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Revision as of 07:24, 14 May 2018 by Hunter (talk | contribs) (Theories debunked. Orghana spawned by entering the zone long _after_ the fate was completed (so wouldn't have invisible buff). As the spawnpoint can be deduced in advance, we camped it and it spawned the moment the fate completed.)
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Orghana is a Rank S Elite Mark in The Azim Steppe.

Map of Spawn Points

Orghana is a Rank S Elite Mark found in The Azim Steppe. Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to Centurio Seal 100 Centurio Seals, Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics, Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 30 Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics and 1 Cracked cluster icon1.png  Cracked Cluster.


The Azim Steppe

(x28,y26) (x28,y18) (x22,y16) (x17,y18) (x12,y17) (x13,y10) (x18,y10) (x27,y9) (x35,y15) (x24,y30) (x26,y34) (x21,y34) (x17,y33) (x14,y30) (x15,y25) (x11,y28) (x9,y25) (x9,y22)

Spawn Conditions


Complete "Not Just A Tribute" fate at (x12,y14), then fly over spawn points.


84 to 132 hours after it's been killed; or alternatively 50 to 80 hours after maintenance has ended.

Tips and Tricks

  • Trembling Epigraph is a large aoe.
  • Epigraph is a line aoe at a random player. [[Orghana] turns towards where he will perform this aoe before performing it.
  • Flaming Epigraph is a circular aoe on a random player.
  • Flaring Epigraph is a large aoe. Orghana often does this many times in a row.


"The Xaela of these lands have a custom wherein we carve the histories of our greatest heroes and warriors into stone reliefs.
The chuluu of the hero Orghana is an embodiment of his life's journey. So much so, that the stone itself wanders the steppes, seeking to emulate the story carved upon its surface.
Orghana, a son of the Himaa, was said to have had a twin sister. And one of our most famous tales concerns the vengeance he wrought upon his sibling's killers..."

~ Jaliqai of Reunion


Orghana pic 1.png Template:Elite Marks