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This fight is a healer check. It can be quite difficult unless everyone knows what they need to do. The primary mechanic that seems to give the most trouble is "Siren's Song". Two of Siren's moves put a debuff on a target for 12 seconds requiring them to be healed to full health or the they become charmed for several seconds. Charmed targets only seem to do basic attacks so they're not devastating, but it knocks a person out of the fight and makes subsequent party members harder to top off with an extra source of damage.
This fight is a healer check. It can be quite difficult unless everyone knows what they need to do. The primary mechanic that seems to give the most trouble is "Siren's Song". Two of Siren's moves put a debuff on a target for 12 seconds requiring them to be healed to full health or they become charmed for several seconds when it expires. Charmed targets only seem to do basic attacks so they're not devastating, but it knocks a person out of the fight and makes subsequent party members harder to top off with an extra source of damage.

Siren will target one party member (besides the tank) and put Siren's Song on them. Heal this target to full HP to remove the debuff before the target is charmed.
Siren will target one party member (besides the tank) and put Siren's Song on them. Heal this target to full HP to remove the debuff before the target is charmed.
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*Everyone should stack in the center when she jumps and appears there
*Everyone should stack in the center when she jumps and appears there
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Revision as of 09:48, 7 September 2015

Template:Dungeon Infobox "The once-proud Pharos Sirius is twice dishonored--once by the Calamity, and now by the deadly siren of Umbra, who plots to hold the lighthouse as a personal stronghold with the aid of her minions. Silence her lunatic song, dispatch the usual suspects--ashkin and winged monstrosities--and reclaim the light of the civilized world." — Game Description


Level 50 players need to talk to Diamanda in Aleport, Western La Noscea (x26,y26), to start the quest Side Quest Sirius Business to unlock the dungeon.
The quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest Main Quest The Ultimate Weapon.


  1. Clear the Aether Pump 0/1
  2. Clear the Second Spire 0/1
  3. Clear the Fuel Chamber 0/1
  4. Clear the Aether Compressor 0/1
  5. Defeat the Siren 0/1


Pharos Sirius Guide

Symond the Unsinkable

This is the most difficult fight in the dungeon. If you can get past this fight, you can do the rest.

The main mechanic for this fight is debuff stacks. Most attacks in this fight will give you stacks of Corrupted Crystal. If you reach three stacks, the crystal stacks explode, dealing extremely heavy damage to you and everyone around you. If you notice you have two stacks, start preparing to run away from the party. If you get three stacks, you only have a second or two to run away before they explode.

When you are hit with the crystal stack explosion, you also receive a Determination debuff that can't be cleared by the healer.

About half way through the fight, Symond will start doing a large AoE attack called Giga Slash. This has a knockback effect and can knock you into the crystal AoE, giving you more stacks of Corrupted Crystal. The attack itself doesn't hurt very much, so if you can't get away from it, try to position yourself so the knockback doesn't knock you into the big crystal AoE in the middle of the room. Standing between Symond and the edge of the room is usually safe, since you'll just be knocked into the wall.

  • He has a straight line AoE that does moderate damage and puts a crystal debuff on the target. Its not able to be silenced but its fairly easy to dodge.
  • He summons adds that also do a circular AoE that does low damage but also gives a stack of the crystal debuff. The number one priority for DPS is killing the adds, otherwise they continue placing the crystal debuff on the tank and healer. The healer will quickly be killed by the resulting crystal explosion. The attack is very fast and I couldn't find a way to stop it except maybe stun locking. Best to stay spread out when fighting them so only one person is getting the debuff.
  • Healers should avoid generating too much aggro during this fight. White Mages in particular should not use Medica II, otherwise DPS won't be able to keep aggro on the adds.
  • Tanks can grab aggro on the adds if they happen to be nearby, but don't go out of the way. The adds don't hurt much except for the Corrupted Crystal stacks.
  • He puts two large circles on the ground that do persistent damage that grow eventually dividing the room in half. Its easy for the party to get separated so the healer and tank especially want to make sure to be on the same half of the room before the circles grow. Do not run across the AoE; it gives you crystal debuff stacks. If you are separated from the tank and you can't reach the boss, just chill until the AoE goes away.
  • Crystal debuff explodes when you get three stacks of it. Deals Severe damage and puts a Vulnerability debuff on targets.
  • Giga Slash looks scary, but it doesn't hurt very much (and it doesn't give you any Corrupted Crystal stacks). Feel free to eat it if you would otherwise be knocked back into the crystal AoE.
  • Strategy we used was to avoid AoE as much as possible, burn down adds before anyone could get more then a stack and to not get separated by the room divide. Try to divide the adds or take shifts so that no one person is getting three stacks. Not much more to it I think.


