Intersocietal Quests
Beast Tribe Quests are daily quests that require the players to perform tasks dictated by various Beast Tribes. Beast Tribe Quests for Sylphs and Amalj'aa were released in patch 2.1. Additional daily quests for other Beastmen tribes are scheduled to release in future patches. Players will not only earn experience, gil, items and Tomestones for completing these quests, they will also earn Reputation points. By increasing your reputation, you will gain access to the Beastmen tribe vendor which sells unique mounts, minions, furnishings and other items.
- Players can perform 6 daily quests per day. At neutral reputation rank (Rank 1) players can only accept 3 quests from any individual faction.
Each Quest gives you 5 Faction points. To Rank Up from Rank 1 to Rank 2 requires a total of 150 points. This means you need to run your 3x quests for that faction a minimum of 10 days. Additionally each quest gives the player 8,797 EXP, 420 gil, 15 shards of various types and 5 Tomestones of Philosophy.
- The quests available to you on a given day are random, from a selection of 10 quests, each of which also has some randomness to them in terms of objective locations and such. In general, completing a set of 3 quests from a faction will usually take around 15 minutes, but this can be up or down by an additional 5-10 minutes depending on which quests you end up with.
Kobold Daily Quests
- Main article: Kobold Daily Quests
Players can find the Kobold quest-givers at 789th Order Dig in Outer La Noscea (x21,y18).
- To unlock Kobold Daily Quests, players must complete the level 41 quest Highway Robbery. Players can start the quest in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:12,Y:12).
- Wind-up Kobold - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
- Bomb Palanquin - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
Sahagin Daily Quests
- Main article: Sahagin Daily Quests
Players can find the Sahagin quest-givers at Novv's Nursery.
- To unlock Sahagin Daily Quests, players must complete the level 44 quest They Came from the Deep. Players can start the quest in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:13,Y:12).
- Access to merchant selling cooking ingredients.
- Special Dyes - Lilac Purple Dye, Corpse Blue Dye, Lavender Blue Dye.
- Cavalry Elbst - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
- Wind-up Sahagin - available after obtaining Trusted (rank 4) reputation.
Sylph Daily Quests
- Main article: Sylph Daily Quests
Players can find the Sylph quest-givers at Little Solace, East Shroud (x22,y26).
- To unlock the Sylph daily quests, player must complete the level 42 quest Seeking Solace. Players can start the quest by talking to Vorsaile Heuloix in New Gridania (x9,y11).
- Special Dyes - unlocked at Recognized and Friendly reputation levels (rank 2 and 3)
- Wind-up Sylph - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation
- Laurel Goobbue Mount - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation
Amalj'aa Daily Quests
- Main article: Amalj'aa Daily Quests
Players can find the Amalj'aa quest-givers at Ring of Ash, Southern Thanalan (x23,y14).
- To unlock the Amalj'aa daily quests, player must complete the level 43 quest Peace for Thanalan. Players can start the quest by talking to Swift in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald.
- Special Dyes - unlocked at Recognized and Friendly reputation levels (rank 2 and 3)
- Wind-up Amalj'aa - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation
- Calvary Drake Mount - unlocked at Trusted (rank 4) reputation