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====Treasure Coffer 4====
====Treasure Coffer 4====
Coordinates: (x12,y5)
Coordinates: (x12,y5)
*Armor is the same as [[#Opinicus Loot|Opinicus Loot]]
*Accessories are the same as [[#Towering Oliphant Loot|Towering Oliphant]]
*[[Grade 1 Clear Prism]]
*[[Grade 2 Clear Prism]]
*[[Grade 3 Clear Prism]]
*[[Grade 4 Clear Prism]]
*[[Grade 5 Clear Prism]]
*[[Snow White Dye]]
*[[Goobbue Grey Dye]]
*[[Slate Grey Dye]]
*[[Charcoal Grey Dye]]

====Treasure Coffer 5====
====Treasure Coffer 5====

Revision as of 19:08, 29 July 2015

Template:Dungeon Infobox "In the days following the Calamity, western Coerthas was abandoned by the knights of Ishgard, save for the Dusk Vigil, whose defenders refused to withdraw. Since then, the fortress has only fallen further into disrepair, and her garrison has long since been presumed dead. Unlike most Ishgardians, who would sooner put the tragic episode behind them, Father Wealdtheow would have you enter the forsaken fortress and reclaim a priceless treasure: an ice rondel set in the crown of a sculpture within the vigil's chapel. A simple request, perhaps, but if experience has taught you anything, such tasks are anything but..." — Game Description


Level 51+ players need to start the level 51 Sidequest For All the Nights to Come. Players can start the quest by talking to Wealdtheow in Coerthas Western Highlands (x16, y22). To unlock the quest, players need to complete the level 51 Main Scenario Quest Sounding Out the Amphitheatre.


  1. Clear the outer training grounds
  2. Topple the towering oliphaunt
  3. Clear the barracks
  4. Slay Ser Yuhelmeric
  5. Clear the keep
  6. Defeat Opinicus


Dusk Vigil Guide
Towering Oliphaunt
  • Casts Rear, an AoE around himself
  • Roomwide Prehistoric Trumpet attack
  • Will occasionally target a player and use Rock of Ages (stun), Wooly Inspiration (conal pull attack), and/or Rout (charge)
Ser Yuhelmeric
  • Summons adds. Melee adds do some AoE attacks, caster adds cast a buff around themselves. Move the boss away from the caster adds as they spawn to avoid stacking the buff.
  • Uses Death Spiral, an AoE which hits everything not in/near melee range of him. Be aware of this when dealing with adds.
  • The boss starts with several crumbled piles of masonry scattered around the room, similar to Garuda.
  • Alpine Draft line attack, easy to avoid.
  • Freefall - Opinicus turns to face one player and jumps on them. This will destroy any piles of rubble the player is standing near.
  • Whirling Gaol room wide - the outer sides of the room will start pushing you in towards the center, where you will be stunned and then hit for some damage. Hiding behind some of the crumbled masonry in the room will prevent you from being pushed into the center.
  • Winds of Winter - AE attack for moderate damage and stacks wind vulnerability on anyone struck. Avoid by standing so there is a pile of rubble between you and the boss. This attack will destroy all piles of rubble and new ones will fall from the ceiling.


Towering Oliphant Loot


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ishgardian Banneret's Sabatons Ishgardian bannerets sabatons icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG Feet 84 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Determination +19, Skill Speed +19
Ishgardian Banneret's Tassets Ishgardian bannerets tassets icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG Waist 72 58 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +20, Skill Speed +14
Ishgardian Bowman's Boots Ishgardian bowmans boots icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +27, Skill Speed +19
Ishgardian Bowman's Ringbelt Ishgardian bowmans ringbelt icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 58 58 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +20, Determination +10
Ishgardian Chaplain's Corset Ishgardian chaplains corset icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 43 72 0 Vitality +22, Mind +21, Piety +15, Determination +10
Ishgardian Chaplain's Thighboots Ishgardian chaplains thighboots icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Mind +27, Determination +19, Spell Speed +19
Ishgardian Historian's Corset Ishgardian historians corset icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Waist 43 72 0 Vitality +22, Intelligence +21, Critical Hit Rate +14, Spell Speed +20
Ishgardian Historian's Thighboots Ishgardian historians thighboots icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Feet 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +27, Accuracy +27, Determination +13
Ishgardian Knight's Sabatons Ishgardian knights sabatons icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 118 118 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +27, Critical Hit Rate +19
Ishgardian Knight's Tassets Ishgardian knights tassets icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 102 102 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Accuracy +14, Determination +14
Ishgardian Monastic's Boots Ishgardian monastics boots icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK Feet 66 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +19, Determination +19
Ishgardian Monastic's Ringbelt Ishgardian monastics ringbelt icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK Waist 58 58 0 Strength +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit Rate +20, Skill Speed +14
Ishgardian Outrider's Boots Ishgardian outriders boots icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN Feet 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +19, Skill Speed +27
Ishgardian Outrider's Ringelt Ishgardian outriders ringelt icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN Waist 58 58 0 Dexterity +21, Vitality +24, Critical Hit Rate +20, Determination +10


