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|[[Gulleye III]] ||[[file:gulleye iii.png]] ||50 ||align = "left" |Allows you to discern the location of fishing holes up to level 50.
|[[Gulleye III]] ||[[file:gulleye iii.png]] ||50 ||align = "left" |Allows you to discern the location of fishing holes up to level 50.
==Fishing Guide==
{{Main|Fishing Guide}}

==Fishing Tackles==
==Fishing Tackles==
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|[[Balloon Bug]] || [[file:balloon bug1.png]] || 50 || Skyfishing || Big Catch
|[[Balloon Bug]] || [[file:balloon bug1.png]] || 50 || Skyfishing || Big Catch
==Fishing Guide==
{{Main|Fishing Guide}}


Revision as of 12:36, 15 September 2013

File:Fisher guild2.jpg
Fisher's Guild
Fishing Log

Fisher is a gathering or disciples of land class that harvests fish and other sea creatures from the waters of Eorzea. They gather raw materials for culinarian crafting class. When you fish, Fishing Tackles are expended. Different fishing tackles are used to catch different fish in various environments.

The Fisher's Guild is located in Limsa Lominsa.

  • To become a fisher, talk to the fisher's guild receptionist when you're level 10 or higher on another class.

Fisher Actions

Main article: Fisher Actions
Action Icon Level GP Cost Cooldown Description
Bait Bait.png 1 0 0 Select the bait to apply to your line.
Cast Cast.png 1 0 0 Cast your line and begin fishing.
Hook Hook.png 1 0 0 Attempt to hook the fish nibbling on the bait.
Quit Quit.png 1 0 0 Abandon fishing attempt and reel in line.
Stealth Stealth (fisher).png 8 0 0 Conceal yourself and tread quietly, reducing movement speed, but enabling you to avoid enemies level 20 and below.
Mooch Mooch.png 25 0 0 Use the fish already hooked to your line to attract even larger prey.


Main article: Fisher Traits
Trait Icon Level Description
Gulleye Gulleye.png 15 Allows you to discern the location of fishing holes up to level 15.
Enhanced Stealth Enhanced Stealth (fisher).png 18 Increases the range of enemies avoidable when using Stealth to level 30.
Enhanced Stealth II Enhanced Stealth II (fisher).png 28 Increases the range of enemies avoidable when using Stealth to level 40.
Dunefishing Dunefishing.png 35 Allows you to cast your fishing line in deserts and dunes.
Gulleye II Gulleye II.png 35 Allows you to discern the location of fishing holes up to level 35.
Enhanced Stealth III Enhanced Stealth III (fisher).png 38 Increases the range of enemies avoidable when using Stealth to level 50.
Double Mooching Double Mooching.png 40 Allows you to mooch with a mooched fish.
Skyfishing Skyfishing.png 45 Allows you to cast your line in Sea of Clouds.
Gulleye III Gulleye III.png 50 Allows you to discern the location of fishing holes up to level 50.

Fishing Tackles

Main article: Fishing Tackles
Name Icon Level Used For Bonus
Lugworm Lugworm1.png 1 Ocean
Moth Pupa Moth pupa1.png 1 Freshwater
Pill Bug Pill bug1.png 5 Ocean
Crayfish Ball Crayfish ball1.png 5 Freshwater River
Goby Ball Goby ball1.png 10 Ocean
Bloodworm Bloodworm1.png 10 Freshwater
Rat Tail Rat tail1.png 15 Any
Midge Basket Midge basket1.png 15 Freshwater
Crab Ball Crab ball1.png 20 Ocean
Butterworm Butterworm1.png 20 Freshwater
Crow Fly Crow fly1.png 20 Freshwater
Floating Minnow Floating minnow1.png 22 Freshwater and Ocean Surface
Brass Spoon Lure Brass spoon lure1.png 23 Freshwater Lake
Bass Ball Bass ball.png 25 Freshwater
Shrimp Cage Feeder Shrimp cage feeder1.png 25 Ocean
Chocobo Fly Chocobo fly1.png 27 Freshwater
Spoon Worm Spoon worm1.png 30 Ocean Big Catch
Syrphid Basket Syrphid basket1.png 30 Freshwater
Silver Spoon Lure Silver spoon lure1.png 32 Freshwater Lake
Iron Jig Iron jig1.png 32 Ocean Big Catch
Sinking Minnow Sinking minnow1.png 34 Freshwater and Ocean Surface and Floor
Herring Ball Herring ball1.png 35 Ocean
Honey Worm Honey worm1.png 35 Freshwater
Sand Leech Sand leech1.png 35 Dunefishing
Wildfowl Fly Wildfowl fly1.png 36 Freshwater
Heavy Iron Jig Heavy iron jig1.png 37 Ocean
Spinner Spinner1.png 39 Freshwater and Ocean
Stem Borer Stem borer1.png 40 Freshwater
Sand Gecko Sand gecko1.png 40 Dunefishing
Krill Cage Feeder Krill cage feeder1.png 40 Ocean
Mythril Spoon Lure Mythril spoon lure1.png 41 Freshwater Lake and Marsh
Snurble Fly Snurble fly1.png 43 Freshwater
Topwater Frog Topwater frog1.png 44 Freshwater Big Catch
Glowworm Glowworm1.png 45 Any Big Catch
Rolling Stone Rolling stone1.png 45 Dunefishing
Hoverworm Hoverworm1.png 45 Skyfishing
Rainbow Spoon Lure Rainbow spoon lure1.png 46 Freshwater Lake
Spinnerbait Spinnerbait1.png 47 Freshwater River
Streamer Streamer1.png 48 Freshwater Floor
Yumizuno Yumizuno1.png 48 Ocean Floor
Northern Krill Northern krill1.png 50 Ocean
Caddisfly Larva Caddisfly larva1.png 50 Freshwater Big Catch
Soil Creeper Soil creeper1.png 50 Dunefishing Big Catch
Balloon Bug Balloon bug1.png 50 Skyfishing Big Catch

Fishing Guide

Main article: Fishing Guide


Fishers are the harvesters of the realm's marine and freshwater animal resources. The trade rose to prominence in the nation of Limsa Lominsa, owing to the plentiful waters upon and around Vylbrand island. Be it from the shore of a sea, the bank of a river, or the deck of a boat, Eorzea's anglers must constantly account for a wide range of factors to optimize their success, including season, time, place, tools, and bait.[1]

Template:Crafting and Gathering