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Achievement Menu

Achivements are something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance. This ranges from defeating monsters to even completing quests in the lands of Eorzea.


Crown Icon Requirement
Butcher's Crown Butchers crown icon1.png Defeat 100,000 enemies.
Chronicle's Crown Chroniclers crown icon1.png Complete all quest available at level 30 for all classes including crafting and gathering.
Gambler's Crown Gamblers crown icon1.png Successfully affix five materia to the same piece of gear.
Paragon's Crown Paragon crown icon1.png Achieve level 50 for all Disciples of War and Magic classes.
Partisan's Crown Partisans crown icon1.png Receive 100 player commendations.
  • After completing a crown's requirement, players can obtain the crown by talking to Jonathas in Old Gridania - Apkallu Falls (10,6).