The Lost City of Amdapor

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The Lost City of Amdapor Guide

The Lost City of Amdapor is a level 50 dungeon released in Patch 2.2. It is located in South Shroud (x14,y30). Yoshida-san mentioned that it will be the hardest 4-man dungeon in game for Patch 2.2.




Decaying Gourmand

When you have the link, run away to not let the Goobbue's stomach absorb you. If you are eaten, your party members need to damage the stomach til you're released or you would die.


There are a bunch of moth adds in the fight, the adds will add debuffs to party members. The boss will attack the player with the most debuff. AoE the adds if possible.


There are 8 doors divided into pairs of 2 in the boss room. The strategy is to have each member of your team responsible for one symbol, the blue goobbue, red demon, the light green dragon-like, and the dark green moth. Each symbol will appear above 2 doors. Make a progression of who will open their doors first, this is important for later. When you open both doors you get sucked into a void and you become immune to attacks, When Diabolos casts Ruinous Omen, you need to use the doors or the party will wipe. At the beginning of the fight have one of your party members open his first door, and leave it open, when you get to about 60% of Diabolos health, he will go to the center of the arena and start to cast Ruinous Omen, once it gets about halfway through the cast bar have the party member open his matching door. If timed right you will get into the void as soon as he casts Ruinous Omen and you won't take any damage. If your damage is halfway decent you should only see Ruinous Omen twice, so two of your party members will have to do it. Remember, you need to look around and memorize the positions of the 2 matching doors you're responsible for.

Avoid the orbs when they appear, they apply heavy and deal more damage as the debuff gets stacked on the party.

Note: have your healer take the job of opening the doors instead of the tank and dps. Open the first door when you can and stand near the matching door if needed. If done right, the group wouldn't be taking enough damage for the healer to be doing much healing.

Note: When given the buff that makes you immune to attacks, aggro may change if you have a summoner or scholar with a pet out. Diabolos may switch to the pet and they do not get the immunity buff, so summoners could use Titan at that point.


