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Bunistalri (talk | contribs) (Added dialogue) |
Bunistalri (talk | contribs) m (Added dialogue) |
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''The scene abruptly changes to show three Yellowjackets walking up to the counter on your right.'' | ''The scene abruptly changes to show three Yellowjackets walking up to the counter on your right.'' | ||
''The Yellowjackets are being led by a smirking Roegadyn man | ''The Yellowjackets are being led by a smirking Roegadyn man. His fellow Yellowjackets are a Roegadyn woman and a Hyuran man. All are marauders.'' | ||
Yellowjacket: You there─adventurer. You sailed in on the last ferry, did you not? | Yellowjacket: You there─adventurer. You sailed in on the last ferry, did you not? | ||
''The lead Yellowjacket dismissably waves his right arm.'' | |||
Yellowjacket: The captain reported being attacked by a pirate vessel. And several witnesses have testified independently that a passenger matching your description went out on deck mere moments before the incident took place. Sending your friends signals, were you? | Yellowjacket: The captain reported being attacked by a pirate vessel. And several witnesses have testified independently that a passenger matching your description went out on deck mere moments before the incident took place. Sending your friends signals, were you? | ||
''Baderon gestures with his right arm.'' | ''The two Yellowjackets behind him cross their arms.'' | ||
''Baderon gestures out with his right arm to stop them..'' | |||
Baderon: Now 'old on a just a moment there, officer. Ye've got the wrong bloke/ | Baderon: Now 'old on a just a moment there, officer. Ye've got the wrong bloke/lass. | ||
Baderon: This fine, upstandin' young gent/lady is me dear departed grandma's sister's niece's cousin's closest companion. The lad/lass wouldn't be caught dead fraternizin' with such unsavory elements. | Baderon: This fine, upstandin' young gent/lady is me dear departed grandma's sister's niece's cousin's closest companion. The lad/lass wouldn't be caught dead fraternizin' with such unsavory elements. |
Revision as of 00:14, 15 November 2020
Limsa Lominsa Quest
- Speak to Ryssfloh in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (10,11).
- Speak to Grehfarr at the Crow's Lift (11,11).
- Speak to Baderon at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks - Drowning Wench (7,5).
- Speak to Grehfarr at the Crow's Lift.
- Speak to Baderon at the Drowning Wench.
- To be recognized as an adventurer in the city-state of Limsa Lominsa, you must first register yourself with the Adventurers' Guild.
- The Yellowjacket, Ryssfloh, strongly suggests that you sign up as an adventurer in the Drowning Wench. Speak with Grehfarr at the end of the street to take the Crow's Lift up to the pub.
- You have arrived at the Drowning Wench. Speak with the owner, Baderon, about registering with the Adventurers' Guild.
- Now that you have successfully registered yourself as an adventurer, you are ready to begin exploring Limsa Lominsa. Speak with Baderon again to learn more about the city and the basics of adventuring.
Introduction Cutscene
Upon confirming that you would like to create your character, an orb of light appears over your character, a crystal sound effect plays, and your character is sucked into the light. Idk someone else pls describe this part better.
[Loading screen for Limsa Lominsa]
Your character is teleported to a dark, outer space-like place, not unlike the first background of the Character Creation process.
Floating, they spiral downwards with crystal sparkles emanating off them. Their feet touch the dark bottom of the room and make a rippling water effect.
???: Hear...
You lift your hand from you head as if waking up. You see a small, sun-like orb of light floating in front of you.
???: Hear… Feel…
The light-orb moves to the center of your vision and is suddenly eclipsed by a dark orb, from which a red-masked, dark-robed figure emerges.
The light-orb moves out from behind the dark figure.
???: Hear… Feel… Think...
A light envelopes you and changes your clothing and gear to those of the job linked to your chosen starting class.
The dark-robed man is silent.
Your weapon turns into a weapon of light as you seize hold of it and assume a battle stance.
The dark-robed man opens his mouth, materializes an eerie red glyph on his face, and also assumes a battle stance.
You aim/load your weapon of light.
The camera zooms in on the dark-robed figure as he readies his attack.
The camera zooms in on your character as you ready your attack. A clashing sound effect is heard before the dream ends.
???: Oi! Y’all right, lad/lass?
You open your eyes, as if from a dream.
