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{{Quest infobox
{{Quest infobox
| title = Sage Council
| title = Sage Council
| image =  
| image = Sage Council.png
| description = Urianger appears to be tallying the Loporrits in preparation for an imminent departure.
| description = Urianger appears to be tallying the Loporrits in preparation for an imminent departure.
| quest-giver = Urianger
| quest-giver = Urianger

Revision as of 22:10, 17 December 2021

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Sage Council

Sage Council.png
Quest giver
Labyrinthos (X:28.9, Y:27.4)
Quest line
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 501,600
Gil 1,244
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAgriculture Shock
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestHither and Yarns

Urianger appears to be tallying the Loporrits in preparation for an imminent departure.

— In-game description


  • Speak with Growingway.
  • Speak with the troubled researcher.
  • Seek out troubled souls in Sharlayan Hamlet.
  • Speak with Urianger.
  • Wait the the destination.
  • Speak with Urianger.



Troubled souls locations + full cutscenes



  • Player. I trust thy time at Meryall Agronomics did...<cough>...bear fruit?
  • Our own efforts, too, were rewarded─we now possess an embarrassment of educational riches.
  • No doubt our guests' relentless pursuit of knowledge could occupy them─and us─for a fortnight. Alas, time is of the essence.
  • Let us return to Sharlayan Hamlet forthwith. I shall gladly attend to each and every Loporrit there, should further questions within my power to answer arise.


  • Aw...
  • Siiigh...
  • Yes, Player, that was indeed me verbalizing a sigh to express my emotional state. Do you want to know why?
  • Because I saw the reconstructed environmental data for Etheirys at Logistikon Alpha, that's why!
  • A forest so lovely, and so...so...leafy. Are all of your forests like that?

"The Black Shroud is quite leafy indeed, and a place of utmost tranquility."


  • Gasp! Gasp, I say!
  • With a star so wonderful, it comes as no surprise that you're reluctant to leave it behind. I was a fool to think otherwise─to assume that the moon was something worth being proud of.
  • How ridiculous we must seem to you. Trying so hard, yet achieving so little...


  • Not at all. Thy works are no less worthy for their uniqueness.


  • I thought I heard tiny voices.


  • Thancred!
  • How didst thou fare?


  • Oh, I was able to glean a fair bit from the researchers while helping to move their cargo.
  • Preparations have proceeded without interruption here, despite news of the coming end. We have the Forum's leadership to thank for that.
  • That doesn't mean people aren't worried, though. Quite the opposite.
  • Knowing disaster could strike at any moment, they hurry to complete their work, equally aware that a single error could be the difference between life and death. And we can hardly tell them there's no cause for concern...


  • Perhaps not... Though aided by our goodly Growingway, we may yet find other ways to lighten their burden.


  • M-Me!? Be of use to...to people? I'm honored that you would think me so capable, but I'm not sure that I'm up to the challenge...


  • Nevertheless, I believe in thee.


  • If you say so, I... I suppose it can't hurt to try.


  • I passed someone moping in the western plaza that looked to be in need of a helping paw. Perhaps you might start with him?


  • 'Tis as good a place as any. Come.

Troubled Researcher:

  • Oh... Can I help you?
  • ...It is you who would help me? Is my anxiety truly so obvious?


  • A burden shared is a burden eased. Pray, tell us of thy troubles.

Troubled Researcher:

  • Those little fellows do look like good listeners...
  • I'm an engineer, you see. And what they say of the ship─that it's the sum of decades of Sharlayan ingenuity, that it's built with peerless Allagan technology─is all true, but...
  • I know─I know─that none of that's a guarantee.
  • We've never before launched a star-faring vessel─let alone flown it in the great expanse. All the tests we've run have been on the ground!
  • Only operational personnel and cargo will be aboard for the first voyage, but even so... If it fails us then, what can we do? And if it doesn't, it could fall apart on the next flight, or the one after that...
  • We've done everything we can to prevent that from happening, but it hardly matters. We thought the aetherburner's design was flawless, too, and look how that turned out...


  • Thou art familiar with these most daunting technologies, and thus dost thou hold the power to allay his fears.


  • Oh! I, er...I'm not sure about that, but, well...
  • Maybe you could tell me if there are any aspects of the ship's design that you're especially worried about?

Troubled Researcher:

  • Our ability to walk about and perform our tasks, for one. I've devised a means by which to employ Gravity─a spatiotemporal spell─to regulate the environment, but what if it's not strong enough? What if everyone floats away and begins crashing into things as soon as we've left the star?


  • Aha, gravitation! Maybe I can be of help after all!
  • Up there is not so different from down here, you see. The same rules apply, and if you consider them as part of one great big cosmos rather than separate places...


  • I suspect both parties shall find comfort in this conversation.
  • Yet if Thancred's tale be true, still others would benefit from insights born of experience.
  • Might I prevail upon the Loporrits to attend them?


  • An excellent idea, if I do say so myself! There is naught we'd like more than to ease the hearts of the fine people of Etheirys─and learn more about them while we're at it.