  • The battle starts with a ring of Eggs spawning on the outer border of the room. Boss does little damage at this point. Killing Eggs gives Zu several stack of enrage, so it is not advised to start the fight killing eggs. Once enraged Zu will deal more damage but also take more damage. If, however, Zu gets too many enrage stacks (not certain how many but usually 15+) she does a cone AoE that does extremely high damage and stuns all targets hit for several seconds. It is devastating and resulted in many wipes. If you see the message "The Zu has murder in its eyes", try to spread out because shit's about to get fucked up.
  • Zu casts a room wide AoE that does moderate damage but increases with enrage stacks. Healers can easily AoE heal through this.
  • A few seconds into the fight and two eggs will light up and begin casting "Hatch" which will spawn one of two adds. One will move around attacking a target while occasionally casting an AoE that does low to moderate damage. The other will stand in place and choose a single target, marked by a blue beam, and barrage them repeatedly with a moderate damage nuke.
  • It's easy to accidentally destroy eggs and enrage the Zu. Be very careful with AoEs.
  • By themselves the adds are pretty easy to handle but they can add up quickly. Later on in the fight three eggs start to light up at once and they start spawning faster than we could take them out.
  • At some point about halfway Zu will fly up into the air becoming untargetable and start throwing down circle AoEs. This phase wasn't hard and actually was kind of a break for us to mop up some of the baby birds. The AoE circles will always target the tank.
  • Strategy we used to eventually beat Zu was to kill one egg and let one chick spawn. Killing one egg didn't seem to give enough stacks for Zu to cast her crazy ground stomp stun, it kept one add out of the fight and also increased the damage she took from enrage. Things started to get hectic around the three egg spawns but we managed to burn her down with a LB before things got messy.
  • If everyone in your party is relatively over-geared, an easy strategy is to ignore the eggs and just kill the adds that hatch. This avoids the enrage mechanic altogether.


This boss has very low HP. The easiest tactic is for the tank and DPS to completely ignore the adds. When the adds spawn, the healer should pop a few heals to get add aggro, and then run around the room kiting the adds while the tank and DPS kill the boss. If done correctly, this fight only lasts a few seconds.


This fight is a healer check. It can be quite difficult unless everyone knows what they need to do. The primary mechanic that seems to give the most trouble is "Siren's Song". Two of Siren's moves put a debuff on a target for 12 seconds requiring them to be healed to full health or they become charmed for several seconds when it expires. Charmed targets only seem to do basic attacks so they're not devastating, but it knocks a person out of the fight and makes subsequent party members harder to top off with an extra source of damage.

Siren will target one party member (besides the tank) and put Siren's Song on them. Heal this target to full HP to remove the debuff before the target is charmed.

Siren puts a persistent bleed on the Tank. This should be removed by the healer with Esuna or Leeches.

Siren summons groups of two types of adds: Zombie Storm Privates and Zombie Storm Sergeants. The Privates are just normal auto-attacking mobs. They make things harder for the healer, but they aren't too bad. The Sergeants, on the other hand, crawl slowly along the ground toward a target. They cannot be bound or slowed, and when they reach the target, they grab them and hold them in place, stunning the target until the Sergeant is killed. Because of the perma-stun, they are priority number one for DPS. Due to the healer-heavy nature of this fight, if a Sergeant stuns the healer and it isn't killed quickly, it can easily lead to a wipe.