The first thing you see is a tanned Hyuran man peering at you in concern.
Grizzled Passenger: You were moanin' in your sleep an' sweatin' buckets besides. Rollin' of the ship got your stomach churnin', has it?
The grizzled passenger crosses his arms.
Grizzled Passenger: Hmmm... Don't seem like seasickness, now that I look at you. It'll be the aether, then, I reckon.
Grizzled Passenger: Some are more sensitive to the stuff than others, see, an' we ain't too far from Vylbrand now, which is chock-full of aetherytes.
Grizzled Passenger: No need to fret, though. You'll soon get used to it.
The boat sways as the grizzled passenger stumbles and regains his footing. He stands up straight and crosses his arms again, looking up at the wooden ceiling.
Grizzled Passenger: Eurgh. Might as well have been bloomin' seasickness... Ship's leapin' around like a demented chocobo today.
The grizzled passenger turns to you.
Grizzled Passenger: I reckon I might head out on deck─get meself a breath of fresh air.
The grizzled passenger turns to his right.
Grizzled Passenger: Limsa Lominsa's still a fair way off, in case you were wonderin'. Seein' as you're awake an' all, how's about you keep me company till we get there?
The camera pans over to two young Elezen twins silently sitting together in the background.
Grizzled Passenger: Them young'uns don't much care for conversation, see.
The grizzled passenger uncrosses his arms, turns back to you, and motions to himself with his left thumb.
Brennan: Anyroad, Brennan's the name, an' peddlin's me trade.
Brennan walks off.
The camera spins around the ship to give a full view of the masts and back of the ship, to finally settle on you and Brennan walking on the upper deck.
Brennan stops, stretches, and slowly spins to face you.
Brennan: Ah, smell that salty sea breeze!
The camera pans up from your feet to your face.
Brennan: Now then, lad/lass, judgin' by your unusual garments, I'd say you were one of them new adventurers. Am I warm?
You nod. #StoicNodWoLTally
Brennan: I knew it! Goin' wherever the wind blows, seekin' fortune an' glory─now that's what I call livin'!
Brennan: So long as you can avoid dyin', I mean. Ain't no secret that adventurin's a risky business─these days especially.
Why did you become an adventurer?
> To gain power.
> To win glory.
> To amass a fortune.
> …
If your choose Power:
Brennan: …Power? As in, er...power to do good? Like protectin' the weak, an' fightin' for what's right, an' all that? Aye, I thought that's what you meant. Well, adventurers do get up to a lot of fightin', that's for sure. You'll never be short of a chance to polish your warcraft in the adventurin' business.
Brennan: Once we make port, you'd best sign yourself up at the Adventurers' Guild─they'll set you on the right path.
Brennan: An' it wouldn't hurt to join a guild, neither.
Brennan: Limsa's home to a few, so if you fancy learnin' how to swing an axe, or even sling a spell, you should think about seekin' one out.
If you choose Glory:
Brennan: Glory, eh? Well, if you're willin' to take on them tasks as other folk ain't, an adventurer such as yourself can win fame what coin can't buy.
Brennan: When you arrive in town, you'll want to report to the Adventurers' Guild.
Brennan: You can find out everythin' you need to know about the adventurin' business in there.
If you choose Fortune:
Brennan: Fortune, eh? Well, it's a dream we've all had at one time or another.
Brennan: Once you've learned to handle yourself in a fight, you'll want to pay a visit to whichever craftin' or gatherin' guild tickles your fancy.
Brennan: Limsa Lominsa's renowned for its smitties an' armorers, not to mention its fisherfolk. An' then there's its cooks, of course.
Brennan: Adventurin' ain't just about killin' things, after all. A peaceful pastime may well help you make your fortune!
If you choose ...:
You shake your head in a no gesture.
Brennan: Well, if you ain't inclined to tell, I ain't about to pry. Might be as ol' Brennan's a chatterbox, but he sure as hells ain't no busybody.
Brennan: We all have a secret or three, don't we? Me? Dozens.
Brennan: An' I'd rather they stayed secret, too─which is why I don't go stickin' me nose where it ain't welcome.
Brennan: Just remember, though: there're more important things than fortune an' glory. Such as breathin'. Ain't no profit in bein' dead, an' that's a fact.
