Tiger Leather
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Template:Item-B1 Tiger Leather is a Leather used to craft various items.
Obtained By
Crafting Recipe
Level 64 Leatherworker
Maximum Quality
Purchased From
Dropped By
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
- Doman Steel Halberd (Level 66 Carpenter)
- Doman Iron Halfheart Saw (Level 64 Blacksmith)
- Doman Iron File (Level 65 Blacksmith)
- Doman Steel Greatsword (Level 67 Blacksmith)
- Doman Steel Tachi (Level 67 Blacksmith)
- Doman Steel Main Gauches (Level 67 Blacksmith)
- Molybdenum Uchigatana (Level 68 Blacksmith)
- Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending (Level 64 Armorer)
- Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming (Level 64 Armorer)
- Doman Iron Greaves of Fending (Level 64 Armorer)
- Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming (Level 64 Armorer)
- Tigerskin Coat of Fending (Level 65 Armorer)
- Tigerskin Coat of Maiming (Level 65 Armorer)
- Doman Steel Gauntlets of Fending (Level 66 Armorer)
- Doman Steel Gauntlets of Maiming (Level 66 Armorer)
- Doman Steel Gauntlets of Striking (Level 66 Armorer)
- Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting (Level 66 Armorer)
- Doman Steel Tabard of Fending (Level 67 Armorer)
- Doman Steel Tabard of Maiming (Level 67 Armorer)
- Azurite Bracelet of Fending (Level 66 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Bracelet of Slaying (Level 66 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Bracelet of Aiming (Level 66 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Bracelet of Healing (Level 66 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Bracelet of Casting (Level 66 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Choker of Fending (Level 67 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Choker of Slaying (Level 67 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Choker of Aiming (Level 67 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Choker of Healing (Level 67 Goldsmith)
- Azurite Choker of Casting (Level 67 Goldsmith)
- Tigerskin Wristgloves of Striking (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Gloves of Aiming (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Gloves of Scouting (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Armguards of Casting (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Armguards of Healing (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Ringbelt of Striking (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Ringbelt of Aiming (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Ringbelt of Scouting (Level 64 Leatherworker)
- Star Spinel Tricorne of Striking (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Cap of Gathering (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Thighboots of Striking (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Thighboots of Aiming (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Thighboots of Scouting (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Jackboots of Casting (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Jackboots of Healing (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Boots of Crafting (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Boots of Gathering (Level 65 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Belt of Gathering (Level 66 Leatherworker)
- Marid Leather Boots of Aiming (Level 66 Leatherworker)
- Marid Leather Boots of Casting (Level 66 Leatherworker)
- Marid Leather Boots of Healing (Level 66 Leatherworker)
- Marid Leather Breeches of Fending (Level 67 Leatherworker)
- Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming (Level 67 Leatherworker)
- Marid Leather Breeches of Striking (Level 67 Leatherworker)
- Marid Leather Breeches of Scouting (Level 67 Leatherworker)
- Tigerskin Trousers of Aiming (Level 64 Weaver)
- Tigerskin Trousers of Scouting (Level 64 Weaver)
- Tigerskin Trousers of Striking (Level 65 Weaver)
- Kudzu Culottes of Crafting (Level 65 Weaver)
- Kudzu Culottes of Gathering (Level 65 Weaver)
- Tigerskin Codex (Level 65 Alchemist)
- Tigerskin Grimoire (Level 65 Alchemist)