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===At the Yellowjackets' guardhouse=== | ===At the Yellowjackets' guardhouse=== | ||
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'''Wandering Minstrel''': Lady Ayoyo. One storied adventurer, as promised. | '''Wandering Minstrel''': Lady Ayoyo. One storied adventurer, as promised. | ||
[[File:Rising 2024 Ayoyo.png|300px]] | |||
'''Ayoyo''': Blessin's o' the Twelve upon ye. Name's Ayoyo, cannoneer first class with the Yellowjackets. 'S an 'onor to 'ave ye on board! | '''Ayoyo''': Blessin's o' the Twelve upon ye. Name's Ayoyo, cannoneer first class with the Yellowjackets. 'S an 'onor to 'ave ye on board! |
Revision as of 23:56, 29 August 2024
Rising to the Call
- Quest giver
- Wandering Minstrel
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.3, Y:13.8)
- Quest line
- The Rising (2024)
- Level
- 15
- Gil
- Next quest
We Who Are About to Set Sail Salute You
- Patch
- 7.0
“The wandering minstrel seeks an adventurer both willing and able to help put the finishing touches to this year's Rising celebrations.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Speak with Ayoyo.
- Speak with Ayoyo in the aetheryte plaza.
- Gather information in Hawker's Alley. 0/4
- Rendezvous with Ayoyo at the ferry docks.
- Speak with the wandering minstrel at the Aftcastle.
- If you've done The Rising in prior years:
- Wandering Minstrel: Of all the coincidences! You will hardly believe it, but I was just this very moment reminiscing of the time you lent me your strength a twelvemonth past.
- Wandering Minstrel: You see, I again find myself in pressing need of an adventurer's aid, just as I did last Rising. "Oh, if only <name> were here," I thought to myself...and here you are! Well, then, what do you say? Shall we clasp arms once more?
- If you haven't done The Rising before:
- Wandering Minstrel: Greetings, friend. By your dauntless bearing, I assume you are an adventurer -- and come at precisely the moment I find myself in need of an adventurer's aid. Might I beg yours?
Wandering Minstrel: My thanks. The matter is this: I have been approached by a lady named Ayoyo who wishes to imprint her own inimitable mark upon the skies above Limsa Lominsa -- I speak, of course, of the fireworks that illumine these Rising nights.
Wandering Minstrel: Learning of my contribution to previous years' festivities, she has enlisted me to her cause.
Wandering Minstrel: We already have the ear of the organizing committee. However, Lady Ayoyo has expressed a strong desire to consult with a storied adventurer before finalizing her proposal.
Wandering Minstrel: Come to the Yellowjackets' guardhouse at the base of the Coral Tower and I will introduce you.
At the Yellowjackets' guardhouse
Wandering Minstrel: Lady Ayoyo. One storied adventurer, as promised.
Ayoyo: Blessin's o' the Twelve upon ye. Name's Ayoyo, cannoneer first class with the Yellowjackets. 'S an 'onor to 'ave ye on board!
Wandering Minstrel: Did I mention that it is the Yellowjackets who are in charge of this year's festivities? Not only in decorating of these fair Lominsan streets, but in designing and constructing the fireworks that brighten the skies above them.
Wandering Minstrel: Lady Ayoyo here is quite the savant in all matters incendiary and explosive, and so it has fallen to her to formulate a plan for the display's crowning glory.
Ayoyo: Me an' the other lads an' lassies of the cannoneers whipped up a load o' luvverly little drakes, snakes, and devils fer the Moonfire Faire, but more o' the same ain't goin' to cut it fer the Risin'.
Ayoyo: 'Cause it's all about rememberin' those we lost in the Calamity, ain't it? Them an' theirs deserve somethin' a mite specialer than a bunch of old bangers.
Wandering Minstrel: Ad admirable sentiment, I'm sure. It would not do for our ode to such poignant memories to be aught less than memorable. Let us make this year's Rising one that the citizens of this fair realm will not soon forget.
Ayoyo: Took the words right out o' me mouth, dearie. Thing is, 'avin' 'ardly set foot out of Limsa in all me days, I don't reckon I'm best placed to know what's goin' through the minds o' the "citizens o' this fair realm"...