Suddenly, warning bells begin to clamor and people are running around in an urgent fashion. A loud blast is heard as the ship is hit by a cannonball. The ship shakes from the impact and a spray of seawater flies up near your side of the deck’s edge as Brennan is thrown off his feet and onto his back.
Brennan: << Uwaaah! >>
The ship is fired at again, about 3 more shots that land in the water near the ship. Three pirate ships close into view as the center ship fires two more shots and the right ship fires one more shot at your ship.
Stalwart Sailor: Ships off the starboard bow! Pirate colors!
The ship is fired at again, creating another spray of water as people continue to run about. You and Brennan duck behind the side of the deck’s wooden railing.
Brennan: Pirates? Bloody hells…
The stalwart sailor scrambles to you and Brennan as the ship is fired at yet again, spraying up another column of seawater.
Stalwart Sailor: Have ye no sense!? Get below!
The stalwart sailor points to the below-deck entrance and scrambles away.
You and Brennan run below deck as the ship is fired at.
The camera changes to below deck, where people are gathered and discussing the recent events with each other.
Brennan: What is the world comin' to...? Pirates firin' on a ship flyin' Lominsan colors! Bastards either have a boatload of balls, or bugger all for brains.
The stalwart sailor runs into the room and throws the door open.
Stalwart Sailor: Ye can rest easy, friends! We've made it out o' cannon range, an' no buccaneer's bark'll catch this flighty temptress once the wind's in her sails.
The stalwart sailor turns back and walks out. People turn back to each other and continue talking. One Hyuran man in the background is clearly exasperated.
Brennan: That was too bleedin' close... Glad one of us kept his/her head on his/her shoulders─I reckon I'd've lost mine, otherwise.
Brennan: If them pirates gave up the chase, we must be close to port. Let's head up on deck an' have us a look, shall we?
Scene change. Camera pans to show the full length of the ship. You and Brennan are shown walking on the deck. Brennan turns to you.
Brennan: By the by, is this your first trip to Limsa Lominsa?
Is this your first trip to Limsa Lominsa?
> Yes.
> No.
If you choose Yes:
You speak.
Brennan: It is!? Well then, let this journeyed itinerant tell you the ins an' outs of your destination. Ahem!
Brennan: Limsa Lominsa prides itself on bein' Eorzea's foremost naval power.
Brennan: Weren't too long ago that the place was ruled by pirates, but thanks to the current Admiral's civilizin' influence, the city-state could almost pass for a respectable nation. You'd never guess she was once a rum-swillin' buccaneer herself! Heh heh!
Brennan: 'Course, most folk ain't so quick to change, an' with a town full of liberty-lovin' ruffians, you can imagine how many naysayers an' troublemakers she's got to deal with─like them pirates who took a fancy to us just now.
Brennan: An' if that weren't bad enough, I've heard the Sahagin are raidin' the coast just as bold as you please. Them're the sea-dwellin' beastmen the locals call “fishbacks,” 'case you didn't know.
A ship bell rings. You and Brennan look up.
Brennan: Ah, at long last. Land ho!
Brennan walks up to the ship’s front and points out to land. In the background there is the same Hyuran pair from below deck (blonde Hyuran woman, Hyuran man wearing blue -and-black culinarian clothing) conversing with each other.
Brennan: Behold Limsa Lominsa, a nation blessed by the ocean's bounty an' beloved of Llymlaen, goddess of navigation.
You walk up to join Brennan.
[Narrator’s voice]:
On a windswept isle in the southwestern corner of the realm,
amidst the roiling waves of the Rhotano Sea, lies the maritime city-state of Limsa Lominsa.
To this haven for bandits and brigands, cutthroats and curs, seekers of both freedom and fortune, comes a lone adventurer.
Lone, yet not alone, for the hero's arrival has drawn the gaze of the nation's patron deity Llymlaen.
What realm-shaking fate has She descried in the churning waters of this mortal's future?
Brennan: An' here's where we part ways, son/lass.
Brennan: I'm off to the markets to deliver me wares, then it's on to the highroad for me.
Brennan reaches into his pockets and hands you a small item. The two young Elezen twins from before pass by in the background.
Brennan: Here, I want you to have this─by way of thanks for savin' me arse earlier.
You accept the item and place it in your pockets.
Brennan: Hey─you never did tell me your name, did you? Well, here's an idea…
Brennan: Become the sort of storied personage I can brag about havin' met, an' I'll consider us square.