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ishgardian Chaplain's Bracelets Ishgardian chaplains bracelets icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Mind +21, Piety +15, Spell Speed +14
Ishgardian Chaplain's Ring Ishgardian chaplains ring icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Mind +21, Piety +11, Spell Speed +20
Ishgardian Historian's Bracelets Ishgardian historians bracelets icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Intelligence +21, Accuracy +20, Determination +10
Ishgardian Historian's Ring Ishgardian historians ring icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Intelligence +21, Critical Hit Rate +20, Determination +10
Ishgardian Knight's Bracelets Ishgardian knights bracelets icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Vitality +24, Parry +20, Determination +10
Ishgardian Knight's Ring Ishgardian knights ring icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Vitality +24, Accuracy +14, Critical Hit Rate +20
Ishgardian Monastic's Bracelets Ishgardian monastics bracelets icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Strength +21, Accuracy +20, Skill Speed +14
Ishgardian Monastic's Ring Ishgardian monastics ring icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Strength +21, Critical Hit Rate +14, Determination +14
Ishgardian Outrider's Bracelets Ishgardian outriders bracelets icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Dexterity +21, Determination +14, Skill Speed +14
Ishgardian Outrider's Ring Ishgardian outriders ring icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Dexterity +21, Determination +10, Skill Speed +20

Ser Yuhelmeric Loot


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ishgardian Banneret's Gauntlets Ishgardian bannerets gauntlets icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG Hands 84 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +19, Skill Speed +27
Ishgardian Banneret's Helm Ishgardian bannerets helm icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG Head 84 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +27, Skill Speed +19
Ishgardian Bowman's Armguards Ishgardian bowmans armguards icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +19, Critical Hit Rate +27
Ishgardian Bowman's Cap Ishgardian bowmans cap icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Head 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit Rate +19, Skill Speed +27
Ishgardian Chaplain's Gloves Ishgardian chaplains gloves icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Mind +27, Piety +21, Spell Speed +19
Ishgardian Chaplain's Klobuk Ishgardian chaplains klobuk icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Mind +27, Piety +14, Spell Speed +27
Ishgardian Historian's Gloves Ishgardian historians gloves icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Hands 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +27, Critical Hit Rate +19, Spell Speed +27
Ishgardian Historian's Hat Ishgardian historians hat icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Head 50 84 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +27, Accuracy +19, Determination +19
Ishgardian Knight's Gauntlets Ishgardian knights gauntlets icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 118 118 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +27, Determination +13
Ishgardian Knight's Helm Ishgardian knights helm icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Head 118 118 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit Rate +19, Determination +19
Ishgardian Monastic's Armguards Ishgardian monastics armguards icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK Hands 66 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +27, Critical Hit Rate +19
Ishgardian Monastic's Cap Ishgardian monastics cap icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK Head 66 66 0 Strength +27, Vitality +32, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13
Ishgardian Outrider's Armguards Ishgardian outriders armguards icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN Hands 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +27, Critical Hit Rate +19
Ishgardian Outrider's Cap Ishgardian outriders cap icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN Head 66 66 0 Dexterity +27, Vitality +32, Accuracy +19, Determination +19


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ishgardian Chaplain's Choker Ishgardian chaplains choker icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Mind +21, Determination +10, Spell Speed +20
Ishgardian Chaplain's Earrings Ishgardian chaplains earrings icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Mind +21, Piety +15, Critical Hit Rate +14
Ishgardian Historian's Choker Ishgardian historians choker icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Intelligence +21, Critical Hit Rate +20, Spell Speed +14
Ishgardian Historian's Earrings Ishgardian historians earrings icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Intelligence +21, Determination +14, Spell Speed +14
Ishgardian Knight's Choker Ishgardian knights choker icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Vitality +24, Parry +14, Accuracy +20
Ishgardian Knight's Earrings Ishgardian knights earrings icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Vitality +24, Critical Hit Rate +14, Skill Speed +20
Ishgardian Monastic's Choker Ishgardian monastics choker icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Strength +21, Accuracy +14, Critical Hit Rate +20
Ishgardian Monastic's Earrings Ishgardian monastics earrings icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Strength +21, Determination +10, Skill Speed +20
Ishgardian Outrider's Choker Ishgardian outriders choker icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Dexterity +21, Accuracy +20, Critical Hit Rate +14
Ishgardian Outrider's Earrings Ishgardian outriders earrings icon1.png 51 120 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Dexterity +21, Accuracy +20, Determination +10

