idealized Soothsayer's Armlets Idealized soothsayers armlets icon1.png 80 480 AST Hands 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Determination +113 Piety +79 
Idealized Chevalier's Poleyns Idealized chevaliers poleyns icon1.png 80 480 PLD Legs 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Tenacity +125 
Idealized Boii Brais Idealized boii brais icon1.png 80 480 WAR Legs 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Tenacity +125 
Idealized Bale Flanchard Idealized bale flanchard icon1.png 80 480 DRK Legs 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Determination +125 Tenacity +179 
Idealized Bodyguard's Trousers Idealized bodyguards trousers icon1.png 80 480 GNB Legs 733 733 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +125 Determination +179 
Idealized Pteroslaver Subligar Idealized pteroslaver subligar icon1.png 80 480 DRG Legs 513 403 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Determination +179 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Idealized Bhikku Poleyns Idealized bhikku poleyns icon1.png 80 480 MNK Legs 403 403 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Kasuga Tsutsu-hakama Idealized kasuga tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 80 480 SAM Legs 403 403 5 Strength +180 Vitality +184 Direct Hit Rate +125 Skill Speed +179 
Idealized Hattori Trousers Idealized hattori trousers icon1.png 80 480 NIN Legs 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +125 Direct Hit Rate +179 
Idealized Fili Bottoms Idealized fili bottoms icon1.png 80 480 BRD Legs 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +125 Direct Hit Rate +179 
Idealized Gunslinger's Bottoms Idealized gunslingers bottoms icon1.png 80 480 MCH Legs 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Dancer's Bottoms Idealized dancers bottoms icon1.png 80 480 DNC Legs 403 403 5 Dexterity +180 Vitality +184 Determination +125 Direct Hit Rate +179 
Idealized Wicce Bottoms Idealized wicce bottoms icon1.png 80 480 BLM Legs 293 513 5 Intelligence +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +179 Determination +125 
Idealized Beckoner's Sarouel Idealized beckoners sarouel icon1.png 80 480 SMN Legs 293 513 5 Intelligence +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +179 Direct Hit Rate +125 
Idealized Estoqueur's Bottoms Idealized estoqueurs bottoms icon1.png 80 480 RDM Legs 293 513 5 Intelligence +180 Vitality +166 Determination +125 Direct Hit Rate +179 
Idealized Ebers Skirt Idealized ebers skirt icon1.png 80 480 WHM Legs 293 513 5 Mind +180 Vitality +166 Determination +125 Piety +179 
Idealized Arbatel Bottoms Idealized arbatel bottoms icon1.png 80 480 SCH Legs 293 513 5 Mind +180 Vitality +166 Critical Hit +179 Piety +125 
Idealized Soothsayer's Skirt Idealized soothsayers skirt icon1.png 80 480 AST Legs 293 513 5 Mind +180 Vitality +166 Determination +179 Piety +125 
Idealized Chevalier's Sollerets Idealized chevaliers sollerets icon1.png 80 480 PLD Feet 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Determination +113 
Idealized Boii Boots Idealized boii boots icon1.png 80 480 WAR Feet 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Skill Speed +79 
Idealized Bale Sollerets Idealized bale sollerets icon1.png 80 480 DRK Feet 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Determination +79 
Idealized Bodyguard's Thighboots Idealized bodyguards thighboots icon1.png 80 480 GNB Feet 547 547 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Determination +79 Tenacity +113 
Idealized Pteroslaver Greaves Idealized pteroslaver greaves icon1.png 80 480 DRG Feet 383 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +113 Skill Speed +79 
Idealized Bhikku Boots Idealized bhikku boots icon1.png 80 480 MNK Feet 301 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Kasuga Zori Idealized kasuga zori icon1.png 80 480 SAM Feet 301 301 5 Strength +114 Vitality +116 Direct Hit Rate +113 Skill Speed +79 
Idealized Hattori Kyahan Idealized hattori kyahan icon1.png 80 480 NIN Feet 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Determination +113 Direct Hit Rate +79 
Idealized Fili Shoes Idealized fili shoes icon1.png 80 480 BRD Feet 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Determination +113 Direct Hit Rate +79 
Idealized Gunslinger's Thighboots Idealized gunslingers thighboots icon1.png 80 480 MCH Feet 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Determination +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Dancer's Shoes Idealized dancers shoes icon1.png 80 480 DNC Feet 301 301 5 Dexterity +114 Vitality +116 Critical Hit +79 Skill Speed +113 
Idealized Wicce Shoes Idealized wicce shoes icon1.png 80 480 BLM Feet 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Direct Hit Rate +79 Spell Speed +113 
Idealized Beckoner's Crakows Idealized beckoners crakows icon1.png 80 480 SMN Feet 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Determination +79 Spell Speed +113 
Idealized Estoqueur's Thighboots Idealized estoqueurs thighboots icon1.png 80 480 RDM Feet 219 383 5 Intelligence +114 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +79 Spell Speed +113 
Idealized Ebers Thighboots Idealized ebers thighboots icon1.png 80 480 WHM Feet 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +79 Determination +113 
Idealized Arbatel Thighboots Idealized arbatel thighboots icon1.png 80 480 SCH Feet 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +79 Piety +113 
Idealized Soothsayer's Sandals Idealized soothsayers sandals icon1.png 80 480 AST Feet 219 383 5 Mind +114 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +79 Piety +113