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{{#ev:youtube|XXp6ss3lKwo|350|right|Video Guide}}
The Keeper of the Lake is a level 50 [[dungeon]] released in patch 2.5. It requires a party of 4 with an average item level of 90 and higher.
The Keeper of the Lake is a level 50 [[dungeon]] released in patch 2.5. It requires a party of 4 with an average item level of 90 and higher.

Revision as of 21:54, 21 January 2015

Video Guide

The Keeper of the Lake is a level 50 dungeon released in patch 2.5. It requires a party of 4 with an average item level of 90 and higher.




The flying enemies will drop big and small canisters to the boss-area. Any partymember can hit the small canisters away from the boss and the rest of the party. The big canisters will stay still. The boss does AoE-breaths that ignite the canisters it hits and those canisters will explode after burning for a while. Small canisters do damage to nearby targets, but big canisters deal moderate damage to the whole party. Usually party can deal with 1 big canister exploding, but two can be fatal so you may want to have Einhander use his abilities to trigger the affect of each medium cannister as it spawns and allow your healer to heal through the damage (DPS might be able to destroy the big canisters before they explode, not sure). Medium cannister explosions will chain into each other, so if your room has more than one medium cannister up as one is trigger, expect a wipe.

Occassionally, Einhander will suck all of the cannisters in the room towards him, the tank should either reposition Einhander away from the cannisters or the DPS should quickly knock them away again.

The boss switches between two (?) forms and will disappear briefly while switching between each form. There is an obvious tell each time as Einhander will hold a different weapon in his talons. When holding the rod, Einhander gains a new cone attack which will knock anyone affected across the room. When holding a mini-gun, Einhander gains a new line AoE. DPS and Healers should be aware if they are in the same line of sight as a medium cannister, as this ability will trigger them to explode.

Magitek Gunship

The boss will summon adds two times. First time he summons 4 cohorts and second time he summons a big robot. All of the adds should be killed. The Gunship has a Flamethrower attack that comes out in a cone infront of him and remains active for a few seconds, so tanks should be mindful not to move back into it too early. Sometimes the boss will target a random party member and fly to the edge of the arena. After a while, he will charge towards the party member, dropping fiery circular AoE's on the ground. Party member who is targeted should stay near the edge of the arena, so that the AoE doesn't cover the middle of the fight. As the fight continues, the boss will charge two party members in a row.


The boss itself is the big dragon head that does not need to be tanked. He does a couple of different AoE attacks. He will revive one of the two dragons at the time. Party should focus on killing these dragons. These dragons also have their own AoE attacks as well as breath attacks that will cleave so DPS should be mindful not to stand in front of the dragons. After the first dragon is revived, Midgardsormr will begin using a new AoE attack that alternates between approximately half of the room closest to Midgarsormr and later the further half. Tanks should try to position the dragons on either the east or west point of the room to make dodging these attacks easier. At some point an add will spawn who carries a shield-generator, this add will look similar to the dragons which drop the cannisters in the Einhander fight. DPS should focus these instantly, since the dragon-head will charge up a insta-kill AoE if the shield-generator is not used. The Shield generator needs to be interacted with in order for the shield to become available and all members of the party must be inside the bubble to avoid being instantly killed. Repeat with the second dragon and second shield-generator. In this second phase however, Midgarsormr gains a new AoE ability which begins as a small circle which will expand outward two times, taking up a large portion of the room. Each time a dragon is killed, Midgarsormr will lose around half his his health. After both dragons are killed, quickly DPS any of his remaining health.


Einhander Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bogatyr's Gloves of Healing Bogatyrs gloves of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH Hands 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Piety +12, Accuracy +5, Determination +16
Bogatyr's Gloves of Ranging Bogatyrs gloves of ranging icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD Hands 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Determination +16, Skill Speed +16
Bogatyr's Thighboots of Casting Bogatyrs thighboots of casting icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Feet 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Accuracy +16, Spell Speed +23
Picaroon's Armguards of Scouting Picaroons armguards of scouting icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN Hands 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +16, Skill Speed +23
Picaroon's Armguards of Striking Picaroons armguards of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK Hands 63 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit Rate +23, Determination +11
Picaroon's Leggings of Maiming Picaroons leggings of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Feet 80 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit Rate +23, Determination +11
Picaroon's Leggings of Scouting Picaroons leggings of scouting icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN Feet 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +23, Skill Speed +16
Picaroon's Leggings of Striking Picaroons leggings of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK Feet 63 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +23, Skill Speed +16
Varlet's Gauntlets Varlets gauntlets icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Hands 114 114 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +16, Determination +16
Varlet's Sabatons Varlets sabatons icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Feet 114 114 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Parry +23, Determination +11

