Trials of the Braves
Part of the Zodiac Weapon Questline. Players can purchase 9 books that when completed upgrades your Atma Relic Weapon into Animus Relic Weapon. Each book cost 1,500 Allagan Tomestone of Mythology.
In-game Description
Jalzahn is a man with grand plans for your relic weapon.
According to Jalzahn, your relic weapon still has room to grow. If you would enhance it further, you must recreate the valorous deeds of the Zodiac Braves, revered heroes in Thavnairian legend. So as to take the guesswork out of the process, Jalzahn suggests you acquire the “Trials of the Braves,” a collection of sacred texts that tell of the heroes' deed. As a known vendor of such literature, perhaps Rowena will have the books in stock.
Rowena believes that she may have the literature you desire. She bids you take your inquiry to G'jusana, one among her burgeoning ranks of underlings.
Much to your delight, G'jusana has the full collection of the Trials of the Braves in stock, and offers to sell you each book for the bargain price of 1,500 Allagan tomestones of mythology. The means to possessing a mightier arm lies before you─you need but reach out and take it. ※You must be equipped with the relic weapon atma you wish to enhance when making the purchase. ※You can possess only one book in the set of nine at any given tome. ※Upon completing the objectives in all nine books, present your relic weapon atma to Jalzahn to complete the enhancement process.