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Introduces tether mechanic. Thunderstorm frequency increases. At 29%, untargetable adds spawn that just deal a little extra damage.
Introduces tether mechanic. Thunderstorm frequency increases. At 29%, untargetable adds spawn that just deal a little extra damage.
*[[Ramuh Card]]
*[[Markab Whistle]]
*[[Markab Whistle]]

Revision as of 19:30, 25 February 2015

See also: The Striking Tree (Hard)
Ramuh Extreme Guide

The Striking Tree (Extreme) is a level 50 trial that requires a Full Party of 8 players. In the trial, players face the fearsome Lord of Levin, Ramuh. Players need to have item level 85 or higher to participate in this battle.




Chaotic Strike - Fears 2 players that are not top enmity after a short cast time. They will walk slowly toward Ramuh then get killed by the melee AoE Thunderspark by Ramuh if Chaos/Seduced is not broken by Thunderstorm. Player with the Thunderstorm needs to move to the feared players. This is a team coordination mechanic, think T8 ballistic missile.

Grey Arbiter - Adds that spawn at 65%, just kill them all so the party does not wipe to Judgement Bolt. Because they fire lightning beams at random targets, these adds do not need to be tanked. They also have an ability that fires at Ramuh and lowers the time left until Judgement bolt, so kill them sequentially. Melee should begin from behind the boss and ranged from in front of the boss, and move clockwise.

Judgement Bolt - Negligible damage if all Grey Arbiter adds were killed, otherwise dealing 30k damage and instantly kills the player.

Orbs - Eat 3 to give a shield for a minute that prevents you from dying to Shock Strike, otherwise it does around 17k damage and goes through Hallowed. Building shield also removes tether. The more orbs are out, the more damage Thunderstorm deals. Managing shield duration is the tank swap mechanic. Eating more than 3 will give an 'overcharged' shield that reduces healing per stack but still blocks Shock Strike. It caps at 3 stacks.

Rolling Thunder - After the add phase, two random people can get chained by a lightning. These two players need to stop all actions and one, and only one, of the chained players need to quickly gather 3 orbs to break the chain. If the off-tank gets the chain, he picks up the orbs and provokes Ramuh afterwards.

Shock Strike - AoE attack on tanks. Tanks need to gather three to get a debuff (Surge Protection) that makes them able to survive Shock Strike. The current off-tank picks up 3 orbs from every second Thunderstorm and Provokes Ramuh. Tanks keep swapping like this until the end. Tanks can get more than three stacks of orbs but any extra after third reduces healing received (Static Condensation).

Thunderstorm - tHappens all throughout the fight. AoE circles at random spots and three following random players. Some of them leave orbs behind that empower Ramuh but can be picked up. The orbs and Thunderstorm circles leave a stacking debuff (Electroconductivity) on anyone hit, which will be the main mechanic of the fight. The water in the arena will also electrify after Thunderstorm, dealing more damage if stood in.

Thunderspark - melee AoE, moderate damage, but kills Chaotic Strike targets.


Phase 1: 100% - 64%

Thunderstorm and Chaos Strike

At 64%, adds spawn. Ramuh will need to be rotated to face away from the group as adds are killed. Thunderstorm and Chaos Strike persist.

Phase 2: 64% - 0%

Introduces tether mechanic. Thunderstorm frequency increases. At 29%, untargetable adds spawn that just deal a little extra damage.



Item Icon Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack DPS Stats and Attributes
Adjudicator's Gavel Adjudicators gavel icon1.png 100 CNJ WHM
Level 50
72 (Magical) 3.36 54.88 16.33 Vitality +38, Mind +37, Accuracy +8, Lightning Resistance +19, Determination +20
Adjudicator's Staff Adjudicators staff icon1.png 100 THM BLM
Level 50
72 (Magical) 3.20 52.26 16.33 Vitality +38, Intelligence +37, Accuracy +28, Lightning Resistance +19, Determination +29
Ona Ramuhda Ona ramuhda icon1.png 100 ACN SMN
Level 50
72 (Magical) 2.96 48.34 16.33 Vitality +38, Intelligence +37, Accuracy +40, Lightning Resistance +19, Spell Speed +28
The Law of Levin The law of levin icon1.png 100 SCH
Level 50
72 (Magical) 2.96 48.34 16.33 Vitality +38, Mind +37, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +40, Lightning Resistance +19
Thunderbolt Thunderbolt icon1.png 100 LNC DRG
Level 50
49 (Physical) 2.80 45.73 16.33 Strength +37, Vitality +42, Accuracy +40, Lightning Resistance +19, Skill Speed +28
Thundercrack Thundercrack icon1.png 100 PGL MNK
Level 50
49 (Physical) 2.56 41.81 16.33 Strength +37, Vitality +42, Lightning Resistance +19, Determination +29, Skill Speed +28
Thunderdart Thunderdart icon1.png 100 ARC BRD
Level 50
44 (Physical) 2.80 41.06 16.33 Dexterity +37, Vitality +42, Critical Hit Rate +40, Lightning Resistance +19, Determination +20
Thunderstorm Thunderstorm icon1.png 100 MRD WAR
Level 50
49 (Physical) 3.28 53.57 16.33 Strength +37, Vitality +42, Parry +40, Lightning Resistance +19, Determination +20
Thunderstrike Thunderstrike icon1.png 100 GLA PLD
Level 50
49 (Physical) 1.92 31.36 16.33 Strength +26, Vitality +30, Parry +20, Lightning Resistance +14, Determination +21


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Stats and Attributes
Thunderhead Thunderhead icon1.png 100 GLA, PLD
Level 50
193 193 Strength +11 Vitality +12 Lightning Resistance +5 Determination +6 Skill Speed +12


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Judgment Ring of Aiming Judgment ring of aiming icon1.png 100 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Dexterity +16 Critical Hit Rate +17 Skill Speed +12
Judgment Ring of Casting Judgment ring of casting icon1.png 100 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Intelligence +16 Critical Hit Rate +17 Determination +9
Judgment Ring of Fending Judgment ring of fending icon1.png 100 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Vitality +18 Accuracy +12 Critical Hit Rate +17
Judgment Ring of Healing Judgment ring of healing icon1.png 100 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Mind +16 Accuracy +3 Critical Hit Rate +12 Determination +12
Judgment Ring of Slaying Judgment ring of slaying icon1.png 100 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Strength +16 Critical Hit Rate +17 Determination +9


Ramuh2.jpg Ramuh3.jpg


Satisfied that the Warriors of Light have passed his trial, the primal Ramuh departs Eorzea for the aetherial sea. His sylphic thralls, however, unconvinced that their territory is truly safe, have focused their deep-rooted fear and spite into summoning their god anew. Can you rise to the challenge and prove your might once again? Crackling with the vengeful energies of his children's prayers, the Lord of Levin's judgment promises to be harsh indeed...