Wandering Minstrel: And so you would pick an adventurer's brains. One who has journeyed far and wide across this land we love, and knows it and its people intimately.
Wandering Minstrel: Yet before we call upon your particular wisdom, mayhap it would behoove us to seek out a wider range of opinions. Many and more look to the skies come Rising night, and the thoughts that run through their mind are no doubt as diverse. Let us learn them.
Ayoyo: Sounds like a plan! Mind if I join ye, dearie? Could do with learnin' some o' those thoughts meself.
Ayoyo: Right, then! Where's best to start askin' around? Some place a lot of outsiders gather, I reckon...'Ow about we meet in the aetheryte plaza, down in the lower decks?
Wandering Minstrel: While you two are so engaged, allow me to continue our discussions with the organizing committee. I shall await you by the Aftcastle.
At the aetheryte plaza
Ayoyo: You see them lights down 'Awker's alley, dearie? Decorations fer the festival, they are.
Ayoyo: Every year, when the streets are all decked out fer the Risin', me 'eart fills with...well, all kinds o' feelin's. Sorrow, pride. Regret...
Ayoyo: But enough about me! We came 'ere to find out 'ow the other folks feel about it. Let's split up, head down the alley, and ask a few likely-lookin' customers each.
Ayoyo: We're on a schedule 'ere, so don't go askin' every single soul ye see. Four or five should do ye. I'll meet ye down by the ferry docks when ye're done!
Inside Hawker's Alley
Swozblaet: Welcome, welcome! What may I interest you in this fine day?
Swozblaet: ...Ah, information, is it? Well, if you really must know, the whizzing and banging that fills the air this season always takes me back to the time just before the Calamity struck.
Swozblaet: A great festival was held to celebrate the reformation of the Grand Companies. People in the streets were hooting, and hollering, and setting off firespouts, and all the ships in the bay, now bedecked in Maelstrom colors, let loose their cannons.
Swozblaet: It seems so foolish now, knowing what was soon to befall us. But all that noise served a purpose nonetheless -- drowning out the fear that ever whispered in our ears.
Swozblaet: It is my firm belief that the Rising fireworks serve the same purpose even now -- they present a vision of loveliness, of togetherness, that we might forget our fears and be given hope for a brighter future.
(Optional) Swozblaet: Aesthetics, my dear <gender noun>. That's what we need. A dash of true beauty to drive the shadows from our hearts and give us hope for the future.
Middle-aged Mariner: The streets are full o' life, the sky's full o' fire, and the westerly wind's fillin' our seafarer's sails as it does our 'earts. Ahhh, I couldn't've picked a better time to come home. You a sailor too, are you?
Middle-aged Mariner: ...Helpin' with the fireworks, ye say? Good on ye, <gender pronoun>. Aye, I've a few memories o' back then, if you've an ear to 'ear 'em.
Middle-aged Mariner: I'm a merchant seaman, ye see, always sailin' hither an' thither across the waves. Was just back from a trip to Radz-at-Han when the Calamity struck.
Middle-aged Mariner: Everyone was lookin' up to the sky, and that loathsome lantern that 'ung low in it.
Middle-aged Mariner: Like most folk, I don't remember much o' what 'appened in the days before or after it fell, but I'll never forget those faces.
Middle-aged Mariner: And that's what I love so much about the fireworks. Ye see the same faces lookin' up, but this time with a smile -- reminds ye not only o' the bad times, but 'ow we got over 'em.
(Optional) Middle-aged Mariner: 'Course, 'alf the folk who were watchin' Dalamud back then ain't with us no more. But they'll be watching the fireworks too, an' I reckon they'll bring the same smile to their faces as they do ours.
Misty-eyed Skygazer: Can you see them too, my love? ...Hm?
Misty-eyed Skygazer: ...You're involved with the fireworks, and want to know what I think of them? Well, just now I was wondering if they can be seen from far out in the offing. Do you know?
Misty-eyed Skygazer: ...I see. The reason I ask is that my husband is out there now. He meant to be back by Rising night, but it seems the tide didn't turn in his favor.
Misty-eyed Skygazer: He was so looking forward to the fireworks. I do hope that he can see them from where he is -- that we can share them together, no matter how far apart we might be.
