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Revision as of 06:52, 10 December 2022

Item Icon Level Item Level Damage Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Martial Grimoire Martial grimoire icon1.png 51 120 64 3.12 66.56 0 Vitality +45, Intelligence +48, Critical Hit +33, Spell Speed +47
Wyvernskin Grimoire Wyvernskin grimoire icon1.png 52 125 58 3.12 60.32 2 Vitality +44, Intelligence +46, Critical Hit +44, Determination +31
The Red Pullet The red pullet icon1.png 53 130 65 2.96 64.13 0 Vitality +52, Intelligence +54, Determination +51, Spell Speed +36
Dhalmelskin Grimoire Dhalmelskin grimoire icon1.png 54 133 58 2.80 54.13 2 Vitality +47, Intelligence +50, Critical Hit +47, Spell Speed +32
Morkinskinna Morkinskinna icon1.png 55 136 66 2.96 65.12 0 Vitality +53, Intelligence +56, Determination +55, Spell Speed +39
Dragonskin Grimoire Dragonskin grimoire icon1.png 56 139 59 3.20 62.93 2 Vitality +48, Intelligence +50, Critical Hit +52, Determination +37
Halonic Exorcist's Grimoire Halonic exorcists grimoire icon1.png 57 142 66 3.12 68.64 0 Vitality +54, Intelligence +57, Critical Hit +43, Spell Speed +62
Book of Aurum Regis Book of aurum regis icon1.png 58 145 60 3.20 64.00 2 Vitality +49, Intelligence +52, Determination +60, Spell Speed +42
Nymian Royal Marine Grimoire Nymian royal marine grimoire icon1.png 59 148 67 2.96 66.10 0 Vitality +54, Intelligence +59, Critical Hit +50, Determination +71
Almandal Awoken Replica Almandal awoken replica icon1.png 60 1 9 3.12 9.36 0
Book of the Mad Queen Replica Book of the mad queen replica icon1.png 60 1 9 3.12 9.36 0
Hyperconductive Draconomicon Replica Hyperconductive draconomicon replica icon1.png 60 1 9 3.12 9.36 0
Mimesis Lux Replica Mimesis lux replica icon1.png 60 1 9 3.12 9.36 0
Mimesis Replica Mimesis replica icon1.png 60 1 9 3.12 9.36 0
Replica Draconomicon Replica draconomicon icon1.png 60 1 9 3.12 9.36 0
Sharpened Book of the Mad Queen Replica Sharpened book of the mad queen replica icon1.png 60 1 9 3.12 9.36 0
Noble Gold Noble gold icon1.png 60 150 60 3.12 62.40 2 Vitality +49, Intelligence +54, Critical Hit +67, Spell Speed +47
Baldur Grimoire Baldur grimoire icon1.png 60 160 68 2.96 67.09 0 Vitality +56, Intelligence +63, Critical Hit +53, Determination +76
Animated Almandal Animated almandal icon1.png 60 170 69 3.12 71.76 0 Vitality +58, Intelligence +66, Determination +54, Spell Speed +77
Gogyo Sokoku Gogyo sokoku icon1.png 60 170 69 2.96 68.08 0 Vitality +58, Intelligence +66, Critical Hit +54, Spell Speed +77
Expanse Grimoire Expanse grimoire icon1.png 60 175 70 3.12 72.80 0 Vitality +59, Intelligence +67, Determination +79, Spell Speed +55
Dead Hive Grimoire Dead hive grimoire icon1.png 60 180 63 3.12 65.52 2 Vitality +54, Intelligence +63, Critical Hit +71, Determination +49
Endless Expanse Grimoire Endless expanse grimoire icon1.png 60 180 63 3.12 65.52 2 Vitality +54, Intelligence +63, Determination +71, Spell Speed +49
Gogyo Sokoku Kai Gogyo sokoku kai icon1.png 60 180 70 2.96 69.06 0 Vitality +60, Intelligence +70, Critical Hit +55, Spell Speed +79
Grimoire of the Black Griffin Grimoire of the black griffin icon1.png 60 180 70 2.96 69.06 2 Vitality +60, Intelligence +70, Determination +79, Spell Speed +55
Grimoire of the Round Grimoire of the round icon1.png 60 180 63 3.12 65.52 2 Vitality +54, Intelligence +63, Critical Hit +71, Determination +49
Seeing Horde Grimoire Seeing horde grimoire icon1.png 60 180 63 3.12 65.52 2 Vitality +54, Intelligence +63, Critical Hit +49, Determination +71
Word of the Demon Word of the demon icon1.png 60 180 63 3.12 65.52 2 Vitality +54, Intelligence +63, Determination +71, Spell Speed +49
Word of the Fiend Word of the fiend icon1.png 60 180 63 3.12 65.52 2 Vitality +54, Intelligence +63, Critical Hit +71, Determination +49