Brennan smiles at you and walks off as the ship’s entrance lifts and closes.
[Narrator’s voice]:
Through peril and hardship, discovery and triumph, may the Navigator guide this brave soul on his/her life's voyage.
Till sea swallows all.
[A cutscene plays where you look around and admire the sights as you walk through the city.]
Yellowjacket Infantryman: Hey! You there!
Yellowjacket Infantryman: Aye, I mean you. This is my district, and I make it my business to know all the scum that washes up in it.
You look surprised.
Yellowjacket Infantryman: Ah, an adventurer fresh off the boat, is it? Well then…
Ryssfloh: Allow one of Limsa Lominsa's finest to set you on the right path. Hop to it, lad/lass, I haven't got all day!
System: Welcome to Limsa Lominsa, a bustling city-state filled with scoundrels and brigands, the rough-cut diamond of the Rhotano Sea.
System: Please select the control scheme you wish to use.
> Mouse/keyboard
> Gamepad
System: Follow the instructions to move your character and adjust the position of the camera.
System: When you are ready to proceed, speak to Ryssfloh.
If you try to go past Ryssfloh:
Ryssfloh: Hey, where in the bleedin' hells do you think you're goin'!? I told you to get over here!
Ahldskyf: I'm the hired captain of the Orion. She's a fine vessel, true, but a hired captain can love his ship only as much as a paid bride can love her betrothed.
Ahldskyf: A ship of my own is all I've ever wanted. Was a gil away from buying one when the Calamity struck, but how can I complain when so many lost so much more?
Coming to Limsa Lominsa:
Ryssfloh: Now then, I'm sure you're itching to explore, but adventurers are required to register their presence in the city...and without a bit of local knowledge, you're like to get your throat slit in some piss-stinking alley.
Ryssfloh: So before you do anything else, get yourself over to the Drowning Wench and enroll with the Adventurers' Guild.
The camera pans to your right and down the hallway-tunnel to show a Roegadyn man standing in front of an elevator lift entrance.
Ryssfloh: It's not far─just head straight down this street and speak with Grehfarr. He'll show you how to work that big moving platform we call the Crow's Lift, and that'll take you up to the pub.
Ryssfloh: Once you're there, look for a fellow by the name of Baderon─he's the proprietor of the Wench. He might curse like an ale-sodden sailor, but the man's got a soft spot for wide-eyed newcomers like yourself. He'll set you straight.
Ryssfloh: Got all that? Good. Now run along, and may the Navigator guide you on your journey.
If you speak to Ryssfloh again:
Ryssfloh: Were you able to find the Drowning Wench? Baderon there will help get you started here in Limsa Lominsa.
If you try to walk/run past Ahldskyf:
Ahldskyf: That's far enough, lad/lass. You want to adventure in Limsa Lominsa─and survive your first day─then I strongly suggest you visit the Wench and speak with Baderon first.
If you speak with F’zhumii:
F'zhumii: This is Bulwark Hall, the lowest level of the Mizzenmast. In case you aren't familiar with the nautical term, a bulwark is the plating that prevents waves from swamping a ship's decks. F'zhumii: Replace “waves” with “hordes of howling beastmen,” and you'll get an idea of the purpose for which this chamber exists.
If you try to run past F’zhumii:
F'zhumii: Halt right there, adventurer. If it is Baderon and the Drowning Wench you seek, then you'd best speak with Grehfarr.
If you speak to Abylfarr:
Abylfarr: Beyond the great Zephyr Gate of Limsa Lominsa lie the midlands of La Noscea.
Abylfarr: The gentle wind that passes through the gate is said to be the sweet breath of the gods, carrying life and fortune.
If you try to walk/run past Abylfarr:
Abylfarr: Signed yourself up at the Adventurers' Guild, have you? I didn't think so. Turn around and march yourself over to the Crow's Lift. Baderon'll want a word with you.
N'tanmo: The Crow's Lift will carry you up and down the tower as fast as the crow flies.
N'tanmo: You need only speak with Grehfarr and tell him where you wish to go!
N'delika: Welcome to the heart of Limsa Lominsa─the Mizzenmast!
N'delika: It houses the airship landing, the Adventurers' Guild, and─at the very top─the command room of the Admiral, from where she keeps a watchful eye over Lominsan air, land, and sea.