Misty-eyed Skygazer: That is my only request to you, that you make the finale as bright and boisterous as you can, that all those who cannot be together this Rising might still share in its message.
(Optional) Misty-eyed Skygazer: There are many like me who cannot be with their loved ones this Rising -- whether by chance, or by tragedy. It is the fireworks that bring them together -- so the louder and brighter they are, the better.
S'dhodjbi: Alright there. Anything I can do for you?
S'dhodjbi: ...You're asking for people's thoughts on the Rising fireworks? Heh! Would've thought a great hero like you would have better things to do with your time...but I suppose that's what makes you a hero, eh? Helping people out whichever way you can.
S'dhodjbi: Well...I'm like most people, I suppose. I think of those I lost.
S'dhodjbi: My parents, most of all. I wonder if they're watching, too.
S'dhodjbi: Swum up from the bottom of the aetherial sea to see what all the crashing and banging's about.
S'dhodjbi: It's complicated, I suppose. I feel sad they're gone, but happy I'm not -- and grateful to Baderon saving me and so many others.
S'dhodjbi: If they are watching, I hope they can see me, too. See that I'm doing alright for myself, that they might sleep soundly for another twelvemonth.
(Optional) S'dhodjbi: I didn't learn this till long after he'd taken me in, but after the Calamity, Baderon banded together some old allies from his mercenary days and a few willing adventurers. They'd go round seeking out people like me who'd lost everything and try and put them back on their feet.
S'dhodjbi: I just made his job easier, drinking myself stupid and puking my guts out in his gutter. Maybe I should get him a little something by way of thanks...
At the ferry docks
Ayoyo: Sorry to keep ye waitin' dearie. So, what did ye find out?
Ayoyo: Hmmm... Same 'ere. Was 'alf expectin' 'em to just like lookin' at the pretty lights, but it seems the feelin' runs a lot deeper than that.
Ayoyo: The memories o' the Calamity still sit 'eavy on their 'earts, but the Risin' fireworks go some way to liftin' that weight.
Ayoyo: So, any ideas fer the grand display? What kind o' thing d'ye reckon'd 'elp lift those spirits the most?
What will you say?
- Something grand and flashy.
- Ayoyo: That'd do the job, alright! Ain't a Lominsan among us who ain't got a drop of pirate blood in her veins! Lightin' up the skies with buccaneerin' abandon would be just the way to put our own stamp on this year's festival!
- Something that reminds people of the past.
- Something that gives people hope for the future.
- Ayoyo: Hope fer the future, eh? That ain't a bad idea. Remindin' folk that however dark the night, dawn is just around the corner.
Ayoyo: The Risin' ain't just about mournin' those we lost, after all. It's about rememberin' the struggles of those who survived, to steer us to a brigher future.
Ayoyo: Aye, that's it... That's what Limsa needs this Risin'...
Ayoyo: Ships. Cannons. A departure salute. Not just fer the fallen, but fer those settin' sail fer unknown shores. A vision o' the past, and o' the future...
Ayoyo: An 'ole bleedin' armada filling Galadion Bay, lightin' up the very 'eavens! Who wouldn't want to watch that?
Ayoyo: That's settled, then. Ah, the minstrel's goin' to love it! 'E said 'e'd be up by the Aftcastle, right? I'll see ye there!
At the Aftcastle
Wandering Minstrel: Our intrepid adventurer returns -- and positively bursting with inspiration, I take it?
Wandering Minstrel: ...I see. A traditional seafaring salute, not only to the memories of the fallen, but to the future fortune of those who follow in their wake. A most fitting proposal, I'm sure.
Ayoyo: Thanks, the both o' ye...but our work ain't done yet. There's a lot needs sortin' out before we can put this idea into action. So much to do, so little time!
Ayoyo: If ye wouldn't mind 'elpin' us a little longer, dearie, I'd be forever in yer debt. Let me know when ye've got yer loins good and girded!
(Optional) Wandering Minstrel: A display of such grandeur is not merely a matter of crafting the fireworks proper. We shall require the cooperation of a great many people -- several of whom may be less than disposed to offer it.