Word of the Goddess Word of the goddess icon1.png 60 180 63 3.12 65.52 2 Vitality +54, Intelligence +63, Critical Hit +71, Determination +49
Hive Grimoire Hive grimoire icon1.png 60 190 71 3.12 73.84 0 Vitality +63, Intelligence +73, Critical Hit +81, Determination +57
Almandal Awoken Almandal awoken icon1.png 60 200 72 3.12 74.88 0 Vitality +67, Intelligence +75, Determination +57, Spell Speed +82
Antiquated Almandal Antiquated almandal icon1.png 60 200 72 3.12 74.88 0 Vitality +67, Intelligence +75, Critical Hit +82, Spell Speed +57
Grimoire of the Heavens Grimoire of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 73 3.12 75.92 0 Vitality +68, Intelligence +77, Critical Hit +83, Determination +58
Index of Thaliak Index of thaliak icon1.png 60 205 73 3.12 75.92 2 Vitality +68, Intelligence +77, Critical Hit +58, Spell Speed +83
Almandal Almandal icon1.png 60 210 73 3.12 75.92 0 Vitality +69, Intelligence +78, Critical Hit +84, Spell Speed +59
Draconomicon Draconomicon.png 60 210 73 3.12 75.92 0 Vitality +69, Intelligence +78, Determination +59, Spell Speed +84
Gordian Grimoire Gordian grimoire icon1.png 60 210 73 3.12 75.92 0 Vitality +69, Intelligence +78, Critical Hit +59, Determination +84
Word of the Sephirot Word of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 74 3.12 76.96 2 Vitality +74, Intelligence +81, Critical Hit +87, Determination +61
Hailstorm Grimoire Hailstorm grimoire icon1.png 60 230 75 3.12 78.00 2 Vitality +77, Intelligence +85, Critical Hit +88, Spell Speed +62
Hyperconductive Draconomicon Hyperconductive Draconomicon.png 60 230 75 3.12 78.00 0 Vitality +77, Intelligence +85, Determination +88, Spell Speed +88
Horde Grimoire Horde grimoire icon1.png 60 235 76 3.12 79.04 2 Vitality +79, Intelligence +87, Critical Hit +62, Determination +88
Mado Chronicle Mado chronicle icon1.png 60 235 76 3.12 79.04 2 Vitality +79, Intelligence +87, Critical Hit +62, Spell Speed +88
Padjali Grimoire Padjali grimoire icon1.png 60 235 76 3.12 79.04 2 Vitality +79, Intelligence +87, Determination +88, Spell Speed +62
Augmented Hailstorm Grimoire Augmented hailstorm grimoire icon1.png 60 240 76 3.12 79.04 2 Vitality +81, Intelligence +88, Critical Hit +90, Spell Speed +63
Book of the Mad Queen Book of the Mad Queen.png 60 240 76 3.12 79.04 0 Vitality +81, Intelligence +88
Midan Metal Grimoire Midan metal grimoire icon1.png 60 245 77 3.12 80.08 2 Vitality +83, Intelligence +90, Critical Hit +64, Determination +91
Hemiskin Grimoire Hemiskin grimoire icon1.png 60 250 69 3.12 71.76 2 Vitality +77, Intelligence +82, Critical Hit +58, Spell Speed +83
Kinna Grimoire Kinna grimoire icon1.png 60 255 78 3.12 81.12 2 Vitality +86, Intelligence +93, Determination +93, Spell Speed +65
Koppranickel Index Koppranickel index icon1.png 60 255 70 3.12 72.80 2 Vitality +77, Intelligence +84, Critical Hit +84, Spell Speed +59
Sophic Word Sophic word icon1.png 60 255 78 3.12 81.12 2 Vitality +86, Intelligence +93, Critical Hit +93, Determination +65
Sharpened Book of the Mad Queen Sharpened Book of the Mad Queen.png 60 260 78 3.12 81.12 0 Vitality +88, Intelligence +95
Shire Grimoire Shire grimoire icon1.png 60 260 78 3.12 81.12 2 Vitality +88, Intelligence +95, Critical Hit +94, Spell Speed +66
Zurvanite Word Zurvanite word icon1.png 60 265 79 3.12 82.16 2 Vitality +91, Intelligence +96, Determination +95, Spell Speed +67
Augmented Shire Grimoire Augmented shire grimoire icon1.png 60 270 79 3.12 82.16 2 Vitality +93, Intelligence +98, Critical Hit +96, Spell Speed +67
Mimesis Mimesis.png 60 270 79 3.12 82.16 0 Vitality +93, Intelligence +98
Alexandrian Metal Grimoire Alexandrian metal grimoire icon1.png 60 275 80 3.12 83.20 2 Vitality +94, Intelligence +100, Determination +70, Spell Speed +100
Mimesis Lux Mimesis Lux.png 60 275 80 3.12 83.20 0 Vitality +94, Intelligence +100
Coven Grimoire Coven grimoire icon1.png 60 280 80 2.96 78.93 0 Vitality +95, Intelligence +102