Grehfarr: Welcome to Limsa Lominsa. If you've a mind to visit the Drowning Wench, the Crow's Lift will take you there.
> Yes > No
If you choose No:
Grehfarr: Might I remind you that all newly arrived adventurers are required to register with the Adventurers' Guild? Until you have done so, you will struggle to find employment in these parts.
NPC dialogue:
Quentenain: Most seafarers a bloke meets are rougher'n a barnacled hull, but these Lominsan scrags are somethin' else. S'pose I should expect naught less from a city what was founded by pirates.
Gregory: If it is rumors or like-minded fellows you seek, then you have made the right choice in coming to this tavern. It is as a lodestone for all manner of travelers and explorers.
S'dhodjbi: Newly come to Limsa Lominsa, adventurer? Then I suggest you speak with Baderon, the owner of the Drowning Wench. Think of him as a guide to our fair city.
Niniya: The Drowning Wench will always be a favorite among pirates─she's cheap, she's loaded with grog, and she never says no.
Niniya: It's been a favored haunt of adventurers for nigh on twenty years, ever since a retired freelance and his comrades established the Adventurers' Guild here.
Skaenrael: Heading down so soon? Best you sort out your affairs here before you start gallivanting about. I'll let you use the lift soon enough.
The Smith: As one of the Smiths, I provide guidance for those just starting out on the path of the adventurer. For the present, I suggest you learn your way around the city─an endeavor with which Baderon shall no doubt wish to aid you.
If you try to walk/run through any of the entrances leading out of the Drowning Wench:
Skaenrael: Bit premature for you to leave, don't you think? Or have you already heard everything that shady bloke behind the big desk had to say? If so, then you should know it's only polite to spare a moment for those in need─like the Lalafellin lass at the table who's staring at you right now.
Quentenain: 'Old up there, lad/lass. Afore ye trot out the door an' straight into some scrag's ambush, ye might want to partake of the Wench's wisdom─proprietor and patrons both.
S'dhodjbi: I don't mean to be rude, mister, but I know a green adventurer when I see one. Trust me when I say you'd be better off having a chat with all the folk here before you start wandering the city like some wide-eyed farmer's get.
Speaking to Baderon at the Drowning Wench:
Baderon opens his arms in welcome.
Baderon: Greetin's to ye, lad/lass.
Baderon: What'll it be? ...Ah, but you ain't 'ere fer the drink, are ye!? Ye've come with a mind to try yer 'and at 'venturin', I reckon! Well, ye'll find no shortage o' work 'ere in Limsa.
Baderon: The name's Baderon, an' this most 'ospitable of 'ostelries is the Drownin' Wench.
Baderon: 'Tis also the 'ome o' the 'Venturers' Guild, 'ere in Limsa. That's why we've got a desk 'specially fer 'andlin' guild business─an' why I seem to spend more time savin' the necks o' whelps like yerself than wettin' the throats o' me regulars.
Baderon: 'Venturers 'ave a knack fer findin' trouble, see.
Baderon: Not that they need it in these parts, on account o' there bein' trouble wherever ye look. If ye manage to steer clear o' the fishbacks an' the kobolds outside the city, the pirates on the inside will get ye instead.
Baderon: An' if they don't manage, there's always the Garlean Empire to finish the job. Oh, no one knows what they're plannin', o' course...but if they're plannin' anythin', ye can be sure it's to kill the lot of us.
Baderon: Aye...this town seems peaceful at a glance, but look again, an' ye'll see a people livin' in fear o' what tomorrow might bring.
Baderon: ...An' who can blame 'em, after everythin' that's 'appened? Eorzea took a mighty blow durin' the Calamity, but our 'omes weren't the only things what got wiped off the face of existence by that thrice-damned bastard of a dragon.
Baderon: It took our bleedin' memories, too. An' no one's been able to explain it in a way as makes an onze o' sense.
Baderon: None o' the folks what saw it an' lived to tell the tale seem to agree on 'ow the tale actually goes. 'Tis all foggy...like recollections from an 'ard night on the ale. Ye can imagine why people might fear fer the future if they can't rightly recall the past.
Baderon: But there is one thing we all remember, an' that's the group o' 'venturers what laid down their lives to drag Eorzea back from the brink, when she was bound fer the abyss.