Periodically during the fight, Siren will disappear and do one of two attacks. The first is a straight line lunge similar to Ifrit's charge. It does severe damage and you don't have a lot time to get out of the way. The second is a doughnut-shaped AoE (similar to Hydra's "Fear Itself") that puts the Siren's Song debuff on all party members who are hit. The only safe spot is directly beneath Siren. When she does this AoE, the party needs to stack under Siren to avoid Siren's Song. It's easy to tell which of the two moves she's casting based on where she appears. She comes from the border of the room when she does the lunge, and she appears in the center of the room if she is doing the AoE debuff.

At about 50% HP, Siren will start casting Lunatic Voice. If she successfully casts it, Lunatic Voice can't be avoided, and it puts a very strong healing debuff on all party members called Reduced Immunity. The debuff must be cleared ASAP with Esuna or Leeches, because it makes healing through Siren's Song nearly impossible. Lunatic Voice can be stunned and silenced. During this half of the fight, the tank's number one priority is to stun Lunatic Voice (DPS will be busy with adds). Failure to stun Lunatic Voice can make this fight very difficult for healers. If you can stun/silence it, your healer will love you.

  • Healers should clear all debuffs as quickly as possible, especially Siren's Song
  • DPS should kill crawling adds first (Zombie Storm Sergeants)
  • Tanks should stun Lunatic Voice
  • Everyone should stack in the center when she jumps and appears there


Name Drops
Siren Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery 15 Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
Symond the Unsinkable Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery 5 Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery
Name Drops
Zu Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery 10 Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery



Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Demagogue Choker Demagogue choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Intelligence +8, Determination +8, Spell Speed +8, ,
Demagogue Earrings Demagogue earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Intelligence +8, Accuracy +11, Determination +5, ,
Demagogue Ring Demagogue ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Intelligence +8, Accuracy +11, Determination +5, ,
Demagogue Wristlets Demagogue wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Intelligence +8, Critical Hit Rate +11, Spell Speed +8, ,
Hoplite Choker Hoplite choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Determination +8, ,
Hoplite Earrings Hoplite earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Accuracy +11, ,
Hoplite Ring Hoplite ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Accuracy +11, ,
Hoplite Wristlets Hoplite wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Accuracy +11, ,
Peltast Choker Peltast choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Strength +8, Determination +8, Skill Speed +8, ,
Peltast Earrings Peltast earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Strength +8, Determination +5, Skill Speed +11, ,
Peltast Ring Peltast ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Strength +8, Accuracy +8, Skill Speed +11, ,
Peltast Wristlets Peltast wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Strength +8, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +11, ,
Strategos Choker Strategos choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Mind +8, Determination +8, Spell Speed +8, ,
Strategos Earrings Strategos earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Mind +8, Piety +5, Spell Speed +11, ,
Strategos Ring Strategos ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Mind +8, Piety +5, Spell Speed +11, ,
Strategos Wristlets Strategos wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Mind +8, Piety +7, Spell Speed +8, ,
Toxotes Choker Toxotes choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Dexterity +8, Determination +8, Skill Speed +8, ,
Toxotes Earrings Toxotes earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Dexterity +8, Accuracy +8, Skill Speed +11, ,
Toxotes Ring Toxotes ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Dexterity +8, Accuracy +8, Determination +8, ,
Toxotes Wristlets Toxotes wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Dexterity +8, Determination +8, Skill Speed +8, ,


