Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac
Zodiac Weapons Quest
1. Literature on the Zodiac Weapon (seek out merchant who deals in ancient tomes) - Papana in Revenant's Toll will give you a Book of Skylight as a reward for completing A Ponze of Flesh
2. Special Sphere Scroll (seek out a scholar well versed in materia) - Adkin in Black Brush will give you a Zodiac Scroll as a reward for completing Method in His Malice
3. Special Alexandrite (seek out a treasure hunter known for collecting precious stones) - Brangwine in Revenant's Toll will give you Flawless Alexandrite as a reward for completing A Treasured Mother
4. Material for a new host (seek out a master of crafting and gathering) - Guiding Star in Revenant's Toll will give you Zodium as a reward for completing Labor of Love
- Speak with Gerolt.
- Speak with Jalzahn.
- His brow furrowed, Jalzahn seems deep in thought about the Zodiac Braves' arms.
- Far though you have come in your journey to complete your relic weapon, Jalzahn feels as though there is yet more to do. However, he is admittedly stumped about exactly how to proceed. He entreats you to consult with Gerolt, that the three of you might discover a new path to take.
- Through the promise of fiery liquor, you have secured Gerolt's promise of aid. Return to Jalzahn with the glad tidings.
- Gerolt believes that your relic has become so refined that nothing can enhance it further. Instead, he proposes that the next step upon your journey towards the Zodiac Brave's arms is to recreate one's frame, and infuse it with the soul bound to your current relic. To those ends, he bids you seek four items: - Literature on the Zodiac Weapons: seek out a merchant who deals in ancient tomes. - Material for a new host: seek a master of crafting and gathering. - Special sphere scroll: seek a scholar well versed in materia. - Special alexandrite: seek a treasure hunter known for collecting precious stones. ※Upon collecting all four items, return to Hyrstmill and deliver them to Gerolt.