Baderon: Well, I say we remember... Truth is, though we ain't forgotten what they did fer us, this godsdamned Calamity-spawned memory loss robbed us o' their names…
Baderon: It won't even let us picture their damn faces. 'Tis like starin' at a gull flyin' in front o' the sun─all ye see in yer mind's eye is a shadow set against a blindin' glare. An' that's 'ow every bugger describes it, by the way...give or take the odd gull.
Baderon: It's this what's got people callin' these 'eroes the “Warriors o' Light.”
Baderon: If Limsa's ever goin' to put this time o' darkness behind it, it's goin' to need 'venturers to 'elp banish the fear. It's goin' to need new 'eroes like the ones we lost.
Baderon: Maybe one day ye'll be one of 'em. An' that's why any aid we can give to a 'venturer is effort well spent. What say ye, lad/lass? Ye willin' to lend us yer strength?
You nod.
Baderon: Me thanks to ye, an' to the Navigator an' all! I knew She'd steered ye my way fer a reason.
Baderon: Ah, but listen to me, yatterin' on like a sun-touched fishwife. 'Tis 'igh time we got yer mark in me book.
Baderon: Put yer scrawl right there.
Baderon reaches into his pocket and hands you a writing utensil.
Baderon: [Forename] [Surname], is it? An' a fine name it is.
Baderon: Congratulations. Yer now an upstandin' member o' the 'Venturers' Guild.
The scene abruptly changes to show three Yellowjackets walking up to the counter on your right.
The Yellowjackets are being led by a smirking Roegadyn man. His fellow Yellowjackets are a Roegadyn woman and a Hyuran man. All are marauders.
Yellowjacket: You there─adventurer. You sailed in on the last ferry, did you not?
The lead Yellowjacket dismissably waves his right arm.
Yellowjacket: The captain reported being attacked by a pirate vessel. And several witnesses have testified independently that a passenger matching your description went out on deck mere moments before the incident took place. Sending your friends signals, were you?
The two Yellowjackets behind him cross their arms.
Baderon gestures out with his right arm to stop them..
Baderon: Now 'old on a just a moment there, officer. Ye've got the wrong bloke/lass.
Baderon: This fine, upstandin' young gent/lady is me dear departed grandma's sister's niece's cousin's closest companion. The lad/lass wouldn't be caught dead fraternizin' with such unsavory elements.
The lead Yellowjacket expresses an astonished look.
Yellowjacket: ...Is that right? Ahem. You are surely aware of the recent kidnappings? Respectfully, then, we cannot be too trusting of outsiders at a time when the loyalty of even our closest friends is in doubt.
Baderon: Aye, ye make a good point there, officer, a very good point. Very wise. Ye needn't worry, though─I keep one eye open at all times, me, an' two more often than not. Now, sir, what say ye to a tankard o' me finest ale afore ye return to yer duties, eh?
Yellowjacket: Not a watered-down cup of piss like last time, I should hope?
Baderon waves his hand in denial.
Baderon: Ain't got the faintest idea what yer on about, officer. The Wench might offer some o' the cheapest grog this side o' the Strait o' Merlthor, but that don't mean it won't get ye good an' pickled! An' look, there's a chair over there just cryin' out to be sat on, so kick off them 'eavy boots, eh!?
Baderon: Ye'll 'ave to excuse these eager bloody Yellowjackets. There's been a spate o' kidnappin's, see, an' they ain't got a clue who's behind 'em. Naturally, they've taken to clappin' irons on anyone who looks vaguely suspicious, which means 'venturers, visitors...an' pretty much every bugger else in this town.
Baderon: Don't take it personal, though. Us Lominsans can be an 'eadstrong bunch o' bastards, 'tis true, but given time, we'll grow on ye. Now, where was I...?
Baderon: Oh aye! Welcome to Limsa Lominsa, where the sea's as green as the faces o' me patrons after a few too many Blackbelly whiskeys!
The camera pans over the outside of the Drowning Wench.
Baderon: Now, take a moment to gather yer wits, an' we'll get started with learnin' ye the ways o' the city.
[Cutscene END]
System: This concludes the introductory game tutorial.
System: You have taken your first step as an adventurer in the city of Limsa Lominsa.
System: Listen well to the wisdom of Baderon Tenfingers, then go forth and discover the incredible adventures that await you!