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Austere Cowl Austere cowl icon1.png 60 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Body 90 172 Vitality +26 Intelligence +26 Critical Hit Rate +39 Spell Speed +28
Austere Ringbands Austere ringbands icon1.png 60 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Hands 38 72 Vitality +10 Intelligence +10 Critical Hit Rate +15 Spell Speed +11
Blessed Espadrilles Blessed espadrilles icon1.png 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Feet 38 72 Vitality +10 Mind +10 Critical Hit Rate +15 Determination +7
Blessed Gown Blessed gown icon1.png 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Body 53 100 Vitality +16 Mind +16 Piety +10 Critical Hit Rate +24
Blessed Monocle Blessed monocle icon1.png 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Head 38 72 Vitality +10 Mind +10 Critical Hit Rate +11 Determination +10
Demagogue Chausses Demagogue chausses icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Legs 53 100 Vitality +16 Intelligence +16 Determination +12 Spell Speed +24
Demagogue Pattens Demagogue pattens icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Feet 38 72 Vitality +10 Intelligence +10 Determination +7 Spell Speed +15
Demagogue Rope Belt Demagogue rope belt icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Waist 33 62 Vitality +7 Intelligence +8 Accuracy +11 Determination +5
Hetairoi Jackboots Hetairoi jackboots icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG
Level 50
Feet 72 38 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Critical Hit Rate +15
Hetairos Elmo Hetairos elmo icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG
Level 50
Head 72 38 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Skill Speed +15
Hetairos Mail Hetairos mail icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG
Level 50
Body 100 53 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +17 Critical Hit Rate +24
Hoplite Circlet Hoplite circlet icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Head 106 106 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Parry +11 Accuracy +15
Hoplite Sabatons Hoplite sabatons icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Feet 106 106 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Determination +10
Hoplite Trousers Hoplite trousers icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Legs 148 148 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Parry +24 Critical Hit Rate +17
Lord's Cuirass Lords cuirass icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Body 148 148 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Parry +17 Determination +17
Lord's Gauntlets Lords gauntlets icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Hands 106 106 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Determination +10 Skill Speed +11
Lord's Plate Belt Lords plate belt icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Waist 92 92 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Parry +8 Determination +8
Noble's Brais Nobles brais icon1.png 60 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Legs 76 76 Dexterity +16 Vitality +18 Critical Hit Rate +17 Determination +17
Noble's Goggles Nobles goggles icon1.png 60 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Head 55 55 Dexterity +10 Vitality +11 Determination +10 Skill Speed +11
Noble's Leg Guards Nobles leg guards icon1.png 60 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Feet 55 55 Dexterity +10 Vitality +11 Determination +10 Skill Speed +11
Peltast Acton Peltast acton icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Body 76 76 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +24 Determination +12
Peltast Helm Peltast helm icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Head 55 55 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +15 Determination +7
Peltast Mitts Peltast mitts icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Hands 55 55 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Skill Speed +15
Strategos Belt Strategos belt icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Waist 33 62 Vitality +7 Mind +8 Piety +7 Spell Speed +8
Strategos Breeches Strategos breeches icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Legs 53 100 Vitality +16 Mind +16 Piety +15 Spell Speed +17
Strategos Gloves Strategos gloves icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Hands 38 72 Vitality +10 Mind +10 Piety +9 Spell Speed +11
Thick Skirt Thick skirt icon1.png 60 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Legs 100 53 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +24 Determination +12
Thick Tassets Thick tassets icon1.png 60 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Waist 62 33 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Critical Hit Rate +11 Skill Speed +8
Thick Vambraces Thick vambraces icon1.png 60 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Hands 72 38 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +15 Critical Hit Rate +11
Toxotes Belt Toxotes belt icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Waist 47 47 Dexterity +8 Vitality +8 Accuracy +8 Skill Speed +11
Toxotes Bracers Toxotes bracers icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Hands 55 55 Dexterity +10 Vitality +11 Critical Hit Rate +11 Skill Speed +15
Toxotes Tunic Toxotes tunic icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Body 76 76 Dexterity +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +24 Critical Hit Rate +17
War Caligae War caligae icon1.png 60 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Feet 55 55 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Critical Hit Rate +11 Skill Speed +15
War Sash War sash icon1.png 60 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Waist 47 47 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Accuracy +8 Determination +8
War Subligar War subligar icon1.png 60 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Legs 76 76 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +17 Skill Speed +24