  • Full glad am I to hear it. Gather thy companions and bring them hither.
  • Player, thou hast a gift for finding souls in need of succor.
  • Pray seek thee out the distressed and the apprehensive, and inform them that help is at hand.
  • I shall await them here, that I might introduce each to a suitable Loporrit.


  • Oh, I do so look forward to that. A place for every Loporrit, and every Loporrit in their place!

Level-headed Engineer:

  • Concerns? Nay, there's no point in worrying at this stage. It'll only make the work go that much the slower.

Distracted Researcher:

  • Fifty-six bunches of weeds in the ground,
  • Fifty-six bunches of weeds.♪
  • Rip one out, add to the mound,
  • Fifty-five bunches of weeds in the─
  • Eep! I-I'm not neglecting my duties, I swear!
  • I was in need of a little break, you see, but then I found myself unable to relax at all, so I went on a walk, and then I noticed these weeds, and...
  • ...Pleasant conversation partners and oh-so fuzzy? Goodness me, that does sound like a much better way to relax!

Hyperventilating Engineer:

  • By the gods, my chest is tight... Am I dying? Is this what dying feels like?
  • Oh! Do pardon me─I didn't see you there. There is no cause for concern, I assure you.
  • No cause for concern...even though we may need to depart at any moment...and if the hull I designed buckles under the strain, the entire vessel may explode on launch, claiming countless lives and dooming all mankind...but that is highly unlikely! Yes, yes, highly unlikely... Highly...
  • ...Our visitors can help me triple check for structural flaws, you say? Why, that would be wonderful! I'm breathing more easily already.

Capricious Researcher:

  • Aha...haha! The end of the world is nigh, yet the work goes no faster! Schedules are such temperamental things─feasible one moment, utter bollocks the next!
  • And yet...I've never felt so alive!

Irascible Administrator:

  • You! Yes, you, you idiot! Have you seen an envelope lying about?
  • This imbecile refuses to give me the alchemic I ordered without that bloody slip of parchment!
  • Unless your friends have a spell to make me remember where I dropped my damned envelope, I doubt they'll be more help than you... And you've wasted enough of my time already!

Grimacing Naturalist:

  • ...My face? What's wrong with my─ Ow! Perhaps I am a bit tense.
  • I was tasked with ensuring that the proper fauna─and only the proper fauna─are brought with us to the moon. However, the suitability of a few species is still under debate, and I can hardly make the decision myself when I know so little about the environment up there...
  • Including the Loporrits in our discussions is a wonderful idea! I absolutely will, thank you! Perhaps their biology itself might offer some clue, as well...

Ponderous Mathematician:

  • ......
  • ...Hm?
  • Consult our collaborators? I suppose that would be more effective than sitting here brooding.
  • I'm attempting to calculate how much cargo we can consolidate into fewer trips, should the aetherburner make our original estimates unfeasible─but there are simply too many variables. I feel as if my brow will turn inside out...
  • But perhaps our lunar associates will have more insight into how much weight constitutes too much weight for our purposes. Thank you for letting me know.

Anxious Engineer:

  • ...What am I thinking about? The medical facilities on the ship, of course.
  • I designed them with the assistance of our sages and chirurgeons, but to imagine every illness or injury that one might face in that great expanse is beyond any of us. To say nothing of the effects that living out there indefinitely might have on the body...
  • ...The crew from the moon! Why did I not think of that?

Unconcerned Gleaner:

  • Apologies, but I am awaiting a delivery. Whatever it is will have to wait.

Despondent Engineer:

  • Just leave me to my misery... The Forum can appoint someone else...
  • <sigh> I apologize─I simply don't know what to do. How am I supposed to pilot the ark if I'm already falling apart under the pressure?
  • You know a starship pilot that I might speak with? Truly?
  • Well, then, there's no time to waste! They can help me prepare for this monumental task...

Tired Gleaner:

  • Is anything bothering me? Well, I've been loading cargo for bells now, so my back feels like a voidsent's played it as a piano. My feet and knees as drums and cymbals, too.

Skeptical Researcher:

  • Have you heard anything of what's on the moon?
  • I have no doubt that we can make it up there, but the “searching for a new star” part of the plan sounds awfully vague to me.
  • I asked the Forum, but they will only tell us that our collaborators “have everything under control.” Forgive me, but I don't feel particularly safe wandering through the sea of stars on gods-know-what made by gods-know-who!
  • You mean to say that I can speak with them directly!? Amazing! I hope they like questions...

Calm Researcher:

  • Worries, worries... No, I believe I'm fine, thank you! I've been confiding in my colleagues, and it's helped a lot. Can't recommend it enough.

Occupied Administrator:

  • How might I help you?
  • My, what a lovely idea!
  • I too noticed people becoming...rather tense, so I rushed out to pluck some fresh and fragrant tea leaves! Now I need only track down a hundred or so cups...
  • But don't you worry─I can manage. I hope your plan to cheer everyone up goes well!