Armor and Accessories

Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Darklight Band of Aiming Darklight band of aiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Dexterity +9, Critical Hit Rate +9, Determination +8, ,
Darklight Band of Casting Darklight band of casting icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Intelligence +9, Accuracy +12, Determination +6, ,
Darklight Band of Fending Darklight band of fending icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Vitality +10, Parry +12, Accuracy +9, ,
Darklight Band of Healing Darklight band of healing icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Mind +9, Piety +8, Spell Speed +9, ,
Darklight Band of Maiming Darklight band of maiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Strength +9, Accuracy +12, Skill Speed +9, ,
Darklight Band of Striking Darklight band of striking icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Strength +9, Critical Hit Rate +9, Skill Speed +12, ,
Darklight Boots of Casting Darklight boots of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Feet 41 75 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Critical Hit Rate +16, Determination +8,
Darklight Boots of Healing Darklight boots of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Feet 41 75 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Piety +11, Determination +8,
Darklight Bracelet of Aiming Darklight bracelet of aiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Dexterity +9, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +9, ,
Darklight Bracelet of Casting Darklight bracelet of casting icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Intelligence +9, Determination +8, Spell Speed +9, ,
Darklight Bracelet of Fending Darklight bracelet of fending icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Vitality +10, Parry +9, Accuracy +12, ,
Darklight Bracelet of Healing Darklight bracelet of healing icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Mind +9, Piety +8, Spell Speed +9, ,
Darklight Bracelet of Maiming Darklight bracelet of maiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Strength +9, Critical Hit Rate +9, Skill Speed +12, ,
Darklight Bracelet of Striking Darklight bracelet of striking icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Strength +9, Critical Hit Rate +12, Determination +6, ,
Darklight Bracers of Aiming Darklight bracers of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Hands 58 58 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +16, Determination +8,
Darklight Bracers of Striking Darklight bracers of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Hands 58 58 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +11, Determination +11,
Darklight Breeches of Casting Darklight breeches of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Legs 57 105 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Spell Speed +19,
Darklight Breeches of Healing Darklight breeches of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Legs 57 105 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Piety +12, Critical Hit Rate +27,
Darklight Caligae of Aiming Darklight caligae of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Feet 58 58 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +16, Critical Hit Rate +11,
Darklight Caligae of Striking Darklight caligae of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Feet 58 58 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +16, Skill Speed +11,
Darklight Choker of Aiming Darklight choker of aiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Dexterity +9, Accuracy +12, Determination +6, ,
Darklight Choker of Casting Darklight choker of casting icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Intelligence +9, Determination +8, Spell Speed +9, ,
Darklight Choker of Fending Darklight choker of fending icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Vitality +10, Parry +12, Accuracy +9, ,
Darklight Choker of Healing Darklight choker of healing icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Mind +9, Piety +8, Spell Speed +9, ,
Darklight Choker of Maiming Darklight choker of maiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Strength +9, Accuracy +9, Skill Speed +12, ,
Darklight Choker of Striking Darklight choker of striking icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Strength +9, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +9, ,
Darklight Corselet of Aiming Darklight corselet of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Body 81 81 Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Critical Hit Rate +19,
Darklight Corselet of Striking Darklight corselet of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Body 81 81 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Determination +13,
Darklight Cowl of Casting Darklight cowl of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Body 98 180 Vitality +32, Intelligence +33, Accuracy +43, Spell Speed +30,
Darklight Cowl of Healing Darklight cowl of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Body 98 180 Vitality +32, Mind +33, Piety +19, Determination +29,
Darklight Cuirass Darklight cuirass icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Body 105 57 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Determination +18, Skill Speed +19,
Darklight Earrings of Aiming Darklight earrings of aiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Dexterity +9, Accuracy +9, Critical Hit Rate +12, ,
Darklight Earrings of Casting Darklight earrings of casting icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Intelligence +9, Accuracy +12, Determination +6, ,
Darklight Earrings of Fending Darklight earrings of fending icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Vitality +10, Parry +12, Determination +6, ,
Darklight Earrings of Healing Darklight earrings of healing icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Mind +9, Piety +8, Spell Speed +9, ,
Darklight Earrings of Maiming Darklight earrings of maiming icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Strength +9, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +9, ,
Darklight Earrings of Striking Darklight earrings of striking icon1.png 70 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Strength +9, Accuracy +9, Critical Hit Rate +12, ,
Darklight Eyepatch of Aiming Darklight eyepatch of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Head 58 58 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +11, Critical Hit Rate +16,
Darklight Eyepatch of Striking Darklight eyepatch of striking icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Head 58 58 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +16, Skill Speed +11,
Darklight Gauntlets Darklight gauntlets icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Hands 75 41 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Determination +11, Skill Speed +11,
Darklight Gloves of Casting Darklight gloves of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Hands 41 75 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Accuracy +16, Determination +8,
Darklight Gloves of Healing Darklight gloves of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Hands 41 75 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Piety +11, Determination +8,
Darklight Helm Darklight helm icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Head 75 41 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +11, Determination +11,
Darklight Hunting Belt Darklight hunting belt icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Waist 50 50 Dexterity +9, Vitality +10, Accuracy +9, Critical Hit Rate +12,
Darklight Kecks Darklight kecks icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Legs 81 81 Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +19, Determination +18,
Darklight Sash of Casting Darklight sash of casting icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Waist 35 65 Vitality +9, Intelligence +9, Critical Hit Rate +12, Determination +6,
Darklight Sash of Healing Darklight sash of healing icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Waist 35 65 Vitality +9, Mind +9, Piety +8, Determination +6,
Darklight Sollerets Darklight sollerets icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Feet 75 41 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +11, Determination +11,
