Collectables Achievements

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Main article: Items Achievements
Achievement Points Task Reward
I Made That: (Worth Collecting) I 5 Synthesize 100 collectables.
I Made That: (Worth Collecting) II 5 Synthesize 300 collectables.
I Made That: (Worth Collecting) III 10 Synthesize 1,000 collectables. Title: Molder of Masterpieces
I Collected That I 5 Gather or catch 300 collectables.
I Collected That II 5 Gather or catch 1,000 collectables.
I Collected That III 10 Gather or catch 3,000 collectables. Title: Amasser of Masterpieces
I Traded That I 5 Submit 300 collectables to Rowena's House of Splendors.
I Traded That II 5 Submit 1,000 collectables to Rowena's House of Splendors.
I Traded That III 10 Submit 3,000 collectables to Rowena's House of Splendors. Title: Business Associate
The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh I 5 Deliver 36 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh.
The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh II 5 Deliver 48 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh.
The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh III 5 Deliver 60 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh.
The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh IV 5 Deliver 90 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh.
The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh V 5 Deliver 120 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh.
The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh VI 10 Deliver 150 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. Title: Zhloe's Best Friend