Opinicus Loot


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Martial Axe Martial axe icon1.png 51 120 MRD WAR 54 (Physical) 3.36 60.48 0 Strength +48, Vitality +56, Parry +33, Determination +34
Martial Bow Martial bow icon1.png 51 120 ARC BRD 49 (Physical) 2.80 45.73 0 Dexterity +48, Vitality +56, Critical Hit Rate +47, Skill Speed +33
Martial Codex Martial codex icon1.png 51 120 SCH 78 (Magical) 3.12 56.16 0 Vitality +50, Mind +48, Critical Hit Rate +33, Determination +34
Martial Crook Martial crook icon1.png 51 120 CNJ WHM 78 (Magical) 3.20 57.60 0 Vitality +50, Mind +48, Critical Hit Rate +47, Determination +24
Martial Greatsword Martial greatsword icon1.png 51 120 DRK 54 (Physical) 2.96 53.28 0 Strength +48, Vitality +56, Critical Hit Rate +33, Determination +34
Martial Grimoire Martial grimoire icon1.png 51 120 ACN SMN 78 (Magical) 3.12 56.16 0 Vitality +50, Intelligence +48, Critical Hit Rate +33, Spell Speed +47
Martial Halberd Martial halberd icon1.png 51 120 LNC DRG 54 (Physical) 2.88 51.84 0 Strength +48, Vitality +56, Critical Hit Rate +47, Skill Speed +33
Martial Main Gauches Martial main gauches icon1.png 51 120 ROG NIN 54 (Physical) 2.56 46.08 0 Dexterity +48, Vitality +56, Determination +24, Skill Speed +47
Martial Musketoon Martial musketoon icon1.png 51 120 MCH 49 (Physical) 2.64 43.12 0 Dexterity +48, Vitality +56, Determination +24, Skill Speed +47
Martial Patas Martial patas icon1.png 51 120 PGL MNK 54 (Physical) 2.64 47.52 0 Strength +48, Vitality +56, Critical Hit Rate +33, Determination +34
Martial Planisphere Martial planisphere icon1.png 51 120 AST 78 (Magical) 3.20 57.60 0 Vitality +50, Mind +48, Critical Hit Rate +33, Determination +34
Martial Rod Martial rod icon1.png 51 120 THM BLM 78 (Magical) 3.20 57.60 0 Vitality +50, Intelligence +48, Determination +34, Spell Speed +33
Martial Sword Martial sword icon1.png 51 120 GLA PLD 54 (Physical) 2.24 40.32 0 Strength +34, Vitality +40, Parry +24, Skill Speed +34


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ishgardian Banneret's Armor Ishgardian bannerets armor icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG Body 117 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Critical Hit Rate +44, Determination +22
Ishgardian Banneret's Trousers Ishgardian bannerets trousers icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG Legs 117 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Determination +22
Ishgardian Bowman's Cyclas Ishgardian bowmans cyclas icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Body 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Determination +22
Ishgardian Bowman's Hose Ishgardian bowmans hose icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Critical Hit Rate +31, Determination +31
Ishgardian Chaplain's Alb Ishgardian chaplains alb icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Mind +45, Piety +34, Critical Hit Rate +31
Ishgardian Chaplain's Breeches Ishgardian chaplains breeches icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Mind +45, Piety +34, Determination +22
Ishgardian Historian's Breeches Ishgardian historians breeches icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Intelligence +45, Accuracy +31, Critical Hit Rate +44
Ishgardian Historian's Robe Ishgardian historians robe icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Body 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Intelligence +45, Accuracy +44, Spell Speed +31
Ishgardian Knight's Armor Ishgardian knights armor icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Body 165 165 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Skill Speed +31
Ishgardian Knight's Trousers Ishgardian knights trousers icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 165 165 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Parry +44, Critical Hit Rate +31
Ishgardian Monastic's Cyclas Ishgardian monastics cyclas icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK Body 93 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +31, Skill Speed +44
Ishgardian Monastic's Hose Ishgardian monastics hose icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK Legs 93 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +31, Skill Speed +44
Ishgardian Outrider's Cyclas Ishgardian outriders cyclas icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN Body 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Critical Hit Rate +44, Skill Speed +31
Ishgardian Outrider's Hose Ishgardian outriders hose icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Determination +22
Martial Shield Martial shield icon1.png 51 120 GLA, PLD Shield 217 217 0 Strength +14, Vitality +16, Parry +14, Determination +7

Additional Treasure Coffers

Treasure Coffer 1

Coordinates: (x10,y13)

Treasure Coffer 2

Coordinates: (x13,y11)

Treasure Coffer 3

Coordinates: (x15,y10)

Treasure Coffer 4

Coordinates: (x12,y5)

Treasure Coffer 5

Coordinates: (x10,y5)


The dusk vigil1.jpg The dusk vigil2.jpg The dusk vigil3.jpg