Darklight Subligar Darklight subligar icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Legs 81 81 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Skill Speed +19,
Darklight Tassets Darklight tassets icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Waist 65 35 Strength +9, Vitality +10, Critical Hit Rate +9, Determination +8,
Darklight Trousers Darklight trousers icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Legs 105 57 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +19, Determination +18,
Darklight Whipping Belt Darklight whipping belt icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Waist 50 50 Strength +9, Vitality +10, Accuracy +12, Determination +6,
Fistfighter's Breeches Fistfighter breeches icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Legs 81 81 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +19, Determination +18,
Fistfighter's Gloves Fistfighter gloves icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Hands 58 58 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Accuracy +11, Skill Speed +16,
Fistfighter's Goggles Fistfighter goggles icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Head 58 58 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +11, Skill Speed +16,
Fistfighter's Jackboots Fistfighter jackboots icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Feet 58 58 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +16, Determination +8,
Fistfighter's Jackcoat Fistfighter jackcoat icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Body 81 81 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13,
Fistfighter's Sash Fistfighter sash icon1.png 70 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Waist 50 50 Strength +9, Vitality +10, Critical Hit Rate +9, Skill Speed +12,
Heavy Darklight Armor Heavy darklight armor icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Body 262 262 Strength +33, Vitality +36, Parry +43, Critical Hit Rate +30,
Heavy Darklight Flanchard Heavy darklight flanchard icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Legs 262 262 Strength +33, Vitality +36, Parry +30, Accuracy +43,
Heavy Darklight Gauntlets Heavy darklight gauntlets icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Hands 109 109 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Parry +11, Accuracy +16,
Heavy Darklight Plate Belt Heavy darklight plate belt icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Waist 95 95 Strength +9, Vitality +10, Parry +9, Accuracy +12,
Hussar's Breeches Hussar Breeches icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Legs 105 57 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13,
Hussar's Gloves Hussar Gloves icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Hands 75 41 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +16, Skill Speed +11,
Hussar's Goggles Hussar Goggles icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Head 75 41 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +16, Determination +8,
Hussar's Jackboots Hussar Jackboots icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Feet 75 41 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +11, Skill Speed +16,
Hussar's Jackcoat Hussar Jackcoat icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Body 105 57 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Skill Speed +19,
Hussar's Sash Hussar Sash icon1.png 70 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Waist 65 35 Strength +9, Vitality +10, Accuracy +9, Critical Hit Rate +12,
Magician's Gloves Magician gloves icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Hands 41 75 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Accuracy +11, Critical Hit Rate +16,
Magician's Hat Magician hat icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Head 41 75 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Accuracy +16, Spell Speed +11,
Magician's Robe Magician robe icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Body 57 105 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Spell Speed +19,
Magician's Sash Magician sash icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Waist 35 65 Vitality +9, Intelligence +9, Accuracy +9, Determination +8,
Magician's Shoes Magician shoes icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Feet 41 75 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Accuracy +11, Determination +11,
Magician's Slops Magician slops icon1.png 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Legs 57 105 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Accuracy +27, Determination +13,
Pilgrim's Eyepatch Pilgrim eyepatch icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Head 41 75 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Determination +8, Spell Speed +16,
Pilgrim's Gloves Pilgrim gloves icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Hands 41 75 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Piety +7, Critical Hit Rate +16,
Pilgrim's Robe Pilgrim robe icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Body 57 105 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Spell Speed +19,
Pilgrim's Sash Pilgrim sash icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Waist 35 65 Vitality +9, Mind +9, Critical Hit Rate +9, Determination +8,
Pilgrim's Shoes Pilgrim shoes icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Feet 41 75 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Critical Hit Rate +11, Spell Speed +16,
Pilgrim's Slops Pilgrim slops icon1.png 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Legs 57 105 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Piety +17, Determination +13,
Protector's Barbut Protector barbut icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Head 109 109 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Parry +11, Determination +11,
Protector's Cuirass Protector cuirass icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Body 153 153 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Critical Hit Rate +19,
Protector's Gauntlets Protector gauntlets icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Hands 109 109 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Parry +11, Determination +11,
Protector's Sash Protector sash icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Waist 95 95 Strength +9, Vitality +10, Accuracy +9, Skill Speed +12,
Protector's Sollerets Protector sollerets icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Feet 109 109 Strength +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +16, Skill Speed +11,
Protector's Trousers Protector trousers icon1.png 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Legs 153 153 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Parry +27, Determination +13,
Shikaree's Boots Shikaree boots icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Feet 58 58 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Determination +8, Skill Speed +16,
Shikaree's Doublet Shikaree doublet icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Body 81 81 Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +19, Skill Speed +27,
Shikaree's Gaskin Shikaree gaskin icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Legs 81 81 Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13,
Shikaree's Gloves Shikaree gloves icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Hands 58 58 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +16, Skill Speed +11,
Shikaree's Mask Shikaree mask icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Head 58 58 Dexterity +12, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +11, Determination +11,
Shikaree's Sash of Aiming Shikaree sash of aiming icon1.png 70 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Waist 50 50 Dexterity +9, Vitality +10, Determination +8, Skill Speed +9,


Lost city of amdapor1.jpg Lost city of amdapor2.jpg Lost city of amdapor3.jpg


Born in magic, the ancient city of Amdapor lived in splendor and died in agony. As the Fifth Astral Era gave way to the Sixth and the ensuing catastrophe, the agent of Amdapor's destruction slept. Now, the seal that has held so long is softening like windfallen fruit─and what blind worms writhe behind the skin of the dead city?