Harried Aetherologist:

  • Blasted assistants! Where have they gone off to at a time like this?
  • Beg pardon, but I have not the time for idle chitchat. I need to reconfirm that aether levels are consistent throughout the vessel's machinery, and it seems I shall have to do so single-handedly! I swear, when I find those assistants of mine...
  • ...The Loporrits are willing to help? Why didn't you say so?
  • At least they won't moan about how they “checked two dozen times already” and “haven't slept in weeks.” Lazy sods...


  • Behold, Player...
  • Through thine efforts, word hath spread throughout Labyrinthos.
  • Verily, to a far greater number than we anticipated. Livingway doth gather more Loporrits as we speak.
  • I shall assign each in accordance with their skills, that new bonds of friendship might be forged.
  • Should greater matters require not thine attentions...watch over them, I prithee.


  • Phew! Finally, some rest. Why, I haven't spoken so much in...well, in forever!


  • Lively, isn't it? The town is abuzz─everyone eager to meet with our friends from the moon.


  • 'Twould behoove you to consult with Sleepingway. As our moon's pilot, his advice should be most pertinent...


  • I'm impressed. Truth be told, I struggle to tell one from another. No offense intended, of course...


  • None taken! After you and your friends left Mare Lamentorum, we spent no small amount of time with your Urianger.
  • Oh, the conversations we had! He told us all about Etheirys─answered our every question, no matter how trifling or trivial.
  • Look! Every page, filled to the margins with knowledge!
  • When I first arrived, I was struck by how little I knew. It was daunting...but then I realized that were it not for Urianger and his teachings, we'd still be stuck on the moon. Gazing at your world and wondering what we've been missing...


  • What would they think if they could see Urianger now? I daresay they'd be more than a bit surprised...and impressed, no doubt.
  • Master Louisoix, Minfilia, Papalymo. And not to forget...


  • Ho there! Heard there was a visiting expert who we might bother with a few questions. I take it you'd be the one?


  • Y-Yes... I am...


  • Wilfsunn and Bloewyda. Sharlayan's foremost researchers in the field of teleportation magick. ...And Moenbryda's parents.


  • It hath been some time. 'Tis... 'Tis good to see you in...good health.


  • Likewise, old friend! Bloewyda and I were most honored to answer the call. Never expected this reunion, though, did we, dear?


  • I'll say! The nerve...sending that letter, then running off to the gods know where!
  • Do you have...any idea...how worried we were?


  • I...I'm sorry. 'Twas remiss of me...not to deliver the news in person.
  • No, more than that... 'Twas I who...


  • Our daughter was disillusioned after Master Louisoix left her behind. The day the Scions called upon her was the happiest I'd seen her in years.
  • She made her every choice of her own free will. No one could've ever forced her to do otherwise.
  • Don't blame yourself for her death. Celebrate her life. You know that's what she'd want.


  • If there is one thing we resent you for, it was that we could not be there to mourn her with you...
  • Reading the words you penned in that shaky hand... We must have cried as much for you as we did for her.


  • I'm sorry. I truly, truly am...
  • I knew not what to say. Knew not how to express my feelings...
  • The poems and platitudes of wiser men. Musings on sadness and loss... Studied and memorized...and meaningless in the moment.


  • Silly boy... We are all powerless before such grief. Even now, try as I might, the words escape me...
  • But in our hearts, we know. We always know.


  • I remember when you were young. How the lads teased you for choosing the company of books over others.
  • Our Moen didn't take kindly to that. “Be nice to Urianger!” she'd shout, and give them a walloping. No matter how many times we scolded her...


  • So we offered a suggestion: rather than starting fights, why don't you be the bridge between Urianger and the others? She had to mull it over for a while. Arms crossed, brow furrowed in intense thought...
  • But from that day on, she never let you be alone. She'd drag you outside to play, pepper you with endless questions, read the same books you read...all to try and understand you that much better.
  • I'm sure it was annoying and exhausting at the time...but she only ever had the best of intentions.


  • And look at you now. At the center of the crowd─the reason there even is a crowd, having brought these people together.
  • You've no idea how proud we are.


  • To see the boy our daughter trusted and believed in more than anyone...grow into the man she always knew he could be.
  • I can see her in you, too. Feel her. She walks with you, wheresoever you go. So thank you, Urianger. For being who you are.


  • I...I think...I can feel her, too...
  • The truth...of her life. Not sorrow...but hope. And love...


  • This Moenbryda...she was important to him, wasn't she?


  • ...You could ask the man himself.


  • Oh no, no. But watching this exchange reminds me how much I've yet to learn about your world...and its people.


  • You can live here your entire life and hardly learn a thing.
  • That's why...it's too soon for this to end.


  • Oh, Player... Be assured that I am fine. I am...
  • Full glad to see them, too, after so very long. Gladder still that it was in your company. As difficult as it was to accept their kindness, 'twould have been far harder had I faced them alone...