Configuration text commands

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Command Aliases Usage Description
/autolockon /autolockon [subcommand] Automatically lock on target when initiating auto-attack.

 on Enable auto-lock on.
 off Disable auto-lock on.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/autofacetarget /autofacetarget [subcommand] Automatically face target when using action.

 on Enable auto-face.
 off Disable auto-face.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/targetring /targetring [subcommand] Hide/display target ring.

 on Display target ring.
 off Hide target ring.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/targetline /targetline [subcommand] Hide/display target lines.

 on Display target lines.
 off Hide target lines.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/aggroline /aggroline [subcommand] Hide/display aggro lines.

 on Display aggro lines.
 off Hide aggro lines.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/autotarget /autotarget [subcommand] Enable auto-target when no target specified.

 on Enable auto-target.
 off Disable auto-target.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/displayhead /displayhead [subcommand] Hide/display headgear.

 on Display headgear.
 off Hide headgear.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/displayarms /displayarms [subcommand] Hide/display main and off hand weapons when sheathed.

 on Display arms.
 off Hide arms.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/autosheathe /autosheathe, /asheathe /autosheathe [subcommand] Auto-sheathe weapon when not in battle.

 on Enable auto-sheathe.
 off Disable auto-sheathe.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/targetself /targetself [subcommand] Enable/disable clicking on self.

 on Enable clicking on self.
 off Disable clicking on self.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/groundclick /groundclick [subcommand] Enable clicking on field to remove target.

 on Enable ground clicking.
 off Disable ground clicking.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/chatlog /chatlog [subcommand] Configure log window settings.

 name [number 0-3]
  Change the way names are
  displayed in your log window.
   0 Full Name
   1 Last Name Initialed
   2 First Name Initialed
   3 Initials Only
 fontsize [tab number] [number]
  Adjust [tab number] log
  window font size to
 time [tab number] on
  Add time stamps to all
  messages on [tab number]
  log window.
 time [tab number] off
  Remove time stamps from all
  messages on [tab number]
  log window.
 time [tab number]
  Toggle time stamps on/off
  for all messages on
  [tab number] log window.
 time 12
  Set time display to 12-hour
 time 24
  Set time display to 24-hour
 time local
  Set time stamp clock to local
 time server
  Set time stamp clock to server
 call on
  Play sound upon receiving
 call off
  Play no sound upon receiving
 call [chat channel]
  Toggle /tell sound on/off for
  the specified chat channel.
   t Tell
   p Party
   fc Free Company
   al Alliance
   l1-8 Linkshell 1-8
   new Novice Network
   pvpteam PvP Team
   cwl Cross-world Linkshell
/battleeffect /battleeffect, /bfx /bfx [subcommand] [setting] Configure battle effects settings.

  Configure own battle effects
  Configure party members'
  battle effects settings.
  Configure other NPCs' battle
  effects settings.

 all Show all effects.
 simple Show limited effects.
 off Hide all effects.

Toggles between all and off when no setting is specified.
/actionerror /actionerror, /aerror /actionerror [subcommand] Display error messages when actions fail.

 on Enable messages.
 off Disable messages.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/recasterror /recasterror, /rerror /recasterror [subcommand] Display recast timer error messages.

 on Enable messages.
 off Disable messages.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/tiltcamera /tiltcamera [subcommand] Adjust 3rd person camera angle settings.

 [angle number]
  Set 3rd person camera angle to the specified setting.
  Settings available: 0-100.
/mastervolume /mastervolume [subcommand] Adjust master volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set master volume to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles mute on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/bgm /bgm [subcommand] Adjust BGM volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set BGM to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles BGM on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/soundeffects /soundeffects [subcommand] Adjust sound effects volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set sound effects to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles sound effects on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/voice /voice [subcommand] Adjust voice volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set voice to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles voice on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/systemsounds /systemsounds [subcommand] Adjust system sounds volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set system sounds to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles system sounds on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/ambientsounds /ambientsounds [subcommand] Adjust ambient sounds volume settings.

 [volume number]
  Set ambient sounds to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles ambient sounds on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/soundeffectsself /soundeffectsself [subcommand] Adjust player effects volume settings for self.

 [volume number]
  Set player effects for self to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.
/soundeffectsparty /soundeffectsparty [subcommand] Adjust player effects volume settings for your party.

 [volume number]
  Set player effects for your party to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.
/soundeffectsother /soundeffectsother [subcommand] Adjust player effects volume settings for other PCs.

 [volume number]
  Set player effects for other PCs to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.
/performsounds /performsounds [subcommand] Adjust the volume settings for performance actions.

 [volume number]
  Set performance actions to the specified volume level.
  Levels available: 0-100.

Toggles system sounds on and off when no subcommand is specified.
/systemsoundsspeaker /systemsoundsspeaker [subcommand] Adjust system volume settings for speakers (for PlayStation®4.)
/mountbgm /mountbgm [subcommand] Toggle the "Play music when mounted" setting on and off.

 on Turn on music when mounted.
 off Turn off music when mounted.

Toggle between on and off when no subcommand is specified.