Magitek Gunship Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bogatyr's Armillae of Casting Bogatyrs armillae of casting icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Intelligence +16, Accuracy +12, Spell Speed +17
Bogatyr's Armillae of Healing Bogatyrs armillae of healing icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Mind +16, Piety +9, Accuracy +3, Critical Hit Rate +17
Bogatyr's Cap of Ranging Bogatyrs cap of ranging icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD Head 63 63 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +16, Critical Hit Rate +23
Bogatyr's Circlet of Healing Bogatyrs circlet of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH Head 46 80 0 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Piety +18, Accuracy +5, Determination +11
Bogatyr's Earrings of Casting Bogatyrs earrings of casting icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Intelligence +16, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +17
Bogatyr's Earrings of Ranging Bogatyrs earrings of ranging icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Dexterity +16, Accuracy +17, Determination +9
Bogatyr's Necklace of Casting Bogatyrs necklace of casting icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Intelligence +16, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +17
Bogatyr's Necklace of Healing Bogatyrs necklace of healing icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Mind +16, Accuracy +3, Critical Hit Rate +12, Spell Speed +17
Bogatyr's Necklace of Ranging Bogatyrs necklace of ranging icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Dexterity +16, Determination +12, Skill Speed +12
Bogatyr's Ring of Healing Bogatyrs ring of healing icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Mind +16, Accuracy +3, Critical Hit Rate +12, Determination +12
Bogatyr's Ring of Ranging Bogatyrs ring of ranging icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Dexterity +16, Critical Hit Rate +12, Determination +12
Bogatyr's Rope Belt of Casting Bogatyrs rope belt of casting icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Waist 40 69 0 Vitality +16, Intelligence +16, Accuracy +12, Determination +12
Bogatyr's Rope Belt of Healing Bogatyrs rope belt of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH Waist 40 69 0 Vitality +16, Mind +16, Accuracy +3, Determination +9, Spell Speed +17
Picaroon's Belt of Maiming Picaroons belt of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Waist 69 55 0 Strength +16, Vitality +18, Critical Hit Rate +12, Skill Speed +17
Picaroon's Belt of Scouting Picaroons belt of scouting icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN Waist 55 55 0 Dexterity +16, Vitality +18, Accuracy +17, Skill Speed +12
Picaroon's Earrings of Slaying Picaroons earrings of slaying icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Strength +16, Accuracy +12, Skill Speed +17
Picaroon's Eyepatch of Striking Picaroons eyepatch of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK Head 63 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +16, Skill Speed +23
Picaroon's Headgear of Maiming Picaroons headgear of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Head 80 63 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +16, Determination +16
Picaroon's Necklace of Slaying Picaroons necklace of slaying icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Strength +16, Accuracy +17, Skill Speed +12
Varlet's Armillae Varlets armillae icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Vitality +18, Parry +12, Determination +12
Varlet's Ring Varlets ring icon1.png 50 100 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Vitality +18, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +17
Varlet's Sallet Varlets sallet icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Head 114 114 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Parry +16, Critical Hit Rate +23

Midgardsormr Loot

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Bogatyr's Longcoat of Casting Bogatyrs longcoat of casting icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Body 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Intelligence +34, Accuracy +38, Determination +19
Bogatyr's Longcoat of Ranging Bogatyrs longcoat of ranging icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD Body 88 88 0 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +26, Skill Speed +38
Bogatyr's Slops of Healing Bogatyrs slops of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH Legs 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Mind +34, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +26, Determination +27
Bogatyr's Slops of Ranging Bogatyrs slops of ranging icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD Legs 88 88 0 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +26, Skill Speed +38
Picaroon's Jacket of Maiming Picaroons jacket of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Body 112 88 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Skill Speed +26
Picaroon's Trousers of Scouting Picaroons trousers of scouting icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN Legs 88 88 0 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Determination +19
Picaroon's Trousers of Striking Picaroons trousers of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK Legs 88 88 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +26, Determination +27
Varlet's Breeches Varlets breeches icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Legs 160 160 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Determination +19
Varlet's Hauberk Varlets hauberk icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Body 160 160 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Parry +26, Determination +27

Crafting Material Loot

These Items are dropped from all bosses.


The keeper of the lake1.jpg The keeper of the lake2.jpg The keeper of the lake3.jpg


Fifteen years ago, in the skies above Silvertear Falls, the invading forces of the XIVth Legion were set upon by a host of dragons. Leading the charge was Midgardsormr, legendary king of kings, who engaged the Garlean flagship, the Agrius, in battle. In the end, both Midgardsormr and his foe fell to the earth, and their tangled remnants stand as a memorial to that day─a ruined airship, and the charred corpse of the wyrm lord who brought it low, forever devoid of life...
