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{{trait table row|Enhanced GP Regeneration III (miner)}}
{{trait table row|Enhanced GP Regeneration III (miner)}}
{{trait table row|Enhanced Solid Reason}}
{{trait table row|Enhanced Solid Reason}}
{{trait table row|Priming Touch (miner)}}

Revision as of 22:29, 27 June 2024

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
Auto Prospect.png  Auto Prospect Miner frame icon.png MIN 2 Automatically activates Prospect upon changing your class to miner.
Stone Whisperer.png  Stone Whisperer Miner frame icon.png MIN 11 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving gathering rate when conditions are met.
Stone Whisperer II.png  Stone Whisperer II Miner frame icon.png MIN 16 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, increasing gathering attempts when conditions are met.
Stone Whisperer III.png  Stone Whisperer III Miner frame icon.png MIN 21 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving yield when conditions are met.
Stone Whisperer IV.png  Stone Whisperer IV Miner frame icon.png MIN 26 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving yield when conditions are met.
Auto sneak.png  Auto Sneak Miner frame icon.png MIN
Botanist frame icon.png BTN
Fisher frame icon.png FSH
27 Automatically activates Sneak upon changing your class to miner/botanist/fisher. Effect is also automatically activated upon changing areas.
Enhanced twelve bounty i.png  Enhanced Twelve's Bounty Miner frame icon.png MIN
Botanist frame icon.png BTN
41 The Twelve's Bounty now extends to crystals.
Nymeia's Ward.png  Nymeia's Ward Botanist frame icon.png BTN
Miner frame icon.png MIN
42 Occasionally increases yield for certain items, including crystals.
Enhanced twelve bounty ii.png  Enhanced Twelve's Bounty II Miner frame icon.png MIN
Botanist frame icon.png BTN
50 The Twelve's Bounty now extends to clusters.
Stone Whisperer V.png  Stone Whisperer V Miner frame icon.png MIN 1Quest: Sellspade 53 Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, further improving chances of enhanced gathering when conditions are met.
One with the mountain.png  One with the Mountain Miner frame icon.png MIN 60 Automatically activates Truth of Mountains upon changing your class to miner.
Bountiful yield mastery.png  Bountiful Yield Mastery Miner frame icon.png MIN 1Quest: Where the Money Takes You 68 Upgrades Bountiful Yield to Bountiful Yield II.
Enhanced GP Regeneration (Miner).png  Enhanced GP Regeneration Miner frame icon.png MIN 1Quest: A Miner Success 70 Raises base GP regeneration rate by one.
Enhanced twelves bounty iii.png  Enhanced Twelve's Bounty III Miner frame icon.png MIN
Botanist frame icon.png BTN
71 Increases the base yield of the Twelve's Bounty by one.
Enhanced GP Regeneration II (Miner).png  Enhanced GP Regeneration II Miner frame icon.png MIN 80 Raises base GP regeneration rate by a total of two. When gathering, raises base regeneration rate by one.
Enhanced GP Regeneration III Miner.png  Enhanced GP Regeneration III Miner frame icon.png MIN 83 Raises base GP regeneration rate by a total of three. When gathering, raises base regeneration rate by one.
Enhanced Solid Reason.png  Enhanced Solid Reason Miner frame icon.png MIN 90 Adds to Solid Reason a 50% chance that you will be granted Eureka Moment.