Difference between revisions of "Maelstrom Quests"

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(Redirected page to The Maelstrom#Quests)
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#REDIRECT [[The Maelstrom#Quests]]
! Quest
! Level
! Zone
! Coordinates
! Gil
! Seals
! Reward
! Optional Reward
|[[A Pup No Longer (Maelstrom)]]||30||[[R%27ashaht Rhiki]]||[[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]]||(x13,y12)||5557||0||863||align = "left" | ||align = "left" |
|[[Shadows Uncast (Maelstrom)]]||44||[[R%27ashaht Rhiki]]||[[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]]||(x13,y12)||12190||0||1265||align = "left" | ||align = "left" |
|[[Gilding the Bilious (Maelstrom)]]||47||[[R%27ashaht Rhiki]]||[[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]]||(x13,y12)||0||0||1366||align = "left" | ||align = "left" |
|[[Like Civilized Men and Women (Maelstrom)]]||50||[[Trachraet]]||[[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]]||(x12,y12)||0||0||||align = "left" | ||align = "left" | [[file:slow ward potion icon1.png|link=Slow Ward Potion]], [[file:silence ward potion icon1.png|link=Silence Ward Potion]], [[file:bind ward potion icon1.png|link=Bind Ward Potion]], [[file:poison ward potion icon1.png|link=Poison Ward Potion]]
|[[Let the Hunt Begin (Maelstrom)]]||50||[[Trachraet]]||[[Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks]]||(x12,y12)||0||433||||align = "left" | ||align = "left" |

Latest revision as of 12:52, 30 January 2015